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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. My way of dealing with the hotel problem is risky and therefore not recommended but it works great for me.

    When returning to the hotel, invariably my wife is asked for her ID card and I am asked to pay the usual fee (even though we checked in as a couple, if only they'd check their records). I approach the reception desk and with a completely straight face, ask the lady receptionist if she would like to come to our room for sex and name a price. When the initial shock wears off her face, I tell her that that's what it feels like to be assumed a prostitue.

    We never get hassled again.

    The main problem we have is also from Farang men who appear to believe that my wife would find them attractive and irresistable. Their arrogance is unbelievable.


  2. I'm trying to recieve my statements by fax on BKK Banks telephone service. I can't get it to work. Fax software in windows is crap. When the voice tells me to press recieve, my computer attempts to connect but nothing happens and after 30 seconds or so, the voice promts from the robotic lady start again.

    Anyone out there tried this service and had any success? Any hints/tips.

    As I'm out of the country, I want to keep an eye on my account activity but it just won't work :o

  3. No civilization has ever survived in the history of the Earth. Ours certainly won't. Another few years and another advance in science and we'll all be dead at the press of a button. Mankind ain't gonna make it, we're just too stupid.

    Thailand no exception.

    Enjoy things while you can and wish your kids good luck.

  4. While I agree with you post, my girl is ex bar girl and she is insisting that I get a job as an English teacher so that we can stay together in Thailand, stating that the salary would be more than enough for us to get by. I decline as I want a higher standard of living when I am there.

    Would you describe my girl as a gold digger now?

  5. I met my spouse in a Hua Hin bar. The place is nothing like as racey as other well known resorts. Everything is low key (including the girley bars).

    Would consider moving to Hua Hin ourselves but we both think it better to leave behind completely any reminders of her previous employ.

  6. After adding sp2 to my computer, it boots very slowly and the HDD serems to go into a repetitive routine for a couple of minutes, slowing everything down.... any ideas?

    Sounds like your system needs a good cleaning b4 you installed the SP…

    Try this…

    1) Boot into safe mode. Click F8 just b4 the XP screen comes up. The do a search for *.tmp and ~*.* - delete them

    2) Reboot normal mode. Right click on your C drive and go to tools. Do a check disk. It might say you need to reboot. Do it.

    3) If you live near a computer place get a copy if Diskkeeper 7 or 8. and do a real good defrag.

    4) If not run the MS defragmenter, The right click on my computer, Properties, advanced, performance, advanced, virtual memory, No click on the C drive change to custom size. Change the max size to the same as initial size. Click SET


    5) Reboot and do a second defrag.

    What happens is, a disk drive is like a checker board and over time the squares get disorganized. The Page file or Virtual Memory will get put all over the place and windows needs to find all the files.

    Also you should keep your drive about 20% empty. The computer likes room to breath just like we do.

    Let me know if this helps…

    Thanks..... but I took the opportunity to do a full system re-core just before adding SP2 and it ran like a dream right up until adding SP2 a few hours after re-installing windows. After that, slow as ###### boot-up.

    Will try your suggestions though.

  7. I've always been one of those types who looks like an Uncle at a wedding when I dance. (In the Western style). However, it's difficult for any Farang not to look silly when dancing Thai style but that's not the point. One drunken evening in My girls home village, some of the locals came round and we all got nicely drunk. I of course was made to dance and thoroughly enjoyed it, despite looking silly. The locals thought it was fantastic to see me making the effort and we had a splendid wheeze.

    Shortly afterwards, they made it clear to me that they now genuinely considered me to be one of them. It made my year. :o

  8. After adding sp2 to my computer, it boots very slowly and the HDD serems to go into a repetitive routine for a couple of minutes, slowing everything down.... any ideas?

  9. I would now like to hear from anyone who has experience or knowledge of running a charity in Thailand. What are the requirements, legal issues, anticipated set up problems.

    Perhaps good idea to open a dialogue with me through PM regarding this.

  10. From another thread.........

    QUOTE (IamMaiC @ Sat 2004-08-28, 17:31:23)

    What about the threads that pretty much say the same things but have a different name?? what do u think of them?

    QUOTE (Begs)

    You mean like bargirl threads and threads that slag Thai people off in general?

    No, i do not like them. Simple reason being is , there are no Bargirls here to defend themselves when under attack.

    And as 99% of the guys in this Forum all met their wives/gfs in a non-bar situation, i wonder where all the experience of the bars comes from.

    The words pot, kettle and black spring to mind.

  11. I can understand your gf telling the truth as to where you two met to her sister, but to others in the village? I would imagine mentioning working in a bar is something most village girls would avoid doing.

    Ask her to stop telling everyone where you met or tell her to make something up.

    It's never been mentioned but these people aren't stupid.

  12. She was told this month, that if she didn't stay for the counselling, she wouldn't get the medicine. What kind of counselling is that?

    I rest my case.

    I will also add that I refer mainly to public perception of the victims. It seems to me that a lot of people view HIV victims as lepers. Not always but sometimes.

  13. I agree that in some hospitals, there is not much support offered when a test comes back positive....I have been with a couple of friends when they were tested, and got the bad news... And, there was no real concern about keeping voices down.

    The exception, in my experience, is Suad Dawk Hospital in Chiang Mai. They immediately have you talk with a counselor in private, who goes over your options... Suan Dawk is also the center of AIDS research in Thailand, and they are very well informed.

    Oh, and Flum, I do believe Thais have access to all the information. If you understand Thai, you can see many TV programs discussing these isues openly. In the hospitals, even the government ones, there are pamphlets and even posters with all kinds of health advice, including AIDS.

    But, I think many prefer NOT to know, so some do bury their heads in the sand...

    OK I stand corrected but then why such widespread misunderstanding? Perhaps my experience of this in deepest rural Thailand is different to others.

  14. We are all aware of the lack of understanding in this country regarding the disease.

    I am not aware of it, kindly explain it to me.

    How is it in this country?

    Calm down Bulldog, I explain-

    When I said 'This country', I was referring to Thailand and meant no derogatory overtone when I said so. I refer to the incredible stigma that comes with HIV in Thailand, to the point that some families will reject the infected relative. Also, it is often considered to be a disease that only prostitutes have, regardless of the fact that it is often brought into the family by husbands who cheat and pass it onto their wives. Also, people here have little concept of what the disease actually does to the human body and your chances of logevity.

    I must also point out, that I once knew a prostitue who was convinced that she could safely screw customers without a condom if she thoroughly cleaned her vagina after sex. Absolutely clueless about the disease.

    I don't wish to sound critical of the Thai public regarding this, it's just that they don't have access to the correct or readily available information.

  15. Since were on a medical theme, it reminds me of something that disgusted me.

    We decided to go and get ourselves checked out for STD's since we were going to be a long term thing. We went to the local hospital upcountry. Quite a modern place really. The thing that angered me was the way the nurse openly discussed, loudly, in the waiting area in front of 30 or 40 strangers, our sexual health and the purpose of our visit. I know very well you shouldn't get angry in these situations but I made my feeling very clear to the nurse and angrily insisted the conversation be continued somewhere more private. She got the message.

    The whole waiting room was listening to our private lives being discussed by this thoughtless nurse. I have no doubt, that if we had a disease (which we didn't, as it turned out) that it would have been announced loudly for the whole hospital to hear :o

    I have also heard that if you are told you have HIV, there is no councellling after being given the bad news.

    To remain on topic, perhaps this is something we could do to improve things, offer a councelling service of some kind to those affected by such diseases. We are all aware of the lack of understanding in this country regarding the disease.

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