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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. What a complete goombah. Any guy who offs himself over a woman is completely lost. He may be beyond redemption. Why not simply go out and find another? She was probably a bargirl, or a go-go dancer. What a fool. It may sound cold, but it is hard for me to have compassion for this tiny minded imitation man. The level of emasculation he allowed himself to be reduced to, is an embarrassment to the all men. Get a life. Well, maybe in his next incarnation he will be able to finally become a man.

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  2. Well he should know.

    How many millions was it he made as a cop, something over 60 mill Baht wasnt it?

    Whatever, he had to run and hide in order to avoid being investigated.

    Was it not prostitution where this misfit made his fortune? A chain of soapies, correct? Nothing that comes out of his mouth, should ever be taken seriously. He is one of the most imbicilic major political figures in the past couple of decades. And that includes Biden!

    • Like 2
  3. So was it rat poison, strangulation or was the forensic report tampered with?

    How often are we told whatever the tourist authorities, or the toy police what us to hear? How often is the truth told here. The level of press censorship here is astonishing. Basically, we only see segments on TV, and in print, I the government wants us to see them. So, do you really have to ask a question like this? The rat poison story was very obviously made up by a cop, who was woefully in over his head.

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  4. Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

    YOU are told? That's interesting. In what capacity are these NGOs dealing with you? Which ones are they? And when you say larger, is that per capita? What kind of statistics or other data do they have on the underground industry and how did they come by them?

    I am in absolutely no position to speak on the US industry with the sort of authority I might have on the Thai industry but though it is frankly quite limited, I do have SOME interest in it so I'd be interested to hear more from you on this.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    His "factoid" would be hardly surprising given the fact that the US is five times the size of Thailand. Also, if things are underground in a relatively open culture such as America's, you can imagine how they'd be in a country with a culture like Thailand's (regarding honesty and disclosure). Not sure he's thought this one through.

    I do not know the name of the organization. But. My friend was the founder and director. It was the largest aid organizational in Thailand dealing with HIV infected individuals. She attended alot of international seminars, and had access to top people from large NGO's worldwide. She spoke frankly with me. She stated quite frankly that this was the case. She said if most Americans had any idea how vast the industry was, they would be shocked. Not sure if that was per capita. Does it really matter?

  5. Since plastic was only introduced to Thailand fairly recently, it is used with abandon, and considered the greatest thing since sliced bread. Zero consideration is given to the disposal aspect. I was driving around in Issan recently, in areas where there is no trash pickup, and the side of the roads are literally a plastic graveyard. Miles and miles of plastic everywhere. People just dump their crap wherever they want, treating the countryside like a garbage bin. Does anyone care? This whole Mai pen rai attitude can be used as a excuse for slothfulness, and laziness. I always refuse the styrofoam. I ask them to pack in plastic bags. I consider it less toxic for me, but primarily less toxic for Thailand. Where do those containers end up? How long do they take to degrade? When I refuse the containers people look at me like I am from Mars. Why would you not want the greatest thing since sliced bread? Nobody is creating ay awareness of the social hazards of plastic. Nobody. Another example of how Thailand is traveling backwards in time.

    • Like 2
  6. Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

    Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

    to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

    funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

    Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

    There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

    It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

    Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

    Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

    As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

    And if you have a glass house, and your neighbor has a glass house someone is throwing stones at, be careful about helping defend his house, as some stones may be directed at your house....cheesy.gif

    I will say this one more time. 90% of the sex trade that occurs in Thailand is by and for Thai men.

    If you do not know that, you know NOTHING about Thailand. So I am always irritated when Thailand or its TV supporters upcountry try to put on the illusion that the face of prostitution in Thailand is the fat guy waddling down the street with his arm wrapped around a gogo girl... Regarding the reputation of Thailand regarding prostitution it is all about scale. There are over a million girls involved in the sex trade here. Your arguments about sex trade in other countries and specifically America is specious and weak. I doubt there is 1000 girls working in houses of prostitution on the outskirts of Vegas and Reno.

    A speck of sand on the beach compared to Thailand... Thailand has earned this reputation, so just live with it.

    Side note: A friend of mine told me one time that Thailand should erect a statue of a bar girl in Isan somewhere, as a tribute to the sacrifices they have made in the name of their families..

    Don`t know where you obtain your statistics from?

    Depends on which website you look at:


    Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

  7. It will be the utter ruin of the people in this country. The urge to gamble is simply unbelievable. Stand by to pick up lots of cheap plots of land and houses if this goes ahead.

    Yes, but there are already an enormous number of illegal casinos, card rooms, etc. So, what difference would it make? It would bring things above ground. And it might eliminate some of the gaming insects who already prey on the locals. Plus, it generates revenue for the govt., and that could end up benefitting some of the poorer souls. Not sure i see how this is a negative. Just a mature way of dealing with an already huge problem. I do not gamble. I prefer spending my money, to losing my money. But, you are right. Asians in general love to gamble, so does keeping it illegal solve, or help in any way?

    • Like 1
  8. This has been going on for a decade of more. The jet ski operators of Thailand are one of the lowest life forms on the planet. Lower than vermin, or cockroaches. A garden insect has more nobility than these cretons. The police know it, most tourists know it, and there have been countless news shows done on these insects. So, why do they still ply their trade, and steal from foreigners EVERY single day? Because the police allow them to, and only when they get bad press, do they stir into action. Which leads us to believe only one possibility, right? Jet skis should be banned entirely. They destroy the local environment, the operations are mostly criminal, and they are a boil on the face of Thailand.

    Banned, that was the plan stipulated in 2004 but as you know the Governors and Circus Major are on the pay list and simply do what they get paid for. i.e.let the Circus run.


    Thank you for that explanation of the circus. Here is a quote of the actual article:


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    7-year wait for jet-ski ban

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    Udomsak Usawarangkura, governor of this southern island resort, has threatened to outlaw widely popular jet-ski machines here due to a recent fatal accident. Late last year two European tourists, including a 13-year-old boy, were killed in an accident involving one of the machines. According to Udomsak, all jet skis will be banned from March 1, 2011 onwards when existing licenses will have expired. No new licenses will be issued after that date, he said, adding that any person who rents out a jet ski would then be prosecuted. "If [anyone] continues to rent out jet-skis [after March 1, 2011] they could be in trouble. If there is a fatality, they will be held accountable," said the governor. Currently there are 219 jet skis registered in Phuket. Udomsak urged owners to look for new occupations. "There are many jobs available in Phuket's tourism industry, so there is no reason for them to rely solely on jet-ski rentals," he said. Meanwhile Kritpetch Chaichuay, head of the Phuket Marine Office, told the Phuket Gazette that jet-ski operators were now restricted to five beaches: Patong, Kamala, Kata, Karon and Bang Tao. He added that the coastline along Patong Bay had been divided into five zones according to activity: swimming pens with beach access channels for water craft; water sports; pick-up/drop-off points for seagoing tourists; small-vessel anchorage; large-vessel anchorage. The zones will be strictly enforced during the November-April high season, he said. Other beaches will maintain the current system whereby jet skis will continue to enjoy the run of the entire beach, apart from where pens have been designated for swimming. Kritpetch added that many jet-ski operators remained unaware of the long-term damage to the country's reputation their industry had caused. "Marine Police and Royal Thai Police officers, together with district officials, are working together to inform members of the Phuket Jet-ski Club of the regulations. We are warning them that any violators will be arrested," he said. THE NATION, PHUKET GAZETTE


    What can you say? Proof that Thailand is traveling backwards in time.

  9. Fascinating stuff. I was told by my pharmacist, that Xanax was already illegal in Thailand. Not true? I love how the Thai govt. just jumps to conclusions. To call it knee jerk would be an understatement. More like a scientific decision being made by a large group of men and women, who rival a 7th grade junior high school class, when it comes to emotional, spiritual, and intellectual development. And these neophytes are running the country? Love how they outlaw stuff twice. In koh phangan they recently outlawed the carrying of handguns. How long has that already been illegal? 50 years or so?

  10. I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

    Thanks for your wisdom, and open mindedness. I actually know quite a few people who benefit tremendously from some of these drugs. I use them very little myself, but I am open minded enough to know that what relates to me, does not necessarily relate to humanity as a whole. Perhaps I could recommend some treatises, to help you open that mind of yours? I would benefit all of humanity, including your family, and those around you!

    • Like 1
  11. This has been going on for a decade of more. The jet ski operators of Thailand are one of the lowest life forms on the planet. Lower than vermin, or cockroaches. A garden insect has more nobility than these cretons. The police know it, most tourists know it, and there have been countless news shows done on these insects. So, why do they still ply their trade, and steal from foreigners EVERY single day? Because the police allow them to, and only when they get bad press, do they stir into action. Which leads us to believe only one possibility, right? Jet skis should be banned entirely. They destroy the local environment, the operations are mostly criminal, and they are a boil on the face of Thailand.

    Wonder how most tourist aren't already aware of the scam and thus avoid the jet skies altogether.

    The vast majority. The BBC, and many others have created full scale one hour reports on the various scams in Thailand, and they have gotten a lot of attention. The jet ski scam is always on the top of this group. Most know about it. It is only the hapless, uninformed suckers who rent these horrific beasts, from these reptilian scam men, who are all wanna be mafia. The police are in on it, and nothing ever gets done. A little bit of lip service, when it gets into the foreign press. Very little ever changes here. It is the land of lack of progress. The only direction things move in Thailand is backwards, when it comes to servicing the foreigners, or taking care of their responsibilities, as a people. It is a very sad, and rather depressing thought, but the truth is sometimes just that.

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  12. Hey guys, I am over here on Samui where this type of behavior is pretty common. I am curious, since we all live in fear of the evil Thais, what would you do if one ran over your camera equipment narrowly missing your newborn in a basket and then the guy punched you in the face when you complained? Do you say you are sorry for bothering him? If he hits your wife in front of you would you retaliate? This actually happened a year ago here and the tourist just grabbed his family and ran away. I really don't think I could just walk away, even though I probably wouldn't survive it. I suppose that the easy answer is that you would swallow your pride to live another day. The problem is that for the rest of your life every time you looked at your wife you might feel that she was wondering if you would most likely walk away while she was being raped.

    You beat the punk senseless. Then you walk away before the insect police show up. This way, the punk learns something.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. This has been going on for a decade of more. The jet ski operators of Thailand are one of the lowest life forms on the planet. Lower than vermin, or cockroaches. A garden insect has more nobility than these cretons. The police know it, most tourists know it, and there have been countless news shows done on these insects. So, why do they still ply their trade, and steal from foreigners EVERY single day? Because the police allow them to, and only when they get bad press, do they stir into action. Which leads us to believe only one possibility, right? Jet skis should be banned entirely. They destroy the local environment, the operations are mostly criminal, and they are a boil on the face of Thailand.

    • Like 2
  14. Firstly I've watched it and found it very funny. I've never had any contact with sex workers so I have no experience of it. It seems to also poke fun at foreigners (Americans in this case but it applies to all) who have such shallow views and have to pay for sex so maybe they should complain as well.

    Prostitution is illegal in Thailand so the only reason there is anything to make fun of is because Thai authorities fail to enforce their own laws. Why don't they enforce the law? Well I can only guess based on what I've heard as I'm not close enough to know but maybe someone else can correct me if I'm wrong. There are influential people who make money out of the sex workers. That might be the police, politicians and others of high standing. Thailand seems to have this reputation as an easy place to buy sex which presumably is why some come here. If that number is substantial then the lack of enforcement helps bring in those tourists which the kingdom would lose and have to replace. Does Thailand want and can it afford to lose them or not?

    Making a fuss about this isn't going to help when Thailand is so hypocritical as it seems to be about many things. This isn't about Thai culture as this was done in the USA. Thais can complain if they wish as that's the idea behind free speech but they can't force their views on people in other countries. Remember I only found out about this because Thai officials decided to complain. If you can't stop it just let it go and don't worry about it. I think that's some sort of Buddhist teaching isn't it? Odd that Thais are Buddhist but forget this when it suits them, as is often the case from what I've seen.

    Why I love this countrysmile.png

    There is prostitution in nearly every country in the world.

    It is part of human history and it will not be going away soon.

    As to why the Thai government does not try to do something about it???

    They are always trying to curb prostitution in a number of ways and means ...but the social conditions are a little overwhelming.

    Historically it does not matter if the economy is good or bad..there will exist prostitiution in its many forms.

    Look at any country that is considered having a good economy and good social conditions and you will still find prostitution and all that it entials.

    If it makes some money for people then that is the incentive and most of what prostitution revolves around.

    Take away the money aspect and what you basically have is women and men having sex...something that is going to happen anyhow relevant to the fact that there are now 7 billion people ......resultant of women and men having sex.

    The governments of the world can not stop people from having sex so how are you going to stop prostitution when you realise "all" the factors that are involved.

    The Thai government is always trying to ban prostitution?

    If there some other Thailand country in another part of the world i don't know about?

    Absolutely not. Do not consider that possibility for even a moment. Do you realize how much of their GDP is generated from sex related businesses? How many homes in Issan would fail to be built without? Consider the ripple effect of all of this income. The government has zero interest in eradicating this. Too many people in high places profit from it. Where did Chalerm make all his millions? Prostitution. This is nothing but hogwash talk, meant for public consumption. There is nothing behind it. No conviction, no intent, no will, and no morality, just fundamentalist hogwash. Period.

  15. Another Thai who is outraged about something that happens in another country? Maybe Saturday Night Life should apologize...NOT!

    Thailand has to come to terms with a simple fact: this IS the picture, many people abroad have about Thailand!

    It is not about temples and food, elephants or beaches alone....

    First they have to come to terms with the fact that they are NOT #1 in the World or even in Asia, despite what they might think and want to believe.

    Very, very unfortunately, decades of nationalistic brainwashing prevents them from seeing these very apparent facts. Long ago Indonesia took over the #1 spot for SE Asia. They have Thailand beaten on nearly all economic fronts. Malaysia is nearly there. It is only a matter of time. Thailand is losing its place in the world, and I doubt many politicians see it. Very, very few countries of significance take Thailand seriously, and for very good reason. We may love it here, but this is a nation run by highly incompetent individuals, from the very top, to the very bottom. Competence is so rare here, that it is almost shocking when I do encounter it!

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  16. Just a bit more ludicrous nationalistic nonsense. Just another case of Thais shooting themselves in the foot. When will they realize that Thais are woefully unprepared, and fabulously under qualified for the vast majority of the jobs the foreigners are taking? Perhaps if the locals were to get serious about studying English, Russian, Italian, French, business administration, marketing, accounting, hotel management, food and beverage, wine, and many of the other skills that these foreigners have, there might be some competition. But, if the Thais start pushing out these highly qualified individuals, without getting serious about proper training, and education for their own, they will be killing the very industry that supports them, and allowed Phuket to grow into the place it is today. Oh, sorry, we never thought of that.

  17. Let us brush under the rug, that which we all know to be the truth. Of course there is a lot more to Thailand than just the sex industry. But, there are very few people that do not mention the Sex industry, then the word Thailand comes up. Just another case of super freak wanna be puritans attempting to white wash reality. How many people make fortunes off the industry in Thailand? Des the government have an issue with this? Of course not. So, why the false purity? Nobody buys this purity nonsense for anything other than what it really is. Nonsense. Hogwash. BS. A smokescreen. And besides, why such thin skin? This video is very funny. Can't the thai people laugh at themselves, and what they have created?

  18. Yes, USA long arm statute might still apply. And I don't know the law in Thailand where money is involved. I will find out tomorrow though as I will be meeting with a group of Thai law professors and will show them this thread. I'm curious about entrapment law in Thailand also. Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying the perpetrators behavior (although I never believe that any incident has been accurately described in a Thai newspaper).

    It seems, if one has the means to buy off the policeman before it results in arrest, one can walk away. But, I am told in the case of 16, or under, that it will require a 1,000,000 baht payment, minimum, and one would have to have access to that kind of cash, ASAP. So, for most, this solution is not possible. And of course you would need a compliant cop. Though this seems absurd, I hear this is one instance that is harder to buy ones way out of than most. I am absolutely convinced most people could buy their way out of murder here, regardless of their nationality, but statutory rape may be quite another matter.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  19. JT - someone in this thread was telling about guys getting off with it in Oz when they convinced the judge that they did not know the girls real age. I don't know the specific details of Thai law on this point, or the precedent that as been set which this case might have to rely on, but it appears that only USA take such a brutally hard line......

    i honestly do not think any judge in any country would convict anyone if proven beyond doubt that the person genuinely was not aware of the age.

    You are TRULY living on another planet, or know nothing about American statutory rape law. Whether or not the defendant knows the real age of the girl has absolutely nothing to do with the conviction. Tens of thousands are serving a decade or more, in federal pens, and they were blindsided, just like this guy. The Americans are very zealous about these cases. They love them. The American govt. is completely out of their minds. And you expect a federal judge to rule in this guys favor? Maybe if she was 17, but in the case of 13, the probability of leniency drops to about 0%.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    In mitigation of my own and others perceptions of the legal issues - we always forget that USA law applies worldwide - even to non-USA people. Hence Assagne's "last stand".

    Also - someone earlier in this thread did mention that in Oz it was a reasonable and workable defence if it could be clearly shown that age was not properly clarified to the defendant. I know - that's not USA, but again - we always forget that USA law applies in Thailand bah.gif

    Yes. Exactly. None of us like it, especially those of us that are Americans. Though I personally have zero interest in underage sex, it is quite sickening the extent that these federal swines will pursue someone who makes a mistake of this nature. Basically, one strike and you are out. Your life is over. Who can recover from a ten year prison sentence? And Blundering Barry Obama is doing little to correct judicial errors such as this one. He is even going after the pot growers in California, though it is legal in California now. To describe the errors of the American government and judiciary as ridiculous would be a vast understatement.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  20. JT - someone in this thread was telling about guys getting off with it in Oz when they convinced the judge that they did not know the girls real age. I don't know the specific details of Thai law on this point, or the precedent that as been set which this case might have to rely on, but it appears that only USA take such a brutally hard line......

    i honestly do not think any judge in any country would convict anyone if proven beyond doubt that the person genuinely was not aware of the age.

    You are TRULY living on another planet, or know nothing about American statutory rape law. Whether or not the defendant knows the real age of the girl has absolutely nothing to do with the conviction. Tens of thousands are serving a decade or more, in federal pens, and they were blindsided, just like this guy. The Americans are very zealous about these cases. They love them. The American govt. is completely out of their minds. And you expect a federal judge to rule in this guys favor? Maybe if she was 17, but in the case of 13, the probability of leniency drops to about 0%.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  21. Meeeaaiou!!!! You really need to find some true friends wink.png I don't drink, some of my friends do, but we are certainly not drinking buddies wink.png

    Making new friends in Thailand is very difficult because there way more scammers than the decent people and the decent people usually have their own circle or consider anyone they meet as also being a scammer.

    All the people i have met in my 11 years here, all been nothing but scammers, who start of to borrow 100 baht and end up trying to live off you(especially if you are doing well)

    Please do not project your bad fortune onto an entire nation. I have met nearly a dozen very good friends here, who are straight, honest, honorable, and wonderful as the day is long. There are truly outstanding people who have chosen Thailand as their home. You just have to have the good fortune to meet them. Might I suggest expanding your horizons, or hanging out in different spots. You most likely will not be meeting them in bars!

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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