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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. How about the simple acknowledgment that it is one of the nastiest, filthiest, unhealthy, and ridiculous habits any man or woman can engage in? I see it as a total lack of physical discipline, and a nearly total lack of self respect. Am I wrong on this?

    Yes, folk piss and shit outside my house, l think that is worse than a fag. rolleyes.gif

    biggrin.png !!

    Nope. Very few things in life are worse than being downwind from a smoker. Very, very few things.

  2. The reason this continues, is that the taxi mafia is more powerful than either the police, or the government. If enforcement takes place, the officials end up dead. So, who is going to enforce anything? In Samui the taxi mafia has been a blight on the island for decades. Nobody does a thing. Many, many tourists are heard saying they will never return to Samui, due to the taxis. They charge 300 baht for a 1 km. trip. They are scum of the earth. Absolute parasites. Will anything ever get done? Probably not. It is the governments responsibility to imprison the taxi association directors, and then start impounding the taxis who do not follow the laws, and imposing enormous fines on the drivers. Will that ever happen? Very, very few of us have any faith that we will ever see real improvement on the forgotten island of Samui. The lawlessness continues, and the impotent police, mayor, and sheriff do absolutely nothing about it.

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  3. Thai dog owners are the worst!!! 6 months of a neighbors yappy dog 14 hours a day and I live 3 houses away. It is remarkable that people tolerate such abhorrent behavior for so long without snapping like this guy did. I have been tempted to just sit out in front of their house with an airhorn but I am a Farang so I would be the one in trouble!

    This is very, very true. I have witnessed dogs going off day and night, and nobody does a thing. Part of the problem is that most Thai people do not even hear noise. But, even when it is brought to their attention, they rarely ever do anything about it. I think one of the issues is that the current generation of Thais do not believe in discipline, on any level, whether it is in regard to their dogs, children, etc. So, when you aks them to discipline their child, who is running around the movie theatre carrying on as if it is their living room, the parents do not get it at all. I have had a Thai dad threaten to kick my ass, as I left the movie theatre, because I asked him to quiet his child in the movies. Same applies to dogs. Most Thais do not get the concept of control or discipline of a child or animal.

    Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore. Better get use to it...

    Agreed. But, there has to be a balance between letting anyone and everyone do as they please 24/7, regardless of how incredibly ridiculous their actions are, and asking in a polite and respectful manner if they can tame their beast, or their monster child. Don't you think? I know the Thais would not say anything, but does that mean I too have to be "a human doormat"?

  4. Thai dog owners are the worst!!! 6 months of a neighbors yappy dog 14 hours a day and I live 3 houses away. It is remarkable that people tolerate such abhorrent behavior for so long without snapping like this guy did. I have been tempted to just sit out in front of their house with an airhorn but I am a Farang so I would be the one in trouble!

    This is very, very true. I have witnessed dogs going off day and night, and nobody does a thing. Part of the problem is that most Thai people do not even hear noise. But, even when it is brought to their attention, they rarely ever do anything about it. I think one of the issues is that the current generation of Thais do not believe in discipline, on any level, whether it is in regard to their dogs, children, etc. So, when you aks them to discipline their child, who is running around the movie theatre carrying on as if it is their living room, the parents do not get it at all. I have had a Thai dad threaten to kick my ass, as I left the movie theatre, because I asked him to quiet his child in the movies. Same applies to dogs. Most Thais do not get the concept of control or discipline of a child or animal.

    Agree 110% with everything you say, however,

    "Part of the problem is that most Thai people do not even hear noise. But, even when it is brought to their attention, they rarely ever do anything about it"

    I can assure you they DO hear the noise and would love to do something about it, its the culture that holds them back, harmony must be maintained at all times, graeng jai, status of the people involved, fear of the consequences.

    I have had Thais ask me how I sleep at night, cant I hear the dogs at a certain house, I do what the Thais do I lie, no cant hear a thing have the a/c on doesnt affect me.

    I never leave the door open to have a finger pointed at me, I go away for the weekend and when I come back the problem has always been solved, those MC guys are your friend, bring them in from another area, problem solved, no fingers can be pointed and no one is any the wiser.

    I should add, the person involved has had at least 2 anonymous letters put in his mail box warning him, its most amusing to see these little tin pot dicatators standing shouting in the soi like madmen waving the letters about, effin pathetic really.

    Yes, agreed, however I consider "face" to be one of the grandest forms of cowardice on the planet. It is the complete refusal to go within, to introspect, to solve a problem, to determine where you fit into the grand scheme of things, or to just live you life in peace. Face is a national tragedy. It is a wimp's approach to life. Who gives a rat's ass what people think of you, if you have enough self esteem? The practice of face is heinous.

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  5. Thai dog owners are the worst!!! 6 months of a neighbors yappy dog 14 hours a day and I live 3 houses away. It is remarkable that people tolerate such abhorrent behavior for so long without snapping like this guy did. I have been tempted to just sit out in front of their house with an airhorn but I am a Farang so I would be the one in trouble!

    This is very, very true. I have witnessed dogs going off day and night, and nobody does a thing. Part of the problem is that most Thai people do not even hear noise. But, even when it is brought to their attention, they rarely ever do anything about it. I think one of the issues is that the current generation of Thais do not believe in discipline, on any level, whether it is in regard to their dogs, children, etc. So, when you aks them to discipline their child, who is running around the movie theatre carrying on as if it is their living room, the parents do not get it at all. I have had a Thai dad threaten to kick my ass, as I left the movie theatre, because I asked him to quiet his child in the movies. Same applies to dogs. Most Thais do not get the concept of control or discipline of a child or animal.

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  6. Well, the sad part of all this, is that this level of denial only makes the situation worse. If the denial was done with a level of cunning, skill, or subtlety, all skills most Thai men lack, it would be different. But, it is always handled in such an ignorant, and clumsy manner, that the entire planet sees right through the cover up, from moment one. Thailand has a long way to go, when it comes to being skillful about their devient social skills, and denial. Now, the entire planet sees the cover up, and just winces at how poorly it was handled. And does anyone further up the food chain get involved? Only when tourism sinks. Hopefully they can continue to get the word out there, and tarnish the reputation of the LOS even more. Only through pain and suffering can one grow. Does that apply to the LOS?

  7. I am sorry but just an attempt to justify this situation is a discrace, there is no excuse for the the lowlife scum NOT to be in jail from day one. If we still want to be known as a turist paradise in the future then now is a good time to show the world what justice is. The people who thinks this is a attack on the tourist industry are the same causing harm by trying to hide and deny cases like this.

    The comments from officials are for many tourists a severe case of CROSSING THE LINE on how NOT to handle a RAPE case.

    Are you suggesting a tourist haven is one where people accused of crimes (including tourists) are to be called scum, convicted without trial and denied bail?

    No, an arrest, a trial, and a long prison sentence would be appropriate. But will it happen? Depends on how much money the creton has to spread around, who he knows, and he his family is. Case closed.

  8. That is Thai democracy at work. That the society would even consider such a thing, says alot about how immature, and how little they possess, in the way of understanding, and the ability to address a problem, and come up with a working solution. Let's just stick out heads in the sand, as we have been doing for 500 years now, and pretent the problem does not exist. How could a country that is so perfect, and a people that are so superior on every level, have a problem like this? It must be something that is being created outside of Thailand, to tarnish this wonderful land, in a way we cannot understand. So, let's just block the video. That will make the problem go away. I wonder how this fabulously ignorant minister, who says this cannot be called rape because she had dinner with the rapist first, would feel if foreigners raped his daughters? Would there be an excuse for them too? Where I come from, if a woman says no, that means no. It does not matter if she had dinner with this creton? She probably realized by the end of the meal that she allowed herself to be charmed by a cockroach. And decided to move on. Most likely the cockroach felt his prey slipping away. Life imprisonment, where he can be the girlfriend of fellow inmates, who takes their turns "dating" him, would be an appropriate punishment for this absolute heinous thug.

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  9. Over the last few years dozens of foreign women have been raped and some killed. The Thai men don't give a flying <deleted> about foreigners. The Thai police aren't capable of dealing with this properly. Do they really care? Women must travel in pairs - anywhere - anytime. Maybe the 20 year old German girl who lost her right hand thumb in a knife attack in Krabi only a few months ago and this Dutch guy can sing a duet about how dangerous Thailand is.

    Tourists are such an easy target, in a foreign country, so far from home. They return home robbed, shattered and abused with very little likelihood that they will return and testify against the perpetrator of the crime. It just so hard for them.

    And we have to remember that normal law abiding Thais are also the victim of similar violent crimes too.

    One of the reasons why Thai men do not give a rat's ass about foreigners, is that most of the low class ones, who are uneducated, are very weak, spineless, without much in the way of class, or dignity, and many do not want to work for a living. They are generally speaking, a very, very sad representation of the male class, and give very little back to their country. Of course I am speaking in generalities.

  10. Thailand needs to learn that the social world is upon us and this face saving crap and injustice system that is in place here just will not be able to avoid more of this sort of thing. I wish more people had the motivation to do videos like this and I hope the video has enough views to prove it's point.

    I consider face saving to be a form of cowardice. It is an excuse to not deal with the issues, and the problems at hand. It is an excuse to not look within, and to not do the kind of inner soul searching that leads to problem solving. It is a disgraceful way to face life, and only the strongest people in the LOS realize that, and overcome that. It is a social weakness, and a crippling disease, that has to be exorcised from the society, if it is to evolve, grow, and improve. If one feels OK about one's self, who cares what others think, right? Just my opinion, for what it is worth. Obviously I feel strongly about this.

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  11. I am not sure if the American people know what they are in for. This guy has the potential to cripple the world economy, with his failed policies. Quantitative easing is simply a cowards way to deal with tomorrows problem today. It does nothing to address the root causes of the problems, nor does it address the deficit, and this guy has become addicted to deficit spending, like a crack whore is addicted to crack. If the same rate of deficit spending continues, we will be looking at 24 to 25 trillion, by the end of the next four years. How one earth is the US going to address that? What if the countries that are supporting our deficit spending lose faith? What then?

    I think I smell a sore loser.

    Not about winning or losing. Personally, I hate both of the candidates. But, I felt that Romney might have a better grasp of the economic side of things. We all know Blundering Barry did not, and does not, and cannot get a grasp of how to run the economy correctly. Hopefully, he will grow a larger set of balls this time around, and do some courageous acts, and behave like a man for a change. We can all hope for some display of conviction. Something. Some signs of life.

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  12. We can only hope they find a competent english teacher. I think they should hire a foreigner, to teach these cops. Most kids I speak to, who have been studying English, say they cannot understand their teacher, and their teachers do not have a clue about english. One of the biggest issues in Thailand seems to be a staggering level of incompetence on the part of the teachers, and a nearly dysfunctional educational system. So, is it reasonable to expect that the police will be taught by someone who has a strong grasp of English, and is able to pass that on to the cops trying to learn english? Hello, how are you mister?

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  13. When strange people approach you at the airport, just so no thanks. When they get presistent say yet mah ham lek (go screw a dog, pencil dick). Walk away. There are alot of parasites in Thailand, just like in every other country. They prey on those who know no better. Go to the 4th level, walk out, and find a guy willing to use his meter. That is all I ever do. Reject the punks who do not want to use their meter. Discard them like trash. Just move on to the ones willing to work for a living.

    Yep that will go down well with the wrong sort of taxi driver...not

    Even if I felt completely secure in verbally abusing a random Thai - which I can't imagine - there really is nothing to be gained by it, it's downside only.

    In any circumstances when being targeted in public by unwanted attention from touts or drunks whatever, all that is necessary is to see "through" them and calmly keep walking with your mouth shut as if they don't exist. At most a slight shake of the head or Jedi-like twitch of the fingers "these aren't the droids you're looking for" mind trick, and they fade back into the background.

    Once you've practiced this technique long enough, nothing but the 1000-yard stare is necessary.

    In the very rare event, usually with the unheeding drunks, a few polite words in Thai to the effect that you're not interested, again not breaking stride nor making eye contact may be needed, but usually it's easier to just pretend you don't speak whatever languages they might.

    Very difficult to argue with such words of wisdom. I tend to agree, that unkind words to not often go over too well, as I find many Thai men have extraordinarily fragile egos, and are easily offended, especially by foreigners. So, you are right. Keeping one's mouth shut is usually the superior approach.

  14. So little information in the OP which will lead to a lot of speculation.

    Like: What condition were the ladies in?

    Still, I suppose that he is "Innocent" until proven guilty, despite what the story suggests.

    What on earth are you going on about? Have you lost your mind? Now the onus is on the ladies to prove they were innocent? Are you a 14th century Norwegian? A nordic commander? A spanish conquistador? What is your issue anyway? Lets condone the harrassing, and potential assault and rape of some innocent tourists, since we do not have enough information? Do you think these fareng women just call the police for kicks? They are bored, with nothing better to do? I recommend hundreds of hours of therapy for you. You have some real issues with women.

    I suspect you're the one who needs therapy. I can't understand your reaction to the above post.

    Well forgive me, but I am a believer in innocent people being preyed upon by buttheads. If you want to defend the buttheads, do it to your hearts content. But, I would rather believe a couple of innocent tourists over a punk local driver. I have been in Samui a long time, and have met very, very few of the local drivers, who have redeeming qualities. Very, very few. They are a sorry lot.

  15. When strange people approach you at the airport, just so no thanks. When they get presistent say yet mah ham lek (go screw a dog, pencil dick). Walk away. There are alot of parasites in Thailand, just like in every other country. They prey on those who know no better. Go to the 4th level, walk out, and find a guy willing to use his meter. That is all I ever do. Reject the punks who do not want to use their meter. Discard them like trash. Just move on to the ones willing to work for a living.

  16. Don't these speed boats have qualified helmsmen. Stupid question really.

    RIP the dead woman and may the rest recover.

    Absolutely not. Most are underqualified, and many are either drinking or getting high during the time they are piloting the craft. This is one of the reasons that Thailand is so dangerous, in regard to speedboats, jet-skis, motorcycles, etc. Few are great drivers, or captains, and there is nearly zero regulations from the government, and the law authorities, who would be dead and buried if they were any more apathetic about safety. Thailand is mired near the bottom of the third world, when it comes to regulation, and safety standards.

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