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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Yes, all in one capsule. Works great the first time, and every time. Try it. Great stuff.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

    And also it's NOT A DRUG! Isn't that great!! I know this from the FAQ on the Balimojo website:

    Q. Is Bali Mojo a drug?

    No. Bali Mojo is 100% herbal.

    So if you ever are unlucky enough to be in a Thai Court after being found in possession of cannabis, you now know how to avoid a protracted jail sentence and save yourself a mountain of pain.

    Just say to the court "It's not a drug because it's 100% herbal!"

    Good argument I think you'll agree.

    You seem to have an ax to grind against the herb industry. Or are you a rep for the big pharma? They tend to hate herbs, as they are effective, and 1/100th the price of the drugs they peddle.

  2. I vote negligent (vehicular) homicide if his speed was excessive or his driving was erratic, etc. with additional penalties for drunk driving if applicable. We should have a wager as to whether or not Ferrari (here or in Italy) are able do dump the Event Data Recorder.

    A lot of folks replying seem to think that policeman was dragged some distance by the Ferrari (even underneath!) indicating premeditation (from early reports, apparently). This conflicts with a recent, previous article where it was stated that his body was found about 64 meters from the crash site. It also conflicts with the obvious damage to the hood and (especially) the windshield which would make it less likely that the policeman was dragged underneath. If he was somehow otherwise dragged by the Ferrari, there is the 64 meter distance to explain.

    At 200k m/h (reported, but disputed) the Ferrari was travelling over 55 meters/sec. Also, don't overlook that at time of impact, the airbag deployed and it must have really startled and interfered with the driver for a few seconds at least. If he was really moving it was amazing that he didn't lose control - especially if the motorcycle was still embedded in the front-end (apparently it was).

    With all articles, I have to say to myself: "Yes, but is it true?" on every point. Every point should be weighed for plausibility / violating common sense as well.

    Negligent vehicular homicide? How do you spell that? They would require a foreign police representative to even explain that one to them. Do you think such a law even exists on the Thai books? Do you think anyone has ever been convicted of it, that had alot of cash? Come on. Let's get real. What are the chances of that happening? When the Thai government dismisses (actually transferred is the way they put it) the most effective anti-corruption official they have had in the past 10 years of so, due to the fact that he was getting close to some of the insects in power, do you really think there is any chance of this pissant getting convicted? Any chance at all? Not a snowball's chance in hell.

  3. I will boycott Ferrari.

    Exactly, I have already decided not to spend 30,000,000 baht on a new one this year. Want to bet this parasite gets off Scot free? Want to bet the judge finds a "reason" to let him off? If an 18 year old from a family far less wealthy than this one gets off with a 24 month suspended sentence, after murdering 9 people on the freeway, for being "cooperative", what will happen with this insect?

    • Like 1
  4. I don't know why we should make such a big deal of this. Corruption is what drives US conservative politics, drags the rest of the world into horrific conflicts, and rapes the 3rd World of it's resources. Relatively speaking, Thai corruption is for the most part localised. US corruption global.

    This is spot on. Corruption exists everywhere and it's like a cancer that's destroying everything. In China, where corruption appears to me to be much mover vicious than here, most everyone accepts it and engages in it with the justification that they are getting so screwed from above that they needs to screw over anyone else they can just to break even.

    In China you need to pay a bribe to get a good job.

    However, as Technikall pointed out, we have corruption in America as well, which cause the economic crisis. All that crooked banking was extremely corrupt, and they got away with it. The difference is that we are much better at hiding our corruption in America. In Asia sometimes people flaunt being corrupt to show their power. Obviously, in America one isn't expected to pay a bribe to get a job, but there are other ways to cheat, exploit and take advantage of the less privileged and fortunate.

    Lobbying is the greatest form of corruption on the planet, and it is perfectly legal, due to the prostitutes working in the US Senate and Congress.

  5. Thailand is the master of the universe when it comes to the sex trade. The sex trade sets the bar for social thought and behavior. As long as society tolerates rampant pervasive participation in the sex trade by all levels of society whether declared professional or free lancer, then it's open season on a corrupted philosophy with limited values. The sex trade was really the first "international" scale enterprise of Thailand. Where foreigners would actually plan to travel here for sex. Long before that, Thailand specialized in sex trade for its domestic customers which geometrically dwarfs foreign sex trade today. Secondly, Thailand's history of cash real estate investment, sex trade and other black economy money sourced through the drug trade hub in Bangkok clearly links links the "corruption" factor.

    The Thai "culture" of corruption and its escalation are its prescription for becoming an official "failed state" with endless refills. No other country takes Thailand seriously as a "legitimate" business partner and camps in here because they can freely play the corruption, payoff, bribery scheme with cheap labor and limited benefits or negative ramifications and bought off politicians and government organizations. Because everything can be bought out for a lower cost than the cost of making it right. Thailand's "Mr. 20%s" start out right away slicing in to a new business venture's margins right after a BOI intro or even before. Then comes the squeezing of profits at the expense of safety, benefits, and fair play with employees.

    As this philosophy of corruption continues to eat away at government, police and military organizations, they become less and less able or willing to enforce law. The less that they enforce law, the more complacent about it all the regular folks get. The state then escalates to a Fascist type regime, and shortly thereafter becomes an "official" failed state. Thailand already meets many of the prerequisites for defining a failed state.

    I cannot agree to that.

    Try murder, rape, robbery, drugs, paedophilia, and you will realize that Thailand is able to enforce its laws (with the constraints of its resources).

    This corruption is mainly applied to victimless crimes.

    And, so as my friends in Thailand, I prefer this type of lifestyle to the one in our country. The police offer some flexibility instead of facing the official route of resolving legal conflicts. And the majority in Thailand prefer that as well.

    I tend to disagree with you about this. A friend of mine who runs major foundation dedicated to helping people with HIV in Thailand, told me the numbers indicate the sex trade in the US is far larger than in Thailand. It is just underground. In Thailand it is all there for you to see it. But, in the US, between the escorts, the strippers, the adult porn biz, massage services, etc., there are far more sex workers than in Thailand. She is very well informed, and has the assets of several NGO's and Aid organizations at her disposal, so she is not just throwing this stuff out there. Hard for many of us to believe, but the facts support this. Also, in the US you have millions of women who are willing to have sex for dinner, a car, a gift, or some other form of

    compensation, but it is not called prostitution for some reason.

  6. As much as I've experienced and unhappy with the corruption problem in Thailand, it becomes a normal way of life when more than 2/3 of people don't take it as a problem. Pathetic, though.

    And the scary part, is that on so many levels, it feels as if Thailand is going backwards. I wish I could say the future looked bright for this lovely country, but I simply cannot see it. Here are just a few of the reasons I feel this way:

    1. Declining educational standards, especially when compared to other countries in the region, who take education seriously.

    2. Lack of a fight against corruption. Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, and even to a smaller extent India, and the Philippines are at least waging a battle. Here, the anti corruption chief was just relieved of his job, as he was too effective, and was getting to close to the centers of power!

    3. The competence of the government. Since the system here is entirely based on cronyism, and not meritocracy, there is little chance of getting people to do jobs they are good at. It is that simple. Incompetence is the order of the day. Always has been. Always will be, if the system does not change.

    4. Flooding issues. They are only going to get worse with global warming, and the rising of the sea, and is Thailand prepared for it? They have refused help from the Dutch govt. (very talented and skilled engineers, with decades of experience), the US Corp. of Engineers, and others. Is the govt. really serious about tackling this issue? Do they have what it takes? Are they willing to reach out, or will they use only homegrown talent, which is substandard?

    5. Shrinking economy. Thailand was #21 in the world just 5 years ago. They are now #25. This trend will continue. There is little being done to reverse it.

    6. Traffic issues. Thailand has some of the most lax driving laws in the world. No helmets required in Samui, and 10 year old kids are permitted to drive motorbikes. Speed limits are rarely enforced, and anyone with some cash can buy their way out of any traffic related problem or accident, even if it caused death. Samui averages 60 traffic related deaths per month! Highest in the world, per capita. Not something you see in the media much. Nobody wants to discuss it.

    7. That brings us to issue #7. Law enforcement. The police in Thailand are basically a revenue collection agency. Very, very little law enforcement. The quality of the detective work, and the forensic work is on par with Sub Saharan Africa, from what I have been told by well informed sources in law enforcement, outside of Thailand. For the #25 economy in the world, this is shameful, and the result of tremendous sloth, indifference, corruption, and ineptitude. Regardless, it remains one of the truly great blights, in this otherwise delightful country.

    8. Local mores, ethics, and attitudes. Though the Thai people have many wonderful qualities, that many of us appreciate, their attitudes toward business, and tourism are hard to fathom. They nearly always, will choose to do the wrong thing, when it comes to customer service, or maintaining a relationship, if it means a few extra baht today. No ability to see the forest beyond the trees. Very, very little of the vision thing. It is a tremendous detriment to doing business here, and in the long run damages the tourism industry to a fabulous extent.

    9. Tourism. For the above stated reasons, there is a real PR problem, when it comes to Thai tourism. The governments, both central, and local seem to be either unwilling, or unable to tackle the issues with taxis, tuk-tuks, jet skis, and other scams here, and it is resulting in huge damage to the industry. They are making up for it to some extent by attracting the Russian, Chinese, and Korean markets, but these are not the high rollers that Thailand need to thrive in the long run.

    10. Saving face. Perhaps Thailand's single most destructive quality. It forces people to bury problems under the carpet. How can you resolve an issue, if it causes you embarrassment? Who cares. Suck it up, man up, and deal with it. Not here. Not now. Rarely ever. Avoid the issue, whatever you do, do not discuss it, and pretend it will go away. It is a society of 13 year old boys, in men's bodies, who behave like 13 year old boys, and have the emotional development of 13 year old boys. I am sure there are some exceptions. Maybe 11% of the society? LOL.

    And yet... Bangkok receives World's Best City Award 2012

    Well, Bangkok is a great city despite all the nonsense, is it not?

  7. ... It is a society of 13 year old boys, in men's bodies, who behave like 13 year old boys, and have the emotional development of 13 year old boys. I am sure there are some exceptions. Maybe 11% of the society? LOL.

    While you are largely correct on this, I think perhaps the age is too high and the sex is wrong.

    Yes, there is some truth to that. But, I really believe that although they would have you believe otherwise, this entire country is run by women. I believe they control the finances of most families, and they are the power behind the wall. Thai men would never in a hundred years admit to that, but the sad fact is that there are so few Thai men who have the level head, the sensibility, the common sense, the rationale, nor the intelligence to run a family properly. So, the women do it. I think the women in Thailand are far superior to the men, on so many levels. And they are more capable on many levels too.

  8. No, it doesn't bother me. But what bother me is people who continually have to ask this question.

    Yes exactly. Grow a thick skin, an deal with it. This is not a foreign country. It is planet thailandia. Rules do not apply. They behave as they want. Like it or not. The Thai people are quite strong willed, so we are not going to change or influence much. It is their way of saying westerner. Who cares?

  9. Do not buy any Samsung Products, they spoil and breakdown very fast and bad after sales service. To the millions who bought their stupid products, they will know soon enough.

    Simply have not found that to be the case. Maybe with their lower end products? I did go to a Samsung service center at MBK (perhaps the wrong choice for a location for me to choose) and the wait was well over an hour. So, may agree with you on service. But, their laptops, and higher end smartphones are superb, in my opinion. Super high quality.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 year old boys and girls, in adult bodies, will do some very strange things. They can not be counted on to be rational, nor to have common sense. Now, when you give them the power a police captain has, and a gun, that is a recipe for these kinds of events. Surprised it does not happen more often, or is it that we are simply not hearing about it? Since the media censorship here is so tremendous, and pervasive, in this near democracy, I am certain that is the case. Lack of maturity and emotional development is shockingly common here in the LOS. Welcome to Planet Thailandia.

    • Like 2
  11. Very easy to order. Go to Balimojo.com - you can order online. About $127 for 40 doses, including shipping to Thailand. Have never had a problem with Thai customs for these orders. Really effective, powerful yet mild feel to it. Try it. Best I have found. Another product called mojorisin available in the US, but feels a bit harsher and I get headaches from it. Not with Bali. Also, ships locally, from Malaysia, I believe. Hope that helps.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Was referring to the Balimojo product, which is by far, the best herbal sexual stimulant I have ever tried. At least as powerful as Cialis, but none of the headaches, or other side effects, and no liver damage either!

    And how do you know that it doesn't cause liver damage?

    Did a witch doctor tell you? Or is it because it's called "herbal"?

    Deadly nightshade is "herbal", and so are all those mushrooms that kill you or give you hallucinations, and so is Poison Ivy.

    It seems like for people who can't think analytically, you only need to call something "herbal" or "natural" to make them swallow it by the cartload.

    Needless to say, this is foolish.

    The one thing you can be sure of is that no long term tests or studies of the effects of this Balimojo stuff on human health have been or ever will be done.

    Since you seem to be an herbal sceptic, I have attached a summary of the ingredients, many of which have been used by several cultures, to heal, and cure disease for millennium. Hope it helps to ease your discomfort.



    A natural aphrodisiac found in The Americas, Europe, China and India and Australia, Tribulus Terristris is a plant long used around the world as a natural nutritional supplement with bio-stimulatory properties. The herb is ecologically pure and over several decades of clinical testing has been proven effective in enhancing energy and vitality.

    It has many properties, including a pharmacological effect on the human reproductive system and on sexual desire and performance in both men and women.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Bigger and Harder Erections
    • Increases Blood Flow into Corpus Cavernosa of Penis
    • Boosts Sexual Desire and Sexual Thoughts
    • Increases Sexual Energy
    • Gain in Prostate Weight
    • Increases Testosterone Release to Normal Levels
    • Increases Muscle Growth and Body Strength
    • Increased Sperm Count and Motility

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Lowers High Blood Pressure
    • Treats Hypertension
    • Lowers Cholesterol
    • Improves Cardiovascular System
    • Treats Nervous Disorders
    • Treats Constipation
    • Improves Liver Functions
    • Improves Kidney Functions
    • Anti-tumor
    • Antioxidant
    • Lowers Blood Sugar
    • Inhibits Cancer Growth
    • Anti-bacterial
    • Anti-fungal, Cures Candida
    • Reduces Menopausal Symptoms


    The Chinese classics repeatedly mention it as a natural aphrodisiac. It was used almost routinely in imperial formulas designed specifically for the emperor.

    Scientifically, it increases nitric oxide release which powerfully increases cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGNP). cGMP is the key in obtaining and sustaining a powerful erection. cGMP relaxes the muscles around the penis, which makes it possible for the cells in the penis to take in blood, thus allows you to experience a proper erection.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Increases sexual drive and desire, Helps prevent premature ejaculation
    • Increases Nitric Oxide and cGMP levels
    • Increases blood flow to the penis and sexual organs
    • Increases levels of the hormones responsible for healthy sexual function
    • Improves impotence

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Warms the kidneys
    • Strengthens Yang energy
    • Disinfectant
    • Improves fertility in both men and women
    • Improves yeast infections in women


    from China, is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac, to treat impotence, reinforce seminal emission and strengthen the tendons. Its vasodilatory properties are especially effective in enhancing sexual performance.

    It’s believed to work because of its adaptogenic properties and effect on cortisol levels which are the main stress hormones.

    This natural aphrodisiac heals Impotence. Found in Formulas for Psychological and Physiological Impotence.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Rockets Libido and Sexual Desire
    • Restores Testosterone Levels To Normal
    • Restores Thyroid Hormones to Normal
    • Heals Sexual Dysfunctions Related To Kidneys

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Anti-Fatigue
    • Anti- Stress
    • Rejuvenating
    • Improves Deficient Kidneys and Liver
    • Improves Irregular Menses and Hypertension During Menopause for Females
    • Improves Cold, Painful Back and Extremities
    • Improves Pain and Water Retention Due To Poor Circulation


    Traditionally used to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain, it also improve the performance of the heart, lungs and genital organs. It is one of the most researched herbs in the world.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Enhanced Vitality Level
    • Promotes Circulatory Health and Blood Vessel Health
    • Increases Smooth Blood Flow to Your Penis for Larger Erection
    • Stabilizes the Production of Sperm
    • Enhances Kidney Yang
    • Increases Sexual Energy
    • Enhances Mental Alertness, Mental Clarity and Memory Through
    • Increased Blood Circulation to the Brain

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Counteracts the Effects of Aging
    • Increases Metabolism Efficiency
    • Lifts Depression
    • Relieves Tension
    • Control Allergic Inflammation
    • Powerful Antioxidant
    • Protects Cardiovascular System
    • Protects Central Nervous System
    • Slows Vision Deterioration
    • Improves Hearing
    • Treats Asthma and Bronchial Conditions


    A natural aphrodisiac aphrodisiac for both men and women saw palmetto is used to treat problems associated with the genitals, urinary tract and reproductive systems.

    It is a plant native to North America and is widely used in Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and now the U.S.. This herb is called the “plant catheter” due to its therapeutic effect on the neck of the bladder and the prostate in men.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Increased sexual arousal and sex drive
    • Treats impotence
    • Treats enlarged and weakened prostate glands
    • Balances hormones that regulate sexual development of glands & organs
    • Increases body strength

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Strengthens and builds body tissues through its anabolic tonic effects
    • Tones the bladder to improve urinary flow and relieve strain
    • Decreases urinary frequency, Balances thyroid hormones
    • Clears chest congestion
    • Treats coughs, asthma & bronchitis
    • Stimulate appetite
    • Improves digestion
    • Increase assimilation of nutrients to the body
    • Nourishes the nervous system
    • For women, has been used to enlarge breasts and increase lactation
    • Treats ovarian and uterine irritability

    <a name="eurycoma-longifolia" style="color: rgb(172, 172, 172); ">


    Traditionally used to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain, Eurycoma Longifolia also improve the performance of the heart, lungs and genital organs. It is one of the most researched herbs in the world.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Enhanced Vitality Level
    • Promotes Circulatory Health and Blood Vessel Health
    • Increases Smooth Blood Flow to Your Penis for Larger Erection
    • Stabilizes the Production of Sperm
    • Enhances Kidney Yang
    • Increases Sexual Energy
    • Enhances Mental Alertness, Mental Clarity and Memory Through
    • Increased Blood Circulation to the Brain

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Counteracts the Effects of Aging
    • Increases Metabolism Efficiency
    • Lifts Depression
    • Relieves Tension
    • Control Allergic Inflammation
    • Powerful Antioxidant
    • Protects Cardiovascular System
    • Protects Central Nervous System
    • Slows Vision Deterioration
    • Improves Hearing
    • Treats Asthma and Bronchial Conditions


    For some reason the system left out the names of the herbs. In order here they are:

    Tribulus Terristris

    Nudium Monnier (aka she chuang 2)

    Xanthoparmelia Scabirosa

    Herbia Epmedii (aka horny goat weed)

    Ginkgo Biloba

    Saw Palmetto

    Eurycoma Longifolia (Tongkat ali)

  12. Very easy to order. Go to Balimojo.com - you can order online. About $127 for 40 doses, including shipping to Thailand. Have never had a problem with Thai customs for these orders. Really effective, powerful yet mild feel to it. Try it. Best I have found. Another product called mojorisin available in the US, but feels a bit harsher and I get headaches from it. Not with Bali. Also, ships locally, from Malaysia, I believe. Hope that helps.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Was referring to the Balimojo product, which is by far, the best herbal sexual stimulant I have ever tried. At least as powerful as Cialis, but none of the headaches, or other side effects, and no liver damage either!

    And how do you know that it doesn't cause liver damage?

    Did a witch doctor tell you? Or is it because it's called "herbal"?

    Deadly nightshade is "herbal", and so are all those mushrooms that kill you or give you hallucinations, and so is Poison Ivy.

    It seems like for people who can't think analytically, you only need to call something "herbal" or "natural" to make them swallow it by the cartload.

    Needless to say, this is foolish.

    The one thing you can be sure of is that no long term tests or studies of the effects of this Balimojo stuff on human health have been or ever will be done.

    Since you seem to be an herbal sceptic, I have attached a summary of the ingredients, many of which have been used by several cultures, to heal, and cure disease for millennium. Hope it helps to ease your discomfort.



    A natural aphrodisiac found in The Americas, Europe, China and India and Australia, Tribulus Terristris is a plant long used around the world as a natural nutritional supplement with bio-stimulatory properties. The herb is ecologically pure and over several decades of clinical testing has been proven effective in enhancing energy and vitality.

    It has many properties, including a pharmacological effect on the human reproductive system and on sexual desire and performance in both men and women.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Bigger and Harder Erections
    • Increases Blood Flow into Corpus Cavernosa of Penis
    • Boosts Sexual Desire and Sexual Thoughts
    • Increases Sexual Energy
    • Gain in Prostate Weight
    • Increases Testosterone Release to Normal Levels
    • Increases Muscle Growth and Body Strength
    • Increased Sperm Count and Motility

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Lowers High Blood Pressure
    • Treats Hypertension
    • Lowers Cholesterol
    • Improves Cardiovascular System
    • Treats Nervous Disorders
    • Treats Constipation
    • Improves Liver Functions
    • Improves Kidney Functions
    • Anti-tumor
    • Antioxidant
    • Lowers Blood Sugar
    • Inhibits Cancer Growth
    • Anti-bacterial
    • Anti-fungal, Cures Candida
    • Reduces Menopausal Symptoms


    The Chinese classics repeatedly mention it as a natural aphrodisiac. It was used almost routinely in imperial formulas designed specifically for the emperor.

    Scientifically, it increases nitric oxide release which powerfully increases cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGNP). cGMP is the key in obtaining and sustaining a powerful erection. cGMP relaxes the muscles around the penis, which makes it possible for the cells in the penis to take in blood, thus allows you to experience a proper erection.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Increases sexual drive and desire, Helps prevent premature ejaculation
    • Increases Nitric Oxide and cGMP levels
    • Increases blood flow to the penis and sexual organs
    • Increases levels of the hormones responsible for healthy sexual function
    • Improves impotence

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Warms the kidneys
    • Strengthens Yang energy
    • Disinfectant
    • Improves fertility in both men and women
    • Improves yeast infections in women


    The Chinese have used the seeds of Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa for over 1,000 years to extend the duration of an erection. In your body is the enzyme Phosphodiesterase-V (PDE-5) PDE-5 which binds to and destroys cGMP (see above). Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, greatly inhibits the production of PDE-5, allowing for sustained erections.

    It is a natural source of Pyrazolo pyrimidinone , a core component of leading prescription medications for impotence. This natural sex enhancer induces smooth muscle relaxation, allowing for maximum arterial dilation and increased blood flow.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Increases and sustains powerful erections
    • Increases libido
    • Enhances sexual performance
    • Improves impotence


    from China, is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac, to treat impotence, reinforce seminal emission and strengthen the tendons. Its vasodilatory properties are especially effective in enhancing sexual performance.

    It’s believed to work because of its adaptogenic properties and effect on cortisol levels which are the main stress hormones.

    This natural aphrodisiac heals Impotence. Found in Formulas for Psychological and Physiological Impotence.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Rockets Libido and Sexual Desire
    • Restores Testosterone Levels To Normal
    • Restores Thyroid Hormones to Normal
    • Heals Sexual Dysfunctions Related To Kidneys

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Anti-Fatigue
    • Anti- Stress
    • Rejuvenating
    • Improves Deficient Kidneys and Liver
    • Improves Irregular Menses and Hypertension During Menopause for Females
    • Improves Cold, Painful Back and Extremities
    • Improves Pain and Water Retention Due To Poor Circulation


    Traditionally used to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain, it also improve the performance of the heart, lungs and genital organs. It is one of the most researched herbs in the world.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Enhanced Vitality Level
    • Promotes Circulatory Health and Blood Vessel Health
    • Increases Smooth Blood Flow to Your Penis for Larger Erection
    • Stabilizes the Production of Sperm
    • Enhances Kidney Yang
    • Increases Sexual Energy
    • Enhances Mental Alertness, Mental Clarity and Memory Through
    • Increased Blood Circulation to the Brain

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Counteracts the Effects of Aging
    • Increases Metabolism Efficiency
    • Lifts Depression
    • Relieves Tension
    • Control Allergic Inflammation
    • Powerful Antioxidant
    • Protects Cardiovascular System
    • Protects Central Nervous System
    • Slows Vision Deterioration
    • Improves Hearing
    • Treats Asthma and Bronchial Conditions


    A natural aphrodisiac aphrodisiac for both men and women saw palmetto is used to treat problems associated with the genitals, urinary tract and reproductive systems.

    It is a plant native to North America and is widely used in Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and now the U.S.. This herb is called the “plant catheter” due to its therapeutic effect on the neck of the bladder and the prostate in men.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Increased sexual arousal and sex drive
    • Treats impotence
    • Treats enlarged and weakened prostate glands
    • Balances hormones that regulate sexual development of glands & organs
    • Increases body strength

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Strengthens and builds body tissues through its anabolic tonic effects
    • Tones the bladder to improve urinary flow and relieve strain
    • Decreases urinary frequency, Balances thyroid hormones
    • Clears chest congestion
    • Treats coughs, asthma & bronchitis
    • Stimulate appetite
    • Improves digestion
    • Increase assimilation of nutrients to the body
    • Nourishes the nervous system
    • For women, has been used to enlarge breasts and increase lactation
    • Treats ovarian and uterine irritability

    <a name="eurycoma-longifolia" style="color: rgb(172, 172, 172); ">


    Traditionally used to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain, Eurycoma Longifolia also improve the performance of the heart, lungs and genital organs. It is one of the most researched herbs in the world.

    Sexual Benefits

    • Enhanced Vitality Level
    • Promotes Circulatory Health and Blood Vessel Health
    • Increases Smooth Blood Flow to Your Penis for Larger Erection
    • Stabilizes the Production of Sperm
    • Enhances Kidney Yang
    • Increases Sexual Energy
    • Enhances Mental Alertness, Mental Clarity and Memory Through
    • Increased Blood Circulation to the Brain

    Bonus Health Benefits

    • Counteracts the Effects of Aging
    • Increases Metabolism Efficiency
    • Lifts Depression
    • Relieves Tension
    • Control Allergic Inflammation
    • Powerful Antioxidant
    • Protects Cardiovascular System
    • Protects Central Nervous System
    • Slows Vision Deterioration
    • Improves Hearing
    • Treats Asthma and Bronchial Conditions


    • Like 1
  13. I am not sure about it....

    Too big as phone and too small as tablet.

    But maybe better than carry a table AND a phone?

    Tell that to the ten million people who bought the original Note. wink.png

    Many, many critics of the original concept, including many tech. analysts, gurus, pundits look like doofii, but clearly customers weren't swayed by the "nattering nabobs of negativism". smile.png

    The Note 2 looks very, very nice. Another huge win for Samsung.

    Yes, and they keep topping Apple, at every turn. I am an apple user, and a fan. So, it is something to witness Samsung just humiliating Apple, on a consistent basis. I myself have left the iphone behind, for the dramatically superior Galaxy SIII. Still use Apple computers, as they are still the best in my opinion, and I prefer the mac platform. But, even though it is a little more work to sync the Galaxy with my Mac equipment, it is worth it. Apple has some catching up to do. My guess is that the new iphone 5 will be an improvement over the 4S, which feel like a stone age device to me, but will still be not even close to the SIII. The SIII beats out the iphone in nearly every department. There are some apps built for apple, that I wish were available for android. But, other than that, and the sync issue (relatively minor effort involved), the SIII feels light years ahead. No wonder Apple is running scared, and behaving like a schoolyard bully.

  14. Very easy to order. Go to Balimojo.com - you can order online. About $127 for 40 doses, including shipping to Thailand. Have never had a problem with Thai customs for these orders. Really effective, powerful yet mild feel to it. Try it. Best I have found. Another product called mojorisin available in the US, but feels a bit harsher and I get headaches from it. Not with Bali. Also, ships locally, from Malaysia, I believe. Hope that helps.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Was referring to the Balimojo product, which is by far, the best herbal sexual stimulant I have ever tried. At least as powerful as Cialis, but none of the headaches, or other side effects, and no liver damage either!

  15. The mystery has deepened because the Crocodile Farm have reportedly denied the incident took place.

    Does it sometimes feel like the Thai people would not be able to engage in honesty, if their lives depended upon it? Why is it such a first instinct to lie here? Why is there no connection between their spiritual beliefs, and the daily behavior? Why is telling a lie considered OK, and acceptable behavior? Why is there not more emphasis on honesty? I do not care about the ridiculous concept of "face". We all know that is simply an excuse for avoiding any inner work or introspection. There is no reality to face, it is merely a huge excuse to behave improperly. It is getting to the point, where I find it nearly impossible to believe anything that most Thai people say. There are some exceptions. I do know some honorable Thai people. But, the percentage of people who possess little honor, when it comes to honesty, is shocking. Why is that? Does anyone have a good explanation for this?

    Mmm - 'face' - such a big important topic, and a lot more nuanced than it having 'no reality', since its purpose is exactly the opposite, to maintain a certain way of 'doing' reality. (Since 'reality' is mostly a social construct in every culture.) As for lying - well, people all over the world do that routinely to maintain some level of order - hence the old joke about honesty being the worst policy for a long marriage ! I completely agree though about it being virtually impossible to get interested in and trust what most Thais say - its just that 'lying' for them doesn't carry the same connotation of 'wrong-doing' as it does in most 'western' cultures. For anyone really interested, this a great short essay on 'face' in different cultures around the world ::: http://www.transitio..._in_china.shtml

    One of the crucial differences between 'face' in the west, and 'face' in the east, is that 'orientals' will strive to save another's face as much as they try to save their own. In the 'west' face-saving is more often - though not always - a self-interested exercise. See the example in the essay of the son with the PhD not wanting to impact on his father's reduced status in the world due to unemployment. One thing's for sure - the tensions that occur due to the eastern obsession with 'face' can cause huge trouble for 'east-west' relations and relationships - in fact it can destroy the latter if not handled deftly.

    Interesting observations. Thanks for that. When I say that face is a non-reality, what I meant is that most of the time it seems to be an excuse for a lack of self examination, resolution, analysis, and introspection. If you lean on the concept too much it prevents you from growing, and evolving as a soul. I believe that "face" is an non-spiritual a belief as there is in this world. In the West, many of us just do not care. I for one could give a rat's ass what people think of me. It is what I think of myself that is of importance. In Asia, it seems to be the opposite, and it feels like there is a tremendous amount of low self esteem in this region, for some reason. Am I way off on this?

  16. The mystery has deepened because the Crocodile Farm have reportedly denied the incident took place.

    Does it sometimes feel like the Thai people would not be able to engage in honesty, if their lives depended upon it? Why is it such a first instinct to lie here? Why is there no connection between their spiritual beliefs, and the daily behavior? Why is telling a lie considered OK, and acceptable behavior? Why is there not more emphasis on honesty? I do not care about the ridiculous concept of "face". We all know that is simply an excuse for avoiding any inner work or introspection. There is no reality to face, it is merely a huge excuse to behave improperly. It is getting to the point, where I find it nearly impossible to believe anything that most Thai people say. There are some exceptions. I do know some honorable Thai people. But, the percentage of people who possess little honor, when it comes to honesty, is shocking. Why is that? Does anyone have a good explanation for this?

    I don't have an explanation for this but if you read "Private Dancer" you may get an insight into the way many thai people think and thank goodness it is not all of them.

    I did read it. Fortunately, I was warned to read a series of these books before moving here, and even considering getting involved with a Thai woman. Also, fortunately I got involved with a good one, who has a great heart, alot of integrity, an open mind, and is super smart. Not easy qualities to find here. Yes, there are some good ones. I just wonder why the percentage who are willing to lie, to either save their hides, or make a few quick baht, are so high. Another source of wonderment for me, is why they never consider tomorrow, or future patronage, when it comes to business. I have had businesses who I had been working with for years, blow away years of future patronage, over a few hundred baht! Seems, only today exists in the mind of a Thai, even if they are in business. I used to consider this place a very foreign country. These days, I consider it "Planet Thailandia".

  17. Thailand finally gets to see that what passes for acceptable in Thailand does not stand up to requirements in other countries, and PTT has found out that the incident cannot be passed off with a mai pben rai attitude or by passing the buck, I hope the lesson will filter into the way things are done by all such companies within Thailand, even without the rest of society moving first, it would be refreshing to see world class safety standards practiced and enforced in Thailand without the need for a 'fee'.

    Yes, but the fine should be closer to $100,000,000. At one million the company is sort of laughing at this. Seems like a small price to pay, for fouling 90,000 SQ. KM. of water. What alot of people do not know, is that PTT is one of the world's largest petroleum companies, and is active is a few dozen countries. Nice to see some fareng environmental restrictions imposed on a company that is probably used to getting away with alot, here in the LOS, where environmental restrictions are almost unheard of. Fortunately they are being made to pay for the cleanup.

    Actually its PTTEP and farang restrictions are imposed as some of the shareholders of PTTEP are Total & British Gas....whistling.gif

    and actually PTTEP's facilities offshore Thailand are very well run and actually run better run than some of the facilities in farangland

    Further the PTTEP company in question is actually an Austrailan company, and it appears there is a nice Thai sounding name running the company..."Ken Fitzpatrick"....I wonder what part of Isaan that name hails from ?

    So once again appears to be some unqualifed statements being thrown around by TV's finest experts

    PTTEP is part of PTT.

    PTT Exploration and Production is what is stands for and they are part of the Thai national oil company, as we are reminded every time we do work for them during our inductions. In this case it is PTTEP AA which is the Australasia division.

    They have been audited very closely by NOPSEMA since the incident and cannot under any circumstances afford another slip-up.

    Hopefully Soutpeel got that info. He is harboring many illusions, including the fact that this is not the Thai company in question. Thais need to be held accountable overseas. They are rarely held accountable at home. We see that every day.

    • Like 1
  18. Forget viagra, cialis, cumagra, and all that toxic junk. Have you tried bali mojo, or mojo risen? Bali Mojo is available online, here in Thailand. Costs about 100 baht per capsule, which lasts 2 days, with zero side effects, and no damage to the kidneys and liver. All herbal. I love the stuff. Many of my friends use it, and never go back to the pharmaceutical junk. Much easier on the body. And super effective. Let's say no to Big Pharma. What have they done for us lately?

    • Like 1
  19. This guy has some huge gonads

    IMO opinion he should be charged with being a disgrace to the human race as well as manslaighter

    Continuing to drive after hitting someone like that is awful

    RIP to the BIB

    Rot in jail to the car driver

    Even the average man from a poor family, behaves, and conducts his life as if he is a member of a special gender. So, you can only imagine how many times that is magnified when he is from such a rich, and powerful family. Most Thai men are 13 year old boys in a man's body, anyway, so what can we expect from this parasite kid? He is a leech, sucking the blood of society, and everyone knows that. He is conditioned since early childhood, to believe he is a knight, a special person, and is untouchable. He was not taught responsibility. He is no Kennedy. He has never been taught by his family, that there is an inherent responsibility to society that comes with wealth and that he needs to behave in a certain manner. One of honor, dignity, and respect. The entire family are vampires. They suck the blood of Thai society, by selling poison. This beverage has been found to be fabulously toxic. Do they care? Thai society needs to start holding families like this one accountable. At the very least, they can be made to feel like social pariahs. If the general public starts jeering every member of the family, when they leave the house, and when they are seen in public, could you just imaging the impact that might have? Instead of feeling like they have all that power, they would start feeling like their actions are being accounted for, and that they actually had responsibilities. What has that family done for Thailand lately? How many poor folks are they helping out?

    • Like 1
  20. “I don’t believe in Thai justice, it’s only a privilege for the rich, not for poor people."

    I believe you just defined "Thai Justice".

    However, this is not exclusive to Thailand. In just about every country and society the rich and powerful are immune from many laws and follow different rules. In fact, they are the ones who create, interpret and enforce those laws. One must remember the "Golden Rule"...He who has the gold, makes the rules.

    Most of the time. I can think of several instances where very rich and powerful men were sentenced in the US. But, it is not common. Just look at O.J. Simpson. He more or less admitted to the killing, but still walked. But, there is some justice in the west. Some. Here, there is zero justice against the super rich. Zero. My bet it there is no chance he will serve time. The local police chief will build a 200,000,000 baht home. Construction will start soon. The judges will be paid, and all will be "business as usual in the LOS". The down side, is that the world continues to look at the Thai justice system, and Thai law in general, as a travesty.

  21. How about cracking down Panthip, MBK Pratunam first?

    But why? It has always been about the cash. Most Thai people are inherently honest. Until they are dealing with alot of money. Then things change. The temptation is too great. The officials are too corrupt, and way, way too rich. The power has been given to the wrong people, and they have demonstrated they cannot handle the power, and most certainly not worthy of it. So, again I ask, why would you crack down on the cash cow? Better to crack down on the farengs. Then blame can be cast aside, and the favorite sport in Thailand can be played. Casting aside blame would become an Olympic sport if the Thais had their way, and they would win alot of gold medals.

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