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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Another act of bastardy by Thai law enforcement agencies. This man's management knew of this efforts and the likely outcome. Yet he was not provided any protection or transferred.

    Protection. By whom? He was straining against the very fabric of Thai society. The man was a Demi-God. He was the Anna Hazari of Thailand. If he were Catholic, there is a chance he would be beautified by the church, and become a saint. This man heard an inner voice, and followed it against all odds. His life was an example to the entire nation. Hopefully his death will be a wake up call. Thailand is marching backwards at an alarming pace. It is defying all odds. When it comes to industry, tourism, flood control, obeying the ASEAN charter, and many other areas, they are marching backwards, and much to the detriment of the Thai people. On Samui the local people are on a suicide mission. Even though tourism is falling off, the prices are going up, at an alarming pace. People just do not see how destructive their thoughtless actions are. The only thing that is competitive on Samui are the house rentals. All else has no connection to reality. The hotel people would rather run a 50% vacancy level, than lower their prices. I see restaurants that recently opened, with very high prices (comparable to Los Angeles, or Sydney) that are nothing special on any level. They sit nearly empty night, after night. And this is during the mini high season. Does anyone figure it out? Does anyone connect the corruption here with a declining way of life?

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  2. Don't blame the banks or the Thai government. It's the long cock of Uncle Sam that's driving all this. Have you looked at all the trouble the US FATCA law is causing non-US financial institutions. This is what's driving all this. And you US people out there will have to provide SS numbers to you Thai banks within the next couple of years, as they will have to report on you to the US Treasury. In the beginning the requirement is only to report on "large" depositors, but over the next five years, it ratchets down to include everybody. Even half way around the globe I can't seem to get Uncle Sam's cock pulled out of my ass.

    Absolutely spot on analysis. Many of the world's major banks are turning away American millionaires. The incredibly fascist laws that "Blundering Barry" has put into place, are intrusive beyond imagination. They are designed not only for taxation issues, but perhaps also to enforce an upcoming fascist agenda. Just a guess. But, many banks are considering the enforcement issues to be far more costly than the potential profits from holding an American account. The threat the Washington freaks are using is the withdrawal of any aid, or funding that a foreign government is getting, from the US, so you can bet they are getting full, and complete cooperation from the Thai Govt.

  3. The issue here, is that Thailand signed the charter, calling for all of these changes to take place. But, my guess is that they will ignore most of them. Do not forget, Thailand also signed the 6th Asean charter, which called for free trade of ALL ALCOHOLIC beverages, to be traded, DUTY FREE, amongst all members of ASEAN, starting Jan 1st, 2011. How much Bintang beer have you seen in Thailand lately? How hard is it to ever find a Beer Lao? Thailand is scared to death of the alcoholic beverages produced by it's neighbors, as most of it is far, far, far superior to the swill they have available here. So, someone obviously got to the people in power, and dictated that the law will not be followed. My guess is it was someone in the Bhirom Bhakdi family, the owners of Singha, who bought off the PM, Parliament member, Customs Dept. head, or some other goombah, who allowed the Thai brewers to skirt the law. So, do not expect much, in the way of change, or progress. For all that I love about Thailand, this is simply NOT the land of progress. If things move in any direction here, it is usually backwards!

  4. I agree. Islam needs some good PR. They have been having a PR issue worldwide, as the goombah thugs are attempting to take it over. The support of the creeps in Saudi Arabia does not help. The Wahhabis are the most corrosive influence in Islam. Allah does not even know their first names. It has nothing to do with God, or spirit. It is all about a group of incredibly insecure men, trying to dictate their misguided policies to the world. If one is comfortable in one's own skin, one does not need to chance the world, or have the world mimic their every move, right? Yes, in my experience most of the Muslim world are kindhearted, gentle people just living their lives, and leaving people alone. It is the freaks that give them a bad name.

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  5. The fact is that AirAsia is a wonderful airline. They have saved me a fortune over the years. Just booked round trip KL - Lombok, for 3,000 baht, round trip for two. Where else can you fly for that amount? But, you have to develop a skill set, on how to maneuver the site. It is set up to trick you into getting the extras. I always do carry on only. And print your boarding pass in advance, and then you do not even have to go to the counter.

  6. While there is a chance that the laws will be better enforced in Bangkok, the chances of it every being enforced on the forgotten land of Samui, are very low. The fabulously incompetent Mayor, Jaikwong Ramnate, continues to do very little for Samui, besides improve the roads, a little bit at a time. The governor of Surat Thani province in completely absent, from any recognition of Samui. The central government does not care, the local "sheriff" is out to lunch, and the local "toy police" are not interested. Will anyone step up? I go to air conditioned places all the time, and anyone can smoke whenever they want. I was in Buddy Bar last night, and someone lit up. The whole restaurant stank within 5 minutes. There are only a few spots, like the Spa, that care, and enforce this. I do not want to hear from the smokers of the world, defending the most heinous and annoying habit on the planet. Smoke in your own dam_n house, or car, or outdoors. When we are eating, the last thing we want if for a human chimney to light up, and disturb our meal. Show me some restraint, please.

  7. Thailand continues to rank at the bottom, of the countries in Asia that are making an attempt to fight corruption. So, for her to make a pronouncement like this is laughable. It is nothing more than comedy,except it is not funny. While Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and even India to aminor degree have been making some efforts to fight this disease for years now, Thailand continues

    it's great slumber. The thing that sets Thailand apart, is it's absolute unwillingness, inability, and lack of motivation, to do anything that will signify progress, or the ability to move the nation

    forward. It appears to be rooted in the unwillingness to take on the status quo. What has changed? Egg on the face by the foreign press only causes these silly announcement to be made. It does not cause

    anything to change. If there is anything one can be sure of in the LOS, is that nothing will change.

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  8. hhiser does not appear to understand the drug trade issue. To suggest that the death penalty serves to increase traffic is absurd. Surely it is the money involved. Unless he is saying that the drug lemmings get a thrill from the prospect of death. What a stupid outlook. I agree with Canopy on the trees issue. If Cambodia wanted to, they could stop the illegal logging from Thai territory by supporting the pirates with some other forms of employment. If there were no death penalty then the trees would be rapidly taken and the jungles decimated.

    These are not death penalties, these are executions without any form of trial. This is something I would expect from a nation like North Korea, but even then, there would have been protests from all over the world. Somehow, Thailand seems to escape any form of publicity around their killings, and mind you, this is not a unique example.

    You guys are taking yourselves too seriously. A death penalty is a fun thing. Think of it as sport. Why hold a trial? Most trials in Thailand are a sham. If someone has cash they can buy their way out of a trial. But, hard to buy your way out of an approaching bullet. It is a very clean form of justice. No trial. No jury. Just the poacher, and his oncoming bullet. How efficient. Also, one would also have to consider the deterrent factor. Probably effective. News travels fast. Cut Thai trees down at the risk of life and limb. Protect the forests, baby!

  9. This is the way Thais think about their neighbors, as animals which can be shot like rabbits (in France, we shoot rabbits). They are very lucky that the Burmese and Cambodian authorities are more civilized and just jail the Thai trespassers.

    Question of education: Thai parents and teachers should stop to teach contempt for Khmer and Burmese and Lao to the kids.

    Have you forgotten Pol Pot I think he was a Cambodian

    Remember, yes, but these executions are going on under Yinglucks administration. Perhaps we should ask her what she thinks. cheesy.gif

    Her response might be " Everything is perfect in this well organized country". Or, "nothing in Thailand is going up in price. It is just the imagination of the people". She would make a very good stand up comic. One liners on the level of "Little George II'.

  10. Meanwhile, Cambodia continues to kill journalists who are the least bit critical of this fabulously corrupt and repressive government. And they continue to kill landowners, who are not willing to move off their land, with little or no compensation, because some billionaire Cambodian developer, who is a friend of Hun Sen the great Pig leader, wants the land. So, these are the people complaining, and asking Thailand to deal with these poachers in a gingerly manner? Felling the hardwoods is a great crime. Is it worthy of death. Probably not. But, is has to be dealt with. How about 1660 volt electrical fences that do not quite kill, but injure in a big way?

  11. The fact remains that Taksin gained power through the 'fairest' elections Thais had ever experienced.

    Democracy was in its infancy and needed maturation time ... the majority had spoken , yes , even them stupid peasants in darkest Issan ....

    It was the Yellow Shirts who derailed democracy , with leaders who we all know were, and still are, as every bit as corrupt as the Taksin they denounced. They were outraged that these peasants could even have a voice. So they basically seized power.

    To me , unconcerned as to which snout is at the trough , there is a clear wrong in the actions of the Yellow Shirts.

    It must also appear that way to the majority of Thais , since the MAJORITY resoundingly voted the Red Shirts back into power yet again.

    Its time the minority had a rest , and let the democratically elected government govern.

    Its time they started actively canvassing the people , constructing new policies that include the rural working classes , and preparing for the next elections as we would expect in any democracy , not threatening further civil disruption.

    As for the protests in America , they can protest all they like....

    Good observations. Just a different kind of corruption. The fact is, that Thaksin was an anti status-quo as anything Thailand has ever seen. That upset alot of millionaires. Yes, he was a corrupt pig, but what about all the others? The people who say Abhisit was a man of honor forget that he was owned and controlled by the Army. So, what is the difference? A bit like the difference between Romney and Obama. Two bought and paid for whores. Nothing more.

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  12. Very ironic, that this man has a doctorate in criminal justice. May have helped him to evade the law for so long. If he was even half a man, he would return to Thailand, serve his two years in jail (if that), and return to public life, fully vindicated. No, instead this pussy chooses to live in exile, rather than face the piper. What a wimp. What a lightweight. What a lousy example for the Thai people. What a terrible example for the world to see.

    I'm afraid not. Were Thaksin to return he would be incarcerated as the time limit for appeal has expired. Outstanding charges would then be heard against him, and there are quite a few waiting, and others such as bribery of the court hearing the land deal case could also be lodged. Unless he gets a complete amnesty, he faces years of trials, and many more of gaol time. Tough TIT.

    No if he would be a man, he would arrive in Chang Mai Airport, pass the Immigration without arrest, than travel to Bangkok. The police will not arrest him with his brother in law in power. If some confused policeman tries it, than he gets a bloody nose from his body guards and get arrested later.

    Than travel to Bangkok and make some jokes about the courts, or even dissolve them. A real man like Fidel Castro would do that (not that I think Fidels politic is that great but at least he isn't a coward).

    Well, I suspect that if Fidel was facing arrest, he would run for the hills! He is a big man as long as he has his billions, and controls all of his people with a nearly iron fist. When is the last time you were in Cuba? The situation there is a horrific as ever. Doctors and Civil Engineers are earning $40 per month. Nobody has enough to eat. They have not had basics like aspirins, vitamins, etc., there for decades. The place is a total disaster, and a total failure in experimental communism. Fidel, Raul, and all of the top generals are multi-billionaires. So, please do not hold this human swine out as an example. He is no better than Thaksin, and actually quite a bit worse. Thaksin never subjected his people to the conditions this cockroach subjected the Cuban people to.

  13. A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

    Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

    Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

    Have you seen any evidence that they have an interest in cracking down on drunk driving? The penalties here are so light, that even if you are caught, it means little. In the US, you face upwards of $10,000 in expenses, lawyers, courts, and the possibility of losing you license for an extended period. What do you face here with the local "toy police"?

  14. We would hope that also means getting rid of the mafia assisted crimes committed by scam artists in the jet ski businesses, motorcycle rental businesses, etc, etc, more police protection.


    More police that are not in cahoots or in collusion with the rest of the scams perpetrated on foreigners touring the country.coffee1.gifermm.gif T

    I am all for the Tourism Dept Uplifting Standards Of Thai Tourism Products and Services, as long as they include far more safety

    precautions of Foreign Tourists.coffee1.gif

    Never gonna happen. The mafia scammers are richer, and more powerful than the "toy police", and the impotent government officials that are supposed to be keeping them in line, but instead more or less condone their behavior. A friend was visiting Samui recently, arguably one of Thailand's major tourist spots. He could not find information anywhere about places to see, best beaches, impartial restaurant guides, etc. Slovenia, Mail, Gautemala, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, and many other areas, with alot of tourism, have tourism offices, open to the public, in prominent locations in tourist spots. Do you think any Thai official has ever even considered such an idea? And they are supposedly approaching 20,000,000 tourists a year. Where are all the revenues going? Stupid question, right?

  15. Carrying a 9mm sub machine gun while eating lunch. Typical human behavior. We all carry sub machine guns around, right? If this was a civilian killing someone at lunch, is there even a 1% chance the police would rule it an "accident"? Just proves my theory that all Thai officials are above the law, especially then they have the cash to buy their way out of problems. Shame on this pussy. Shame on the Thai authorities. Shame on the National government. Shame on the attorney general (is there such a position in this relatively lawless land that many of us call home?).

  16. Happens all the time in the oylmpics,people getting robbed of medals,unfortunatly it also happens in pro boxing,just look ak Manny Pacious last fight. what a disgraceful decision!!

    Yes, exactly. This Chinese fighter is on the same level of Mayweather. He will do anything for a "victory". Where is the honor in that? A cheap win. This Chinese fighter was cheating the entire fight. The Thai gentleman was a picture of honor. He fought with his heart and soul, and never stepped over the line. Instead, his opponent stooped into the mud, and demonstrated his alligator heart, his crocodile soul, and his churlish spirit. Shame on him. Shame on China. China is the one government of the world, which embodies most the Mafia spirit.

  17. A look at the other side ... http://www.chinadail...nt_15670913.htm

    Also found a comment interesting...

    Zou said attacking the Thai was too risky, as the Olympic bout was too short to make any mistakes.

    "I was so eager for victory and felt so much pressure, but I had to be patient and cautious," Zou said.

    "The fight had only three rounds (at three minutes each), and I couldn't afford to take any risk while attacking."

    They really should have these fights be longer than 3-rounds.

    Zou is a disgrace to boxing. Never seen such a pathetic excuse for a fighter in 30+ years!

    While I want to agree with you 100%, I really can't blame a guy too much for using his brains and the rules to win. Just like the teams who threw matches. These things should never be an option. The rules should be designed in a way to do everything possible to assure the best players / teams win. I have not followed the guy but from what I have read, he seems to be a very calculated performer (not boxer) and knows how to get the wins.

    Very, very typical of many Chinese, and especially the government, which plays by no one's rules. Any act, any lack of character, any transgression is fine, it is results in a win. Sorry, but this is simply not the Olympic spirit. It is a Mayweather move. It is a cheap shot. It tarnishes sport in general. Winning is not everything. What about the means to the end? What about integrity? What about honor? What about sleeping at night, knowing you have done your best, and not used a hundred devices to win? This Chinese fighter was filthy. He may be a winner in the medal count, but he is a loser in my view. A sad sack of a man, when he has to resort to grappling, in a boxing match. What a loser.

  18. Win or lose, you never act like that after the results are announced

    Very poor loser

    Not sure what is worse for Thai image

    1- This boxer and his crying and actions on TV

    2- Or some lady saying she is going to buy a fake rolex

    My feeling also. suck it up.. be a man. At least he didn't lose to some farang. boy, that would have lit the Thai's up. whistling.gif

    Well, he knew he was robbed. Pure and simple. Grand larceny by the Chinese. A judge bought and paid for. It was apparent, and that was what the Thais were reacting to. I thought the behavior of his coach was fun. Let them have it. Why hold back? Tell it like it is. Egg on the face of the officials, and the Chinese. The Chinese are behaving like rich thugs. It was obvious they bought this fight.

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  19. LONDON GAMES 2012

    Disappointing result didn't dent pride in her champion son

    The Nation


    A file photo Mali Pongprayoon on August 10 in Kamphang Phet Province

    BANGKOK: -- On National Mother's Day yesterday, the mother of Thailand's hottest boxer Kaew Pongprayoon was trying hard to fight back tears upon seeing her son declared the loser in his Olympic light flyweight final, despite boxing brilliantly and winning huge applause from the audience.

    But in a telephone conversation with her son, she still offered lots of moral support to him.

    "Don't be sad. You have done your best," Mali Pongprayoon told Kaew.

    The mother also promised to pick up her son at Suvarnabhumi Airport when he returns from the London Olympics.

    Many Thai fans were angry at the referees' decision, saying Kaew outboxed China's Zou Shiming, who was awarded the gold medal.

    Due to yesterday's loss, Kaew will return to Thailand with a silver medal.

    "I am not sad that the referees seem to favour his opponent," Mali said.

    Kaew's father Kham Pongprayoon said he was not sad either. "I am glad that my son has done really well," he said.

    The couple thanked all Thais for cheering their son.

    Mali said Kaew had struggled hard for a long time because his parents were very poor. She said she and her husband had six children together, including Kaew.

    "He left home when he was still very young. He had to go from one boxing camp to another for so long. But his perseverance has paid off," the mother said proudly.

    Kaew's parents live in Kamphaeng Phet's Klong Lan Pattana district.

    In Ayutthaya, Kaew's wife Tharathip Pongprayoon said she was proud of her husband even though he lost the final match.

    "I think he has boxed very well, and the world - except the referees - sees him as the winner," she said.

    She said if she gave birth to a son, she would name him "London".

    "I also hope my son will follow in his father's footsteps," Tharathip said.

    She thanked the Thai public for standing by Kaew's side and showering him with support.

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, according to Government Spokeswoman Sansanee Nakpong, said Kaew won the hearts of both the Thai and foreign audiences.

    Tomorrow, Yingluck will preside over a thank-you party at the Paragon Hall, Siam Paragon, for the Thai athletes who took part in the 2012 Olympic Games.


    -- The Nation 2012-08-13

    Yes, his mother and father should be extremely proud. This warrior is a tremendous example of a Thai fighter. He found well, and was robbed. Why that penalty was given in the last 10 seconds was beyond me. I watched that tape over and over again, and the only conclusion I could come to was that this was another example of China buying off an international official. It happens all the time. China is one of the most heinous and corrupt, and power hungry nations on earth. They will stop at nothing to achieve international fame, and renown. This fight was badly officiated. The Chinese fighter behaved more like a wrestler, and should have been disqualified, or penalized far more than 2 points. This fight was a travesty, and is one of the few occasions I feel, that the Thai people are justified in their outrage. Shame on the Olympic judges.

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  20. Thank you Romney for picking Ryan as it increases the chances he will lose:

    They are running against a man who presided over the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth and all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt. Fat chance that the failure-in-chief will be reelected.

    Yea, all due to his predasessor.

    No. You are flat wrong. Some of it was due to W., but alot of it was just due to a fabulous lack of imagination, creativity, experience, and initiative. Compared to the man he lead us to believe, when many of us were fooled, and voted for him the first time, he is a pale shadow, and an empty suit. He has stunned many of us, by following through with so few of his promises. It is almost as if he completely sold out the first 30 days in office. I could name 100 areas where he dropped the ball. I believe the ONLY possibility of the US economy recovering, is to remove this incompetent man from office.

    I see your points.

    But do you really think that Romney would be better ?

    Also, I am not flat wrong.

    A lot of sh*t was left over from George W., Dick and their types.

    Give the guy another chance.

    Jeez, America gave George W. another chance and his father too.

    At least Obama is cooler then the alternative.

    With this you must agree (I hope).

    Or there's really no point in continuing this conversation.

    <p>I did not mean to insinuate that Tiny George did not leave a mess in his wake. He was a disaster, as a president, and terribly irresponsible with his fiscal policies. All I was trying to say, was that Obama is also responsible for losing sight of w

  21. Not much of a development actually. Romney has little chance of winning the election. He has shown during his recent O/S tour that he is nothing but a bumbling idiot and has little or no understanding of what it is that the everyday American wants and needs. Even choosing Ryan as his running mate won't save him.

    Obama by a proverbial mile. thumbsup.gif

    You have mis-calculated. There is very little chance of Obama getting re-elected. Just look at the Rasmussen polls. They are the only ones that are not bought and paid for. They consistently show Romney 5 points up. With Ryan he may add to that. Fortunately, the incompetent empty suit "Blumdering Barry" will not be re-elected. That is the only chance the economy has of recovering, as this fool has sabotaged the recovery so far.

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  22. Soft George et al. Don't feel like quoting.

    If someone smacks a pedestrian and flees in the US, man they get the book thrown at them. The couple of pedestrian strikes where drivers left the scene over the last year in NW Florida resulted in murder charges. I am sure the pleas the out to manslaughter or whatever, but they would still end up serving time for felony.

    What you don't see in US, or at least I have never heard if it, is dudes driving trucks or large passenger vans and buses crashing, killing people and taking off. More importantly, victims are typically compensated when injured, and compensated particularly well if injured by a commercial vehicle.

    What you are describing is law and order. Something that barely exists in LOS. Basically, the degree to which law and order relates to you, is equivalent to the amount of cash you have on hand. Perhaps in another 10, 20, or 50 years Thailand may come to terms with the importance of enforcing the law, no matter who you are, or how much you have. But, for now that is simply not the case. The "toy police" will only penalize you, arrest you, or imprison you if you are broke.

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