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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. I see many posts just complaining about how it is in Thailand. Yes Thais drive irresponsibly, flee after an accident, we know about money changing hands to cover up some problems, in many instances relating to victimless problems.

    I have been in Thailand for some 8 years now, and amongst friends, we say..."this is the way it is here". Period. And we prefer it to our home country, in the western hemisphere.

    There are many aspects of Thailand that we like, and of course many that we do not. But that is the way it is. We prefer the overall lifestyle. In Thailand we are even allowed to discuss what we do not like in the country.

    Maybe some of the complainants could go reside in Afghanistan, or Saudi Arabia, and complain publicly about the lifestyle and how women are treated for instance. Just to see if such complaints would jive as well as here with the local authorities.

    Just a thought.

    Wow. You are REALLY missing the point of this forum. You say that we are even allowed to discuss the issues here in Thailand in one breath, but in the next you suggest we should all move to Saudi Arabia, the land of very insecure12 year old boys pretending to be men? The whole point of this forum is it gives us a place to vent, and discuss our frustrations. We love living here too. You are not the only one who feels that way. The fact that we are discussing the issues in no way detracts from that. It is called democracy. It is called open minded people attempting to come to terms with life as they see it. I suggest growing a thicker skin, as it will benefit you for years to come.

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  2. Thank you Romney for picking Ryan as it increases the chances he will lose:

    They are running against a man who presided over the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth and all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt. Fat chance that the failure-in-chief will be reelected.

    Yea, all due to his predasessor.

    No. You are flat wrong. Some of it was due to W., but alot of it was just due to a fabulous lack of imagination, creativity, experience, and initiative. Compared to the man he lead us to believe, when many of us were fooled, and voted for him the first time, he is a pale shadow, and an empty suit. He has stunned many of us, by following through with so few of his promises. It is almost as if he completely sold out the first 30 days in office. I could name 100 areas where he dropped the ball. I believe the ONLY possibility of the US economy recovering, is to remove this incompetent man from office.

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  3. Was watching fares from around beginning of June to fly to Germany for my daughters wedding in December, prices were under 30,000 with aeroflot, then Airfrance had a sale and the prices were around 32000, in the end booked Aeroflot as noticed that the prices were increasing, cost me more than I wanted it to but:

    BKK to DUS

    return via CDG to BKK

    with Aeroflot

    The Russians do not have one of the better air safety records. It really does not matter how much you saved, if you do not make it to your destination.

  4. Sure save America by throwing the poor, minorities, unemployed, and sick off the cliff by giving additional welfare for the rich and corporations! This Ryan poster boy, Ayn Rand cult follower, is one of the most cold hearted politicians in American history. Great day for Obama supporters.

    Yes, except Obama has no solutions. More of the same, spineless, wimpy, do whatever the lobbyists ask policies. More broken campaign promises. This man has shown that he is an empty suit, with zero ideas, or solutions. Why else do you think there is nothing substantive in his promises this time? Slash and burn the opponent, and avoid discussing the issues. I am a lifelong democrat, and I hate Obama, as he is an incompetent neophyte.

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  5. In Suphan Buri, a woman crashed her car into a group of 10 bicycle riders, injuring nine of them, three seriously. The Suphan Buri Cycling Club members were riding along the Don Chedi-Uya Road at 10am when Manasawee Monwiratkul, 30, crashed into the group in her Mitsubishi Pajero as she took action to avoid another vehicle that had suddenly shifted lanes. Manasawee turned herself in to police at the scene.

    Well, at least we see some honor, and pride, and concern about doing the right thing. How often do you see that in the LOS, when it comes to drivers. This pissant truck driver who fled the scene, deserves to spend the rest of his life, being a fellow prisoners "girlfriend". Get ready, you slimeball. Bring some KY to the party. You are going down. Hope the "authorities" can find him, have the will to arrest him, and convict him. He sure deserves it. And what is up with this "fleeing the scene" deal, here in the LOS? You kill someone on the road, and you fess up to it, and deal with the consequences. At least, that is what real people do. Not referring to the reaction of insects.

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  6. Just another example of the thugs being more powerful than the police. Since the thugs that run the jet skis operations own the toy police, of course they will do nothing to aid a fareng getting ripped off. The solution is to establish an international boycott, with teeth. Every embassy and consulate of every country could create massive warnings. If you are going to Thailand, the last thing you should ever consider doing is renting a jet ski. I warn everybody visiting to stay away from these goombah thugs. We should all do the same thing. These pissant criminal thugs would be forced to sell their jet skis for ten cents on the dollar, as the entire industry would collapse overnight. A dream, but a nice one, huh?

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  7. Khun Komsan, the Provincial Governor will now take control. Is this supposed to mean something? It is a bit like saying now that George W. is president, the banking problems will diminish. Or, now that Yingluck is PM, the countries problems will be resolved. When, and only when they start arresting high ranking officials, in the Mayor's office, the provincial government, and the police department, will things start to change. When was the last time they made an arrest? Has a single person been convicted of a crime, in the past 10 years? Is this a rehearsal for a stand up comedy act? Is there anyone in a position of power who gives a rat's ass about these problems? I do not mean a knee jerk reaction of egg on the face from the foreign press. I mean give a dam_n, for the right reasons? Kudos to the Indian Consulate for issuing the warning. Kudos to Larry Cunningham, the Australian gentleman who continues his crusade against the corruption found in Phuket. Where is the Anne Hazari of Thailand? Does anyone care?

  8. This Surin character should just fess up to what he did. The way I see it he knew that they were going to rob the victim. And then he was an accessory after the fact in regards to the assault and " murder". I honestly don't think he thought the other guy was willing to kill, so had no proir knowlegde or any intent. A flat out denial makes him look bad and therefore a target for the prosecution. Admit guilt to the robbery and accessory after the fact and the sentence should be minimal.

    As for this other guy. He is a grub and should never see the light of day ever again. IMO. wai.gif

    Notice how often young Thai men deny their involvement, when caught red handed, committing a crime? The level of cowardice here amongst the youth is astonishing. Look, you freaking idiot, you were caught in the act. The cameras witnessed everything you did. It does not matter that you did not do the stabbing. You were an accomplice to the crime. You chose the wrong friend. You are guilty. Be man enough to admit it. What a woman (no offense intended to the gender). What a wimp. What a half man. What a piece of human excrement. Shame on him. Shame on his mother and his father. Shame on his family for generations to come.

  9. Gotta love it; a bunch of Thai officials holding an official government meeting to discuss just how great Thailand's prospects are. I'm stunned!

    However, this is typical of the whole face-saving society that plays such a large part of rotting this country to the core. Unless the citizens and officials of this country actually become capable of, let alone willing to, take a long, disconcerting look in the mirror, they won't stand a chance of fixing any of the problems. Until that happens, this country's attempts at self-analysis are going to remain a series of circle-j@#ks.

    This is probably why prostitution is so popular among Thai men...when your life is a steady stream of happy talk to whatever Puu Yai is in your presence, it's always nice to have someone else responsible for pleasuring you for a change!

    And the entire planet engages in waves of roaring laughter. I believe perhaps 20 or 30 or 40 years ago the world was considering the possibility that Thailand would become a world player. Those days have long passed, and on a daily basis Thailand proves to the world how incapable, unwilling, unprepared, and otherwise unable it is, to become a world player. The economy is shrinking compared to it's neighbors, it is doing less (very nearly nothing at all) to fight corruption than Malaysia, Vietnam, in Indonesia, the Philippines, India, China, and even Laos. The educational system continues to erode, multinationals continue to leave Thailand, or decide not to come at all, due to the flooding issues, the visa issues (relatively difficult to live and work here, compared to neighboring countries) the lack of creative leadership, the corruption, the higher cost of living, etc. So, for this goombah to contend that Thailand is ready to become a player on the world stage, is like saying Mali is ready to usurp Japan, as winner of the Iron Chef award.

  10. I'm one of those who used to have a Dreambox to watch True as we have four points in the house.

    Ok, Now i have a legal Platinum package on one point and Vinesat satellite from Vietnam on the other three points.

    HD and most SD channels are much clearer or sharper from Vinesat than from True. If only True would deliver quality and not quantity.

    Very TRUE. I just got the service yesterday. Though the HD is far better than their normal service, it pales in comparison to HD reception in the US. So, it is better, but not really HD. As always, the service received is inferior in Thailand. The people who provide these services have no pride in what they are doing. Where does that come from?

  11. Another vote for Myanmar / Burma from me. The question is rather what type of businesses you as a non-connected foreigner could legally start, imho.

    Everyone seems to be saying Burma at the moment, but the reality is that the very best possible outcome for that place is that it will be like today's Philippines in 20 years from now with about five families controlling the majority of the economy. Land is already hugely expensive in the urban areas and almost everything is owned by a very small group of people. I very much doubt your going to see it opening up in the same way as Cambodia did where everything was still to play for and foreign businessmen and investors were basically given a free reign.

    Finally, an assessment from a sensible man. Even Suu Kyi recommends caution. There is so much unbridled optimism about Burma. The govt. has not proven that they are not still absolute pigs. They have raped, pillaged, maimed, and stolen from their people for 6 decades now. All of the top generals are multi billionaires. What proof does ANYONE have that there is any real reform? Of course they have released a few thousands prisoners. They understand the billions to be made on the foreign investors. But, are they (the govt., and the military) really willing to offer the freedoms and liberties that so many of us take for granted? Are they willing to stop persecuting and raping the Rohingan people, or will they stop killing the Karen? Or stop dealing in heroin? Really, people. Let's view Burma with a bit of sobriety, and let the pig generals demonstrate that they are serious about real reform.

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  12. Another vote for Myanmar / Burma from me. The question is rather what type of businesses you as a non-connected foreigner could legally start, imho.

    Regarding North Korea? What's changed? They certainly have not by much if at all and won't for a long time. Cuba would have been a better long term reply but it's not in Asia, of course.

    Cuba is a dreadful place to live. It is a virtual police state. The last time I was there a local guy that I spoke to for 5 minutes, was immediately arrested. The sentiment of the police is that if you are talking to a foreigner, you are either pimping, selling drugs, or trying to attain the incredibly illegal dollar. It is a police state. The leaders are absolute billionaire pigs. Castro is a swine. The people hate the govt. The food is horrendous. The women are beautiful, but it is all underground. Not even much fun to visit anymore, much less live.

  13. It is certainly nice to have a superhero face to use, when a problem arises. Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung is just such a superhero. He is capable of anything. His prowess knows no bounds. If he entered the olympics, he would win a gold medal in every sport. If he went back into business (former massage parlor pimp) he would become super rich. His integrity is unimpeachable, and when he said 90 days ago that the mafias that plague tourism will be eradicated within 90 days, that is exactly what happened. There are now no more issues with the tuk tuk mafias, the taxi mafias, the jet ski mafias, the go-go bars ripping off tourists, the katoey stabbings, etc, etc. They are all solved. Thank you Khun Chalarm. Now that he is in politics, he is solving every problem, crime, and issue the country has. Thank Buddha for this great man. Imagine the problems Thailand would be facing without this savior on the scene?

  14. They might try finishing the Sky Train and elevated highway before they get to carried away,what an eye sore those unfinished columns are.

    Thailand's version of stonehedge. What do you want to bet that 400 years from now they will be debating the meaning of the columns? Who built them? Why are they here? What do they mean? Why are there so many of them? What could they possibly have been used for? Why was such a fortune spent? Who was held responsible for the fiasco? Were they jailed or fined?

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  15. Do they actually know what hub means?

    Maybe they are misinformed. Maybe the nations spell checker is wrong. Maybe they mean hut, or hurt, or hum, or......

    Yes, hub means Thailand. Since this is not only the center of the universe, but also the center of the world when it comes to business, banking, dance, music, theatre, opera, comedy, television, movies, fine jewelry, fine clothing, and culture in general. The Thais have the deepest grasp of all things important, and the culture is #1 in the world. Nothing else really matters. Nowhere else is more significant. Why should we teach our children english, geography, math, or science, when we are such world leaders?

  16. “Sometimes the police are waiting outside our premises, arresting people who come here,” Piyabutr Nakaphiw, the manager of O-Zone, a drop-in centre for drug users in Bangkok, told IRIN. The centre employs drug users as outreach workers to distribute clean needles to other users in their communities. “They stop our outreach community workers, and if they are tested positive for drugs, the police either ask for money or arrest them,” said Nakaphiwat.

    Just another example of the destructive force of law enforcement in this country. These parasites bring virtually nothing to the table, and feed off of thai society like vampires. I believe the Thai police are on of the most heinous elements in thai society. They barely earn the right to breathe the oxygen they consume. They are a virtual revenue collection agency. What do you think the statistics are, in regard to the amount of crime they solve, prevent, or fight? How many other countries have a police force as inept, incompetent, corrupt, underpaid, and poorly equipped?

  17. Why bust the little mum and pop stores, they aren't exactly selling truckloads and what they do sell hardly provides enoungh income to feed the family for a day.

    Because it is the law?

    Because alcoholics have rights, too?

    Or something else?

    What's the right answer? smile.png

    I do not know. Maybe because it is against the law? Why do they have to break that law? To make an extra 100 baht or so? Do they really need those extra sales? I say lock them up. But the reality is that it will NEVER make it to trial if the family has enough cash to pay off the collection agency (police)

    Well, while 100B may not be much to you, to some - namely the people who depend on selling ale for their daily rice - 100B is a good amount of money.

    Many of these smaller shops live literally hand to mouth and the 100B loss you speak of would be a severe burden to many of these small establishments.

    If it upsets you to the extent you think they should go to jail, how about you, or the powers that be, reimburse them the 100B loss and they they could close for the day and everyone would be happy...?

    Good idea. Let me know where to send the check, or transfer the 100 baht. Would be happy to provide some charity to an upstanding upcountry merchant.

  18. All religions are eveil the only thing they produce is stupid rulles like these regarding alcohol, Buddha himself smoked opium, drunk alcohol, smoke marihuana, so why the hell they are trying to impose these crazies bans?

    Wow, a man of great knowledge and wisdom, right here on our forum. What on earth do you know about Buddha's daily behavior? What do you know about the quest for enlightenment? We all go to great extents to justify our own lifestyles, but to accuse a great Prophet and Avatar like Buddha, of behaving how you and I behave is quite ignorant. Just live your life, and stop making excuses.

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  19. Afaik, it was sale not consumption that was declared illegal. By inference, consumption might be discouraged, but not illegal. As usual, most people stock up in advance for a couple of days, rather than encourage others to break the law by trying to buy. That way, they can respect Thai customs and the law, and still enjoy their favored tipple.

    I still can go to my favorite restaurant, have my bottle of Jameson on the table and drink. The restaurant may not sell, but customers can drink whatever they want. Kindergarten Thailand. Actually the only reason I stay here is the climate, and it is a little cheaper than St. Barts.

    The bottom line, is that is probably the single biggest draw for most of us. It is getting more expensive, and I wonder when the tipping point may come. Those Thais that are charging 25 baht per kilo for watermelon, and 80-120 baht per kilo for oranges on Samui have absolutely no idea that they are potentially trashing the future of the tourism industry. When this place is no longer affordable, we will go elsewhere. Where, I do not know, but somewhere else. But, St. Barts? What are we talking about, $8 coffee? $30 lunches? What about travel? Can you find a $30 per night hotel in the region? Doubt it.

  20. Everyone seems to miss the comment concerning medical cost rip off of farangs. I recently went to Bangkok Hospital for second opinion and they wanted to do 200,000 BAHT surgery the next day to remove bones in my hand. Medical is turning into the big legal rip off for tourists at least in Bangkok. Not true here in Udon Thani where no seperate pricing for Thai and Farang.

    Private hospitals are a business and has always been a business. $7000 for surgery is nothing compared to the west, where just a visit to doctor costs $300

    A friend of mine got into a serious motorcycle accident. He went to Bangkok Hospital Samui, which may be the most expensive hospital in Thailand. He then trasnferred to Thai International, where he was told by a surgeon that the same doctors work at both hospitals. The cost was 55% less, for virtually everything. He was quoted 1,350,000 baht for one operation on his leg at Bangkok Samui Hospital. A complicated procedure. He then went to Bangkok. He checked a local, private hospital, and was quoted 460,000 baht for the same procedure. One of the surgeons took pity on him, and told him he would look into doing the procedure at a public hospital. Same surgeon, and good facilities. He was quoted 46,000 baht, which he went forward with, and the results were fine. So, it pays to shop around, and I would advise avoiding BHS at all costs, unless it is a simple exam. Also BHS will not allow you the option of NOT BUYING prescriptions at their drugstore, which charges 100-200% more than the local pharmacies. That alone is a good reason to not use their services. As close as you can get to a mafia type hospital, though having said that, it is an excellent hospital, if money is not an object.

  21. Thailand and crime against toursits. Key Facts Illustration.

    1. The safer the tourists (i.e. the more protection and anti-crime measures the government prodives), the less likely is it that they will be scammed and the less money that can be extracted from them and into the hands of the criminal fraternity.
    2. Most successful and smartest criminals that are nested within the tourist industry pay a premium to local bosses, who in turn pay a premium to regional bosses.
    3. In return for the premium, the criminal pyramid is given permission to trade, usually slightly over into the dark side of the law to give them competitive advantage within the local/regional economy.
    4. Protect tourists, turn off a lucrative revenue stream to local and regional bosses.

    QED. Those in positions of power who are entrusted to actualy implement any new rules will not do so because it will cost them financially thus conflicting with their own personal interests.

    An example of this is jet ski operators in Phuket. They don't actually murder and rape, but they do steal - and very openly. Some Thais might even consider this justifiable as in a necessary and fair way to extract a proportional amount of return from a disproportionately wealthy foreigner. They are allowed to continue to operate despite very international outrage simply because they pay the local cops an operators charge. The cops in Phuket almost certainly pay somebody to be allowed to allow jet ski scam to continue, and so on. Why do they do this? Do they think it's ok to rip off tourists? Yes they do. They see us every day in the bars, fighting in the streets, taking girls (and boys), hedonistic debauchery some may say. If you genuinely beleive that the locals and Thai cops in Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya or any other bar/beach/girly hot spot have any respect whatsoever for the two week tourist then you are sadly deluded.

    Until the mentality of the majority of Thais is significantly altered with regards to their view of tourist personal wealth value and the great 'unfairness' of life the univserse and everything, AND, the bosses who are paid to allow reasonably petty criminal activity (stabbings and wanton violence are frowned upon, most crimes are theft and extortion/fear based) to continue (in reflection of the the redistribution of wealth because of the great 'unfairness' (and envy) of foreign wealth) crime will continue.

    The sound-bite for this discussion is simple.

    Corruption and kick backs within the circles of power (not even a need to say who) will continue to permit crime against tourists. All responses to pressure from consulates and other groups will be met with token gesture attempts at appeasement, where the Thais will still maintain CONTROL over who get's the whack.

    CCTV? Sorry, can't find the tape mate...

    +1 and this is not sarcasm (did I spell that right?).

    There is a rather huge difference between sarcasm and truth. Truth be told. Thailand needs more truth.

  22. Goodness, you guys are scaring me!

    I will be visiting Thailand from the 7th August for 2-3weeks. How do I avoid all these things?! I haven't the money to be having police scam me or anyone else for that matter. A couple of dollars here and there I can tolerate, but not frequent or large fines etc.

    If I just go to cheap places and don't engage in all the expensive tourist stuff will I be okay?

    I don't plan on riding jet skis or any expensive stuff, I might not even use a scooter if the risk of fines by corrupt police is high.

    Advice please.

    Where shouldn't I go?

    What shouldn't I do?

    What places are safe?



    Don't do what you see Thai people do ahd think it applies to you. Just follow the laws as they are written. Like wearing a helmut and don't drink and drive. But mark my words in 3 weeks you will get stopped only because of the color of your skin. And don't talk back when you are stopped. Just smile, pay the 500 baht (20 dollars) and go on your merry way. You'll have a good time. All of us on here complain because we live here and have just been here to long and have seen it all. For you, just have fun and get laid

    helmut is German, helmet is a protectve device

    check the exchange rate

    If you wear a helmet, and have a thai drivers license, when you get stopped for tea money, you just hand the guy 100 baht. They will be able to do nothing but accept it. They are banking on the fact that you are breaking the laws. When you have your stuff in order, there is little they can do, except move on to the next guy.

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