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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Australian Universities are extremely good, and the quality of their graduates is very high. Australia always ranked very highly in comparison to the US, and much of the time was considered better - certainly several orders of magnitude safer than the US as well. I am surprised at these results, and a little skeptical.

    It always tends to turn into someone against the US.

    My friend, in what areas do the Aussies dominate or even excel in?

    Finance? Australian Wall Street?

    Law? Well, certainly law is different, so perhaps not really easily comparable.


    Technology? Aussie Silicon Valley??


    I mean common guys. The US is a VERY large country by western standards with the MOST diverse populace, has led the INDUSTRIAL, MODERN SCIENTIFIC, AGRICULTURE, RETAIL, CONSUMER, TECHNOLOGY, FINANCE revolutions of the last couple hundred years. The secondary unis are still always among the best in the world.

    Has there been a recent decline in overall education? I believe so, yes. But, what the US has that many other countries do not is the legal and regulatory structure to make very fast policy changes to affect change (whether positive or negative, of course). That has always been its major advantage. Americans, unlike most Europeans, (not sure about Aussies) are not so tied to tradition and long, complex histories that often hold these other countries back. As the American economy recovers (faster than those of Europe and Asia, I might add), and as the presidents and policy makers focus more acutely on scaring Americans into believing that the Chinese and Indians are actually turning out better prepared graduates (and thus encouraging American voters to force more money into education as a percentage of GDP), I think we are in to see a resurgence in the focus on education across the country.

    As far as Australia goes, I'm not picking on them. But, what really are they known for? In what areas do their graduates make their mark? And, how many of them are there anyway? America is much larger than Australia, so you are certainly bound to get more American graduates at some level below where you might another, random Aussie graduate.

    They are known for world class winemaking, and excellent cinema. Also a strong exonomy and currency Who needs any more than that? The world knows the US is going downhill fast. I say that as an American. The empire is on the wane.

  2. The high fuel prices are partly the fault of the government. In most countries, the price of gasoline fluctuates with the price of oil. Oil has fallen about 8 or 9 percent in the past few weeks. Have we seen gas go down 3-4 baht per liter yet? No. Almost no drop. All of that difference represents profit on the part of the state owned petro company. Either that company of completely out of the control of the central govt. (what a surprise!), or the central government is either too inept, or too indifference to care. When Yingluck mouths off her policies of taking care of the people and bringing down that cost of goods, it would seem like this might be a good place to start.

  3. Just keep in mind, that if you are from the US, the Obama administration has forced all countries who benefit from any sort of US aid, to report all deposits, and interest earning income to the IRS. It is a fascist policy, designed to control all Americans. So, consider this when it comes to banking here. Lately, some major banks have declared wealthy Americans to be radioactive, when it comes to banking, and the obligations imposed by the fascist Obama regime.

    The part about Obama is not true. Hate him if you must, but at least hate him based upon fact and not conspiracy "theories."

    However, American citizens are required to inform IRS of any foreign bank accounts .... but this has been in effect for many years before Obama took office.

    Your information is incorrect. The new banking law goes into effect January 1st, 2013, and it is entirely the work of the Obama Administration. The laws are draconian, and oppressive. He approved them, and it is further proof of his conservative positions. Do not allow yourself to be fooled by this guy.

  4. Just keep in mind, that if you are from the US, the Obama administration has forced all countries who benefit from any sort of US aid, to report all deposits, and interest earning income to the IRS. It is a fascist policy, designed to control all Americans. So, consider this when it comes to banking here. Lately, some major banks have declared wealthy Americans to be radioactive, when it comes to banking, and the obligations imposed by the fascist Obama regime.

    The part about Obama is not true. Hate him if you must, but at least hate him based upon fact and not conspiracy "theories."

    However, American citizens are required to inform IRS of any foreign bank accounts .... but this has been in effect for many years before Obama took office.

    You are simply wrong. You give the man too much credit. I am a lifelong democrat, and I can call a fascist a fascist when I see one. So many of his policies are to the right of Bush. In retrospect Bush looks moderate in comparison to this goombah.

  5. Just keep in mind, that if you are from the US, the Obama administration has forced all countries who benefit from any sort of US aid, to report all deposits, and interest earning income to the IRS. It is a fascist policy, designed to control all Americans. So, consider this when it comes to banking here. Lately, some major banks have declared wealthy Americans to be radioactive, when it comes to banking, and the obligations imposed by the fascist Obama regime.

  6. A simple question. Do you know where it's sold laugh.png Not a world health debate.

    There used to be a shop on the ring road in Lamai. Once you pass the the Temple, turn left. A few hundred metres on the right.

    As for the hydroponic shop that is always open , they might look shut but someone always there.

    A simple question. Do you know where it's sold laugh.png Not a world health debate.

    There used to be a shop on the ring road in Lamai. Once you pass the the Temple, turn left. A few hundred metres on the right.

    As for the hydroponic shop that is always open , they might look shut but someone always there.

    I believe that shop is closed. Hydro heads uses little of no chemicals, as all the produce is grown above ground. Near the south junction in Lamai. Look for sign on right side, while proceeding south. They do various lettuce, rocket, basil, and more. Great operation, run by a very charming woman. I support them as much as I can. They are an asset to the island.

    • Like 1
  7. What this rocket scientist PM is not taking into account, is that "Murphy's law of Thailand economics" states that when prices go up, they rarely go down again. They simply create a new benchmark. Although I realize in Koh Samui the prices are much higher than elsewhere (the exceptionally high costs of a 90 minute ferry ride from Don Sak), just the prices of oranges alone has doubled, to tripled in the past 2 years. Watermelon is now more than in the US, though the quality is higher here. Many things are still reasonable here, but everything is going up, and the PM should have enough courage to admit she cannot influence the prices much.

  8. I have been searching for a mac expert to repair my nearly new 27" mac desktop. Still under warranty. Apple warranty repair in Thailand appears to be nearly useless, as I have tried that route. 13 year olds doing mans job! Please let me know if you know of anyone who does home visits.


    Please contact via PM.

  9. According to my trusted sources this top secret project has already been approved. A large international airport just outside of Don Sak. BA will have zero say in it, and the fatcats can still fly direct, as internationally insane prices. So BA continues their mafia route, while we are offered a competitive alternative. Kudos to the Surat Thani govt. for spearheading this project.

  10. Just another nationalistic rant, by a man with the emotional, and intellectual development of a 13 year old. Blame it on foreigners. Thailand has been doing this for the better part of the last 50 years. It is a bit naive, at best. Let us not take any responsibility for the deterioration of moral values in the Kingdom. Let us blame it on outside factors. Hopefully, many will be able to see past this nonsense.

  11. Economics?? You meant profits right?

    I guess both. Air Asia from BKK to CNX is THB 1750, Thai 2425 and Bangkok Airways 2450. On this basis, I fail to see how PG can suddenly get their price down to 1000 on the USM route. Maybe around 2000 is the breakeven level (bearing in mind all the addtional services like lounge etc). 2500 - 3000 is the price it used to be only a couple of years back which included profit. The only reason we are up to the 5000 level today is because BKK-USM is subsidising the rest of their routes where it has to be competitive and at this price, it enables PG to remain profitable which is no mean achievement for any airline today.

    well i am sure the rest of the samui business is thrilled to be subsidising bkk air profit margin.

    The point trying to be made is that Bangkok Air has been taking advantage of their monopoly of Samui for a very long time. It has been to the tremendous detriment of Samui tourism, and the Thai government is either unwilling, unable, or just too apathetic or uninformed to do anything about it. Their monopoly should be removed effective immediately, for fair compensation and the TOT should take over that airport as they do all other airport in the Kingdom. What is happening in Samui is sickening. Bangkok Airways is a good airline in many regards, but what they have done with Samui is nothing short of Mafia tactics, and it is dreadful situation. I have heard this from countless people in the tourism industry here. The CEO of Bangkok Airways should be arrested, and jailed.

  12. Did someone mention management skills? What were they referring to? Certainly not Yingluck. She has shown a disastrous degree of incompetence. Even my die hard red shirt friends in Issan, now shake their heads, and roll their eyes when her name comes up. I ask them if they still support her, and they can barely muster an answer. When the core supporters start behaving like that, what is her future. I suspect she has killed any hope that Mr. Toxic has, for a future in thailand. Yingluck to the Thaksin brand, is a bit like little george was to the Bush brand. Not particularly favorable, though as much as I disliked him, he was competent and effective by comparison.

    • Like 1
  13. Apple warranty service in Thailland appears to be atrocious. I sent my nearly new 27" mac desktop in for service. It took one full month. When it was returned the two very specific problems I had were exactly the same. When the computer is on for a few hours the highlight feature stops working. The mouse will click on something, but it will not highlight, and the keyboard sometimes stops working too. The only fix is to re-boot the whole system. They were specifically told to leave it running for a few hours, and they would see the problem. Did they do that? Obviously not. How could Apple contract with such incompetent people? Makes me wonder about the wisdom of buying Apple products in Thailand, when the customer support, and service is so terrible. Very disappointing.

  14. Just another fabulous false, and poorly veiled attempt to save face, and look good to her constituents, after hearing 1,000 complaints about the flagging tourist industry. How about a few of these ideas?

    1. Improve road safety standards, so less tourists die on vacation here in mini-van, bus, and motorbike accidents.

    2. Go after jet ski, taxi, tuk-tuk, and other scammers.

    3. Force thai airways to lower their prices, so the flagship thai airline is competitive.

    4. Make the visa policy more user friendly, ease the visa extension process, and generally make the place more tourist friendly.

    Shall I go on? I could fill a page with useful suggestions that it does not require a rocket scientist to figure out. The point is, do something, rather than blabber about nothing. The only thing another policy does is create profit for the one writing it.

    • Like 1
  15. What is interesting about watching two big men punch each other to a pulp? I've never understood

    Well, you are obviously not a fight fan. What is interesting about answering a question asked by a man that has so little understanding of humanity, that he has to ask a question like this? Why on earth would you fault another man for having passions, that make life rich and interesting? Have you ever asked yourself that?

  16. Abhisit, in his much ballyhooed speech at Centralworld in 2011 immediately before the elected, publicly admitted he signed the order to use deadly force on the street protests. He said he cried. ...

    An outright lie.

    Even Saksith Saiyasombut in his article at Asian Correspondent.com about the rally on June 23, 2011 does not make that claim. What Aghisit said was:

    People are saying I do not show much emotion,” Abhisit said, “but on the night of April 10, I cried!”

    There was no "order to use deadly force on the street protests". What there were were rules of engagement that were modified in the face of the increasing violence the Army was facing. These culminated in the ones announced on May 14th that allowed the Army to use live ammunition in 3 circumstances:

    1. as warning shots to deter demonstrators from moving closer
    2. for self-defense
    3. when forces have “a clear visual of terrorists

    How well the individual troops on the ground followed those orders should be subject to close investigation. As should who was shooting and lobbing grenades at the Army and who was behind that armed faction of the UDD.

    Strongly suggest you read the HRW report Descent into Chaos. You very likely will like parts of it and disagree with others. But at least you will have a factual background.


    Abhisit, in his much ballyhooed speech at Centralworld in 2011 immediately before the elected, publicly admitted he signed the order to use deadly force on the street protests. He said he cried. ...

    An outright lie.

    Even Saksith Saiyasombut in his article at Asian Correspondent.com about the rally on June 23, 2011 does not make that claim. What Aghisit said was:

    People are saying I do not show much emotion,” Abhisit said, “but on the night of April 10, I cried!”

    There was no "order to use deadly force on the street protests". What there were were rules of engagement that were modified in the face of the increasing violence the Army was facing. These culminated in the ones announced on May 14th that allowed the Army to use live ammunition in 3 circumstances:

    1. as warning shots to deter demonstrators from moving closer
    2. for self-defense
    3. when forces have “a clear visual of terrorists

    How well the individual troops on the ground followed those orders should be subject to close investigation. As should who was shooting and lobbing grenades at the Army and who was behind that armed faction of the UDD.

    Strongly suggest you read the HRW report Descent into Chaos. You very likely will like parts of it and disagree with others. But at least you will have a factual background.


    For a politician to say they cried, is about as disingenuous as an american politician saying they prayed. There are certain acts that are personal, and by discussing them you are either admitting they meant nothing, or you are lying about doing them in the first place. This statement was beyond ignorant. Coming from a bought and paid for whore. He may have been smart, well educated, and well intentioned. But, in the end he was an army whore, in that he did the bidding of the generals, and made sure the richest families in thialand only got richer. He did very, very little to benefit the people of Thailand. Alarmingly little.

  17. I think the floods that will come this year will have people wishing for last years floods to take the edge off the pain!! These are not singular events......get used to extremes of weather for years to come!!

    Alot of the best minds in science, believe that global warming brings great inconsistency in weather patterns. It is not a consistent rise in temperatures, nor a consistent rise in precipitation. It is up and down. Colder winters, warmer summers, followed by anything but. An interruption in the patterns. So, one never knows what to expect. It is foolhardy to think every year will be equally wet, or hot. Global warming is not that simple. Only mans mind is.

  18. Hang on didn't the U.S strongly deny they had any such thing in Thailand and torturing of people was not the American way? Either this guy is lying or the prim and proper U.S.A is lying. Either way I think this guy is going to be in a lot of trouble and the U.S are not going to like what he is saying. "Dead man Walking"

    What, the US government lying about something like this? No, that would never happen. Since when do you think honestly is something one can ask of ANY government? I believe the days of noble governments either never existed, or are a historic footnote. Certainly not the US government. Nothing Obama says can be trusted. But, the next president, if it is Mitt Romney, which I believe is likely, will be the same. It is institutional, at this point. National Security, or some such nonsense.

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