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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Eat Sense on the main beach road, South Chaweng (next to Banana Fan Resort)

    Thai, beach side and a touch fancy.

    Thank you for your posting.

    I agree Eat Sense is very good. But, I think a bit too overpriced, when it comes to portions. If money is not an object, the food is very good, and the space is lovely. But, Sabeinglae near Hinta Hintai has better food, bigger portions, and is half the price. And is right on the beach too. Not as much atmosphere granted, but excellent.

  2. Are there any "affordable"restaurants on the beach in Chaweng?Preferable Thai food.Also happy on Thai food restaurant recommendations around Chaweng. Thnx a lot Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I once walked the entire stretch of Chaweng beach, from the southern area around Buco, to the Marina area, near the junction of the lake road, and the beach road. I found only one family style restaurant left on the beach. It is called Marina. Now, they have raised their prices too. Now up to around 130 per entree. Food is decent, and portions are on the smaller side. Very hard to find reasonable food on the beach anymore. I think the best remaining spot is Sabeinglae just south of Hinta Hinyai. On the beach, and really excellent food. Good portions, and quite fresh. Nice space. Good service. The seafood specialties are expensive, as is the case anywhere. But, the pad see yuu is only 80 baht with squid. Large portion, and really outstanding. The curries are no more than 100 baht. Large portions and outstanding. Crab fried rice is 100-250 depending on the portion, but it is as good as you will find on the island, and the 250 portion is huge. This is a really great restaurant. The branch in Chaweng is almost as good, but not on the water. Same menu. Different chef. Anyone know of any other spots on the beach, that are excellent and reasonable, would love to hear about it.

  3. Police say Mr. Wutthipong has been charged with armed burglary and carrying weapons into residential area without due cause.

    How on earth was he only charged with these lesser charges, and not assault, or assault with homicidal intent? Why on earth is the judiciary so compromised here? Even if he gets past the prosecutors office, which would be quite happy to let him walk free for a fee, the only way he will be convicted by the coward judge, is if his family has no money. It is a wonder this place has remained relatively safe for this long. It is a testament to the Thai spirit. I believe most Thais are not violent, and would never contemplate such a crime, and if they did, they would not engage in serious assault. It is the youth that is losing their way, and it is the youth I am concerned about. They have the potential to make Thailand into a very different place, than what we have all become accustomed to. So, the answer is tough, swift justice. If found guilty, find an uncompromised judge and prosecutor (is that possible?) and put this vermin away for a decade or longer, in a prison where he is sure to become someones girlfriend.

  4. Actually from what I have seen, Hua Hin is going in the opposite direction of Samui. The nightlife there seems to be getting better. More bars, more massage, etc. Anything you want basically. Not like the feeble Chiang Mai, when it comes to nightlife, and not like the diminishing quality of Samui, where both the quality and the quantity has been dropping for years. One can make the same argument about Phuket, if you discount Patong, which in my opinion is like visiting the Warsaw Ghetto, and paying a lot of money in the process. I hear the "elders" want Samui to become a family destination. They seem to be doing a good job. A very anemic nightlife scene, if you do not count 3 or 4 clubs. The bar and massage scene has been dying for the last few years, unless you like fat and ugly. Most of the punters are fleeing the island, as a result. Not so in HH. Getting better. Seems the scene is being encouraged by smart adults and planners. 

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  5. the kamnan and puyai bahn system in thailand is something from the 1700's.........keep the surfs under control.............while the police sleepcoffee1.gif

    Funny you would say that. What came to mind was Nucky Thompson. That was the freewheeling days of the early 30's, during the great depression, and he wielded his power like this village chief, in the show Boardwalk Empire. His character was based on the real mayor at that time. I am sure there are some village chiefs that are decent guys, just looking out for their village. But, it is apparent this particular guy was bought and paid for by the biker gang. Maybe his son was a member? I think he woke up that morning thinking he was Genghis Khan. Or Vladimir Putin. Let me put down anyone who gets in my way. Rather thrilled he got arrested. But, this leads me to my normal question at this juncture. What are the chances he encounters a prosecutor and judiciary that is not fully compromised? There is a reason why so few people with money serve any actual time here. And it is precisely those two levels of (non) justice that are the most compromised here in the LOS.

  6. Depends, what's your idea of fun?

    Hua Hin's not as "party " as her Patong and Pattaya cousins.


    Yes, but some of us feel that Patong is a blight zone. I do not think I would ever spend another evening in Patong, unless someone agreed to pay me at least $5000 US. It is akin to visiting a garbage dump, or worse. Even if I was into that scene, the prices are simply mind boggling. Discos run by crime families who get their patrons killed in fires, due to a complete lack of safety standards. Then buy their way out of trouble when arrested? A history of the most corrupt mayors on the planet. Reminds one of Boardwalk Empire. Congestion so massive, not a parking lot in sight. Everything is wrong with Patong. Patong makes Hua Hin look like Monte Carlo. Very good food, a great bar scene, and so much more than Patong will ever have. Really, the only thing Patong has over HH is better beaches.

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  7. Thailand faces trade ban over ivory failings:

    by Jonathan FOWLER

    GENEVA, July 11, 2014 (AFP) - Thailand faces an international wildlife trade ban unless it reins in its ivory sector, which is a magnet for traffickers, global regulator CITES said on Friday.

    "There have been years without any real action on the ground when it comes to controlling the illegal ivory market," said Oeystein Stoerkersen, chairman of CITES's governing body.

    The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has set Thailand an August 2015 deadline to fall into line or risk wide-ranging sanctions.

    Bangkok is under additional pressure to report back by January on steps to bolster recent laws on registering ivory importers, traders and legal stockpiles, that CITES claims are insufficient.

    "Without that, Thailand will face a ban, and a suspension of all trade no matter what commodity it is, of the 35,000 species listed with CITES," he told reporters.

    A ban would prevent the country trading anything appearing on that list with another country, including orchids and exotic wood, which are significant export products for Thailand.

    "I think that is a strong signal," said Stoerkersen, adding that Thai diplomats at the talks had acknowledged that their country needed to do more.

    But environmental campaigner WWF said the body should have hit Thailand harder, given that

    Bangkok pledged last year to smash the illegal trade but the quantities of ivory on sale rose sharply.

    "A suspension of trade in all CITES goods from Thailand would have been justified," said WWF analyst Colman O'Criodain.

    Current Thai law allows ivory from domesticated Thai elephants to be sold, making it simple to launder poached African ivory, WWF said.

    "Thailand's market is fuelling the illegal assault on African elephants," said O'Criodain.

    The decision on Thailand came as delegates wrapped up a week-long CITES conference on trade in endangered species.

    Earlier this week, CITES chief John Scanlon told AFP that elephants would be wiped out in some parts of Africa unless more countries got involved in efforts to prevent poaching and smuggling.

    Over the past three years, more than 60,000 African elephants have been killed, far outstripping their birth rate.

    Crime syndicates and militias in Africa have become increasingly involved in the multi-billion-dollar illicit trade, taking advantage of Asian demand for ivory to use in decorations and traditional medicines.

    - 'Next generation will not forgive us' -

    Stoerkersen said Thailand had become a "sink" for African ivory, sucking in imports bought by foreigners for export to other Asian countries.

    "It's more or less an unregulated market," he said.

    Along with China, Thailand is part of the "Gang of Eight" countries that have faced scrutiny over the ivory trade, but it is now seen as the key offender.

    Speaking at the conference in Geneva, William Kiprono, who leads Kenya's Wildlife Service, said his country is cracking down hard on poachers and illegal ivory traders.

    He said that the country is currently recruiting hundreds more wildlife rangers, but said more action was also needed from consumers.

    "In some places, they think that ivory just falls out of an animal just like feathers," he said.

    "We need to work together. If we don't act, we are going to lose our wildlife, as Kenya, as Africa and the globe. And the next generation will not forgive us," he said.


    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-07-12

    It appears that this kind of pressure is the only way to get Thailand to act on anything. Only with outside pressure, and embarrassment caused by international outrage, does anything really useful or constructive seem to get done here. Never simply because it is the right thing to do. Thailand has had a dysfunctional and ineffective government for so many decades now, people do not even remember what a competent government body looks like. And enforcement of any law is only as good as authorities with real power, and an uncompromised prosecutors office, and judiciary make it. Otherwise, it is just jaw boning and political babble. In other words meaningless, and pure BS.


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  8. Bona fide expats are completely EXEMPT from any obligation to have/purchase U.S. insurance coverage. Now on the other hand, if you don't meet the definition of bona fide expat, you indeed ARE required to have U.S. insurance coverage or be subject to penalties.

    For example, a state resident of Texas who lives 10 months in Texas and 2 months in Thailand is NOT an expat. Such a person is required to have U.S. coverage. He is not required to have coverage in Thailand.

    ACA/Obamacare is NOT nationalized/government health care!

    An "ACA" policy is just a policy from a FOR PROFIT private insurance company that meets the requirements of the ACA law.

    Private policies under ACA are subsidized based on income ... wealthier people pay full freight.

    Government health care programs that already existed still exist such as Medicare (for elders over 65) and Medicaid (a poverty program).

    In the U.S. states controlled by right wing republicans for the most part they have refused to cooperate with "EXPANDED" medicaid. Basically Medicaid is for people in severe poverty and expanded medicaid includes millions of Americans who are somewhat less poor. In effect, most of these people remain uncovered even with ACA going into effect. That's politics for you.

    I think too many people think ACA is nationalized health care like in Canada or the U.K. NOT EVEN CLOSE!

    In this case bona fide means living at least 330 days per year in Thailand, and paying income tax in this country. I ask again, how many Americans fit that description? It was a sell out. Agreeing to this exemption was a way to allow these companies to collect a premium, under penalty of a fine if the premium is not paid. So, essentially Obama became an insurance company schill in exchange for votes. Or, a $35 street whore.


  9. The root cause isn't the immigration rules, it's the crap, dangerous drivers.

    It is both, and the 90 day visa runs are completely unnecessary. They are in place due to either some arcane, antiquated laws, or the desire to stimulate the economy with these ridiculous visa runs. This law has got to be scrapped. It creates a lot of congestion, and is unnecessarily dangerous. I personally know people that have been killed on visa runs. The govt. should be ashamed of itself, for requiring this. Revise the policy. Grow and learn. Evolve. It is the way of the world.


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    I stand by my statement.

    If people drove here like they do in countries that not only have driver education, but, enforcement of traffic laws, deaths would plummet.

    There are many, many reasons to travel on the roads, not just visa runs. Changing immigration rules will drop death by visa run, but, what about the other 99.999% of road users that are not on a visa run?

    As a percentage of all road deaths in Thailand, what percentage do you think are caused by visa runs?

    You kinda prove that common sense ain't that common.

    Nah. I do have common sense. Rather proud of that fact. I was not intending to imply visa runs cause most deaths. Only that they cause unnecessary ones. I personally know two guys killed so far on these dangerous and quite unnecessary visa runs. A race against the clock. Of course better driving skills would help. And traffic safety on any level beyond the completely non existent level we currently see, would help. Unfortunately there is no consciousness of public safety here. The sign guys that fell off the baiyoke sky towers were a good example. None were wearing harnesses. Have you EVER heard of someone getting cited for reckless driving here? The police are a comedy act. Hooligan Goomba revenue collectors. Not public servants. Shame on the past 10 central govt. administrations for doing virtually nothing to improve safety standards.


  10. My understanding of the ACA is it only applies for medical treatment received in the US or a US territory.

    There are some threads that discussed ObamaCare here on thaivisa so a search might help:


    Yet, that same law requires you to maintain an American insurance policy, while living in Thailand, that you cannot use here. Or you will be subject to an annual fine that goes up to 96,000 baht per year. Yes, Obama gave into the mandatory provision, as he gives into everything the lobbyists ask for. There is a real stink in the senate over this, but from what I hear it is still in effect. Want to hear the real kicker? An American who lives overseas for over 330 days per year is exempt. Want to know how the insurance companies worked around the exemption? You have to be paying income tax in your country of residence, in order to qualify for that exemption. Can you believe that? How many Americans do you think pay income tax in Thailand? This leader of ours is bought and paid for. He is owned by the lobbyists. He works for them, and not for the citizens of his country.


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    I am not required to buy this coverage. Since I am a non-resident of the US. I am required to pay taxes in Thailand, but I do not because I have no income. But, even though it's not required, I am exceedingly grateful I'm allowed to buy this insurance despite my pre-existing conditions. For me, this is a very good law.

    I doubt very much that you are covered by any ACA plan...either from a state or federal exchange. Most (all?) of the plans have lists of approved doctors/hospitals and I highly doubt, in fact I'm 99.99999% sure there are no Thai doctors or hospitals on any of those lists. As was said originally, the ACA is for Americans living and/or working IN the good o'le USofA. Like Medicare, us stupid federal taxpayers who live outside the fatherland are not covered for any treatment for illness or injury outside the United States. Now, if you were a member of the US military-industrial complex, and spent any time since WWII killing yellow, brown, and black-skinned people on Uncle Sam's orders, they you would of course be covered. You figure that one out.

    But getting back to the ACA, I'm sure what whoever you spoke with in HI thought you were a HI legal resident and was under the impression you were traveling to Thailand short-term for vacation, work, family visit, etc. and not living full-time there. Therefore, you would be covered (like a private travel health policy) for illness and accidents. It's the same for all the other exchange policies...they provide overseas coverage provided one is there for the aforementioned reasons. The policies do not provide health insurance for Americans who are basically full-time expatriates (either working or retired).

    I believe you are correct. There are massive provisions that compel expat Americans to pay into the system, without receiving any benefits. The compulsory clause is still in effect, I am fairly certain. And the fact that he does not pay income tax in Thailand, despite the fact that he does not earn enough to have to pay, I would guess would be enough to disqualify. Do not forget. These laws were written to enrich the insurance companies, and were written by the companies themselves. Did Obama vet these laws? Yes. Did he say no to any of the most egregious aspects of these laws? No.

    And in regard to your comment about a veteran of war getting coverage, while that is true on paper, what about the millions of vets who have been waiting months to get in to see a doctor? The VA secretary was fired for a reason. His department was doing horrendously bad work. And though these thoughtless presidents lobby hard to put our men in harms way, they do not put the same amount of vigor into seeing that they are taken care of, when they return homes with limbs blown off. Shame on them for that. Shame on Obama for that. He cares little for these men in uniform. He has shown that repeatedly.

  11. Why honor a corrupt mental midget with a birthday celebration? Many feel it is a tragedy the man has lived one more year. He was one of the least loyal Thai citizens and one of the most decisive for many years. Hopefully he is becoming irrelevant. He is a boil on the face of Thailand. He is a cancer eating away at the country. Let him live out his remaining years in obscurity. Thaksin who?


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    "He was one of the least loyal Thai citizens and one of the most decisive for many years."

    Did you mean Decisive? or Devisive? which is a big Big Difference!

    Devisive or divisive? which is a big Big spelling Difference. smile.png

    Sorry, my bad. Devisive to be sure. Decisive about nothing except his own interests, and coming up with ways of hurting his own country, and stealing other peoples money.

  12. Why honor a corrupt mental midget with a birthday celebration? Many feel it is a tragedy the man has lived one more year. He was one of the least loyal Thai citizens and one of the most decisive for many years. Hopefully he is becoming irrelevant. He is a boil on the face of Thailand. He is a cancer eating away at the country. Let him live out his remaining years in obscurity. Thaksin who?


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  13. Most Mocha seems to be tasting the same but when in Bangkok I am always dropping by at a Starbucks near my office to have a large Hot Mocha with cream and one of their sandwiches.

    Coffee World is another one I like but nothing near my office.

    If I want a another good coffee I just take by Red Super Coffee (87 Baht for 25 packs) and drinks it at home.

    In my opinion coffee world makes Starbucks look really good. Very mediocre, poor service, and a horrifically bad selection of desserts. At least the Starbucks product is decent quality. And the location and spaces are usually nice. Coffee World misses every mark in my book. They even serve poor quality tea. They appear to have no self respect.


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  14. this is excellent news and exactly what Thailand needs, more coffee shops!!! Am I just a conspiracy theorist or does every Somchai and his mother seem to be laundering cash from somewhere though coffee shops? There is no actual way on earth they could possibly be making any money from them, although this may just apply to Chiang Mai and surrounding areas...... Same applies to the limitless number of resorts in the middle of nowhere, with not a prayer of ever seeing a customer.

    Do you have any idea what their profit margin is? Do you know what it costs them to create that 100 baht cup of Java? Not to mention the 90 baht fruit shakes, the 65 baht muffins, etc. All cheaper in the states. And labor costs? Are you serious with this question?


  15. I keep thinking that they are dealing with Phuket right now and will eventually move on to other areas. I am hoping Pattaya and Samui, Hua Hin will be soon on the list. Why would they stop at Phuket?

    One can only hope. For now Samui remains the forgotten land. Forgotten by the Surat government, forgotten long, long ago by the central govt which has never given the place any respect, attention, nor much in the way of financial support. A true bastard Island.


  16. Castration for ALL sexual offences should be mandatory.

    Castration and life in prison for all sexual offences against children.

    Death penalty for rape and murder.[/quote

    Ok so that means if you were horny and your wife said " i dont want sex tonight, but you sex her anyway" that is unconsentual sex which is rape. You are ready to die for rape of your own wife? Ohh or be castrated? Since you dont understand RAPE you shouldn't be screaming your uneducated opinions.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You are really missing the point, and are starting to sound like a lawyer. He means the rape of a stranger, who was unknown, and in cases where it can be proven without a doubt. At that point castration would be delightful and beneficial. There are some acts from which you can never return. Rape is one of them. Rape of a child is a crime which cannot be forgiven under any circumstances. Please stop apologizing for the pigs of society. They love your sympathy, but it is ill advised.

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  17. The street vendors are something that many tourists seem to love. On one hand the nation is pleading, rather unsuccessfully to date, with tourists to come back, and on the other they're removing the sorts of things that make Bangkok so attractive to a large percentage of those that do come here.

    Yes, but if that is true, the only reasonable explanation is that everything is being done right now, without any consideration for the tourist market. I believe the current leaders feel they are "above" commercial interests or considerations, and they are doing what they feel they need to do in order to right the ship, which admittedly has been listing for quite some time, and was close to sinking. You sort of have to admire the cajones that kind of thinking requires. Sort of.

  18. All of a sudden the US needs all the friends it can get. Russia, China, and Iran working against them. India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan working the other side. Saudis, Gulf states, and North Africa fomenting anti-American mischief. The French being the French. And, now, even the tamed poodle Germans getting upset. Not to mention the usual chaos and anti-gringo sentiment being sold south of the Rio Grande. Maybe some of the remaining Euro states are friendly, but none of them seem to matter much on the world stage anyway. Better take your friends where you can find them. Now, the Thai generals don't look so bad after all. In fact, I would say that it just might be the Thai generals who hold most of the cards right now. US might need to ingratiate itself somehow with them.

    All good points. The fact is that the US has been engaging is really silly, churlish, childish, petulant, non-visionary foreign policy for way too long. They always seem to be on the wrong side of the fence. Just look at what has been accomplished in both Iraq and Afghanistan. At least in Afghanistan there was a decent reason for going in. Iraq was a false war from the start, with ridiculous reasoning. And when you look at where the other countries are, that the US has been lending a hand to, when it comes to the utterly disingenuous push for "democracy", what can one say? Egypt, Libya, etc. What gross incompetence. No wonder their influence is waning. At least Hillary was competent. To look at Kerry fumbling around on the world stage is to witness the work of a fool.

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  19. Obama couldn't broker peace between to first graders fighting over a King Dong.



    Very, very true. When will his supporters, and his apologists just admit the man is completely in over his head, and completely incompetent? I always said that he would have been a great leader of the Illinois boy scouts chapter. Or maybe even a CEO of a company with under 100 employees. But, as the "so called" leader of the free world he is so out of his depth. His ability to broker a deal is almost non-existent. Neither side trusts him. Especially Israel. Actually his treatment of Israel is one of the few things he has done that I admire. He has stood up to the them. They hate him for that. Nobody stands up to Israel, much less an American leader. Not with the $US2,000,000,000 per year they spend on lobbyists. Not with a Congress and a Senate that is completely bought and paid for, and populated by $35 street whores. Obama is a nincompoop. He is a sold out corporate schill. What makes him so dangerous, is that he appears quite intelligent, and he pretends he is a centrist democrat. All this is coming from a life long democrat that voted for him. The first time. By a year into the first term I knew who he was. Most of my friends still do not acknowledge who he is. Sometimes I think he is more conservative than Tiny King George (Bush) II was. 


    The reality is that time and again, Netanyahu has demonstrated he does not want peace. He is not a man of peace. He wants to be a warlord. He is a freak. He wants peace as much as Pakistani extremists wants peace. 

  20. Kona is a latitude as central Thailand..

    I have some land at 4000 ft. above the airport..Aloha

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    I have never gotten the attraction to Hawaii. I have a lot of friends who have chosen Hawaii. Granted it is pretty. But, what has always turned me off was a combination of how incredibly unfriendly the locals were, along with the extreme lack of culture, how expensive the place is, and how uninteresting and vanilla the place is. Was I missing something? Never lived there, but have visited several times, and was bored out of my mind with the place. The whole aloha thing seems like a search for the local culture that is not really there.


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  21. Jacksonville area has real ocean beaches.

    Beautiful beaches. Clean beaches with no one pumping sewage into them. Fairly calm water and warm water.

    But beaches aren't my thing, and one goal in leaving LOS would be to ditch the heat and humidity.

    Six of those places on the list are in Florida. Having lived in Florida, I would say it is an experience I would not want to have to repeat. Devoid of culture, flat, featureless land, crazy hot and humid about 7 months of the year, and generally not a place I would choose to spend my life, if I could help it. So much of that list is based on climate. How important is that to you? And with those climate models they are using, they are obviously not taking into account heat and humidity, or they are attributing too much positivity to heat and humidity. Anyway, Florida is not a state I would wish upon you, so use this list with a grain of salt. One of the aspects of life I would put on my list would be the level of fulfillment most of the local population enjoys. If I had to guess, I would say the average American enjoys a low level of daily fulfillment. I know I will be criticized for saying this, but the quality of life in the US has dropped so dramatically in the last 10 or 20 years, for all but the wealthiest people. And that manifests itself on a daily basis. I see it everywhere I go there. Dour, unfulfilled people, with little joy or humor.

    If I had my choice, I would choose NOT to live in the US. Health coverage cannot be enough of a reason to choose a country to live in, can it be?


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  22. Does anybody know if there Is any decent shop in Thailand (anywhere) for

    1. Audio/Video equipment with consumer grade brands like Pioneer, OPPO, Denon, Sony, Panasonic etc.? I have seen some decent TVs in LoS, but never Homecinema equipment and speakers of middle to upper class, let alone High End. Beamers ? Projection screens ?

    2. High End Audio equipment and accessories like cables ?

    Thanks for any advice.

    Cables are very, very overpriced here. I have purchased cables for $20 on eBay, that I have seen for $200 here. Best to buy them overseas and have them sent here. Even duty on $20 is a lot better than the alternative. Do not give into the gouging.


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  23. OP what nationality are you?

    American. Italian/Irish with some Jewish blood from mom's side.

    That's where the money thing comes in. :)

    All that means is that you have some tendencies inflicted upon you by your upbringing. Most real men can overcome that. It is incumbent upon you to try, as that is part of personal growth. I do not consider being cheap to be a noble quality. Especially if you have the means. Being cheap, for cheap's sake, is just plain ugly for everyone involved. In my opinion, of course. The very minimum you could do is to split everything, but is there not a point where a man is a man, and he wants to look out for his gal?


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