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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. This is a very rich topic. I prefer practical intelligence over book learning, and I prefer street smarts over a very high intellect. I've known super intelligent people that were very neurotic, had a lot of issues, weren't much fun to be around, and didn't have particularly good attitudes. On the other hand my Thai gal is super intelligent but, not intellectual. Her mind is like a sieve, her memory is incredible, she can fix something just by looking at it, take it apart put it back together like a structural engineer. All of this without a university education. She thinks on her feet, is a great problem solver, and just has a huge IQ when it comes to practical intelligence. That is very nice to be around.
  2. It could be an issue with your AC unit or units. First of all you should always use an inverter they save up to 40% on electric. Secondarily you have to have your AC cleaned thoroughly every 6 months, the whole thing has to be dissembled, and third the screens should be cleaned every two weeks. Efficiency is the name of the game, if it's your place I would also look into insulation.
  3. I thought you would have realized it by now, taxes don't really affect billionaires. There are so many workarounds for people with that kind of money. Billionaires pay very little tax. We are the ones who are constantly footing the bill, it's the little guy and the affluent, but not rich guys who pays taxes.
  4. Oh, I forgot. They are open to criticism, allow protests and are very kind with the fines and hand slapping. True benevolence. Who is brainwashed?
  5. The primary difference being that these guys will be released in a few days, in China they would either be executed, sent to a labor camp, or they would have their organs harvested. Just to subtle difference.
  6. History is absolutely littered with criminals who have gone their whole life without a conviction, just because somebody is able to get away with crimes does not mean they're not guilty. And just because somebody has never been convicted amounts to very little. The thousands and thousands of small contractors that he's made billions of dollars off of over the years are not any less broke, because of the fact that they couldn't beat Trump in court. Anytime anybody has a lot of money to throw at a legal team there's a good chance they can get away with a crime. OJ Simpson's is a good example. That was a very weak defense of your Master, certainly you can do better than that.
  7. If I had sufficient funds I would be flying business class all over the world, the difference in the level of comfort is very significant especially on the better airlines, which have very spacious pods, with lay flat beds. Domestic flights might be a different story, but certainly for international I could justify the expense for business class, if I felt I had the extra cash. I understand your envy and there's nothing unhealthy about envy, it only becomes unhealthy when it turns into hatred.
  8. Okay perhaps you got me there, perhaps I am projecting a little bit. I was in commercial real estate in New York 40 years ago and I was involved with many people that did deals with Trump, and they all said the same thing about his business practices they all knew that he was defrauding banks, they all knew that he was evading taxes. So perhaps he hasn't been convicted yet, but I'm hopeful that will happen. And I really don't think that it's fair, nor honest to use the word decency, nor use the word dignity, in any conversation concerning with Donald Trump. Wouldn't you agree with that, at least? I have a lot of friends and I have a lot of family members who are conservative, and many of them are going to vote for Trump. I get it. I don't like Biden as a candidate. And I despise Harris. I am open to a frank conservation about that issues. But, most of these folks I know, who support Trump, will at least admit that they don't like him, and that they don't consider him decent, honest, nor possessing a shred of dignity. Never been his strong suit.
  9. What do we think of the guy that's a pretty rich and open question. Where do I start? Something that seems to pass people by is that, guilty or not, the man has absolutely no class. He is an ignorant (comparing himself to Nelson Mandela is a recent that reveals his lack of self awareness) loud-mouthed tasteless American, who is interested only in himself and no-one and nothing. Trump was offended by the military. Unlike the coward who got 5 deferrments when his nation asked him to serve, the military men and women consistently put their own lives on the line. Don Don cannot relate to self sacrifice. So, he belittles them, betraying his own lack of dignity. That is just who he is. The ultimate lowlife. McCain was a hero. Don has always been a coward. He is like a whiny 6-year-old kid who hasn't been able to get his way for a very long time, compared to a giant like Kennedy who inspired millions and dramatically improved life in America. Or a patriot like McCain, who risked life and limb for his nation. He is a felon, a tax evader, a bank fraudster, a scammer, and the ultimate election denier. He personifies a lack of dignity and decency. Not to mention the constant philandering. And the 5 deferrments of the coward, plus the 5 bankruptcies, taking out hundreds, if not thousands of small contractors along the way? A man of the people? How about a man who has long declared war against the people? Shall I go on? You asked.
  10. Keep in mind these are declared assets and they likely don't include any of the hundreds of millions of baht and investments overseas. Same applies to many, many officials both current and past, top RTP guys (likely including the joke), and the Army brass.
  11. The question you're asking is essentially the same thing, both Pheu Thai and the army are completely bankrupt from a moral point of view, and they essentially sold out to each other, and sacrificed any essence of integrity that may have remained. Selling you soul for some power.
  12. It seemed quite obvious when the Army and PT stole the election from Pita and the Thai people, that a deal had been made. It's obvious the deal was made for Thaksin, and I always presumed that a deal had also been struck for Yingluck, to be announced at a later date. What we're witnessing is corruption as usual, and utter and total moral bankruptcy on the part of the army, which is to be expected since they're one of the most toxic organizations in the last century in Thailand.
  13. I think it's safe to say that many of these stories have a lesson an inherent lesson. If you're booking a hotel in low season, where you know the occupancy is going to be low and hotels are going to be easy to find, you book two or three nights, see how you like the place, knowing you can always extend it and get a good deal. Life can be so simple sometimes when we try not to overcomplicate it.
  14. Well your optimism has to be applauded, and I'm sure the Thai officials and RTP would be very grateful for your support and you are willingness to believe that they are moral and that they do not engage in corruption. Kudos to you, keep those rose tinted glasses on, they seem to be working.
  15. Does this mean what I think it means, that Thaksin is infinitely less relevant than he used to be? I know virtually everybody that I speak with in Issan where my woman is from, no longer thinks about him, no longer supports him, and considers him and his entire party to be traitors and morally bankrupt. They sold out to the despised army.
  16. Yeah I tend to agree, chocolates are usually a good idea, even fresh fruit, anything to show a kind gesture and appreciation. I tend to agree with you about the doctors here, I've had many more positive experience with doctors here than I have back in the US, where most of them tend to be very methodical, cold, distant and in a hurry. I've had doctors here really take their time, break things down for me, explain things very clearly, and give me the kind of care that I would never get back in the US for 50 times the price. Same applies to Thai nurses who are generally excellent. I prefer the healthcare system here to the healthcare system in the US by many multiples and that's not even taken into account the reasonable cost. The hospitals here are generally way better than the hospitals in the US.
  17. While it may be annoying to you, the reality is that Thailand is still very inexpensive compared to many other countries in the world for cell phone coverage. In the US I have a comparable plan to what I have here but it's 1/5th the speed for 5G, and it cost me $85 a month. Here I pay about $17 a month and it's five times faster.
  18. No I don't often get triggered, I'm just having some fun. This is all just light-hearted banter to me.
  19. I completely agree, a lot of women use their body as a instrument of currency, and a way to manipulate men, no question about that. That happens all over the world and it's been happening since the beginning of time, more than likely. But that doesn't excuse his behavior, when a man is in a position where he can have 90% of the women who come along, he becomes an animal if he insists on having the other 10%.
  20. Who goes around slapping people, especially in a foreign country? Is this lady a complete moron? Who raised her, who is her mother, and why did her mother fail so miserably? Now I'm traumatized because I slapped a guy and he retaliated and I don't know what it's going to take for me to get over that retaliation. I am a victim!
  21. Such an incredibly lame reply, perhaps the lamest of all the replies on this thread so far. Show me a religion that demonstrates all of the truth and tenets of the faith, on a daily basis throughout the population. Name just one.
  22. I watched the video and I could not clearly see what happened, but if it is true that she slapped the guard then all bets are off. In terms of her crying victim now and saying that she was traumatized by the incident, well perhaps she should reign it in a little bit and try to be a more decent and respectful person then this kind of stuff wouldn't happen. You reap what you sow. Also the victim thing is getting just a little bit tired, seems like victims are the new heroes in this day and age.
  23. It is always going to be a very dangerous situation when a motorcycle cop chases a guy on a motorcycle or in a car. It's always going to be very difficult for him to pull the guy over unless other police can intercept the suspect, with some sort of roadblock. So the question comes down to should they chase or not? I suppose it depends on the nature of the crime, if it's relatively petty shoplifting, I would say don't chase.
  24. Your second bizarre conclusion of the day, if he had stopped there would be no reason for this post. This article is not about what criminals should do in the face of law enforcement, the topic is about what police should do when giving chase to a suspect? Chase, or not? It would really be wonderful if you could stay on point.
  25. Okay so your thesis is that my presumptions are stupid, and they're based on nothing. How long have you been here, and how many interactions have you had with the RTP? What percentage of them were straight and what percentage of them required a bribe or were resolved with a bribe? You can get away with murdering here, if you have enough cash to pay the police, and you somehow think that this guy who's was the national deputy director of the largest pyramid scheme in the land was clean? Really? Who is the one making bizarre conclusions?
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