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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 52 minutes ago, JimmyTheMook said:


    Thailand is a horrible example - as the police are beyond incompetent.


    In USA it goes a lot further with the militarization of many police forces.


    Privatization of prison systems run for profit.








    The Thai police may be largely incompetent, but they do not appear to be as blood thirsty and vicious as alot of American cops. Also, they are not as nasty. In the US, alot of cops genuinely despise the communities they work in. LAPD is a great example. 


    Personally, I have little use for law authority in general. 

    • Confused 1
  2. In life, we see what we want to see. The discovery of “prostitution” would make their lives more complicated, reduce income dramatically for many who are well connected, or within the police force or army. It would be inconvenient. 


    Best of all, life goes on and the outcome is better for the nation. Let people live their lives. The industry hurts few and benefits many. We have no use for the fake puritans. A war on the sex trade is as useless and harmful as the war on drugs.  

    • Like 1
  3. Though it would have required some effort, a woman with some self esteem and pride, would have simply left with her child and made sure the husband could never find them. Start over again. Leave the worm behind. It is one thing to have a mistress, or fool around on your woman. It is quite another to rub it in her face like that and humiliate her. He is not a man. He is some sort of swamp creature. A reptile. 


    That aside, this was a rather bizarre, extreme and totally insane thing to do. 

    • Like 2
  4. There are several shocking aspects of this story. I do not recall being able to even consummate "the act" at the age of 7. The school administrators need to be severely punished as co-conspirators for their horrific behavior. And lastly, the kids who did this need to be tried as adults and locked up for ten to twenty years. After they turn of legal age, they can be transferred to a real prison, where they can learn what the consequences of rape really are. 


    Of course, the judiciary here is very weak, so these terrorist kids will not even be made to pay for this horrendous crime. If that is the case, the parents should be tried for a crime in their place. A bit of cash should not be considered a settlement for this. This girl is going to be traumatized for life. 


    Perhaps it will be left to the girl to seek justice?

    • Sad 1
  5. 2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

    right, disagreeing with your opinion is "gullible". good to know.


    But you can keep the phony veneer of ideological and moral superiority as long as you need to.


    anyway, this is about impeachment, which will never happen, you obviously think it should.



    "i get how bad the dems were"


    were????? not are?

    Are. I agree. Just as I apply the same to the Republicans. Both parties are hopelessly lost. Both are morally and ethically bankrupt. Both parties are bought and paid for by lobbyists. 


    However, I prefer the environmental, fiscal and social policies of the dems. And I prefer alliances with close allies over the coddling of dictators. Lastly,  I prefer 8 ft. alligators over 12 ft. crocodiles. 

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    • Haha 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

    glad to know your opinion is the final version of reality in your world. but those who disagree simply must

    be inferior, in your opinion.

    Not inferior. Just very gullible. I get the whole change thing. I get how bad the dems were. I don't get how populating the administration with Goldman Sacks and ex oil company executives cleans things up. That is way over my head, I guess. 


    I also don't get how starting major trade wars and destroying alliances with allies help. Lastly, I don't get how daily bickering and petty insults on Twitter, benefit anyone. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 9 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    TVForum members, on the whole, are not fans of The Don.


    Perhaps he didn't know who she was. She don't look like a black lady to me.


    He will surely win again next time. The Americans love him.

    True about TV members not liking him. That is a reflection of the world at large. His approval rating in the US is 39%. Lower than any president in modern history at this stage of his presidency.  His approval rating worldwide is around 20%.  That tells you something. 


    He is not liked in the US. And he will not be re-elected. He shoots himself in the foot daily, with his churlish and inane tweets. Biden will kick his butt. And he will hopefully go to prison for his remaining years. The world would rejoice at justice served for a life of crime. 

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    How many people do you like that don't like you?

    Sorry, but this is a bad analogy. How many people know who I am? He is the president. How many people don't know who he is? For someone in a position like his, who feels compelled to defend himself against each and every person with some degree of celebrity, who speaks out against him is bizarre, inane, beyond immature, very unmanly, churlish, and silly. He lowers his dignity with each tweet. Not that there was any to begin with. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, poohy said:

    Correct, more and more news is coming out re "unpleasant untoward"things happening to those who disagree or dont toe the line,

    sadly, although even from reputable sources these are not being widely published in Thailand!

    Dark days are coming i feel, although for sure there is growing support from the younger generation against the various "powers" that be" 

    The younger generation for sure. But I suspect the vast majority of the nation despises the army, and all they represent, at this point in time. They represent lack of progress on every level. 

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