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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. I have said it a hundred times before. There is never any reason to harm or injure a woman. Unless she is trying to kill you! Real men, when faced with a relationship that is falling apart, or a betrayal by a woman, or situations like that, just walk away. Water off a ducks back. Time to move on. No drama. No ridiculous violence. You just move on! Over and out. I am out of here. See ya, but I would not want to be ya!


    Nitwits, idiots, maniacs, psychopaths, addicts, and criminals do something really stupid like this guy did. Hope they lock him up for a very long time. He is sure to make alot of new friends in the clink. He will have plenty of time to reflect on his actions, his lifestyle, his crimes, and his sorry life. 



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  2. 25 minutes ago, 5633572526 said:

    If you prosecute her won’t your wife find out ??

    if you cheated on your wife I hope she finds out actually.


    Wow. We did not know we had a deacon of the Mormon Church on this forum. Or perhaps you are a Catholic Bishop? One of the few that is free of guilt and shame? Or a fundamentalist Christian, burdened by a sense of judgment toward all of mankind? Or perhaps a leading monk? Or a swami blessed with enlightenment? Regardless of who you are, your judgment is rather harsh. If you want to be monogamous, and faithful to your wife, God Bless you. I admire your faithfulness and applaud you for that. It requires conviction and a sense of decency and fairness. Good on you. 


    But, why the heavy handed judgment of how another wants to live his life? To each his own. Water off a ducks back. Live and let live. Who are you to judge this man's lifestyle? Are you truly free of sin, and immoral behavior? Few of us are. 

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  3. It is fairly easy to find soy yoghurt here. Also, you might want to try goat cheese. I also have a lactose intolerance, and find goat cheese is not a problem. However, goat cheese here is crazy expensive. Also, in some of the gourmet markets they sell coconut ice cream, with no dairy. 

  4. Thailand is relatively clean. As long as you avoid tap water, use insect repellent when you are near alot of mosquitos, and use protection with the local talent, you should be fine. Now, Mexico or India are a whole different story. In India if you do not eat in five star hotels, and eat anything on the street, you will probably get sick. Most get sick in Mexico. But Thailand? Mild. Easy. 

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    "Are they going after the policemen, and officials who own porn film companies..."

    Which police officers and officials are they, then?


    No one has been given 5 years and no one has been charged for filming a fake hump.


    It is well known, that hundreds if not thousands of police officers, and officials, are involved in the sex industry here. They own massage shops, countless bars (with bargirls), some of the soapies, and some of the go-go's. Which ones are they? You are welcome to name them, if you dare. That is not important. What is important is that many of the same creeps who are crying foul over a stunt, are the ones making millions on the sex trade. 

    • Like 1
  6. There are an awful lot of people out there these days with paper thin skin. There is nothing wrong with small breasts and it is not necessarily an insult. Some small breasts are gorgeous. Some large breasts are nasty. 


    The authorities here are trying to make Thailand into some kind of puritan nation. They are lost. The authorities here are completely misguided, totally without a plan, no moral bearing, no vision, and no wisdom to guide them. They are making it up as they go along, and are botching it, at every turn. This lawyer is just trying to get some attention. Kind of a ridiculous discussion. All I can say to the current batch of so called leaders, is get out. Get out now. You are not wanted. You are not liked. You are not doing a good job. Get out. Leave. Hold elections already. Enough. Get out now! Get rid of these loser leaders!

  7. On 5/17/2018 at 10:10 AM, Thaiwrath said:

    I would love to see some statistics, from a reliable source, to back up your ridiculous 'proven fact'.

    I love my freedom of living alone, am never lonely, and have met, literally, hundreds of farangs over the years, who would have been mentally healthier, had they left their stressful relationship here. Unfortunately, many westerners come here without the trait of being able to live alone, end up investing all their funds on a disastrous relationship, and don't live happily ever after, but spend the rest of their life in a sad state.


    I would tend to agree with you. There is no established formula. Living with someone who is kind, loving, supportive and fun to be around is great for some of us, who are fortunate enough to have found that quality of relationship. But for others, living alone can be just as fulfilling. It is all about lifestyle, passion, and creativity. Relationships are not for everyone, and I would never impose that belief on anyone. And I think that anyone who tries, is rather small minded. The majority of people I know who are in relationships, do not appear to be fulfilled, and I would go so far as to say that most do not seem to make each other better versions of themselves, which is one of my criteria for a great, healthy, vibrant, and dynamic relationship. 


    Then there is the economic side of things. For many single men, living alone means a far higher quality of life. I always say having a relationship here costs more than double, as you end up doing things for your woman, that you might not do on your own. Not to mention her family. So, it just depends on the individual. The single guys are able to travel as they please, do as they please, and not have to style their lives around another. Saying otherwise, is a bit like saying "truth is not truth", or religion is absolutely necessary for fulfillment, or my diet is healthier than your diet. All subjective nonsense. 


    Some guys, who are emotionally healthy, are fine on their own. Some need a women in their lives, or they are unfulfilled. But every case is different. Look at Anthony Bourdain. He had a lovely wife, an 11 year old daughter, a successful TV show earning him big bucks, was at the peak of his career, was well respected, and very well liked, had $16 million on the bank, and still took his own life. Fortunately most of us will never know the depths of depression or desperation one has to sink to, to take ones own life.


    I doubt if this guy would have done any differently if he were in a relationship. If he were on the correct meds, maybe. But a relationship alone? Doubt it. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, DavidB4 said:

    Damn, you ruined it at the end there...expensive? I thought Spain was supposed to be quite reasonable. How about Portugal then? Thanks for your input!


    I have not been in some time. Perhaps some others on this forum who have been more recently can comment on how expensive Spain is right now. I have heard second hand how expensive it has become. I still think you can get decent deals on property, if an hour away from the tourist areas, and I think rentals are affordable if outside the tourist areas. But, it is still going to be alot higher than in Thailand. And, the rest is expensive, from what I have been told. 


    Perhaps this handy chart might help:




    and according to this post, it is quite reasonable, but only in comparison to other spots in Europe.





  9. 1 hour ago, whaleboneman said:

    How do you explain Michael Jackson's success?


    By the time he was accused of his Neverland escapades, he did not have much success remaining. Remember, this was after his 49th surgical procedure, when he looked like the walking dead, badly disformed from all of the procedures. He was still selling some albums, but from what I heard, he was hard up for cash, going through extraordinary amounts of his remaining funds, and was in bad shape. The jurors recently spoke out about his trial, and said they found the testimony of the plaintiff to lack credibility. Who knows? He may have just enjoyed being around these kids. Spacey was enjoying a very good career at the time these accusations surfaced. Nobody will touch him now. He is finished. Spacey has been accused by 15 different men, and is currently being investigated by the police in the UK. 





  10. 2 hours ago, Small Joke said:

    The Mayor should have moved to Hawaii on a high note, and retired, wreathed in glory, to write a 9/11 memoir. Unfortunately,  no amount of power,  money,  or accolades is ever enough for these tragic narcissists, and they sometimes,  but not often enough,  crash and burn spectacularly,  ending their lives in disgrace,  tarred by history for all time as supreme arsehats. 


    No doubt, Guiliani has used up any of the tiny remaining bit of goodwill that people may have had for him, with this short episode working for the huckster in chief. He will be remembered as a whore, a sellout, a man who uttered the already infamous phrase "the truth is not the truth", and once Tiny Don fires him, he will spend the rest of his life in shame and denial. He deserves that fate. He is a small man, with no principals whatsoever, and like his employer, does not have a nanogram of integrity, in his entire body, nor his feeble mind. 

    • Like 1
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  11. Just out of jail after three years, for killing another person. Any chance the judge can be located, who pronounced the three year sentence, and locked up for a 50 years stretch? Three years for murder? What is the cost of a human life here, 1,000 baht? Obviously, reform did not take place! 


    Some guys just do not get it. A woman decides she is no longer interested in you. What does a real man do? He moves on. He gets on with his life, and finds another gal, who is interested. Men with minds of delinquent children, who have zero self esteem go out a murder a woman. What a two bit punk. What an incredible loser. Who were his parents? How did they fail so miserably? 

    • Like 2
  12. It will be virtually impossible for them to find a prison where he will not be made to feel at home, by the other inmates. He will always be given "special treatment" wherever he goes. Child molesters are not held in high regard in the big pen, and he has alot of "good times" and plenty of his own molestations ahead of him, to look forward to. He got what he deserved. And more! Good, good. None of our hearts bleed for this predator worm. 

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  13. 3 hours ago, smedly said:

    I'd be interested in knowing exactly what the police are going to charge people with


    Here we have a pool party in a holiday resort with people enjoying themselves wearing swimming gear (as you would in a swimming pool), as has already been mention - there are actual multiple serious crimes going on in this city day and night and the Pattaya police chose this non event to direct their attention and resource - time for this police chief to go and get someone that actually recognises the difference between holiday fun and criminal activity


    I went out on my motorbike a few days ago at 5am in the morning (something I was dreading) and it was very obvious that almost every motorcycle rider and car driver was blind drunk, even had one idiot weaving across sukumvite all lanes from one side to the other (I kid you not), I followed him for a few 100m's then sounded my horn and he nearly fell off


    Oh yes - tourist enjoying a pool party ……………………………………… what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Having fun. It is now illegal to have fun. The Quaker inspired police and military no longer think fun is appropriate, and we should all adopt an attitude of seriousness. There are many problems to solve here, and if we have too much fun, the nation will not move forward, and become the center of the universe, that they hope for. 


    Pool parties with everyone fully dressed in bathing suits are to be discouraged. Too much fun. No good!

  14. However, the Confidence Index was affected by a boat accident in Phuket, higher oil prices, low agricultural product prices, and natural disasters such as flooding in the northeastern region. 


    However, the cave rescue was enough to bring up the confidence level, and that is why Chinese tourists have not cancelled any trips, and the world continues to sing the praises of this administration. Nothing will deter tourists from coming here, as Thailand is truly the center of the universe, and there is no other nation on earth that is more superior, better when it comes to protecting it's tourists, and more capable of providing a perfect vacation. All business people love this administration, as there are countless genius level ministers, and the level of creativity and problem solving is something the Thai people have never witnessed previously. No effort has been spared to provide the people with top talent, and the complete avoidance of nepotism, cronyism, and corruption is inspiring great confidence from the masses. There is now a meritocracy in place, and the changes and improvements are astonishing. All because of the genius at the top. 


    And as the crooked whore lawyer Guiliani says, truth is not truth. Calling the Phuket incident a boat accident, is the epitome of an understatement. It was a tragedy of epic proportions, that could have easily been prevented. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    I would add the 20 or so military officers who were appointed by Prayut to the NLA and have been granted by the President of the NLA permanent absence from NLA meetings and voting - albeit they continue to be NLA ministers for the record, they are still paid compensation (explained as "not salary") as ministers.

    Their disregard for the importance of their role as Parliament ministers represents an honest recognition as to the importance of Prayut's Parliament's legislative role - it's not worth their time!


    Yes, not salary. And as Guiliani said, truth is not truth. The planet earth is not within our solar system, and our solar system does not contain a sun. We are nowhere near he milky way, and all salmon is wild, not farmed. Candy is good for you, and so is tobacco. Prayuth is a good man, and has only the Thai people's well being at heart. Same with Trump. Honest as the day is long. Thai drivers are incredibly conscientious, and careful, and very talented. And the government is going to start giving us 10 year visas, because we contribute so much to the Thai economy. 

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