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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Something is bizarre about this story. Why would someone with an absess in their mouth not have it looked at right away? It could lead to a dozen complications. It could easily have spread to other organs, her throat, her brain, her eyes. What on earth was she thinking? Was she thinking?


    Alarmed that it exploded? I would be alarmed that she did not have the good sense to take care of herself. That speaks to a far deeper issue here. 

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  2. 45 minutes ago, neeray said:

    Has this picture been photo shopped ??? I am reminded of that previously-aired Master Card commercial when I see the look on Trump's face in the background ..... PRICELESS


    OMG, one wonders what must be going through his demented, little brain when he sees two of his best rogue bros warmly embracing like that but he's odd man out, dismissed to the background and looking all sour faced.

    Poor Donny, I feel for him, NOT.



    The way he feels right now, is written all over his face. One would have thought he would be a better poker player than he is. But, I guess he is just too emotional to be poker faced. There is a noxious stench of fear, guilt, apprehension, surprise, disappointment, and desperation coming from the direction of Donald Trump. The inevitable is unfolding. He has only himself to blame. His tweets will be used against him, by brilliant legal minds, and he continues to shoot himself in the foot daily. Now, with the possibility of some of his own kin facing prison time, he is very afraid. He may be made to pay for a lifetime of crime. Much of the world, and the majority of Americans, hope so. 

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  3. You sound like a decent man. And you sound strong. You put up with some nonsense, but when she crossed the line, you said NO. And when she asked for the house, you were smart enough to say NO. And you have demonstrated great strength and will by staying away. Smart, wise, and a real man you are. You should be proud of yourself. And can be a cautionary tale for alot of foreigners here. A lot of men come here, and their level of emotional vulnerability is high. And for good reasons. What we are subjected to in our home countries is astonishing, horrific, and unnecessary. And me too has not helped one iota. Alot of Western women for the most part, are a very confused lot. Many do not know what direction they are going in, what they want, nor what they are willing to sacrifice to have a good man in their lives.


    As I have said before:


    Back in the US, the UK, OZ, NZ, Canada, and some of Europe, women have made their men's lives so difficult, and alot of women have gotten so far away from their innate femininity, and have become dominant, and super controlling, and men just go along with it. Most men have become so hungry for love, or emotionally desperate for some kindness, and TLC. And most are so desirous of being around a real woman, who knows how to act like a woman, and manifest the dignity, within their own femininity. Many do not realize that it is their greatest gift to the world, and their greatest asset as women. 


    Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, or The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. Start making the decisions, and stop deflecting decision making to her. There has to be a balance. I understand that. But, I have so many friends, who come here, and from the very start, make the same mistakes they made back in the West. Except here, they do not need to make those mistakes. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take over.


    Take your time getting to know her. She may be a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old. There are an awful lot of emotionally undeveloped people here in LOS. People who find it very hard to truly communicate, deal with issues, talk about problems, and work them out. Also, if she is a con artist, if she is only in it for the money, those realizations will manifest themselves over time. It is easy for the con artists, to take advantage of emotionally wounded men, who seem to be willing to do anything to regain a semblance of normality in their lives, with a decent woman. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most guys here, who get into trouble with women. Be like Bond. Be a real man. Man up. Do yourself proud. Do our gender proud. 


    I know there are some who will find this kind of talk offensive. How dare he say these things. Well, for those of us who refuse to lead complacent lives of weak PC madness, some of this stuff just needs to be said. 


  4. It is fairly hard for me to relate to this post. I am not a rich man. But, I find the public hospitals here to be extremely fair, with their pricing. Even a visit to Bangkok Hospital, to see an orthopedic specialist, get some x-rays, and an exam costs me $60. At a private clinic in the US, probably $300-400. A visit to the emergency room of a hospital in the US, costs $2,000 and up. For an hour visit. In a public hospital here, that same visit is about 600 baht. They are charging so little to the Thai people, due to universal health care. And that is a very good thing for the people. They have to make up for it, to some extent with us. What is the issue with that? I am quite happy with the medical care here, and the associated costs. No complaints from me.


    A good friend of mine got in a bad motorcycle accident some time ago. He almost lost his leg. He got his first of 11 operations at Bangkok Hospital Samui. It costs him over a million baht. They wanted to do a second procedure. They quoted him 1.4 million baht. He decided to transfer to Bangkok. He was quoted 460,000 baht for the same procedure, at a top private hospital there. The surgeon told him that he worked at a public hospital too, and could do the same operation there, for alot less money. He told him he would get him a quote. In the interim, my friend called a buddy in San Diego, who is an orthopedic surgeon. Since my friend is a retired chiropractor, who knew all the terminology, and explained what he needed, and asked for the best price. His friend called him back, and quoted him $960,000, with cash discounts! The local surgeon got back to him, and told him he could do it for 46,000 baht. He transferred, and they did all the rest of his procedures. So, 1.4 million at Bangkok Hospital, 460,000 at the other private hospital in Bangkok (I think it was Vejthani Hospital), and 46,000 at the public hospital, with an excellent surgeon. VS. 32,000,000 baht in the US. Again, no complaints from this peanut gallery.

  5. 2 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    Criminal defamation does not depend on the numbers of accused. 

    Being cowed into submission based on fear of a defamation suit is weak, cowardly, and overly passive. That is the intention of the cowards who hide behind those ridiculous laws. 


    We must resist. Always resist oppression, unfair laws, and horrific legislation. Let's be courageous in the face of cowards. 

  6. A lot of guys I know would consider it fair to give her some money, so she can get started again. Enough to rent an apartment, and live for a month or two. Just basic decency. But, do not subject yourself to extortion. And do not be a doormat. I know guys who have felt obligated to give silly amounts of money, after being with a woman less than a year. Be a man about this.


    If this happened to me, and the policeman showed up at my home with the ex, I would tell the policeman that she was welcome to take her belongings, she was no longer welcome in my home, and that it is entirely up to me whether I give her 1000 baht or 25,000 baht. Has nothing to do with him, and I would state that in no uncertain terms he was not welcome at my house, and to leave right now. I give those guys very little respect. 

  7. I think one thing that has to be taken into account, is that most Thais, especially those over 40 years old, have been brought up in a very conventional manner, and are expected to live within the confines of a very small box. Unless they have traveled around the world, or been educated overseas, alot have a rather limited world view. So, they do find us strange, because we are different, and less conformist in our natures. Also, the fact that alot of us barely care what others think of us is completely beyond their range of comprehension. Face means absolutely nothing to me. Less than zero. What a stranger thinks of me means nothing. 


    Having said that, I think it is beneficial for us to maintain some decorum, and show respect for the local traditions, within reasonable limits. 

    • Like 1
  8. Why are Thais frequently getting outraged at people doing silly things? It happens. That is what people do. So what? What difference does it make. Improper etiquette does not compare with police corruption, four years of a fabulously incompetent junta, wonton environmental destruction, constant littering and picking ones nose in public, and a completely indifferent and ineffective national police force. 


    Where are the priorities? These days people can be quite thin skinned. Does it mean anything?

  9. 4 hours ago, Srinivas said:

    been hearing that for two years. actually 3 years since pre primaries.

    he'll never be nominated, never win, omg! tears

    any day now! beginning of the end! he wont make it till xmas 2017

    your best bet is 2020 you remember elections!






    Times have changed. His current level of despair, desperation and fear is palpable. He is coming unhinged. He is not psychologically nor intellectually equipped for this level of scrutiny. First time in his life. And due to his extreme hubris, he digs himself his own holes and shoots himself in his own foot. 


    Mueller will crush him like a mosquito. He will exit in disgrace. There is now a zero percent chance of extending his reign beyond 2020. 

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, ParadiseLost said:

    So, a liar, calling a liar a liar... Who would have thunk? ????

    Yes. A liar who asked a liar to lie for him under oath. I beleive that is called subornation of perjury and is considered an offense unto itself. Trump is in deep doo doo. 


    In American law, Scots law and under the law of some English-speaking Commonwealth nations, subornation of perjury is the crime of persuading a person to commit perjury, the swearing of a false oath to tell the truth in a legal proceeding, whether spoken or written.



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  11. 43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Introducing: Individual 1.

    Does "trump" seem more freaked out and unhinged than usual (which is saying a lot because his base line is bat sheit crazy)?

    Well, there is good reason. 
    Things are getting close. 

    He's as guilty as (deleted)

    He knows it, we know it, even his fans know it but they don't care because they're more about the cult of personality than the good of the nation.




    Yes. Absolutely. His staff say he is even more sour than usual. How is that possible? Since his crushing defeat Nov 6th he has been very humiliated, and he cannot hide it. He is not handling it well. And his allies in the Senate are sensing his vulnerability and it is emboldening them.


    He is going to go down in flames. Mueller is going to crush him like a bug. Cohen has spilled the beans and Trump is just not intelligent enough to handle this. He will entrap himself. 

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  12. Hua Hin, and all of Prachuap province is very popular with Thai tourists. Mostly weekenders. Hua Hin attracts very few young foreigners. Mostly an older crowd. A lot of affluent ex-pats. I do not see alot of foreign tourists when I visit Hua Hin. But, alot of Thai tourists, as they say. It is a nice town, and a great province. From Pranburi south, about 170km. of the best beaches on the Gulf, and some really charming beach towns. 

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  13. I think the senate is emboldened. Like the lock on power has been broken.  And as Trump continues to sink, they might feel he is more of a liability. He will become radioactive. Everything he touches will turn to crap. From my point of view he is been becoming far less stable and more unhinged. For a few months. But since the election he has totally lost it. It devastated him. He cannot handle loss.


    He will leave office a broken man. Barely ever to be heard from again. And nearly broke. 

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