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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Have you ever met? Sounds like you only know her online? That means you do not know her. Going on vacation with someone you never met? Why? That is asking for trouble. 


    And yes it will be an expensive trip. If you are expected to pay, she is expected to have regular sex with you. You are the man, right? You need to clarify all of those details up front. That is what men do. 

  2. Trump is lying once again. If there is one thing you can be absolutely sure about, it is that when he opens his mouth, a lie is going to come pouring out. The man has no relationship with truth. The Taliban has been gaining ground steadily in Afghanistan for years now. We are at the lowest point we have been, since we started this sad war, over 15 years ago. Everything the government and Trump tells us about this war is a lie. Everything.




    What US government says:   The Taliban controls 44% of nationwide districts.                                                               What military analysts say: The Taliban controls 61% of nationwide districts. 


    The yellow areas indicate Taliban controlled areas. And that number is going up each month. It is a failed operation.                                                                                     






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  3. Bravo to Turkey, for telling it like it is. They are embarrassing the Saudis to no end. There might be a few thousand people within Saudi Arabia who believe the lies, and maybe 100 people worldwide who believe it, other than Trump supporters. He continues to compromise himself at every turn. At least he could have the dignity to say it was probably the prince, but we still need to maintain a relationship with them. No. He will not even say that. 


    When in the US, I buy only Valero gas, whenever I can, as they refuse to source any oil from the Gulf. Do your research. Deny them our petro dollars. 

  4. The RTP are the laughing stock of planet earth. Most countries around the world, and nearly every international legal authority knows that these guys are not sincere, do not practice law enforcement, and have spent no time and effort looking for this guy. So, pure and total deflection, and an absolute, and stunning lie.


    RTP spokesman Pol Col Krissana Patanacharoen said the Thai police were doing all they can. Not the case. We all know this is the farthest thing from the truth. Does truth matter? Is truth really truth?

  5. Well it depends on the time of day. But, those of us who have retirement visas or work permits should be able to use an expedited process and there is no reason for us to que up like tourists. Another example of this nation mistreating it's ex-pat population. No regard at all. No perspective on what we bring to the table. It's ok. It is what it is. Just stating a fact. I cannot expect perspective from the junta. Not enough wisdom or competence. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 5 hours ago, omegaman said:

    Another timely warning: 


    Don't leave an Asian Whore unattended in your condo. They may use it as an opportunity to steal. Don't, for example, take a shower while they are present. Asian women are congenitally light fingered.


    Where as Western women are devoid of vice, crime or sin.


    Your a biggot.

    No. He is not. Do not leave any stranger alone in your apartment, or hotel room. Common sense. And if you do, and you are going to take a shower, make sure everything of value is in a safe, or locked luggage. Why create the temptation? Why take that risk? A sensible person would do that in any country. So no bigotry here. Just smarts. 

  7. 3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    There are always going to be the vultures out there, seeking the gullible, the vulnerable and the desperate. People that believe in a dream or maybe even Father Christmas is real, and willing to gamble their lives away for this dream in fantasy land.


    It`s a sad world for some.



    In other words, those vultures are people unwilling to work for a living. Millions of those. We all have to have radar, when it comes to detecting who they are. This guy had no radar. No wits. No smarts. No emotional stability, development or maturity. 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Greyhat said:

    Here you are:


    Source: coconuts


    And all it takes to determine if she is an online scammer, is a request to meet. If she has a dozen reasons why she cannot meet you, she is busted. Patience allows a man to avoid becoming a dunce. She appears sort of attractive, but I would like to see her without an hours worth of makeup. 

  9. It depends on how much game you have, how you present yourself, and how many times you step up to the plate. Depending on women in the work environment would be too much of a limitation. I have friends who meet and date Thai women they meet on the street, at the malls, in a park, at a restaurant, and at the markets. If you keep it light hearted, have a great sense of humor, are decent looking, have some game, and make some real effort, it is not difficult here, at all. 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Another scam I`ve been reading about on facebook, is that guys have been dating Thai women from dating sites. Girls meet the guys, go to their rooms or hotels, spend the night with the guys. A couple of days later, girl contacts guy saying; if you don`t give me money I`ll go to the police and say you raped me.


    It doesn`t mean all that has a pretty face, a cute smile and a sexy voice are good.


    Beware you guys.


    The best reply to that scam is that my family is very close friends with Police Colonel Samtip Wattanakrung. He works at the headquarters. You will be immediately arrested for libel, making false statements to a policeman, and will be tried, and possibly jailed for five years. My family is very wealthy and we will spend 10 million baht on attorneys, just for fun. Can you match that budget? Lastly, I have the entire encounter on videotape, just in case. So, got for it. Do your thing. Knock yourself out baby. 

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  11. He said he had gone to the area with his wife to visit relatives but she had gone home first. He had spent all his money on alcohol and he decided on the spur of the moment to attack the woman with a piece of wood that he picked up.


    If this creep was being truthful, he would have left it at that. But, since there was intent to harm, he hit her multiple times. What can one even say? Who hits a woman, much less an older woman? What kind of man does this? Who were his parents, and did they fail in such a dramatic manner?

    • Like 2
  12. I can tell you what most of the rest of Thailand thinks of Hua Hin ex-pats. Most are between 60 and 99 years old, 75% of whom are from Scandinavian nations, are relatively affluent, and tend to mind their own business. They are not a rowdy crowd, but enjoy a good time. Generally, fairly please blokes.

    • Haha 1
  13. On 5/22/2014 at 6:13 PM, Old Stud said:

    Girls talk. One gal flashes her prizes and her girlfriends ask, how you get that? Easy, farang like sex. Mai mii bpan haa! He Buy me many things.

    My doctors assistant was a cute 25 yo - didn't speak much English - I thought totally shy and innocent. Her story was her parents were dead, so no family. I never considered normal office/clerk/sales girls in the same category as bar girls. In my mind the bar girl world is a totally separate one.

    I first noticed her braces, and then the gold necklace and the nice watch, new scooter. My comment, "You must pay her well for her to afford all those things." Well, the innocent girl wasn't kidding when she asked me to take her to Koh Samui on my vacation. She was working several of the male patients, before she ran off with a rich Danish guy. A second assistant quit at the same time. Thai female doctor was shocked when she found out her gals were sleeping with her patients - for jewelry, scooters and things.


    No big surprise here. But, does that make her a bad girl? Maybe not as innocent as she looks. So what? Innocence is way over rated. Women use what they have. Same exact thing in the West. There is little difference. Most women want financial security in a relationship. Good on them. I would too, if I were in their position. Gifts and prizes? Been the way of the world since the hunter gatherers, first started forming villages, about 15,000 years ago. No surprises here. And no guilt either. We all do what we need to do, to service and prosper. Nothing wrong with a woman using her femininity for that purpose. Sure, if it is done with honesty and integrity, it is better. But, people do what they do. 


    It is true about girls talking. They love to share their stories. So and so gave me this. How much? Wow. Of course that may encourage other to try the same. So what?

  14. 4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Firstly the person doing the ‘hounding’ right now it is Trey Gowdy (Republican- SC) head of the House Oversight Committee, Gowdy is demanding details of Ivanka’s use of her private email for government business be released to his committee and the House.


    Clinton’s use of her private email for government business was investigated (by Gowdy’s committee), nobody has produced any evidence of deaths arising from her use of her private email. Your claim deaths occurred is void of any evidence or facts to back it up.


    A member of the GOP with some integrity? Sounds like such a refreshing concept. It does seem like some of the republicans have been emboldened by the sweeping takeover of the house by the democrats. Perhaps they will not feel the need to be in such lock step with their master?

  15. 6 hours ago, quandow said:

    I'm currently in the states, helping a dying relative pass over to the other side. Because of this new round of clueless, hapless administration decisions, I'm returning to Thailand in January, closing out the apartment I still have, and will start looking to relocate elsewhere once this caregiving bout is over. There is a radical change permeating throughout LOS. It's been a slow creep coming in, but it feels like a tsunami is about to break. It's just not fun any more!


    Well, I have to agree with you about the changes. This administration started with such a searing, blind nationalist bent. After awhile, I assume some people far more powerful than Prayuth pulled him aside, and lectured him about the destruction he was wreaking on his nation, his tiny mindedness, his total lack of vision, and his incredibly ignorant rhetoric. He did seem to calm down after that. But, the immigration policies, constant police crackdowns targeting foreigners, alot of inflation, banking challenges, lack of public and traffic safety, the continuing power of the Thai baht, and other such nonsense, has made it a bit daunting.


    As far as I am concerned, every ex-pat in Thailand should be given awards, for being who we are. And treated with far more respect by the authorities, and this most hapless of administration. But, that would require some wisdom and vision. A bit too much to ask from the current leadership. Most of us are very honest, law abiding, legal immigrants, who bring alot to the table, spend alot of money here, treat the local people with a great deal of respect, are some of the best drivers on the road, and contribute to the nation, in many ways culturally. I did say most! 


    However, I tend to disagree with you about your overall assessment. I still find Thailand to be a wonderful place to live. I enjoy every day here. Have some great friends here, have a wonderful relationship with an amazing Thai woman, and I adore her family, who are really good, hard working, honest, kindhearted, fun loving, generous souls. I also like most Thai people I encounter. Of course, I do have the good fortune of not having to live on Samui (was there for many years, when it was a far better version of itself, than it is today) Phuket, or Pattaya, where the local people tend to not be as much fun to be around, as they are jaded, and have to put up with alot of fools (probably the small minority of the local ex-pats, who make it harder for all of us), and live in an area where people are delightful. 


    I would encourage you to share your alternative choices. It is a topic that is on many minds these days, and one I have given some thought to. Other than Spain, part time, I have not come up with any viable alternatives. I would not move back to the US for anything less than a million dollars a year. Life back there feels quite forlorn to be these days. I do not like most Vietnamese people, do not find the Malaysian people to be fun loving enough, nor as light hearted as the Thais, though it is a great country, have no interest in Cambodia (been there many times, and do not like the current Chinese takeover of the nation), Burma has always been out of the question, lived in India before, and have no desire to repeat that, though I love the people. Bali used to be amazing, but has turned into an overcrowded cesspool, unless you are somehow able to avoid the southern third of the island. So, where does that leave a guy who does not have an unlimited budget? As a caveat, I would only consider living in a society that does not practice mandatory emasculation of it's men. 

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