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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 7 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Democrats now have gained 38 seats in the House. Almost certainly that will go to 39. And there is a race in California that was originally called for the Republican but is now looking somewhat shaky. So the Democrats might make it to 40. That's quite a trickle.

    That is a severe repudiation of Trump and his policies. He was utterly humiliated and his unraveling this past week or so demonstrates his lack of strength, ability to cope with setbacks, and fortitude. The man is weak. 

  2. 2 hours ago, sydneyjed said:

    And traditionally wasn't November also the month when the new annual Police Commissions come into effect?Maybe it is just the new Thonglor Commander flexing his muscles at the start of his year!

    Do not think so. It was a public humiliation, and the simple reaction to that. They were outed publicly, for the things they do every day of the year, with impunity, and with permission from their superiors. It is that simple. They are not law enforcement. They are franchisees. There is no fight against corruption being waged. That is for public consumption. They could care less. It is condoned at the highest levels.



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  3. 13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Why don't you tell us how you really think about Trump? 

    He's not going anywhere, and if the economy keeps going gangbusters he's a shoo in at the election.

    BTW, if he had gone to the ceremony, the protestors would have ruined it. He may have wished to avoid that. In their hatred of Trump, they have no respect for any occasion.

    As for the OP, I hope the investigation is curtailed. It hasn't found any evidence so far, and it's had more than enough time to do so. Now it's just wasting money.


    Oh, just wait. Mueller is putting together charges, and Trump is going to fall from "grace", in a very hard fashion. Just wait. Trump has more skeletons in his closet that a Papuan Highlander cannibal. His entire fortune was gained primarily by theft from small contractors. His name is mud. Units in his buildings cannot be sold or rented. 17 out of 19 of his merchandising deals have gone belly up. Ivanka lost her company. No more management deals overseas, as his name is so toxic. 


    The macro economy is doing well. But 95% of Americans are struggling. Please explain that one to us. Corporate profits are way up, and benefits are down. That is driving the stock market. Few of those benefits are filtering down to the average person. Inflation is rampant. Despite what we are being told. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

    Have you considered professional help for your delusional bouts?  The NRA is one of the STRONGEST proponents for THROUGH background checks on people who wish to buy a gun.  That's #1.  As for #2, this happened in CHICAGO, which is a "gun free zone" city, but still has one of the highest rates of gun related crimes in the country.   


    Far from strengthening the background check system, the Trump administration has taken several actions that could be described as weakening it.

    Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal 2019 would cut $12 million for a program that awards grants to states to improve their NICS reporting, a reduction from $73 million to $61 million.


    In LaPierre’s case, the statistics are outdated and portray the NICS database as spottier than it really is. LaPierre also claims the NRA helped institute the NICS, even though the gun group initially opposed the Brady Act, agreed to the NICS provision as a compromise and then tried to strike down the entire law in the courts.



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  5. 4 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    If, as he claims, the evidence on the tape has such momentous import that would influence the steps he must take with a major ally, to the extent of being damaging to the US economy and jobs, then he is duty bound to listen to the tape.  

    Eisenhower recognised his duty before he became president and saw first hand the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps.


    Duty bound. A fascinating concept. But I do not believe it is relevant with Trump. I do not beleive he considers his duties when making a decision or an inane statement. 

  6. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    For once I agree with Trump. I am pretty sure listening to that tape will bring nightmares to most normal people.

    Why would anybody do something to have nightmares?

    I once downloaded the video from one of those decapitations. I put the volume to zero and looked at it in a stamp-sized window - for a few seconds. And then I decided I really don't have to do this. I think that was a good decision.



    I generally agree with you about not wanting to watch nightmarish stuff. But, as far as I know, presidents are supposed to be held to a different standard than the rest of us. And most like to stay informed, so they can make intelligent decisions, that can benefit their nations. That applies to the reasonable and intelligent ones, who make sound decisions that are not guided by emotions, paper thin skin, low self esteem masked by much bragacchio, and a perception of minor personal slights. 


    Of course, there are some exceptions to that rule. And some are more compromised than others. 

  7. Has anyone ever seen such a dour, unhappy, bitter, nasty piece of work like this president? He has not responded well to the humiliating losses of the past couple of weeks. The ultimate sore loser. Not a nanogram of grace in his entire body, it would appear. 


    Also, he did not have the judgment to refuse counsel on skipping the ceremony at the cemetery of fallen American heroes. He should have attended that short of his impending death or a tragedy in the family. That was a real monster of a mistake and he had not recovered from the humiliation he brought upon himself and his nation by being such a thoughtless coward. 


    This has been a bad couple of weeks for Trump. And it is only going to get worse from here. 

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  8. The officers - Suyan Phakdeekaew and Wuthiphat Cheuanjampa - wanted to check his driving licence, passport and ask where he got the bike from. 


    The mistake these two cops made was somehow getting called out. This guy from HK must have made a real stink online. We all know the police here are franchisees, not law enforcement. They have impunity. But, it is supposed to be in private. When exposed, the chief has to make it look like actual “corruption” took place.


    Funny stuff. Not real. A fake narrative. Do not buy into the surprised police chief routine. Disappointed that they were called out. Not surprised. They will probably be transferred to a new franchise zone. 

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  9. On 11/13/2018 at 4:18 PM, attrayant said:


    By whom?  Who would be stupid enough to declare a winner on either side with tens of thousands of mail-in votes still to be counted?



    As of 24 hours after election night, there were still 600,000 ballots left to be counted.  They weren't mysteriously "found".  Tucson.com:


    "More to the point, she has been outpolling Republican Martha McSally in Maricopa and Pima counties, the counties with the most uncounted ballots."



    Lots of people voted who've never voted before.  Did you happen to see the turnout numbers on election night?  Arizona's early voter turnout surpasses total ballots cast in 2014 midterms:


    "PHOENIX — More Arizonans have cast early ballots for Tuesday’s general election than all the ballots cast in the midterms four years ago.

    New figures from the Secretary of State’s Office on Monday — the day before the election — showed that 1,586,783 early ballots had been turned in. By contrast, in the entire 2014 midterm elections, 1,537,671 people voted, whether early or at the polls."


    Thank you. And we can thank Trump for encouraging first time voters, minorities and others who do not usually vote, to come out in droves, and make a strong statement of rejection of the president and his party. This election was about Trump. And he was badly humiliated. And you can see it in his attitude since the election. Did you see his sourpuss face in France recently? This man is suffering. And his suffering is more than his usual blend of misery, depression, bitterness, hatred, animosity, and malcontentedness. She won this election fair and square, despite the intense gerrymandering, by the GOP, and an extreme effort to disenfranchise minority voters. Same goes for the dozens of others who won the house.


    It is crazy not to think of a Democratic gain of -- at least -- 35 seats in the House as anything short of a wave. (In 2014, when Republicans picked up 30 seats, it was rightly described as a national wave against then President Barack Obama.) Especially when you consider that Republicans dominated the 2011 redistricting process nationally, creating districts all over the country that tilted their way -- a high hurdle Democrats needed to overcome to win the majority. This was a huge repudiation of Trump, and his agenda. 

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