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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. There is no doubt that they need to improve the train service. This image is one of a Bosnian train. Where is your pride? The train system here is how old? When was the last time it was seriously upgraded? If you want to call yourself a developing nation, and not one that is mired within the third world, you have to spend the money for that honor, Little P.



  2. The problem with this behavior, is that the more inane, silly, ridiculous, non-presidential, petty, vengeful, hateful, and racist he appears to be, as time goes on, the more toxic he becomes. He is not changing. It is just that who he really is, is becoming more apparent by the day. He has always been a hateful racist. He has always been a vengeful misogynist. That is who he is. It is just being revealed to us, as the layers of this poisonous onion are being peeled off. There is so much more to be revealed about this guy. My guess is that all of the stories about the Russian orgies, and Orgy Island, with Jeffrey Epstein, and the stories of sex with underage girls aboard Epsteins jet, with Trump on board, are all true. He is a freak. It is just that alot of people just do not know the full extent of it yet, and alot of his supporters were willing to go along with all of that, as they despised Clinton, who was a horrific candidate, and a terrible choice for the dems. Tim Kaine was even worse. 


    I used to be in commercial real estate in New York. I met a few people who had direct dealing with him. They all said the same thing. After walking away from the closing table, they felt as if they had just spent 6 years in a federal penitentiary, and had been abused by every inmate, every day. This man was so abusive, so hostile, so unwilling to leave even one dollar on the table. They said if they did not really need to do the deal, they would have just walked away. That is who this man is. An absolute pig. 


     Things are only going downhill from here. It has become obvious, that even with a man as competent and strong as Kelly on board, nobody can control Trump, nor his staff. They are all out of control. The ship is sinking. It is fun to watch. Get used to saying President Pence.


    Nearly 60 congresswomen have urged Congress to investigate claims against Mr Trump of sexual harassment and groping. Mr Trump said this week Democrats were seeking to capitalise on "the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don't know and/or have never met. FAKE NEWS!" Funny. You met them. They met you, when you were reaching your hand up their skirts, in an attempt to fondle them, or stick your tongue down their throats. Remember, it was you who said it. You said when you saw a beautiful woman, you could not help it. You had to try to kiss her. And you said that you could "grab them by the pussy", since you were famous. You said you could do anything. Remember, Don? It was caught on tape. You cannot dismiss this one. It is not going to go away. And you dared to criticize Franken for posing with his hands in front of a woman's breasts? Did he even touch her?


    If the people only knew the extent of it. I am sure he was involved in many orgies with underage women, during his 21 trips to Jeffrey Epstein's private island, nicknamed Orgy Island. That man was famous for having underage girls both on his plane, and at the mansion on the island. There is virtually no doubt, that the president of the US, is a serial statutory rapist. And a serial sexual assaulter. No doubt. Anyone who knows about his past, simply has to come to this probable conclusion. 


    I do have friends who are nearly having heart attacks over this guy. Frankly, I do not take him seriously, on any level. Even though I disagree with nearly everything he says, does, or stands for, I take it all with a grain of salt, and keep it pretty lighthearted. It does not effect me much. But, he does invite scrutiny, and he does invite criticism and mockery. So, I am having some fun with it. The circus freak deserves that. He has earned that. So has his entire family. It is a circus family. The original Barnum and Bailey family.


  3. 4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    A rather suspicious 'poll' if the individuals who are polled - basically all have the Sadz that DJT will be President for the next 7 years. 


    Most of us who are level headed, and have not sampled any of the kool aid, believe there is less than a 1% chance of a second term. First of all, I do not believe he is enjoying his first term, and more than likely he would not want to run again. Secondarily, even if he wants to run again, there is little chance of him getting elected, and his poor health might prevent that anyway. One cannot eat cheeseburgers as a dietary staple, avoid all forms of exercise (swinging a golf club, and driving around in a cart all day does not count one iota), and get away with that forever. One thing many of his supporters are not counting on, is getting trounced in the mid terms, which is going to happen. I predict a democratic majority in both the house and the senate, come November. That means very little legislation will get passed. Once the people see through this tax plan, and realize it is just a massive transfer of wealth from the middle and lower classes, to the corporations, the top 5%, and Trumps businesses, all bets are off. 

  4. And what about insuring your faithful ex-pat population, that you will compel True Visions, your satellite monopoly, to carry the 2018 Winter Olympics, and the 2020 Summer Olympics? Is that not a reasonable request? Those cheap charlies skipped the summer olympics last time, as they were unwilling to pay competitive rates for the programming. Exactly what they did when they got rid of HBO, and substituted the fabulously anemic Paramount and Warner channels. 1980's movies? The worlds lowest rental fees on movies no satellite company will rent anymore? Are we in Burkina Faso? And you claim this is the developing world? Prove it.

  5. 1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    Since he was talking about improving ties with Russia all during the primaries and the campaign I wouldn't believe your whole "dirt" theory holds water.

    Since Russian counter-intelligence has been hacking onto US agencies for the last 10 years, doesn't it beg the question as to why there is an investigation now and absolutely nothing before?

    They may have helped Bush win (along with his brother) because they were feeding the US intelligence about WMDs. They were meddling during both Obama runs knowing he was gutless and wouldn't do anything until he was 1/2 way out the door and only then to make problems for President Trump to have to fix.

    I feel sad for you having only hate in your soul. Make sure to express that distaste next payday as you dutifully line up to return all that extra money you'll be getting in your paycheck. :thumbsup:


    Funny man. Only the top 5% will benefit from the new tax plan. It amounts to a massive transfer of wealth from the middle and lower class, to corporate America. One can only hope those companies, that have been given all this tax savings, at a time when they are already earning record profits, will return some of that money to the American economy. The average American has just gotten poorer, due to this man, and due to his plan. Yes, they get temporary benefits for the first three years. Then it is a continuation of the downward spiral, for the average American. 


    I have very little hate in my soul. Granted, I have very little affection, respect, or love toward the charlatan in chief. But, I do not hate him. I hate few souls. I just do not like him. And he invites my scorn. On a daily basis. 

  6. 4 hours ago, SpicyMeatball said:

    Sounds to me this is something your father must have said to you. Such a desperate dweeb!


    Nah. Actually I had a really good dad. He was kind and supportive. Maybe that was why I did not grow up to be a desperate dweeb. I think some of these kids are not getting enough support and kindness at home. And they just do not develop any self esteem. So, hence the not so quiet desperation. 

  7. 2 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    or the ones that like the random sex ...........


    You are trying to use male logic about women, and women from a wildly different culture to your own.

    I've met some Thai girls that wanted the sex, and that was why they worked in bars.

    I've met some Thai girls that were alcoholic/drugged party animals, and the money was just used to extend the party.

    I've met some that appeared to be looking for husbands.

    And yeah, I've met some that claimed to be doing it for the money.


    Many years ago I was with a short time gal, at a massage place. After we were done, I asked her if she was going out to a club. She said no. I asked why not. She said if she went to a club, she would find a guy who wanted long time, or all night. She said she could not imagine something more boring. She said why would I want to be with one guy, when I could be with three or four guys, in one night, and see many different units. I found that fascinating. She seemed to enjoy the rush of the whole thing.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, punchjudy said:

    What an absolute punk. What a complete failure. What an abject, abysmal, small hearted, waif of a young man. He does injustice to the entire gender. No spine. No self esteem. No sense of worth. Nothing, he is absolutely nothing. Move on. Get a life. Be a man. Even a young man. Be something. There are thousands of other fish in the sea. Stand up, and do something with your life, you desperate little dweeb. 


    I'm thinking maybe a job like talking to people in a suicide situation wouldn't be your thing.


    Probably not. Especially a little punk like this guy. I mean, what would you say to him? How would you counsel a 13 year old who is willing to take his own life, because some tween rejected his pathetic advances? Get a life. Figure out a way to find some self esteem. I am not sure why, but it seems as though Thai society has not developed the capability to teach kids to have self esteem, confidence, and identity. 

  9. Eventually, Thailand is going to have to do something about highway 4. It is over congested with trucks. I propose a second level, that functions as high speed toll road. Very limited access. Accessible only for cars and motorbikes. No trucks. It has to happen sooner or later. It is the main north south artery in the country. Spend the money now. I know I would use it. I would pay the money for the convenience, and safety. How many times I have been stuck behind a slow moving truck, in the fast lane. 


    Also, the lack of a good freight system on the trains is part of the problem. Most countries have that. Almost all the goods in the country are moved around by trucks. That has to end. An alternative must be created. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

    Just hang on a minute we talking about double pricing here not of the cost, so you saying

    Thais should pay $520 when in Australia ? If you agree to that than I agree to double

    pricing in Thailand


    Of course not. I was not implying that. If anything, I was implying that there was no room for double pricing in Australia, with prices already being sky high. But, double pricing is repugnant. No matter where. And anyone being charged 150 baht on the street for a plate of mediocre, lifeless food, should just say no!

  11. Good. This is excellent news. A man piloting a ship costing a hundred million dollars, who is responsible for hundreds, if not thousands of young lives, should be held responsible when that ship collides with another ship at sea. They have the best radar at hand. They have a skilled crew. There is no excuse for this, on any level. They can see ships coming for miles. It is ridiculous that these accidents ever happen and when they do, the guy in charge should be charged and sentenced. 


    Making  America great again? How about teaching Admirals how to pilot a ship?

  12. 21 hours ago, Pesche said:

    Indeed, spidermike007, spot on.


    I do remember well the scandalous tax raises on wine in the 90s! Before that I could offer a decent selection in my restaurant and guest were delighted to drink "wine by the glass" of nice selected wines. After the repeated increases the wine became unpayable since the price was even higher than in Europe! They did destroy the market and many restaurateurs know how bad decision it was.


    Specially the immigration procedures at arrival are since ages snail-slow and it is acute when tourists travel for so long and have to cue for hours to get in.

    I was blown away when I arrived at Hong Kong Airport last year for a brief visit: I was from the plane to out of the airport within 15 minutes!

    Including a smiling and welcoming immigration officer!!

    It was a really amazing positive experience!!


    However, when back in Thailand, arriving at 05.00 at Krabi International I was squeezed by hundreds of pushing and loud Chineses (sorry! I like Chinese, BUT...).

    The Lobby was as crowded as a can of sardines...

    And there was 1 (one) officer checking the passports, with a grumpy face and friendly like a bulldozer...

    I could finally get out within 1.45 h.

    The flight from Hong Kong took 1.15 h.


    If Thailand wants to become a leading destination, they definitely have to improve communication (finally speak English) and Service skills (professionalism).

    I recall, Thailand had the Boom starting in 1988. If you compare then and now, it changed to get worse and worse and, with an attitude...

    The "give me money" Mentality


    Xenophobic behavior is nowadays also a norm we experience every single day, specially if you live in the Land of Smiles which doesn't smile anymore...

    My humble Salt & Pepper


    No doubt the wine duty was about a small lobby, that paid a senator to pass anti fareng wine legislation, to promote a handful of very inferior domestic wineries. A myopic policy, that staggers the imagination. To think of the hundreds of billions of baht the country is losing every year. If the duty was only 100%, the wine industry here would explode. It would benefit tourism, bu attracting a far higher level of tourist, the hotel industry, restaurants, and the people, and ex-pats, who could choose from good wine, at fair prices. As it stands now, a decent bottle here costs in excess of 1,000 baht. And at the restaurants, the prices of good wine is downright silly. I have seen house wines, that cost 1,500 baht, that are available in Los Angeles for $4. Good wines that I pay $30-40 for in LA, cost 6,000 baht here, if you can find them. And who is going to pay that kind of money for a wine that is 80% less overseas? It is a bit like an ignorant hi-so guy paying 15,000,000 baht for a Porsche 911 here, that cost $120,000 in the US. 


    As far as the xenophobic behavior, I find that surliness confined to the big cities like Bangkok, Pattaya, and tourist areas like Samui and Phuket. And I am often surprised by how cool the locals are in Bangkok, for big city people. Part of the issue is that they are exposed to alot of very low class tourists, who make trouble, are not polite or respectful, are drunk alot, and they get jaded. It is the worst in Samui, Phuket, and Pattaya, in my opinion. In the smaller towns, and out in the country, most people are utterly delightful to be around, and are not the slightest bit xenophobic. I think most Thai people genuinely like foreigners, regardless of all of the dogma they have been subjected to, by a fabulously ignorant succession of administrations. And I also find that the Thai people really respond to a good attitude. If I am friendly, open, lighthearted, humorous, kind, and respectful, the reaction I get is usually very gratifying, and very warm. I adore most Thai people. They beat the hell out of the bitter, disenfranchised, surly, cold, humorless, and heavy hearted souls back in the US. 

  13. This is a humorous article. Bangkok has perhaps the least amount of land devoted to public park space, of any major capital in the world. More than likely, it is all about greed. And the city's unwillingness to invest in public space. Granted, the land prices in Bangkok are astronomical. But, a city has to take care of it's own. The public transportation in Bangkok is supreme. Some of the best. But, we all need more parks. 


    Also, they could mandate, that trucks and buses are not allowed within city limits, unless they are equipped with natural gas. That would make a huge difference. Thailand has already made alot of progress with the conversion to CNG, and alternatives. Keep up the pressure. 

  14. It is a strange, and bizarre day when the circus clown criticizes his dear friend, King Vlad. I am not sure I have ever heard him be critical of Russia. He is usually their greatest cheerleader. He always comes to their defense. My belief is that there is little doubt they have alot of dirt on the charlatan, and he is very, very afraid of Russia. So what gives? Why all of a sudden is he seeing Russia for what they are? A true enemy of the state. Something is strange in Washington. Maybe Mr. Unstable, definitely not a genius, has finally gotten some common sense? Or maybe he finally listened to someone with some wisdom? 

  15. What an absolute punk. What a complete failure. What an abject, abysmal, small hearted, waif of a young man. He does injustice to the entire gender. No spine. No self esteem. No sense of worth. Nothing, he is absolutely nothing. Move on. Get a life. Be a man. Even a young man. Be something. There are thousands of other fish in the sea. Stand up, and do something with your life, you desperate little dweeb. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I'm uncomfortable with a woman who has had more than 10-20 guys in the last week!



    Well, I would say you are not alone with that opinion. But, you are talking about a higher end massage gal in Bangkok, or a gal who works in a soapy, or a short time gal in Bangkok or Pattaya. We all know the risks inherent in getting involved with such a woman. The chances of having a good relationship are ridiculously low. I honestly believe it is possible for a gal to do 100-300 men and still have a big, open heart, and be capable of a healthy relationship. Beyond that, all bets are off. 

    • Haha 1
  17. 2 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

    DAMN, 3500 PUNTERS X 1500 BAHT = THB$ 5250000 / 32= US$ 164000


    Easily. Yes, over the course of many years? I personally know women who earn a million baht a year. I have known women who have had six boyfriends, who sent them a total of 100,000 baht per month. I also know a gal who worked in Singapore at a brothel. She was stunning. She earned 3 million baht cash, all clear, in 16 months. Took it all home. Build a gorgeous house, started a business, and is totally independent financially. To this day. That was several years ago. All good. Do not know how she relates to men at this point. And I doubt she will ever be capable of a healthy relationship, after 3,000 men or more, in my estimation. But, she did establish herself. I give her credit for that. 

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Justfine said:

    Normal stops after the first month. After that it's used goods.




    Not sure about that. I know alot of women I dated in the states would bang a couple of guys a week. If they were 30, that meant they had already been with well over 1,000 men. Very common in the US. Most guys do not like admitting that, of course. Nowadays, they are getting started at 13-15 years old. Before it was later. So, what is the difference? Being paid, or not? Do not think that makes much difference. It was not like there was an emotional connection to these guys. It was just something to do. As far as used goods go, that is a deep philosophical discussion. I know alot of guys who are uncomfortable being with a women who has had more than 10-20 guys, in her lifetime. To me, that is a ridiculous and naive notion. I want experience. Who wants a near virgin?  Maybe some guys from the Middle East, who have been subjected to a bizarre, confused, and hypocritical ideology. But, for a mature and together man, a woman with experience can be a wonderful thing. A good woman who has alot of experience, and has been around the block? No problem.

  19. Nobody I know carries their original passport, unless they are flying out of the country. It is a completely unreasonable request, and one I will NEVER abide by. I carry a color copy of my passport, along with my Thai drivers license in my wallet. And I have a photo of my passport and my visa page in my phone. That has never once in over a decade not been sufficient. If a policeman told me it was not sufficient, I would tell him off, in no uncertain terms. Respect is earned. Not freely given. I have zero respect for these guys. None. And I do not hesitate to let them know what I think of them. They actually seem to back down when they are feeling the heat. They expect easy marks.


    I was recently pulled over for speeding, on the toll section of highway one, near Don Muang, where they have cameras now. I was doing 100, which is very safe on that elevated road. The current speed limit of 80kph is nothing more than a revenue generator, and has nothing to do with safety. I told the cop that. My wife translated. He asked for 1,000 baht. I looked him in the eyes, and told him that there was a zero percent chance of him getting 1,000 baht out of me. He look puzzled and confused. I offered him 200 baht. He laughed, and said 500 would be ok. I gave him that. He will use it toward the construction of his new villa, or toward the purchase of a Sukhumvit condo. Or his superior officer will. No respect earned. None given. Always and forever.

    • Like 1
  20. 1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

    That is a good thing. Personally, I avoid romantic relationships with all men, since I am straight. 


    That post makes no sense at all. 


    It is what is known in many parts of the world as sarcastic humor. I think a thread like this one needs some levity. It is such a horrific, and depressing topic. Many of us at this point in time, are so thankful we are living over here. It truly feels as if we are in Alaska, or some other rather neutral territory, during the course of the war, which is exactly what is happening in the US, at this point in time. The war on men rages on.

  21. 13 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Woody Allen was never married to Mia Farrow. She was only a casual girlfriend and NEVER stayed overnight at his apartment.

    He did marry the 26 year old adopted daughter of Mia and Andre Previn, and is still married to Soon-Yi Previn now his wife of 20 years. He allegedly started seeing Soon-Yi when she was 21.


    Mia Farrow was a serial adulteress ..... the sort of woman most men would want to avoid these days. 


    Nice summary. Thanks for that. Now, the Quakers, Puritans, and fundamentalists can stop harping on him. What he did was unconventional. Some might call it a betrayal of Mia. But, that is about it. Nothing illegal about marrying your step daughter. Strange I admit. But it does not rise to the level of rape, and these dim witted extremists, like Rosie McGowan and Minnie Driver are pushing the envelope way, way too far. Already, most American women are stripped of the ability to have a good, healthy relationship with a real man, due to their incessant need to emasculate him, on every level, except castration. Now, it is getting to the tipping point. Just watch. There will be a backlash. I cannot wait for that. 

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