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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. And now, Moore is showing what a truly tiny man he is, by refusing to concede. He will not call Jones to offer him the concession. And he claims to be a man of prayer, and contemplation? Religion in word only. No understanding of spirit. No understanding of universal laws. A true heathen, on all levels. A multiple serial statutory rapist. Hopefully, he will disappear into the oblivion. The planet is better off without this worm.

  2. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Moore's defeat was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. He is the last kind of man we need in a leadership role, in the US, right now. Trump has diminished the value of the GOP brand tremendously, in less than a year. The last thing the nation needs now is a probable serial statutory rapist as a senator. It was a win win for the nation. A man who sells religion to a state that wants to hear it, but knows absolutely nothing, not one iota, about spirituality, and reflects this on a daily basis, in his life. 


    Of course it was a big loss for Trump, who went out on a limb, by endorsing this worm. Trump showed that it is not about the nation, but rather about the party. It is not about the people, but rather about big money interests. There is not a lobbyist that Trump has said no to, in his first year in office. He has single handedly repopulated the swamp, with alligators from Wall Street. He is not fit for office. By any stretch. And neither was Moore the molester. Trump is a one man wrecking crew. Moore would have been much the same. The only reason why Trump endorsed him, was the party. It had nothing to do with the man. Typical. 


    And now, Moore is showing what a truly tiny man he is, by refusing to concede. He will not call Jones to offer him the concession. And he claims to be a man of prayer, and contemplation? Religion in word only. No understanding of spirit. No understanding of universal laws. A true heathen, on all levels. A multiple serial statutory rapist. Hopefully, he will disappear into the oblivion. The planet is better off without this worm.

  3. Moore's defeat was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. He is the last kind of man we need in a leadership role, in the US, right now. Trump has diminished the value of the GOP brand tremendously, in less than a year. The last thing the nation needs now is a probable serial statutory rapist as a senator. It was a win win for the nation. A man who sells religion to a state that wants to hear it, but knows absolutely nothing, not one iota, about spirituality, and reflects this on a daily basis, in his life. 


    Of course it was a big loss for Trump, who went out on a limb, by endorsing this worm. Trump showed that it is not about the nation, but rather about the party. It is not about the people, but rather about big money interests. There is not a lobbyist that Trump has said no to, in his first year in office. He has single handedly repopulated the swamp, with alligators from Wall Street. He is not fit for office. By any stretch. And neither was Moore the molester. Trump is a one man wrecking crew. Moore would have been much the same. The only reason why Trump endorsed him, was the party. It had nothing to do with the man. Typical. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Jones wins, Moore loses and refuses to admit defeat.


    Perhaps the swamp got drained a little Moore.




    Of course this absolute heathen refuses to admit defeat. He does not have a single gracious bone in his frail little body, and his tiny black heart does not permit him to ever, ever do the right thing. That is simply who the man is. Sort of takes after his headman, the deflector in chief. 

  5. Moore's defeat was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. He is the last kind of man we need in a leadership role, in the US, right now. Trump has diminished the value of the GOP brand tremendously, in less than a year. The last thing the nation needs now is a probably serial statutory rapist as a senator. It was a win win for the nation. 


    Of course it was a big loss for Trump, who went out on a limb, by endorsing this worm. Trump showed that it is not about the nation, but rather about the party. It is not about the people, but rather about big money interests. There is not a lobbyist that Trump has said no to, in his first year in office. He has single handedly repopulated the swamp, with alligators from Wall Street. He is not fit for office. By any stretch. And neither was moore the molester. 

  6. On 12/11/2017 at 5:45 PM, over2you said:

    And who is it who makes/teaches Thai males to think, believe, act in the way they do?

    Thai women - Mothers. 


    Not just the women. The men too. They are an overly entitled gender here in the LOS. Boys from an early age are told they are special.


    What parents need to start doing is to tell their sons:


    1. You are nothing special. You become special when you prove yourself to be a worth person. An exemplary character. A cut above the rest. Someone who gives and does not just take.

    2. Your sister is special. She works hard, she is ambitious, and she is not lazy. Prove yourself to be at least equal to her. Women run this country.

    3. Respect is not freely given. It must be earned. Go out into the world and earn respect.



  7. The problem here, is that because the administration has been spouting alot of this anti corruption drivel for so long, there are people who actually buy into it. It is deflection, and nonsense. This is one of the most corrupt administration in recent history. The fortunes the guys at the top are earning, would stagger most minds. A very expensive watch? One days earnings for him.

  8. Boonruang acknowledged that couples and families commonly endure pressure stemming from work-related stress and factors of social and economic status.


    He encouraged spouses to communicate positively with one another in dealing with such factors and avoid using words “that will hurt feelings or cause your partner to lose their tempers”. Doing so “can turn a minor problem into a big deal”.


    Spouses should, for example, avoid telling each other to shut up or to leave the house, and mustn’t blame recurring problems on each other, make accusations of infidelity, or accuse one another of being a long-term failure.


    Boonruang also advised married people to avoid raising their voices and using coarse language with one another. “And don’t attack your partners’ relatives!”


    This guy is a genius! Wow. He has it all figured out. Actually, I believe the major reasons for divorce here are the practice of face, (the single greatest act of cowardice a person can commit) the fact that most men here have very low self esteem, and the lack of ability to admit blame, for problems you have caused. Own it, and do something about it. Hiding your head in the sand never solved a thing.


    Lastly, many Thai women tell me that alot of Thai men do not have a romantic bone in their bodies, rarely if ever are they affectionate, drink too much, smoke too much, and are not particularly adoring to them. Could that be an issue?

  9. 15 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

    I have had many bikes, all my life, the first thing I never forgot is trying to avoid obstacles if possible,  instead of simply braking.

    I looked 2/3 times this video: IMPOSSIBLE,  the wheel was not coming from the front of her but from the other side of the road, and the wheel bounced to the right exactly on her, inevitable.

    Adding the speed of the motorbike with the speed of the wheel in the opposite direction we are over 100kmh. 


    Absolutely spot on correct in your observation. The dissenters here, know nothing about anything having to do with driving, and the avoidance of those kinds of obstacles. When was the last time THEY tried to dodge a 50 kilogram wheel going 40 kph? She had one second to react. And that is if she happened to be looking directly at that truck, at exactly that instant! That much is obvious. 


    Look, I believe in something that resembles the grim reaper. When your number is up, that is all they wrote. 


    A "truck wheel" meaning, without the tire on it, is approximately 150 Lbs. A "wheel" meaning, with the tire on it, add 350Lbs to equal 500 Lbs. A "wheel" meaning, dual, a set of two side-by-side, equals 1,000 Lbs. A "wheel" meaning, the fifth-wheel, is approximately 1,200 Lbs.





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  10. 13 hours ago, Ruffian Dick said:

    You're just reacting that one photo that's been shown online. He's had many women accusing him of worse stuff, without photos of course.


    13 hours ago, Ruffian Dick said:

    You're just reacting that one photo that's been shown online. He's had many women accusing him of worse stuff, without photos of course.


    Like what? Trying to kiss them? Wow. Big deal. Since when is that a big crime? Men have been doing that for millennium. So you do not want to be kissed. You push the guy away. You do not make a federal case out of it. This is all about money, and GOP power. An accused child molester, and statutory rapist is running for office, and the deflector in chief is a guy who has said he grabs strangers by the pussy, on tape, and that those strangers are basically willing to do anything because he is famous, while a guy who tried to kiss a few grown women, is resigning? Something here really stinks. 


    The bottom line is this. Teflon Don has created an environment that is so toxic, so putred, so horrendous, that standards no longer apply to most Republicans. Especially the ones he supports. 

  11. 16 hours ago, Mansell said:

    My understanding is this whole thing is a witch hunt on Franken that is orchestrated by the Republicans after he went after Sessions. I called Franken's office today and urged him to fight instead of quit, and that a lot of people support him. The woman who accused him initially was coached in her accusations. But the Republicans attacked Clinton and Obama for eight years each while they were presidents. As somebody once said, "If you don't want to get pig shit on you, don't get in with the pigs." And believe me these people in power are PIGS.


    I wholeheartedly agree. Trump is a pig. A pig of such profound proportions, my guess is that his body odor resembles something like sulphur, combined with doo doo. Everything about him is toxic. And he is bringing the party down with him. No grace, dignity, or common sense left in the GOP. Not that the dems are far behind. But, they have not sunk nearly as low, as endorsing an accused child molester, and statutory rapist. And never let us forget the "grab her by the pussy" comments, that Trump was heard saying. When you are famous you can do anything to them. What? That is not sexist? That is not misogynist? No doubt, Teflon Don the pig, is held to a different standard, and the party itself maintains different standards for it's members. 


    Franken should stay and fight. He should fight the "great war on men". And he should challenge his accusers. Challenge their morality, and their character. He is being accused by a former playboy bunny. Is there even a chance she DID NOT use her body for favors, in her pursuit of fame and fortune. NOT. 

  12. 1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


    Please correct me but I am not aware of any of the accusations against Franken being arrestable offenses at this time. No one is making reports to Law Enforcement agencies. In fact, doing so would weaken the accusations because the investigations would result in no charges being filed. Simply one persons word against another unless these women can show diaries or electronic communications to friends at the time of the alleged incidents. 


    The single exception to this was grabbing the melons of the sleeping entertainer but I am not sure physical contact was made and that took place over foreign airspace and the only jurisdiction would probably be the FBI except the Statute of Limitations has long expired. That incident occured prior to his even running for office.


    There is no criminal investigation but only an Ethics Committee Investigation. 




    Exactly. And that is precisely why he should have resisted resignation with every ounce of his power. He did not make contact. It was joke! He was a comedian. Anything for a gag. It is the extremely thin skinned and hateful women that are pushing this agenda.He should have pushed the blame back onto his accusers. Of course, he would have been crucified, in this moment of extreme permissiveness, when it comes to open, free, unwitting, unsubstantiated accusations. There must be a burden of proof on the accuser. Otherwise, men are like game in an animal preserve. Many women are just out hunting for game, at this moment. This has gone too far. Many of the women in the US, are showing their disgust with anything to do with femininity, their complete inability to grasp it, or embrace it, or embody it, or manifest it, on any level, and they are exposing themselves as the coarse, rude, callous, power grabbing monsters they truly are. Ugly. Really, really ugly. 

  13. These are NOT normal times. What we are witnessing is an extreme war on men. Every accuser should be compelled to answer the following questions under oath.


    1. Have you ever slept with a man, or a woman, in exchange for any sort of favors, money, position, or perk?


    2. Have you ever used your feminine wiles to encourage a man to offer you a favor, or give you special treatment, or a promotion of any sort?


    3. Have you ever offered any sexual favors, in exchange for any sort of perk or profit?


    4. Is there any reason to believe, that you were not being put in a position of being propositioned by the man who invited you up to his hotel room, or invited you back to his house or apartment? Perhaps in exchange for a promotion, or some sort of advantage in your job? Why did you accept the offer? What made you think there was not going to be a sexual angle to the invitation? After all, you had heard stories about the man in advance. Perhaps you anticipated some of it? Perhaps you wanted it? Perhaps you were prepared to offer these favors, in exchange for something? Perhaps you DID offer these favors? How innocent are you, really? 


  14. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Franken's accuser's named offenses were definitely more minor than the typically accused now that are being forced out of careers (but not all forced ... trump). I'm not making excuses for Franken but in normal times what he's been accused of wouldn't have killed anyone's major career. But it happened. Time to move on ... 

    Also in normal times a clown troll "grab em by their p" baby man wouldn't have been elected president, or even dog catcher. 

    These are NOT normal times. What we are witnessing is an extreme war on men. Every accuser should be compelled to answer the following questions under oath.


    1. Have you ever slept with a man, or a woman, in exchange for any sort of favors, money, position, or perk?


    2. Have you ever used your feminine wiles to encourage a man to offer you a favor, or give you special treatment, or a promotion of any sort?


    3. Have you ever offered any sexual favors, in exchange for any sort of perk or profit?


    4. Is there any reason to believe, that you were not being put in a position of being propositioned by the man who invited you up to his hotel room, or invited you back to his house or apartment? Perhaps in exchange for a promotion, or some sort of advantage in your job? Why did you accept the offer? What made you think there was not going to be a sexual angle to the invitation? After all, you had heard stories about the man in advance. Perhaps you anticipated some of it? Perhaps you wanted it? Perhaps you were prepared to offer these favors, in exchange for something? Perhaps you DID offer these favors? How innocent are you, really? 



  15. 12 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:
    21 minutes ago,  spidermike007 said: 

    I am happy Franken at least brought up the moral corruption, and extreme degradation of Trump and Moore. Something for people to think about.



    The only thing people will think about his exit speech is good riddance. Nobody will care what an admitted perv says about people everyone knows he hates. Getting to be a little like that here.

    You are wrong. First of all, people openly wept, when he was giving his speech. Franken was very well liked, and highly respected in the senate. Secondarily, how can you refer to him as a perv? For having a photo taken where he is reaching out, and not even touching a woman's breasts? Has the standard fallen that low? For trying to kiss an adult woman? Are you one of the members of the war on men? Please explain. I cannot fathom your statement, especially in light of Trumps "grab em by the pussy" statement. Surely, he was never quoted as using language as crude, as the deflector in chief used. And he was certainly not accused of statutory rape, and assaulting minors, as young as 14. Where are your standards, anyway?



  16. One wonders if it could be used or both passengers, and freight. That makes sense. But, can high speed trains handle much freight? 


    Citing an executive at China Railway Rolling Stock Corp (CRRC), it said the country’s first super-fast freight train had been designed to haul cargo at speeds of up to 250 kph and would roll off an assembly line in the first half of 2016. The new freight trains are said to be modelled on existing bullet trains, which can run at up to 350 kph.







  17. He resigned because there was a discussion about surrogacy? The war on men continues. This is one of the most outrageous examples I have seen yet.


    There is an extreme moral deficit within the GOP. When an accused child molester, and accused statutory rapist, is treated with an entirely different standard, than a senator who is accused of groping, or kissing an adult from time to time, in an unwanted fashion, there is something wrong, something very wrong. The unfortunate part about this whole dialogue, is that Trump has introduced a new low for politicians. And he somehow did it, while talking about draining the swamp. Cute. It would be funny if it were not for the fact that it is so very sad, so pathetic, so purile, and so fake, and false. But, there are alot of people who are buying into it. Alot of my friends, who still support him, say they despise him, and what he has done to the party. But, they support him nonetheless, as there is no alternative. As a lifelong democrat (but not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination) I see how broken our party is. Hillary was the worst thing for the dems. She was the wrong candidate, at the wrong time. 


    I think Franken should have stood up to the nonsense. He should have asked the women senators who were asking him to step down, how many times have you used your feminine wiles, to get what you wanted in life? And how many men have you slept with, to get favors, position, power, or money? How innocent are you women, really?


    There are alot of accusations flying around. I am happy Franken at least brought up the moral corruption, and extreme degradation of Trump and Moore. Something for people to think about. This "war on men" in the US, is out of control. The women waging this war must be stopped. 

  18. There is an extreme moral deficit within the GOP. When an accused child molester, and accused statutory rapist, is treated with an entirely different standard, than a senator who is accused of groping, or kissing an adult from time to time, in an unwanted fashion, there is something wrong, something very wrong. The unfortunate part about this whole dialogue, is that Trump has introduced a new low for politicians. And he somehow did it, while talking about draining the swamp. Cute. It would be funny if it were not for the fact that it is so very sad, so pathetic, so purile, and so fake, and false. But, there are alot of people who are buying into it. Alot of my friends, who still support him, say they despise him, and what he has done to the party. But, they support him nonetheless, as there is no alternative. As a lifelong democrat (but not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination) I see how broken our party is. Hillary was the worst thing for the dems. She was the wrong candidate, at the wrong time. 


    I think Franken should have stood up to the nonsense. He should have asked the women senators who were asking him to step down, how many times have you used your feminine wiles, to get what you wanted in life? And how many men have you slept with, to get favors, position, power, or money? How innocent are you women, really?


    There are alot of accusations flying around. I am happy Franken at least brought up the moral corruption, and extreme degradation of Trump and Moore. Something for people to think about. This "war on men" in the US, is out of control. The women waging this war must be stopped. 

  19. They will not do a thing. Why? They do not care about the people one iota. Not the common people. Not the average pleb. No way. Never have cared, and may never care in the future. It is all about protecting the elite, the super wealthy, those that are connected, and those in power. The rest of the population? They do not matter. The ex-pat community does not matter. 


    As I have said previously: The primary reason is the toy police force. Nobody, and I mean nobody takes these guys seriously. There is absolutely nothing in the way of a deterrent here, and both the local governments, the central government (weak Little P.) and the police do not take traffic safety seriously. Not even one iota. The safety of the public means less than zero to the small men in charge here. Nothing. They show that on a daily basis. And the police will not get involved unless an accident has already occurred. There is no prevention. None. The idea of getting the police more involved, is an interesting one, and it would be an effective one. But, the issue is money. They are grossly underpaid, and until the government steps up, and spends the trillion baht on updating the police equipment, and paying each cop a living wage, it is not going to happen. Until then, they will just work the franchise. 


    When I was growing up, we took drivers education classes. They showed us these horrendous films, of semi trucks crashing into cars, and literally obliterating them, and everything inside. Also, they showed very graphic images of head on collisions. Even as a young kid, it left a lasting impression, and I realized driving was no joking matter. Especially when you have your friends, or loved ones in the car with you. I am constantly astonished at the kinds of chances people take here, with their entire family in the car with them. Why? What is the logic? What is the reason? Why take those risks? Often, when someone cuts onto the highway in front of me, as I am doing 100kpm or more on the highway, I look in my rearview mirror, and there is nobody behind me for quite some distance. Which means, had they paused, and waited 2 or 3 seconds, there would have been zero risk to them, their family, or me and my family. What can one even say? All of this matters even more when driving a motorbike, where there is no protection. 


    The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy. Chances are, he does not have much driving skill, nor patience, nor reason, nor common sense. You cannot be too careful on the road here. Especially considering that the toy police offer no traffic safety, nor enforcement of the law. 

  20. King Vlad is much like Trump, in many regards. The chief quality they share in common, is their hatred of the media, and the free press. They have little tolerance for criticism, and both despise truth. Truth is the enemy. Truth is too revealing, of their faults, and their excesses. Truth must be squashed. Since Trump cannot control the media with extreme censorship, he uses his fake media narrative, to excess. Putin can control the media. He squashes all freedom of the press, and if a reporter is out of line, he executes them, without any consequences. 


    Russia deserved this ban. They had it coming. They were caught red handed. King Vlad assumed his draconian power would keep anyone involved in the program from speaking out. Well, the weasel was wrong. Now, he is making up this narrative about the Olympics, and the election. Pure, unadulterated BS. He simply wants to retain power, as he enjoys being a dictator, a bit too much. And he figures he can use the extra $10-20 billion he will earn. 

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