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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. What can one even say? There were probably at least ten good reasons why his wife, who was probably a responsible, decent and hard working woman, would not give him the cash. Just another overly entitled Thai male who was told a few thousand times how special he was, when he was growing up. 


    I have a solution. Thai parents should stop indulging their sons. From the age of two, they should be told they are nothing special. That good things come to those who work hard and apply themselves and give back to society. And that their sisters are better than they are. Smarter, harder workers and more ambitious. Until you prove otherwise, you ain't much little boy!

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  2. Little P should be worried. There is never a circumstance where an immigration official should slap a tourist around. I would have lost my mind has that happened to me. I would NEVER let it go. 


    I am thrilled the video went viral. These cretons need to be disciplined. Talk about a completely unwarranted sense of power and entitlement. Thai authorities are exceedingly unimpressive people, for the most part. Especially Little P.

  3. 13 minutes ago, the guest said:


    I find absolutely incredible how the west has the gaul to point the finger when their own backyard is also tainted with blood. Perhaps you can explain how the "Americas" were colonized? Was it by invitation, or did they (meaning the Europeans) cull, rape and pillage the indigenous population for years, but we won't talk about that because its the past, and we can now live with a clear conscience (whatever than means).


    Double standards in my book, was the land ever handed back once it was conquered, I think not !


    Whilst I appall what is happening in Burma, you could say the fire was lit by the interfering west (yet again) mostly by the British !


    One cannot argue with any of that. As far as I am concerned the three major blemishes on the history of the US, are the treatment of the American Indians, the black population, and the Mexican nation. One can argue it goes way beyond that. And it does. Although the US has been involved in many campaigns that have led to countless deaths, we are now talking about the current day. Right now, as we speak, the Burmese army is committing atrocities that are unthinkable, against the Muslim population. It does amount to genocide, though many apologists on this forum will say differently. And Suu Kyi is absolutely complicit in mass murder and rape.

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  4. Who are these people? Why would someone even consider the possibility that someone is their "friend", due to an online encounter. There is no substance to the 'relationship". There is nothing there. Is this due to extreme loneliness? Why one earth would someone send 100,000 baht to someone they never met? And then do it over, and over, and over again, without seeing anything in return, or ever meeting this person? 


    I hear about guys all the time getting involved with someone online, and devoting hundreds of hours to the woman, sending her money, etc, etc. They have never even met. What is that?


    Is this just a very low IQ sort of thing? Desperation for companionship? Greed? It is all way, way beyond me.

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  5. As the head of immigration, he would be following a long held Thai political tradition. Appoint the least qualified person you can find, to head a major department. This has been going on for decades. What experience does this man have with regards to immigration? Being a highly ranked policeman, there is a high probability he is not honest, and the Koh Tao investigation is proof of that. He may be famous, but he lacks talent, and has accomplished very, very little. A crime buster he is not!

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  6. There is no doubt in my mind, that Cosby is as guilty as they come. And a man in his position did not need to do what he did. He could have gotten as much action as he wanted, with his fame, fortune and power. Yet, he preyed on women anyway. What he did was unforgivable. By the women he betrayed, and also by society. I am thrilled he is going to prison, and I hope he dies there, which I am certain he will. He is simply getting what he deserves. His dying days in the slammer. And he will not get much sympathy from this fellow inmates, who do not look kindly upon such acts. Good good.

  7. Cavalier Kav came across as an overly entitled white man, who has never really had to face much adversity in his life. He also came across as obnoxious, mean spirited, very partisan, and the opposite of what he described his role as a judge to be, which is an impartial umpire. To me, he just has guilt written all over his face. Ford on the other hand came across as impeccably honest and straight forward, calm, cool, believable, and objective. 


    Now, the republican bosses are going to push the vote through as fast as they can, and as a result, the GOP will face an utter slaughter in November. Tone deaf at best. Mean spirited, misogynistic, and callous, at worst. Trump's good old boys. 

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  8. 15 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    well, giving up USA citizenship may sound like a good idea now, but later, now lets assume the USA still exists, he won't be eligible for any Medicare or any other federal benefits.  Americans can hold dual citizenship, but if the Thais are expecting or demanding him to give up USA allegiance, well, so be it.  One makes their bed, one sleeps in it.


    I do not think the US allows dual citizenship anymore and I believe it has been some time now since they allowed it. Many Americans are renouncing their citizenship. Mostly for tax reasons. 


    But many of us consider the days of American greatness to be in the past. 


    Having said that, not sure I would want to give up my citizenship. But since I am not in the top 1%, there are no important tax considerations to renounce. Often I say I am Canadian anyway. Not particularly proud of my country these days, and the astonishing degree of fake patriotism emanating from it. 

  9. 10 hours ago, jossthaifarang said:

    I'm not saying the bike was in the right, but the Kiwi seemed to be traveling pretty fast and could see the motorcycle for quite some time. He should have seen him coming, slowed down and moved over. Again the bike was in the wrong, but I think enough time was available for evasive action to have been taken..


    I doubt that. He was coming up to the top of a hill. There was a car to his left. There was no bike lane. This was entirely on the bike rider. He was idiotic beyond the furthest reaches of my imagination. The biker did not even attempt to.move to the side of the road. He was in the middle of the lane of oncoming traffic! It was as if he completely turned off his brain and was on a hazardous form of autopilot, or sleep driving! What can one even say?

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  10. 5 hours ago, mogandave said:


    I’ve been in Thailand a good while, stayed at many hotels all over the country, and never had anyone stick their hand out and wait for tip.



    Me neither. The difference is here a 20-40 baht tip gets alot of gratitude. Same in restaurants. In the US a ten to twenty dollar tip at a nice restaurant, gets barely a nod of gratitude. 

  11. 14 hours ago, sirineou said:

     You can hardly call Pompeo illiterate , as you made a good case for his accomplishments but how you  extend your argument to apply to Trump I don't understand.

       He speaks at a fourth grade level, his misspelled tweets are notorious,  he has not even a basic grasp of history, case and point him thinking Andrew Jackson could had prevented the Civil war even though he died almost twenty years before it.  He thinks Belgium is a city . etc


    Thank you. I was never referring to Pompeo as being illiterate. But he does seem out of place as SOS. Maybe it is the attempt to follow inane policies?  Trump illiterate? Yes. My guess is that he can read, but barely. He most definitely cannot speak. He makes Bush Jr. look really smart. An orator he will never be. 

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