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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. It appears to be a pick up driven by a guy completely devoid of driving skills, who totally lost control of the truck. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hope she recovers. Horrific. People here take the kinds of risks and chances on the roads I have never seen anywhere else. And the toy police are seemingly completely incapable or unwilling to do anything about it. Never once seen a highway patrol car pull over someone. Not once. An extraordinary degree of indifference and disregard for the common man, on the part of the government.


    Traffic safety is just not considered to be a priority, despise the highest death tolls of any nation on earth. One day Thailand will wake up to the terrible toll of highway fatalities and injuries, and the guys at the top will start taking responsibility for it. It might be decades from now, but it will happen. 


    Lastly, a Suzuki cannot be innocent. The driver can, but vehicles are usually inpassive machines. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Are you sure about that?


    I knew a guy who had a Ladyboy bar in Soi 33. I asked him how many had the operation. And he told me none of them had a specific part cut off because it seems most customers are not interested if that part is off...


    Also, from what I understand orgasm is difficult to impossible once the entire series of operations is complete. That is the biggest factor for most ladyboys and the reason why 90% choose to keep their package. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    The majority of guys that go with ladyboys insist that the wedding tackle is kept strictly out of view, then they can fool themselves int thinking that it's a real woman.


    And that is where the silliness comes into play. How many guys do not touch the package? Very few one would imagine. Otherwise, why not stick with real women? A bit of honestly needs to be injected into the equation here. 

  4. Prasit Saewkhunthois a half man. A worm. A tiny little child trapped in a man's body. He was told he was special about 2,500 too many times growing up. He should have been told he was an ordinary person, and that his sisters were far better than him, until he actually did something to prove himself to society. Just another tiny man with low self esteem. A nothing. 


    Thankfully this fool was unsuccessful in his attempt to murder his family. 


    Real men, when faced with a failed marriage, do what they can to fix things and improve themselves. And if things do not work out, they divorce and look after their child, and wish their ex wives well. Get a life. Take some responsibility. Move on. What a complete failure of a man. 

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  5. Just yesterday, while at one of his silly rallies, Trump referred to the people who opposed Krazy Kav as being evil. So, now 60% of the American population is evil.


    If this imbecile would just stop and reflect for one moment, before he said such inane dribble, he would be far less repugnant. He preaches to his base, who regard him as a spiritual master. But, the majority of the population in the US, and 90% of the population worldwide, knows better. 

    • Confused 1
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  6. On 10/8/2018 at 9:19 PM, ross163103 said:

    Agree totally! It's not about them having alarm clocks, apps or whatever to tell them the time to pray--that would be too easy, it's about influencing the infidels--their word not mine, around them to accept the fact that this area is muslim; it's all psychological.


    What about a simple compulsion to pray, because it comes from the heart? What is the possibility that the all seeing, all knowing, omniscient creator would be moved by a prayer that was motivated by an app, a call to prayer blasted over a loudspeaker, or any other form of coercion? That is about society. It has nothing to do with Divinity or the creator, and nothing whatsoever to do with spirituality. 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Time Traveller said:


    Did you read my post?.....because you are sooooooooo far off being anywhere close to the truth it's just sad.

    Say what you want about Trump, but he definitely didn't create FATCA or FBAR bills....and he sure doesn't take money from lobbyists. Unlike the previous democrat adminstration.

    BTW, here's a tip since you didn't seem to learn from the recent Supreme Court judge appointment. Just because you say something, doesn't make it true.



    What you say could not possibly be further than the truth. Trump has sought to repopulate the swamp with even more lobbyists than Obama. As Rudy has said, truth is not truth.


    Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” an oath that came with plans to curb lobbying and end a “culture of corruption.” The campaign stump speech line had a populist appeal, but one person’s swamp dweller is another’s job creator. Some of the 16 lobbyists spanning nine different industries interviewed by Reuters acknowledged that many people view them as part of the problem in Washington, not the solution, and that their growing influence may be seen by those as a negative. 


    Spending so far this year on lobbyists is on pace to exceed spending in 2016, according to the OpenSecrets website, with $2.43 billion spent over the first nine months compared to $2.38 billion at the same point in 2016. After taking office in January, Trump quickly made it easier to get into the White House. He reversed President Barack Obama’s restrictions that sought to keep lobbyists at bay by physically barring many of them from the White House - a rule that critics said did nothing more than move meetings with lobbyists to coffee shops across the street. And Trump has stopped the public disclosure of White House visitors’ logs, so now lobbyists come and go with less concern that their presence at the White House will be scrutinized. 





  8. This is just another example of the Trump administration's hatred and distaste for the common man. If you are not rich enough to take advantage of the loopholes, then you are targeted. Let us give the largest corporations, at a time of record profits, billions in savings, and let us tax the crap out of the ordinary hard working Joe. It is just how Trump rolls. He never met a lobbyists he could say no to. Too bad the average Joe does not have a lobbyist.

  9. There is a certain level of dignity, decorum, non partisanship and character, that one hopes for in a Supreme court justice. Krazy Kav seems to fail on every one of those levels. It was a horrible day for America, when he was selected, and just an indication of the continuing descent of the nation, into less relevant, less influential, and less significant nation status. 


    Alot of my friends say that crazy stuff happens at beer parties, when you are a teenager. And while I do agree with that, I never recall trying to force a young woman into anything at that age, or since. I have always been of the opinion, that is she does not want it, leave her alone. It is called decency and respect. Qualities that KK does not seem to have. How will that lack of character carry over to the bench? Just wait and see. 

    • Sad 1
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  10. One wonders if there is any way to spin this, so that the Burmese can be blamed for the deaths. Little P. must be losing sleep over this one. This cannot be good PR for the nation. First, a boatload of Chinese drown, due to lax safety standards, and an extremely greedy boat operator, who could see a huge storm on the radar, at the time the boat left. I could see it, surely he must have seen in. Next, a Chinese tourist gets slapped around, 13th century style, by an immigration official, and next two tourists get gunned down at a mall? Not a good couple of months, for the nation. Can they get Big Joke involved? He seems to know some ways to make these problems go away.

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  11. Although my wife is quite intelligent, when she deals with a repairman or contractor or the like, I always encourage her to anticipate issues ahead of time, and ask two or three additional questions. Does it ever happen? Never. I ask her what time will they show up? I don't know. Will they call first to let us know they are coming? I did not ask. Will he bring spare parts with him? Did not ask. What are his rates? Did not ask. Does he have any experience with this brand? Etc, etc. 


    Granted sometimes we over think things. But sometimes that can be helpful and there is nothing wrong with being armed with information. 


    Alot comes down to culture and education. And fear. Alot simply will not ask the right questions. I do not necessarily think it is about a lack of intelligence. Maybe more about a lack of curiosity or sophistication? Or free thinking? An extraordinarily high number of Thai people live in very small boxes of convention. 

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