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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. When you have a ministry called the ministry of sports and tourism, that is as far as you need to go, in determining the root cause of this problem. With tourism maintaining such an important and dominant position within the Thai economy, how do they justify handling the nations sports, within that same fabulously incompetent ministry? Who is making this stuff up? Why such a staggering lack of vision, and why such indifference to sport, on a leadership level? There is plenty of sport talent here in Thailand, when it comes to gold, tennis, boxing, volleyball, and many other world sports. But, it is being mismanaged, no doubt the athletes are not getting the kind of support, training, and leadership they need. 

    The culprit is Weerasak Kowsurat. And his background? He has some experience as tourism minister, having done that before. But sports? Here is his recipe for improving tourism- 


    One promising segment that is emerging is Buddhist tourism. This niche market not only draws newcomers from international markets to the kingdom, but it also boosts travel to the wider ASEAN region. To tap this opportunity, I plan to develop connecting routes for those who are interested in Buddhist philosophy as well as faith-based visitors taking part in pilgrimages. This will include people who are interested in meditation, as well as those visitors who are keen to learn more about the cultural and historical aspects of Buddhism, such as its art, shrines, architecture and way of life. The government is also launching several other projects to improve tourism services and safety, such as improving roads to attractions, training sector personnel, and building more ramps for elderly and disabled visitors. This will also be in line with our “Tourism for All” concept aimed at promoting universal design at key attractions to ensure equal access.


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  2. It is going to be pretty easy to figure out who this nitwit is, since more than likely he is known to the passenger, who may have been his mother or his sister. What can one even say? I do not think fleeing from the scene a crime, is a crime in itself here. So, people do it all the time. This is the price a nation pays, for stubbornly, and willfully maintaining a lack of deterrents. 


    A some point, an administration possessing wisdom, intelligence, foresight, and compassion, will start taking traffic safety seriously. Instead of yakking constantly, they will take action, which is what real men do. Until then, the nation will continue to suffer. 

  3. And I bought a t-shirt that says "free Jorge Ochoa" last time I was in Vegas. It is one of those shirts I like to wear once in a while, just to get a reaction. I am against the war on drugs. However, Ochoa is guilty of mass murder, so hard to condone that. Ignorance is always out there. There are always going to be deniers, and people who think raping women, and seducing women with fear, intimidation and your power is fine. A man in Weinstein's position could have gotten plenty of action, based on his position and his wealth. But no, he had to force women who were not interested in his ugly, fat body and face. That is pathological. 


    I can laugh at myself when I wear the shirt. Hopefully, this guy can too! 

  4. Earlier in time, this man had some credibility. Some even took him seriously, as a lone crusader against corruption and bad deeds. No more. The little bit of credibility he may have once had has been thrown out the window. He has been revealed to be a phony, a fraud, a liar, and a stooge, for an administration that is so desperate to maintain tourist arrivals, they will say or do just about anything. This guy is now an international joke. A scam artist. 


    Millions know what goes on on Dark Tao. And now millions know what a lightweight big joke is. Rather than admitting there could be a problem within their midst, they attempt to demonize the victim. What can one even say? Authoritarianism at best, and hooliganism at worst. Regardless, it is utterly shameful behavior. This administration is in desperate need of a very high priced PR agency. They shoot themselves in the foot daily with their inane statements, bizarre proclamations, dumb crackdowns, and ineffective governance. Now, add to the list of misdeeds, an attack against a victim of crime within the nation. Real men take responsibility, perform the actions required, and do what they need to do to fix a problem. Children, and wannabe fascists pretend the problem does not exist, deflect, obfuscate, and make up stories about fake news, and go after publishers of that news, and victims. 


    This man has no interest in fighting crime. He is merely an instrument, in the ongoing effort to appear to make this administration look concerned, and effective. They continue to be just the opposite, by displaying a contempt for the rule of law, a gross degree of incompetence, and total disregard for the common man. 

    • Like 2
  5. On 8/31/2018 at 1:26 PM, Grouse said:

    With the greatest respect, the  USA counts for less than 5% of the global population and  has contributed precious little to the global culture.


    We don't need you or particularly want you. Much of your wealth originates from natural resources and slavery anyway. Your social structures are the envy of nobody.


    Now, play nicely with the other 197 countries or b****r  off. Too loud and too much trouble


    No Big Macs, Harley's, or Starbucks would be a benefit.


    I do hope China looks at rare earths!



    I understand your anger. The US has been making alot of problems for the world, for some time now, and that has only accelerated in the past 18 months, with agent orange. Are you say Brittany Spears was not a major contribution? Reality TV? LOL.


    I think the movie studios used to have some pretty good product, but in the current days of blockbuster action films, and sequels, Hollywood is no longer contributing much. There is still some good independent film in the US. I would argue that the TV shows that are being produced in the US now are some of the best in the world. The golden age of TV is one area where the US is offering something of value. There are an astonishing number of amazing TV series, right now, and for the past several years. 


    As far as the statement about where most of the wealth of the US derives from, one cannot even begin to respond to such uninformed ignorance. Silicon Valley? Wall Street? The design industry? The music industry? High fidelity. High tech. Science research. Defense contractors. Hello? Is anyone there? Do I detect the presence of an empty suit? 

  6. 1 hour ago, mogandave said:


    If you never go in anywhere, how do you learn where to go?



    That is a bizarre statement. Bizarre to the point where one does not even know where to do with it. He was making a point about clip joints, of which there are thousands here. The answer if, you never, ever go into a karaoke place without knowing the spot, or being accompanied by a Thai who knows the spot. Otherwise, you are just asking to be ripped off. 

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  7. 22 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

    I agree with almost every word you said. The real problem though is this is the type of person who has risen to the pinnacle of both business and politics. Who are we when the people at the top of every field behave like this? Aren't we essentially saying, "this is how you need to be if you want to be ultr successful". There are no answers, but I think one day in the distant future the entire ethos on how we handle everything needs to change. 


    I agree with some of what you say. I think most billionaires are ruthless, and probably cheats. But not all. And some are worse than others. Trump is downright pathological. And when you consider that he is more than likely the most criminal, ruthless, crooked, and thieving of them all, yet possesses relatively modest wealth by billionaire standards (Forbes has him listed at $3 billion, the US govt. says slightly over a billion, with $680,000,000 in debt), he is a failure at business. 

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  8. The highway is already in place, between Thailand and Myanmar, if what they are referring to is the Don Singkhon crossing. The Burmese have been dragging their feet on this for years. One suspects there are valuable mineral, timber, and mining interests that the military in Burma are making a fortune on, that they do not want disturbed. At this point, this has nothing to do with Thailand. The Thai side wants it done, and has done their work. There is an excellent road linking the crossing, to the main north/south highway in place. 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

    The senile clown is talking nonsense again. Nobody ever takes him seriously anymore on the world stage.


    the usa is no longer the model for a good and functioning society. Violence, gun laws, mass murders, drugs, slums, absolute injustice regarding the distribution of wealth in society, inadequate social and health systems, obese, unhealthy food, GM monocultures, idiotic tv series, good education only for the rich, huge public debts, bad loans and a credit card overindebted population, etc.


    Which of these intern us problems is the orange clown trying to solve?



    And foreign policy?


    Climate protocol, environmental protection, species protection, marine pollution, microplastic, resource conservation, alternative energy, WTO, NATO, UN, EU, world peace and cooperation?

    Zero again.


    45 is the stupidest president the us has ever had.


    I totally agree. As an American I can say the influence, prestige, power and moral authority of the US, is diminishing by the day. Tiny Don. Making America less great, and ending American empire in one term. Tiny Don. I cannot negotiate my way out of a paper bag. Tiny Don. Demonstrating the hazards of operating with an IQ of Thailand room temperature. 

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  10. 8 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    That should shut the apologist numpties up.




    Way, way off the mark. I have a friend who ran the leading HIV foundation in Thailand for a decade or more. She was allied with many NGO's and knew all the details. She said 300,000 women involved in prostitution was the correct figure. Now, if you add in all of the freelancing that goes on, I am sure that figure rises. But 2 million is ridiculously high, alarmist, not based on anything resembling a scientific survey, and probably a number pulled out of Little P's butt. 


    Make prostitution legal. All keeping it illegal does, is to allow the police and the army an additional source of income, and add to the stress level of sex workers here. It accomplishes nothing else. There is a zero deterrent factor. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, JLCrab said:



    There have been countless geniuses over the centuries that have been madmen. Brilliance does not necessarily go in concert with rationality, emotional development, or a kind or charitable soul. And many brilliant people have been petty, vindictive, and nearly insane. Just look at Thomas Edison. He was vindictive, greedy, and petty beyond imagination. 

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