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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 9 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Do you think the Saudi's are worried.


    Trump holdings is already knocking on the door...


    Not much to speak of. Barely a billion in real (not fabricated) net worth and $680,000,000 in debt at last count. For a guy who inherited $200 mil over 40 years ago, an indictment against his business acumen if I have even seen one. Trump is an unimpressive man on so many levels. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Morch said:




    That the best deflection you can come up with? My "own boy"? Care to show them many supportive posts and views of Trump I made? Yeah...though so. More hot air.


    And as for your reference - seriously? You keep pouring words over how uninformed, and untrustworthy Trump is, and yet you cite his comments as definite support? Furthermore, do you actually believe he wrote any of this?


    I don't think that there's actually "countless evidence" such as you suggest. Not when it comes to state level sponsoring and direct funding of international terrorism. Considering the hyperbolic nature of your posts, and deflective manner of replies no reason to accept your assertions as correct.

    The evidence is endless. 


    Saudi Arabia—not Iran—is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world today and Wahhabism remains the source of most radical Islamic extremism. For years Iran has borne the unenviable title of “world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism.” However, out of the 61 groups that are designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S. State Department, the overwhelming majority are Wahhabi-inspired and Saudi-funded groups, with a focus on the West and Iran as their primary enemy. Only two are Shi’a—Hezbollah and Kataib Hezbollah, and only four have ever claimed to receive support from Iran. Nearly all of the Sunni militant groups listed receive significant support from either the Saudi government or Saudi citizens.








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  3. There are a nearly endless number of things that can be done to combat aging and the effect it has on the brain. The worst thing you can do is nothing at all. Exercise is key. A healthy diet with high quality oils is important. Only rice bran, sunflower, olive and safflower oil for cooking. Other oils like soybean, palm, cotten seed and corn oil are deadly. 


    Also, herbal supplements can be monumentally important for maintaining brain function. Wheat grass, alfalfa, zinc, and many others. The most potent source I have found is called green vibrance. It is a powerful blend of herbs, high nutrient food sources and amino acids. Great for memory, vitality, verility and aging. Attitude is another big one. As are humor and a light heart.  

  4. 15 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    What earthly reason do you have for caring?  Why the constant reference to gay or straight?


    Outside of you and some fellow posters in Thai Visa who cares about gays vs straight who cares?  Do you think you are better than a straight/gay fellow?  In what way? 


    You must be concerned because of your constant reference to it in every post.  So, tell me what makes you better or worse than a straight or gay person?  Since you are posting so much in a ladyboy thread it is obvious to all that you are not straight but why does that bother you?  I don't care. 

    I am straight. And I have alot of gay friends. Great guys. It is simply about honesty. That is all. Admit you want a gay experience. Nothing wrong with that. It is the deflection that is an issue. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    No. It's how a person presents themselves. Ladyboys usually present themselves as women. So if you're attracted to their presentation of their gender identity you're attracted to women. A straight attraction.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    False. Just mind numbing mutilation of the facts. Another truth is not truth post? Pre op sex is sex with a man. Regardless of what he looks like. The rest is just semantics. Makeup and fake boobs do not change anything. 


    Again, nothing wrong with this. In my opinion the only thing that is wrong here, is the mental gymnastics of trying to convince yourself and the rest of us that this is not a gay experience.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Kiwiken said:

    Everything is primed for a major readjustment. 10 years of speculative spending since 2008. China over extended debt wise and the USA stifling free trade World wide another major recession is about to hit. Things will look pretty dismal by 2020 for everyone. When i studied Economics in the 1980's i remember my tutor said there was always a 60 year boom and bust cycle. We never learn. And so the cycle must begin again

    And a major recession every 15 years or so. We are due for a major reckoning. I predict property prices will drop by 50% or more in the US, and the UK. The Dow? Down to 10,000 or so. The economy is in a major bubble mode at the moment. Trumps policies will not help long term. Only a very short term boost to corporate profits. 

  7. This great man works tirelessly serving his nation. What he is accomplishing cannot be overstated. He is a genius. And a visionary. A completely selfless individual totally focused on the well being of the common man and ex-pats. What a guy. He will be talked about decades from now. He will be remembered with statues that commemorate his stature. Comic book heroes will be inspired by him. The great general. 

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