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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 17 hours ago, rumak said:

    Seems like you have a lot of us dudes and mates that agree with you.  I haven't been back there in 15 years....

    and like you its here i will stay.  good post


    A lot. Most Americans who live here, and elsewhere all over the world, outside of America, are very grateful people. I know I am. Living back there was stifling beyond description. I do go back a few times a year for work, and to visit friends and family. I enjoy that. I get to enjoy my people, fine wine, great food, travel, a bit of adventure, independent film, live jazz, stand up comedy, and even some theatre or the occasional concert. A nice change of pace. Often I will go back when it is stifling hot here, and it is nice and cool there. 


    But, I will be staying here. I really like it here. There are alot of aspects of living in Thailand that agree with me.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, rebo said:

    I knew people being high on cocaine. They showed very similar behavior ...
    But to be honest --- I love these Teslas ...


    No question it is a great product, and very innovative. Not questioning his product. Just questioning the sanity of the man. He seems to be either insane, irrational, petty, vindictive, emotionally undeveloped, or all of them combined. 

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  3. Funny he would say that. My guess is that the majority of the population here, both native and ex-pat are far more concerned about disinformation from the army, every ministry they control, and Little P. They have been anything but truthful with us, to date. Their aversion to facts, and truth, reminds me of another grossly incompetent leader across the great pond. 


    Get out. Get out now. You are not wanted. You are not needed. Few like you. 

    • Like 2
  4. Just now, hansnl said:

    You think the ousted government might get better results?


    Yes, Definitely. I think Cheech and Chong, or Brittany Spears, or the mayor of Chumporn could get better results. Fairly easy to do. This current government is so far beyond incompetent, it defies the imagination. When you add in the massive corruption, nothing has changed. Only gotten worse in many peoples opinions. I do admit the shutdown Bangkok was ridiculous. Something needed to be done. But, if anyone thought the army would be as greedy as they have been, not sure it would have happened peacefully. 

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  5. The PCX is far more stable and comfortable to ride. Also, it is way better if you have a passenger. It is a far better bike, though the Click is fine, for what it is.


    Now, if you are asking what is the best scooter out there, for the money, hands down it is the Yamaha X-Max. That is a fantastic bike. But, at around 170,000 baht it is not low end! The Suzuki Burgman 200 would be my next choice at around 145,000 baht. It is a great bike. Then a PCX.


    Granted these are not small bikes. But they have power, and exceptionally comfortable to ride, and are very well built scooters. If money is not the primary concern.






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  6. Been going to Hua Hin for years now. Never had an issue there. Like most places in Thailand, it is relatively safe. There is always the chance of running into a moron, like you did. Too bad you did not have the good sense to knock him off of his bike, though I am sure it happened pretty fast, and was hard to see coming. A lesson might have been learned, though it could easily have escalated into something ugly. Though few of us like getting slapped, it is nothing like Brazil, Mexico, or nearly anywhere in Central America these days. More likely to get held up at gunpoint than slapped. 


    It was just a moronic goon. Forget about it. Hua Hin is a nice town. 

  7. 40 minutes ago, timendres said:

    I concur 100% on defiance. It was an long standing tradition in the US to defy laws considered unconstitutional. Today, I think they could pass a law voiding the constitution and the citizens would lay down and take it up the ...


    Lazy politicians think laws are the solution to every problem. They are not. How in the world does forcing a driver to have a license (I am not against people being licensed, of course) make the roads any safer?! The same dangerous driver is on the road the next day, just carrying an ID to sort the corpses after the fact. So come up with an incentive to be licensed, and more importantly an incentive to attend some driving instruction. If you want to apply 50,000 baht fines, apply those to people driving drunk! 500,000 for the hi-so drunk driver.


    I believe what you are referring to is justice and equity in the system. Something that does not exist here, yet. It will eventually. Will take a few decades to get rid of the criminals, like Big Joke, Little P., Prawit, and the judges, mayors and governors. Hopefully, it will happen someday. For now, all the people can do is to defy the authorities, and I will continue applauding them for that act of courage. 

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  8. A series of dramatic raids and arrests in the sex dens were carried out at the behest of Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, Thailand’s first female tourism minister. “Tourists don’t come to Thailand for such a thing,” she said. “They come here for our beautiful culture. We want Thailand to be about quality tourism. We want the sex industry gone.”

    I think she is right. No tourists and no ex-pats support these sex workers. It is a wonder they still ply their trade, when nobody supports them. Nobody comes to Thailand for this. They come for the ballet, the live jazz, the world class museums, the opera, the vibrant wine scene, the stand up comedy, the exceptionally safe highways, the state of the art trains, the safety of exceptionally competent law enforcement, and the poetry readings. Listen to Kobkarn. She is a woman of great wisdom. She knows alot. She speaks only truth. She never, ever engages in deflection, and reflects a near John McCain level of integrity. Something very common in the government here. 

  9. I had a good friend who lived in both for some time. He absolutely hated China. And he absolutely loved Thailand and Bangkok. Mostly it was about the gals for him. He spoke decent Thai. But, he also preferred the people, the openness, the food, the light hearted attitude, etc. The Chinese government is positively heinous. He said the only reason to live in China is if you are making an absolute fortune.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, Tug said:

    Donald is playing checkers Kim is playing chess but I would caution Kim Donald is desperately looking for a life preserver he might feel a war would save him he is sick that way we live in dangerous times especially now when the shallow baby bitch has his back to the wall


    A war with either North Korea or Iran is potentially unwinable for the US. Plus the American people have no appetite for another war, after the debacle of Iraq and  Afghanistan. N. Korea or Iran could end up costing the US trillions, there could be countless lives lost on both sides, and it could end up with both a stalemate, and untold consequences. It is easy for the nitwits in Washington to throw around threats. Most of whom have never fought a war (with the exception of Kelly, and he is pretty much a White House ornament at this point), would not have to sacrifice their fortunes, nor their offspring, and have little understanding of what a war might result in, as they are not in possession of vision.


    Both North Korea and Iran are powerhouses, when it comes to cyber, and their willingness to commit terror. They could cripple the electrical grid in the US, they could go after the defense satellites, they could launch or fund terror attacks on US soil, and countless other ways of harming the US, that these nimrod numskulls are probably not considering, or taking seriously. 


    A war with either could ensure the end of American empire, which is on the wane anyway. 



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  11. On 4/19/2018 at 7:04 AM, Lungstib said:

    I find this very hard to believe. Thats a massive number of visitors, 100,000 a day, all trying to get past immigration and waiting to collect luggage. Is this physically possible?


    I really do question these numbers too. Is immigration at Swampy and DM capable of handling that many tourists? Are there that many arriving in Phuket and CM? Or is it possible these numbers are fudged, to include transit passengers, and arrivals of businessmen too? How would one ever be able to verify these numbers that are freely thrown out there? It just does not seem like there are that many people on the ground. A lot of people in tourism have been complaining how quiet it has been this year. One wonders. One doubts. 

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