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Posts posted by hellohello

  1. Hi Hush,

    All of the diving that I know has been stopped. Sea too rough. The weather is on and off. Today is sunny (this early am we had rain) and my husband is out running an Island Tour. The general rule is it's calmer on the east coastlines and wavy on the west. The Sheraton Krabi, looks wonderfull, But i've never been. Check out perhaps the trip advisor website for reviews of the hotel.

    Pm me if you want too. Kindly HH :o


  2. Never seen it in Bangkok. Some of the beach tourists areas have large sizes - but poor quality. Perhaps a marks & spencer outlet? Ive seen larger sizes in dept stores in Malaysia. Good luck.

  3. Thanks SO much ladies! Ironically as soon as I posted this, she got a wee bit better. but there still is a little discharge so I'll give the cream a try and watch her closely.

    She did have a fever and / flu last week, but she is back to her ol' kitty self now. Are there different signs for the cat flu you speak of?

    Would it be safe to give her the booster shots now ? or should I wait until it's ALL cleared up?


    HH and Miss Lulu

  4. My adolescent cat has received a good scratch to her eye and seems to have a slight infection. She still has a small gash very close to the socket. She has some discharge. Our vet is a 3-4-hour trip and I am wondering if I could possibly use some of my own antibiotic cream around her eye? Is this dangerous? Anything I should know? I have 3 different kinds of antibiotic creams, so if it were OK, what kind would work best?

    BTW- she has been spayed – but she has NOT received her booster shots- we bought them, but they are in the fridge, we didn’t want to vaccinate her if she was ill.

    Any comments are greatly appreciated.

    Kindly, HH



  5. What's the driving time between Ayutthaya and Kanchanaburi?

    I’m also looking for... if any…a local coffee roasting /shop in /near Kanchanaburi? I went to a great place in Phitsanulok but I cant remember where or the name a few years back.. Any suggestions greatly helpful.




  6. Thanks.. yeah I got the ibook working- but when I shut it down it lost all the settings -- luckily I did remember what he (from ToT) did! his english was real bad.. so yes, i'll spend a few hours trying to see if i can make the airport extreme work.. ( bridge)

    PS. he knew nothing about Mac- he had to call a colleague who directed us to begin with my firefox browser. :o

  7. Thanks all.

    Btw- The guy from Tot is coming back ( soon I hope) to configure my iBook. I got as far as the GUI Configuration Manager page and got stumped... After I'm up and running on the Mac I will try to transfer (Bridge) the ADSL service through my existing apple Airport Extreme "base station" I hope it's do-able. Any helpful tips on that process are greatly appreciated!

    Thanks again for all your help. HH

  8. Help!

    After waiting a few years until yesterday when ADSL (ToT) finally made it to our house and its not working!

    Modem was bought at the TOT office, model: <deleted>-Tech TW001CN

    As instructed, I added the user name :admin & password:xxx and it's not enough.

    So, my next step is Im looking for some numbers that were not given to me yesterday- the guy knew nothing about macs.

    I have the IP address:

    can anybody give me the

    Subnet mask:


    Router address?

    Or tell me where to find it ? any other ideas?

    These can not be found in the user manual: Trying to call Tot- but they are closed today for a holiday. Greatly appreciated any help you can offer. HH :o


  9. love it ! life in thailand... i think a little bbq gai for dinner 2night?

    funny as i was reading this post i told my hubby lets make tom yum gai tonight- luckily the neighbors have a nice patch of stuff across or street- where i will pillage for lemon grass and ginger. but its ok... coz they all come pick our prick!

  10. We are designing a big Bali-Thai style bathroom. Im considering a wooden Thai style tub, like this.

    What are your thoughts? material, cleaning of, longevity......

    Btw the way the house is a Thai / farang wooden house with "cotman" cement bathroom. The style of this tub would fit, but im worried about the material.

    AND any ideas where I can buy one -- perhaps in the north?

    Kindly, HH


  11. I think it depends on where you are. The island (in Krabi) I live on is exploding- with Swedes mostly- A large majority who dont mix with the thais (ie No wife/husband) none of them seem to care and are buying 30 year leases and electing a Thai friends to purchase a house for them with simple contracts- condos haven’t even reached us here. But they are coming. Prices are up 20-50% in the last few years..

    go figure...

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