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Posts posted by chrisinth

  1. On 5/4/2020 at 8:21 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    I have one of these (Below) is a SanDisk Portable 1TB SSD

    Its now 6000 baht on Lazada


    I'd be very skeptical about something 'too good to be true'

    Lazada has these 2TB Flash drives for <200 baht.

    Someone is surely telling 'porkie-pies' do you really believe these drives have anything bigger than 2GB








    Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 14.18.53.png

    I've bought several 16/32/64 GB drives from various sellers on Lazada over the years without a problem. This was based on the seller's rating and of course the price of the thumb drives. Two larger ones (128GB) I bought also have worked without problem to their full potential. For typical price comparison they were:


    Last April: Samsung 128GB BAR Plus USB3.1 Flash Drive 200MB/s last April for 1099 baht

    This April: Kingston 128GB Data Traveler from JIB for 589 baht


    However, as with Richard's post, the price is a dead give away and should immediately set off the alarm bells. But further to that, check out the reviews, and the number of people reviewing to give 4 1/2 stars for each product. A lot of naive folks out there.................:thumbsup:



  2. 2 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

    complete misunderstanding, like what exactly.

    How did the Frenchman cough up 50,000 , not from an ATM or a bank.

    This story is full of holes, and why are the other bunch of farangs caught with this guy not also in the news for being fined or were they let off.

    Why could he not get it from an ATM?


    I can on mine.


    Apologies, I see quite a few have answered to this already...........

    • Like 1
  3. I understand why they give provincial control (as severity of the infection differs greatly), under guidance from the government, but it gets confusing to those living in provinces that buck the system and add their own extra measures, or rather enforce them differently.


    As an example, up here in Phitsanulok they had removed at least 3 of the covid-19 checkpoints (road barriers, tents, booths all gone) which we would normally have to go through, and re-opened the roads for normal traffic usage. Apparently going against everything announced by the government in the OP.


    Eventually arriving at Tesco Extra and seeing the enforcement of the alcohol ban still being observed. And later reading that air passengers arriving would have to go through 14 day quarantine; locals self-quarantine and visitors forced quarantine. 


    So, up here anyway, what I see is that they have removed the system they had in place for registering visitors into the province, (by road) and now seem to be concentrating on the newly opened air travel mode for control of visitors. Throw on top of that the extended booze ban (which makes no sense after the Songkran period anyway) which seems to add that little bit of extra control and you have what you have.


    Still, that was yesterday, seemingly before this latest announcement. It would be no surprise when going to work tomorrow I will again see hastily erected checkpoints once again. 

  4. I was at Tesco Extra (Phitsanulok) this morning and the booze rows still had the red & white tape up with notices that items were not available until further notice due to provincial policies (or words to that effect).


    Granted, this was before 11:00, but not much, and there didn't seem to be any rush taking the tape down. Doesn't affect me (just had my 21st anniversary of being "off it" on Friday) but I hope they sort things out for those that either need it and those who just want to enjoy it.


    Seems provincial policy is in force, would be interested to hear if anyone managed to get any in Phits today. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    And so what?


    There are 2 choices:


    Either let 70% get infected, which will happen in the long run, one way or another




    Lock everybody while cultivating fear, and end up living like cavemen


    Where we stand now, a new Middle Age is awaiting us.


    It won't be much fun, but still better than the alternative...



    Not arguing any of your points, just pointing out that less importance to trending lowering figures of reported cases should be given, unless the testing methods are kept consistent.


    I am, and always have been, one that would side with the 'burn through' approach to this situation. But, that is easy for me to think or say as I wouldn't be responsible for the fatality count that would result from it.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Yadon Toploy said:

    It's very possible they contracted it in Thailand, then were locked up. Depends how long they were in country.


    You can be rest assured the situation is far worse than anyone is letting on, especially among the migrant worker communities.

    There is also the possibility that only one or two were infected and have spread to the rest in the holding area. I don't know about the mechanics of the IDCs during this pandemic, but I can't imagine social distancing being possible. Same thought applies to migrant worker communities.


    IMO social distancing is extremely important to control this sort of hotspot scenario and needs to be monitored closely in all events of detention. 

  7. 1 hour ago, kevin612 said:

    Nice, single digit would be awesome. Stay safe, everyone.

    Single digits was part of the criteria of lifting restrictions, a big part of it.


    The optimist in me wants to believe the steady decrease in reported cases and the extremely low fatality rate (compared to other regions of the world), but the pessimistic side side of me is screaming for the authorities to proceed with caution on the road back to (a very distant) normality. We all know the pressure is on for the government to appease the population; I just hope they don't take shortcuts.


    Yes, there is a very big economic crisis happening, but to run the economy you need healthy workers, without the fear of a second wave suddenly happening.


    Crawl before walk before run. That, IMO, is a mantra they should be chanting.


    (Miserable git today it seems, sorry about that.....................:thumbsup: )

    • Like 1
  8. It brings up the point as to where the death was registered and how accurate the figures released by MoPH are.


    DrTuner picked up on that earlier in the thread, 1 death reported on the 21st Apr (taxi driver) and none reported on 3 days previous to this. Also read on another thread that Phuket has reported another death; same question, where was this registered?


    Yes, I know it sounds petty but IMO the sources of the fatality data should be made clear as this is the biggest indicator as to the state of the virus if 100% testing of the population hasn't been carried out.


    Edit: Sorry, the reference to Phuket was the report of another infected person and not a death.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

    Funny thing!  Like us yesterday we got the permission slip to miss class....hang on, I mean the travel ticket then we never got challenged at all!  But I am guessing if we didn't have it we would have got stopped.  

    One more thing I'm pretty certain about is that the one you showed in an earlier post on this thread will only work for checkpoints in the Muang area of Phits.


    Pretty certain but not 100%.

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

    Here you go! 


    As I understand it these "passes" allow you to proceed through the checkpoints without getting stopped. They are issued to the vechicle driver (not to passengers AKAIK).

    Everyone at the company I am working at got them on Friday; wasn't able to try it as we got waved through the checkpoint anyway on the way home.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, Timwin said:

    They have to open, otherwise it will be riots and mayhem. So many Thais depend on unofficial random jobs and selling food.

    When they do open, I hope the overheads are not more than the trade. Certainly a large proportion of the potential customers will keep a low profile in the beginning, and rightly so IMO.


    For the business owners, overheads (staff wages, electricity & other utilities, etc) mean a lot.

  12. 15 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

    I have to agree. The stats are not adding up at all.
    Whilst I want to believe the best about the number of cases in Thailand and the dead etc etc, it simply does not add up. And if the stats ARE true, then we really dont need curfew and all the shutdowns, right?

    IMO the stats (if correct) are what they are because of the shutdown. Lift the shutdown and expect a lot more deaths; infections and deaths will certainly not be as low as we are seeing now. Rough it out or have a better economy with a lot more deaths?


    Rock and a hard place.

    • Like 1
  13. I know, I know, a little bit old:.....................


    A Conversation on the Phone of a Bangkok Hotel


    Room Service: Morny, rune sore-bees.


    Hotel Guest: Oh, sorry. I thought I dialled Room Service.


    Room Service: Rye, rye, rune sore bees. Morny, Jewish to odor sunteen?


    Hotel Guest: I'd like some bacon and eggs.


    Room Service: Ow july then?


    Hotel Guest: What?


    Room Service: Aches, Ow july then? Pry, boy pooch...?


    Hotel Guest: Oh, the eggs! How'd I like them? Sorry. Scrambled please.


    Room Service: Ow july thee baycome? Crease?


    Hotel Guest: Crisp will be fine.


    Room Service: Okay. An santos?


    Hotel Guest: What?


    Room Service: Santos? July santos?


    Hotel Guest: Ugh ... I don't know...I don't think so.


    Room Service: No, Judo one toes?


    Hotel Guest: Look, I really feel bad about this, but I don't know what "judo-one toes"means. I'm sorry.


    Room Service: Toes, toes. Why jew don juan toes? Ow bow Eengleesh mopping we bother?


    Hotel Guest: English muffin! I've got it. Toast! You were saying toast! Fine. An English muffin will be fine.


    Room Service: We bother?


    Hotel Guest: No, just put the bother on the side.


    Room Service: Wad?


    Hotel Guest: I'm sorry. I mean butter. Butter on the side.


    Room Service: Copy?


    Hotel Guest: I feel terrible about this but.....


    Room Service: Copy. Copy, tea, mill ...


    Hotel Guest: Coffee! Yes, coffee please. And that's all.


    Room Service: One minnie. Ass rune torino-fie, strangle aches, crease baycome, tossy eengleesh mopping we bother honey sigh and copy rye?


    Hotel Guest: Whatever you say.


    Room Service: Okay. Ten jew berry mud.


    Hotel Guest: You're welcome.

    • Like 1
  14. I don't know, perhaps its just me but I see a lot of people following the numbers and expecting the Covid-19 to suddenly stop.


    IMO, the measures the majority of the countries on Earth are taking is to slow the spread of the virus to help preserve their health systems. The virus will not be 'stopped' until an effective vaccine has been developed, tested and distributed worldwide. Even then, just speculating here, there is probably a real chance of this mutating as well.


    Governments should not have the right to play on words and disguise 'slowdown' to promote (falsely) 'stopping' of the virus.


    The proof of understanding will come as we transition from our current position of self isolation/social distancing/travel restrictions/curfew back to a normal life style.


    And, IMO again, this will depend largely on the importance of economies vs saving lives. This is another real concern.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, tonray said:

    The Tourist Authority is busy working on 'Full Moon Isolation Parties" .  Direct flights to isolated rock in the midst of the Andaman Sea...party hearty and direct flights back to home. In case of infection can nuke the island with Dettol and start fresh.

    Be careful what you talk about in jest. When TAT is being brought into the pandemic equation, anything is possible to boost numbers to make them look good.


    An extremely dangerous part of the Thai government, as has been seen earlier in this drama by extending the allowance of tourism in a know threat environment; no doubt in my mind that they had a huge say in this decision.

    • Like 1
  16. I had a visit last night as well by 3 persons (1 x male, 2 x females) about 10 minutes after returning from work. Living in P'lok (Chinnalapat). I was just putting the prong collar on the dog for his walk when they arrived and had to take him inside (he's a bit territorial) so the missus dealt with them. Asked a bit about travel history and wanted to see my passport, no mention about returning with a certificate AFAIK.


    This has nothing to do with immigration and is a directive from the governor & mayor of Muang, P'lok. The following is an extract from an email I received a few days ago which was forwarded:


    "My wife is in an alumni group with the governor of Phitsanulok AND the mayor of Muang Phitsanulok.  This just came out in long announcement that her alumni group received from them.  It is from the horse’s mouth – NOT a rumor.  The text is many pages and is in Thai.  It is a Phitsanulok order, not a national one.


    TODAY forces are coming out to interview EVERY foreigner in Phitsanulok Province, regardless of nationality.  Each puyai ban in each mooban will be in charge of the project.  They all know where you are.  They will ask what you have been doing, where have you been, what are your movements and plans."

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