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fatter than harry

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Posts posted by fatter than harry

  1. Looking forward to all the games, Boks Ireland will be a cracker, the tackles at Dunedin will be awesome, the blacks won't want to get beat twice in a row on home soil and the Aussie game, whilst a cake walk should be great as they'll be playing about 5 of the brumbies, just a shame Gerrard is injured, he's going to be a star - can you imagine the Aussie team with no injuries?! next generation looks awesome! Argies Wales too, although thats one to watch on repeat. :o

    Bring it on!

  2. Yohan,

    You went off the rails a while back with the radical femminist stuff, bless you. We've pretty much all let it go as you seem a nice enough chap, your recent posts have also have been quite balanced, however I can sense a full on feminist rage coming this way, rather like I could sense when my step mum was going to go physco when I was a nipper, I hereby present myself as your appointed case officer and will follow your threads and give you the big family-fortunes-wrong-answer-blooter everytime you mention the word feminist or any feministy stuff in any of your future posts - this is for the best.

    Thank you.


  3. Thanks George, much appreciated.

    It was the double scroll bar that kept tripping me up, that and the slow connection speed / having to go into each property to find prices. :o

  4. Been looking at the sticky apartment topic thread at the top of the page and I'm afraid to say its one of the most un-user friendly webpages I've ever used!

    I'm trying to get price comparibles for a move to BKK, does anyone have any suggestions of good sites to look at?


  5. Calm down dudes! The mass destruction of Kata was kept only to the soi opposite the kata beach hotel. Kata Centre is as it always is in the low, ahem, green season, very quiet.

  6. Have you tried Baanboonnada? cool 2 x bedroomed houses available for 12,000 a month if you pay monthly, 9,000 if you pay 3 months in advance. Quiet street behind the Green Mart, opposite the main entrance to Phuket Land and House Park. The owner's a darlin', she kept giving me biscuits and cake. There is also a new development called Best Mansion on the other side of the soi, don't go there - rubbish (brand new and communal pool but very small living area in a butlins style compound for 15,000 a month)

    Anyway tel number for Baanboonnada is 076 381 987 and the name is Khun Mayuree, she doesn't speak the english too good mate so you might need a friend to make the call or drop in the office on the corner of the main road (next door to the laundry)

  7. My mate borrowed my car last night, as I got in today to go to work I turned on the ignition to be greeted by the black eyed peas at full volume with all the triple-sub-woofered bass trimmings, my god what a racket! I put in a nice sunday Elton John tape and pootled around Phuket for a few hours feeling sad that I was preferring Elton to the Peas.

    I was actually thinking 'ahhhh, music I can sing along to' Noooooo! Thats what my Dad used to say! I used to be a proper rapscallion hellraiser, now I'm a comfy mocasun slipper old basturd - is this what a mid life crisis is all about? does one rage against the middle of the road compilation album for a few years then realise that it's all a waste of energy and look for a good Chris Rea greatest hits album?

    I realise I'm getting older, I remember my Dad hating Phil Collins for covering 'you can't hurry love' the same way I hate [enter boyband name here] for covering 'Uptown Girl' although I hate the boyband for regurgitating almost precisely note for note Billy Joel's worst song ever, whereas my old man quite liked the original - anyway, I am becoming my Dad and I don't like it!

    Is there a well trodden path to growing old gracefully?

  8. Thanks Bob, my cousin is coming here to teach, not to get acredited - he has been teaching for about 4 years in Spain and has all the degrees, tefl's and bells and whistles already.

    I agree that paying for a ticket sounds a bit unreal when they pay peanuts, I'll do some research later and let you know what I find, just interested in your thoughts...

  9. Interesting,

    My cousin is looking to come to Phuket with ECC, they pay for his flight, not sure the exact details as I was in a rush when I read his email, basically he asked me to research ECC, anyone know where I can look? or have any personal insights so that I may inform my young kin? Thanks.

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