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fatter than harry

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Posts posted by fatter than harry

  1. Body Language is fascinating, I used to run bars and work the door back in England and you develop a knack of sizing up people pretty fast. Just by the way someone moves you can tell loads about their character, once you get past the obvious stuff, like facial tattoo's, men in tanks, angry samuari's, etc, the smaller details, like the way a person holds themselves, the way they walk, their facial features, how they move their eyes can all help you in determining what sort of character you have in your bar and which ones to watch out for.

    Are you all alseep yet? :o

    I'm sure the next time your in a bar or cafe and you looked round the room you could all pretty much tell what the other people in the bar do for a living, that man with the big shoes and the sad make up? He probably works in a circus, the dude with the big sword, wearing the loin cloth and the oil? He's probably a barbarian (or rainman :D ) The old man in the dirty mac and the stethascope? That's probably Dr. PP :D

    Anyway, I can't think of a way to end this so I'll wang it into a tree


  2. Any comments from other members???

    Yes, bless you for asking! :D

    You poor man, is everyday a struggle? Do you vary your daily routine so as not to become an easy target? :o

    In your wardrobe are there any clothes of a camoflage nature? or vests / trousers with lots of extra pockets? for storage of secret stuff?

    My mate is an aircraft mechanic in Saudi and he never bloody shuts up about the amount of coke he's left in the engine block, long shifts, right?


  3. how about on coming traffic flashing their headlights at you to let you know they are there..yes i can see you..your a blo@dy bus!!!!!!!

    hehehehe, that really gets me too - especially when your waiting to turn across the oncoming traffic and this cement drooling monolith is towering towards you at 130k's, 12 feet behind the car in front of him.....and he flashes you.....like you were going to attempt to squeeze across his amphetamine junkie'd bows anyway...evil b@stards

    Talking of which, and in a Harry-Palmer / 17-year-old-holiday-representative-in-magaleef, eager-to-do-anything-to-please / small-puppy-dog-type-way, which evil villain are you? http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/villain_quiz.asp

  4. If your into Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) style stuff, its also worth checking out "Neverwinter Nights" another fantastic RPG game, with online support, again available in Big C, Lotus and Ocean, Boxed set (main game plus expansion) for 999baht, worth spending it on the game... another of my classic favorites.

    Cheers Wolfie, I bought exactly that on Saturday, its sat on my desk at home, I haven't tried it yet because I also bought Counterstrike - condition zero!

    I've come full circle, I remember doing my first penang visa run all those years ago and I was sitting in an internet shop crying to my friends back home about how lonely I was in the middle of about 20 spotty teenagers all playing counterstrike at 20 decibels - i didn't know wether to finish the emails or take cover under the desk.

    Now I see what all the fuss is about! Very addicitve, but tell me, how the f@%k do you kill someone with the riot shield, thats killing me!

    Games rule, real life is a poor imitation :o

  5. sounded almost too good to be true.

    Golden rule number 1: Always play darts with her first.

    Golden rule number 2: Never believe an indicator on a vehicle unless you saw it come on. (someone else said that)

    Golden rule number 3: If it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

  6. Firstly, photoalbum's are the new rock and roll

    Secondly, why don't they get bumped up to the top of the page when you upload a new image, like on the forum when you add a reply - sad for the poor bugger on page 19 if your just browsing.

    Thirdly, which one of you ba$#%*ds gave me a four?! A four?!


  7. at 30 million baht, is the island worth consideration and a trip to check it out ?
    Nah, don't bother, just buy it sight unseen, pah whats a 1,000 dollar weekend trip when you're going to casually drop a million bucks for an island...

    Seriously, you'll need to check out water supplies on the island, if you can drill your own well then thats aces, shipping all water in will be expensive.

    Power, probably looking at generator power but could find out the cost of getting a cable laid from Phuket.

    What are the legalities (for a foreigner) of purchasing a Chanote title ?

    Please see a lawyer, let him talk you through the process - I have the details on file if you wish to PM me but its in lawyerese

    Good luck.

  8. File sharing, not downloading music, cough....no officer, not me......oh no......... sharing


    Anyway, I used to use Kazaa but when I ran adaware it used to take out the spyware that was in the program and make it unrunable (is that a word?) So I switched to Kazaa Lite which would run with Adaware but got hacked off with the amount of junk on there, ie Eminem, "won't the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up pleasZZZZZZZZXXXXXZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZHHHHHHOOOOOO plus 5 minutes of white noise"

    I now use soulseek for my, cough, file sharing and sweet it is too.

    http://www.slsknet.org/ and click on 'download' if you feel the need.

    Just thought you should know.

    Carry on

  9. FTH's world is knocked off its axis when, anticipating his victory of a fourth straight Avatar of the Year Award, it is instead handed to the dashing hot newcomer, Phazey.

    Facing the devastating reality that he is no longer the world's number one avatar champo, FTH searches for a purpose in life and returns to his southern New Jersey roots to work in the coal mines with his father and brothers. Unfortunately, FTH's blue collar father is none too pleased to see him given the shame he feels concerning his son's unmanly profession. Rebuffed by his family and with a fear of contracting 'black lung', FTH returns to Manhattan where the now ubiquitous Phazey is more than he can take. The two stars engage in a avatar "walk-off" to determine once and for all the best avatar talent, from which a mutual respect ultimately develops.

    It's a walk off, it's a walk off.....oh no, Bluecat has pipped me too

    You do realise my avatar also winks......


    (It is a quiet night) :o

    http://www.thaivisa.com/gallery/pornography - veeerrry quiet

  10. Nomination for best avatar

    FTH Speech:

    Thank you so much.

    Oh my God. I'm sorry. This moment is so much bigger than me. [sniffles]

    I have such appreciation and gratitude for this. Dr. Pat Pong said, "Don't cry if you get up there." And now I'm crying. Sorry.

    [blow's nose]

    George, you took a huge chance on me. I am so grateful. Yohan, you gave me magnificent reason to stay. Stroll, you fought so hard for this avatar and to get it made. Thaivisa you made it happen.

    And Gentleman Scamp, Wolfie, Tornado, davethailand, Gisele, Bluecat have stood by me for so many years. And I am just absolutely thrilled to be standing up here tonight. [more tears]

    I do have to say, it was: "Why do you come to the Avatar Awards when the world is in such turmoil?" Because art is important. And because you believe in what you do. And you want to honour that. And it is a tradition that needs to be upheld.

    [kisses Halle Berry - she cries]

    And I am standing here in front of my mother and my cats and my whole life I've wanted to make my mother proud. And now I want to make my cats proud.

    [cats cry worldwide]

    Oprah Winfrey for being the best role model any avatar maker can have. Alf Garnett - thank you and thank you to Eddie Murphy. Thank you so much for being my mentors and believing in me. Thank you, thank you, thank you

    thank you.

    Thank you so much and God bless you.

    [everyone cries]


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