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fatter than harry

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Posts posted by fatter than harry

  1. The chicks have gone!

    Ahhhh, the joys of retail therapy! I was up in Bangkok again these past few days and I bummed around Siam Centre for five hours, being a blackbelt window shopper starved of action this came easy.

    I spent half an hour in Asia Books looking for Keith Moon's Autobiography (not in yet) but in the looking for it I picked up two beauty books (Roscoe - William Kennedy and Cryptonomicon - Neal Stepehnson (one of my top 5 books of all time, lent to a friend, never to be seen again) Then I went into CD Warehouse, I remebered it as Tower records a few years back? Anyways, what a treasure trove of music - I picked up The commodores Machine Gun CD for 275 baht, surely the funk bargin of the century, incidentally a CD which I lent to a friend a while back......I need to get friends with better 'returning stuff' qualities.

    To cut to the chase, they had a wall a whole wall of cassettes, I have replaced those d@mnable Dixie Chicks with Norah Jones! Hooray, I can now update my forum profile accordingly!

    Thanks for your advice, CD Warehouse gets two big thumbs, it gets no better than that!

  2. Sorry Godot, but;

    I am well aware of the "flaws" of TV news.
    Ok cool, then no worr.....
    I just wanted to express my SHOCK of what was advertised as "America's no. 1 cable news network".

    erm, whats with all this shock then? :o

  3. All news is censored, it really gets me steamy in non sexy way. If four civilians get ambushed / cooked / hung I wanna be able to see it myself and make my own judgement - ok, maybe this is a bad case to use as I'm sure the images were grotesque in the extreme, however this is not the point! What a slippery road we are going down when news companies approve what we can see.

    As for the american TV news, well it has surely been beyond a joke ever since GWB was elected - how could a stumbling muppet with an awesomely horrific record of governorship in Texas make it through the presidential race intact? I mean, the TV journos let him off the hook time and time again, I thought these guys were hounds, 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman', they never let that drop, yet GWB has a very murky record himself that is never questioned - drink driving? Cocaine taking? Sheesh, anyway I'm not american so it's not my concern..... I can't lie, it does concern me! - they're the greatest democracy in the world and yet it seems that every anti democratic corporate entity gets a say in how the laws of the land are to be before the will of its people

    Pah! Stick to the Bangkok Post, at least you're going to get unbiased oppinions there.......... :o

    [/soapbox rant]


  4. Surat Thani is more of a staging post to Samui by boat and connections south by coach - not really a destination.

    Hat Yai is fine, I lived there for over a year, very big in rubber, not too many farang but IMHO there are are better holiday destinations - Rayleigh for example - although not been there for a few years, great mountain / lagoon to explore.

    I spent a few days at Khao Sok National park, can't reccomend it highly enough, trekking through the jungle, Indiana Jones caving, elephant riding and monkey touching. Peaceful and relaxing - especially if you partake in the Boom Boom Chakka.

    Phuket is a doozey and always a good laugh.

    Good luck!

  5. My computer is being gay, just wondered if this is normal behaviour...

    Everytime* I log onto the 'net my connection disconnects itself within normally 3 - 5 minutes and hangs, meaning I have to press a pencil into the teeny tiny reboot hole.

    It did exactly the same thing at its last desk so I'm pretty sure it's not the connection - does this sound like a virus? Or is my computer just filled with lepricons and imps?

    * maybe 80% of the time, at other times it's ok, there's no rhyme or reason to it and its really getting me down. :D

    Any advice would or thoughts would be appreciated. :o

  6. whilst we're on the subject, this from Jay Pinkerton

    The "Needlessly Complex Sexual Scenario"

    Drink broken glass shards one week before planned intercourse.The night of planned intercourse, nail two ski boots to the ceiling, climb into ski boots, and hang suspended over bed. Open backpack full of feces and let feces fall out of backpack onto bed. Attach velcro cowboy hat, place five condoms on erect penis, and wait for woman to enter room. When she doesn't, suddenly remember you forgot to call a woman who would agree to having bizarre sex. Hang awkwardly from ceiling, fearful of falling onto bed full of poops. Fall asleep.

  7. Baby Rodeo - (for the ladies)

    When riding your partner who's about to blow his load, give some good pounding strokes. When he's at the point of no return, scream out 'Let's make a baby!'. See how long you can hold on, while he tries to throw you off of his erupting member. One night stands should only be considered for the more advanced rider.

  8. Well, its a slow old day on the forum today so thought I'd bring along some light entertainment. Confessions of a closet carb fiend is from Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry, you can read more of his pieces here:


    Confessions of a closet carb fiend


    I probably shouldn't admit this to you younger readers, but when my generation was your age, we did some pretty stupid things. I'm talking about taking CRAZY risks. We drank water right from the tap. We used aspirin bottles that you could actually open with your bare hands. We bought appliances that were not festooned with helpful safety warnings such as ''DO NOT BATHE WITH THIS TOASTER.''

    But for sheer insanity, the wildest thing we did was -- prepare to be shocked -- we deliberately ingested carbohydrates.

    I know, I know. It was wrong. But we were young and foolish, and there was a lot of peer pressure. You'd be at a party, and there would be a lava lamp blooping away, and a Jimi Hendrix record playing (a ''record'' was a primitive compact disc that operated by static electricity). And then, when the mood was right, somebody would say: ''You wanna do some 'drates?'' And the next thing you know, there'd be a bowl of pretzels going around, or crackers, or even potato chips, and we'd put these things into our mouths and just ... EAT them.

    I'm not proud of this. My only excuse was that we were ignorant. It's not like now, when everybody knows how bad carbohydrates are, and virtually every product is advertised as being ''low-carb,'' including beer, denture adhesives, floor wax, tires, life insurance and Viagra. Back then, we had no idea. Nobody did! Our own MOTHERS gave us bread!

    Today, of course, nobody eats bread. People are terrified of all carbohydrates, as evidenced by the recent mass robbery at a midtown Manhattan restaurant, where 87 patrons turned their wallets over to a man armed only with a strand of No. 8 spaghetti. (''Do what he says! He has pasta!'') The city of Beverly Hills has been evacuated twice this month because of reports -- false, thank heavens -- that terrorists had put a bagel in the water supply.

    But as I say, in the old days we didn't recognize the danger of carbohydrates. We believed that the reason you got fat was from eating ''calories,'' which are tiny units of measurement that cause food to taste good. When we wanted to lose weight, we went on low-calorie diets in which we ate only inedible foods such as celery, which is actually a building material, and grapefruit, which is nutritious, but offers the same level of culinary satisfaction as chewing on an Odor Eater.

    The problem with the low-calorie diet was that a normal human could stick to it for, at most, four hours, at which point he or she would have no biological choice but to sneak out to the garage and snork down an entire bag of Snickers, sometimes without removing the wrappers. So nobody lost weight, and everybody felt guilty all the time. Many people, in desperation, turned to disco.

    But then along came the bold food pioneer who invented the Atkins Diet: Dr. Something Atkins. After decades of research on nutrition and weight gain -- including the now-famous Hostess Ding Dong Diet Experiment, which resulted in a laboratory rat the size of a Plymouth Voyager -- Dr. Atkins discovered an amazing thing: Calories don't matter! What matter are carbohydrates, which result when a carbo molecule and a hydrate molecule collide at high speeds and form tiny invisible doughnuts.

    Dr. Atkins' discovery meant that -- incredible though it seemed -- as long as you avoided carbohydrates, you could, without guilt, eat high-fat, high-calorie foods such as cheese, bacon, lard, pork rinds and whale. You could eat an entire pig, as long as the pig had not recently been exposed to bread.

    At first, like other groundbreaking pioneers such as Galileo and Eminem, Dr. Atkins met with skepticism, even hostility. The low-calorie foods industry went after him big time. The Celery Growers Association hired a detective to -- yes -- stalk him. His car tires were repeatedly slashed by what police determined to be shards of Melba toast.

    But Dr. Atkins persisted, because he had a dream -- a dream that, some day, he would help the human race by selling it 427 million diet books. And he did, achieving vindication for his diet before his tragic demise in an incident that the autopsy report listed as ''totally unrelated to the undigested 28-pound bacon cheeseburger found in his stomach.''

    But the Atkins Diet lives on, helping millions of Americans to lose weight. The irony is, you can't tell this by looking at actual Americans, who have, as a group, become so heavy that North America will soon be underwater as far inland as Denver. Which can only mean one thing: You people are still sneaking Snickers. You should be ashamed of yourselves! Got any more?

  9. You come in here asking about Thailand's perception to female smokers - which by the way is the same as maybe errrrrrrmmm EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD! and now you get peeved that BC's having a go at smokers, oh pleeeeaaaase what did you expect?!! a marching band?

    Come on Sandy, relax, its not about you anymore, its about smoking in general. :o

  10. I splatter my whole body with batter and deep fry for 30 seconds, makes you forget about the mosquito bites....... a side order of chips ais also very soothing

    Thanks penz, I now have to clean the cornflakes off my screen! :o

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