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fatter than harry

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Posts posted by fatter than harry

  1. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday on his "Thaksin Talks to the People" radio address that stricter ministerial regulations would be in force from Tuesday

    I think I've seen Peerless' problem. I must admit that I admire his spunk in tackling these issues, not that I agree with his methods, but don't these things need planning? Tuesday? Come on, surely it'll take at least until Thursday!

    I'm picturing his Journal...

    Monday - Cancel holidays, drop off laundry, stop drug trade, buy the Miami Dolphins

    Tuesday - Jogging, implement the underage thing, return Titanic DVD to Tsutaya (I'm top of the world! – ha ha)

    Wednesday - Lend money to the poor, pick up laundry - make sure they haven't put creases into my jeans again - grrrr makes me so mad! Start curfew tonight - fingers crossed!!

    Thursday - Stop all graft, foot massage, eliminate dark forces, start taxi company, need a name… 8pm Bingo

    Friday - Stop chicken flu, go to ATM, buy Mamma cups, see if Last Samurai is in DVD shop yet - why is it taking so long?!!

    Saturday - Clear it up with Muslims, golf, monopolize air, officially change name to Chaing Mine - ha ha, karaoke with the lads

    Sunday - Day off! Phew! (Oh no, there's that bloody radio thing - rubbish)

  2. I love the fact that no one seems to age. I have friends who are in their early forties yet who look not a day over thirty nine... And they're so tiny, or they're just standing really far away. Either way I love the never-never land feel to the place.

    What happens to the middle aged people? do they hide away for a few years? I only see young dudes and oldsters. Or do Thai people wake up one day and blam! :o they're old?

  3. I must spread this news. A lady told me a while back that to stop the itching from a mozzie bite you simply make an X with one of your fingernails directly onto the bite.

    I tried it yesterday and it worked a treat, no miserable scratching for hours, after 10 mins I didn't even know it was there. Blimey!

    Thats what this forum is about baby! Yeah! :o

  4. Admins should be praised when they keep the jokesters in the joke threads. Searhing for the answer to a question raised at the beginning of a thread becomes burdensome when one has to wade through the drivel many quipsters find amusing.

    Boooo, loosen up a little, there's always room for a nice slice of quip.

    You'll be telling me you don't like smilies next! :o

  5. Taken from National Geographic Asia

    Number of Existing Sub-species

    All thaigirls belong to the same species, Panthip tigris. There were originally eight thaigirl subspecies: Bargal, Senmonee, Big Mamma Cup, Indochinese, Sumatran, Javan, Bali and pappahaveaccident. Three are already extinct: Javan, Bali and Pappahaveaccident. One of them, the Big Mamma Cup, with perhaps less than 20 left, is on the brink of extinction.

    Contrary to popular belief, white thaigirls are neither a subspecies of thaigirl, nor are they albinos, they are just white-colored Bengal thaigirls.

    Thaigirl Characteristics

    At the turn of the century, there were an estimated 100,000 wild thaigirls across the forests of Asia. Today, there are somewhere between 5000 and 7000 left.

    There are approximately twice as many thaigirls in captivity than in the wild. There are more than 5000 in the USA alone!

    Thaigirls are the largest cats in the world and unlike lions, which are social animals and live in prides (families), thaigirls are solitary animals that only rarely meet, except to mate.

    Thaigirls are very difficult to see in the wild, because they avoid human beings and live mostly in dense forest habitat. (Many scientists studying thaigirls get their information indirectly - such as by placing automatic cameras in the forest. Many in fact, have only ever seen a thaigirl in a zoo.) The best places in the world to see wild thaigirls in their natural habitat are Ranthambhore, Bandhavgarh and Kanha national parks in India, and the Emporium in Bangkok.

    Thaigirls rarely live more than 15 years in the wild. In captivity, due to improved diet, veterinary care and the absence of numerous other threats, their life span can extend to more than 20 years.

    Thaigirls are diurnal, with peak periods of activity at dawn and dusk.

    Unlike almost all other cat species, all thaigirls like water and are actually very good swimmers. They often spend many hours on hot days lounging in ponds, rivers, and lakes.

    Some big cats, such as lions, live in groups. But adult thaigirls are generally solitary, with the exception of mother thaigirls with young cubs. Cubs leave their mother at about 18 to 24 months of age.

    One way that thaigirls mark their territory is to "gouge" a tree. This leaves a scent behind which is secreted through the paw. The word for a group of thaigirls is a 'streak'.

    Thaigirls can run fast, but only for a short period of time. The fastest recorded speed of a thaigirl is 35 miles (about 55 km) per hour.

    Female thaigirls reach maturity when they at about 3 years old, while males mature at about 4 years.

    hope this helps!

  6. I understand the land has been purchased for the water park at Kalim - it is an Aussie developer, but everytime I drive past that area, nothing has been started???

    I heard the Aussie gang pulled out as the Thai part of the waterslide team went from an original budget of , oh I can't remember, to some crazy azzed budget 15 times the first figure I couldn't remember....or something like that.

    God I'm crap at gossip.

  7. Surely you just have to go along with the few simple rules.

    I fell foul of the don't bag a forum spons*r rule when I first joined and whilst I can clearly see the logic in that, it becomes a different story when the sponsor is writing his own mini rantettes in the forum and no one has any comeback, but you know, just makes me want to make enough money so that I can sponsor the forum myself one day :o

    I always thought the gentleman added to the forum in his own way but I never ventured into the bearpit, but threatening PM's to other forum member's if thats true is pretty crazy, bless 'im. GP however should just cool it off for a bit and stop gloating, IMHO.

    I can't quite get to grips with Bronco though, what the devil is the constant snide remarks and bold it-in-the-middle-of-a-word type sh1t all about? Nothing was done to him, right? and he's been here a long time, I don't get it.

    This forum's like being invited to a friends house, as long as you don't smash stuff up with a hammer or dance around in flippers throwing monkey sh1t at the walls, you'll be welcome back.

  8. Hate it when the driver in the car in front u is smoking when they are done, they throw the butts out and it hits your window. So annoying.

    16 stones of man fat coming atcha windshield is more than annoying, its dastardly hazardous. Gymnast kamikazee truckers, there's an idea for a jackie Chan movie.

  9. Mandy

    I remember all my life

    raining down as cold as ice.

    Shadows of a man,

    a face through a window cryin' in the night,

    the night goes into

    Morning just another day;

    happy people pass my way.

    Looking in their eyes,

    I see a memory I never realized how happy you made me.

    Oh Mandy well,

    you came and you gave without taking,

    but I sent you away.

    Oh, Mandy well,

    kissed me and stopped me from shaking,

    and I need you today.

    Oh, Mandy!

    I'm standing on the edge of time;

    I've walked away when love was mine.

    Caught up in a world of uphill climbing,

    the tears are in my mind and nothin' in rhyming.

    Oh Mandy well,

    you came and you gave without taking,

    but I sent you away.

    Oh, Mandy well,

    kissed me and stopped me from shaking,

    and I need you today.

    Oh, Mandy!

    Yesterday's a dream

    I face the morning

    Crying on a breeze

    The pain is calling

    Oh Mandy

    Well, you came and you gave without taking

    But I sent you away oh, Mandy

    Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking

    And I need you today Oh, Mandy

    you came and you gave without taking

    But I sent you away oh, Mandy

    Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking

    And I need you

    Or you could try Homer's version

    Oh Mindy, you came and you gave without flaking,

    But I sent you Ben-gay,

    Oh Andy, you kissed me and stopped me from something,

    And I...

    Oh Margie, you came and you found me a turkey,

    On my vacation away from workie...

    Cheaper than the zappo-matic

  10. I love Songkran, just let everyone get on with it.

    The day the police stop riding down the wrong side of a one way road or on the pavement or they actually work later than 10pm and really try to catch the drunk drivers is the day I'll believe the government are trying to enforce road saftey, its a joke right now and always has been and so be it, thats fine and dandy with me.

    There should be a big <deleted> off sign at the airport saying "get yourself some good insurance lad and be on your way"

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