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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Du30 has been handed over to the Hague and is on a flight to there now. Lock him up.
  2. That's the same nonsense I was hearing when I worked in silicon valley during the dot com bubble. We don't need to make anything, we don't need profits. We just need eyeballs. Most of those companies are now out of business. Thankfully I was an hourly consultant getting ridiculous amounts of money, not one of the sucker employees getting stock options that ended up being worthless, just like crypto will be. I retired at 45 when the bubble popped.
  3. So are you a fool, or a member of the Cult of the Orange Buffoon? Or both? Oh, there's this key on your keyboard called an apostrophe. You should try and find it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p2z8TLRNUQ
  4. You used a debit (ATM) card to purchase online? Fool. Only use credit cards. At least then you have some recourse.
  5. Oh, joy. Another bot.
  6. The captured Russian orcs admitted it.
  7. Same as the Moonie's, the Jamestown bunch, Christians, Mormons, etc. I do wish they'd drink the Kool aid and get it over with.
  8. Really? It was supposed to take 3 days to get Kyiv. It's been over 3 years.
  9. I'm sure you meant to type surrender, not negotiation. Better dead than red.
  10. You recall incorrectly. You don't recall the “little green men“, actually Russian military, that were calling the shots?
  11. Are you talking about religion(all types)?
  12. Tarrifs should be non-existent. Please do show some examples of how Canada/Mexico violated Trump's free trade act. Doubt you can come up with anything but a shallow retort.
  13. Tell me how abiding by Trump's free trade agreement is leeching? https://ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/united-states-mexico-canada-agreement https://ustr.gov/themes/custom/ustr2021/images/ustrlogo_dark.png Free Trade Agreements Breadcrumb Trade Agreements Free Trade Agreements United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) entered into force on July 1, 2020. The USMCA, which substituted the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a mutually beneficial win for North American workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses. The Agreement creates more balanced, reciprocal trade supporting high-paying jobs for Americans and grow the North American economy. Agreement highlights include: • Creating a more level playing field for American workers, including improved rules of origin for automobiles, trucks, other products, and disciplines on currency manipulation. • Benefiting American farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses by modernizing and strengthening food and agriculture trade in North America. • Supporting a 21st Century economy through new protections for U.S. intellectual property, and ensuring opportunities for trade in U.S. services. • New chapters covering Digital Trade, Anticorruption, and Good Regulatory Practices, as well as a chapter devoted to ensuring that Small and Medium Sized Enterprises benefit from the Agreement. To view the full text of the agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada, click here.
  14. Yes, out of your mouth.
  15. It's a consumption tax. Since the poor spend all of their money consuming, it will cost them more. The rich spend a much smaller percentage on day to day stuff so the impact will be much less on them.
  16. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Only fools and members of the Cult of the Orange Buffoon think it's a good thing.
  17. But he sent a love letter to Trump so it's okay.
  18. I don't think 90% of the world knows Swissie, the OP.
  19. Damn. Talk about no sense of humor.
  20. Od'd on something with fentanyl in it.
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