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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. The second quote is from the BP announced today. So, we have the left and the right hand working in opposite directions. At the end of June we are told 'no fines for late payment' after April. But some of my customers have already been fined in May! The BP also quoted Then why have we all paid the full price?
  2. For the last few years there has been very little rain during those months. If there is rain, it has usually been local showers (some heavy) but not lasting long. I do not know about the rest of the island, but here at the pointy bit (NE), at that time of the year, we get less rain than say Maenam and Nathon. As with most places worldwide, the weather is less consistent than it used to be.
  3. I just had a quick look for a return trip BKK to USM in July and prices are cheaper than pre Covid prices. Mind you, I am sure that prices will go up with demand.
  4. Totally agree. When I order from overseas I now cancel the order when I see that it is DHL. My friend has just had to pay duty, freight and 'other expenses' of 32 GBP for a 69 GBP product. Yes - good old thieving D?L. The product was classed duty free. Oh, and receipts not available. This is not the first time that it has happened to him. All other courier/delivery companies - no problems at all.
  5. I live in Samui and I do not tip for every service every day. I tip hairdresser, restaurants, flower seller at the temple and the guy who delivers my booze. Always small tips but a bonus at Christmas and Songkhran.
  6. Smoking anything risks damaging your lungs. Period. I have chronic bronchitis (COPD) and it is not fun. But hey - as the cannabis lovers keep saying - smoking cannabis is harmless, so suck away.
  7. That is the ferry that my friends were booked on. They were trying to catch an earlier one. Unusual to be that busy coming to Samui on a Monday.
  8. Definitely book your ticket. Friends returning to Samui yesterday had a booking and tried to catch an earlier ferry. They were told that all ferries were full. Cannot change. Two ferry companies. Both from Donsak but different piers. Most Seatran ferries are newer. Seatran https://www.seatranferry.com/ Raja https://www.rajaferryport.com/?act=p&title=sailing-schedule
  9. Put another way. I came to live in Thailand. I love the culture, the food, the people - warts and all. I accept Thailand's way or I leave. I do not impose my religion, way of living or the way that I dress upon anyone. Double pricing, immigration protocols - I accept it all. Why should one religion have a 'free ride'. Apologies if I offend anyone out there.
  10. But the road death statistics are not accurate. They are grossly understated. It is only a 'road death' if the person dies at the road side. people who die in the ambulance, or at the hospital or even at home are not counted in the numbers. Many groups in Thailand believe that the real number is up to 50% higher.
  11. The latest trend (apparently) is to tape the mouth closed when going to bed. (Yours, not the wife's. ????)
  12. Ceiling fan on slow only - 24/7. Windows and doors closed. When the room temperature hits 31 C then a/c on for an hour before bedtime. Set a/c to 28 C
  13. It is not legal. Do not believe what some people write here. From the lips (and pen) of our wonderful health minister Anutin However, people will always break the law.
  14. I suspect that driving/riding are bigger killers here in Thailand. I suggest that that should be the first priority for education.
  15. I have a British friend who had planned to go to the UK on 21/6. Applied for a visa for his Thai son 10 weeks ago. He has been told that the British embassy has been told to give priority to Ukrainians on humanitarian grounds. He is looking at cancelling his trip. Sorry that this is not helpful - just additional info.
  16. That is a pretty naive statement. ???? Researchers do not have to catch cancer to know that it is dangerous and can kill. I do not need to put my hand in a fire to know that it will hurt.
  17. Whilst that may be correct, smoking anything is a major cause of COPD - chronic bronchitis. This can be found in most heath related websites. Just search 'causes of chronic bronchitis'
  18. Unfortunately for this rider, the 'I am bigger than you so give way' cost him his life. RIP
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