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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. It is not just elephant camps. All over Thailand there are also rescue centres. These people try and rescue (buy - 40-50,000 baht) the elephants and then look after them. They too are struggling with there being zero tourists. However, donations to these centres do go to the elephants. I have been to the local one here and have donated and seen where the money goes. Just donate to ones in your local area. There will be one somewhere. https://samuielephanthaven.org/rescued-elephants/
  2. Misleading number. Not 'considerable progress' at all. Some lucky bluggers have had 4 doses. Most have had none. One just cannot believe the numbers that this government quote. Then there are the doses 'wrongly' administered and the squeezing more doses per vial.
  3. If it is legal too smoke cigarettes then it may as well be legal to vape. Both fruck up your lungs and both are obnoxious to non users.
  4. It very much depends on the rules and regs of the management company. From the view of maintaining the 'beauty' and the value of the development - yes. In my limited experience, foreign run developments - what you suggest is true. Where the management is a local 'profit making' enterprise - less likely.
  5. Amateur radio operator. Radio hamateur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amateur_radio_operator
  6. I suspect that it is a weapon for firing 'rubber' bullets. However, it is still illegal and the rest of your comments stand.
  7. Boots in Big C does a pack of 5 tests which saves a bit of money. About 1,100 baht (I think- not sure).
  8. Unlike murder committed by well connected people. (Boss. Jo Ferrari etc)
  9. He has confessed to all allegations. (Earlier TV/AN report.)
  10. You are wrong. This is nothing to do with the Thai government. This is the French government giving the vaccine to French and non French family members (including Thais).
  11. No it is a security failure. I understand that it is because the website certificate is now out of date. I am having a similar problem with the paper and some Thai government websites.
  12. Pretty irrelevant I think. He has confessed to all allegations. Why put her through the pain of telling everyone.
  13. "Hospitals will receive the partial delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Moderna in the fourth quarter of this year and they will equally have 40% of their order." It is also available to Thais if they are married to a French person or the children of one.
  14. "COVID infections in 4 southern provinces rising, now 21% of new cases" And this will continue to happen whilst the Bangkok elite continue to ignore the poor and the aged.
  15. A few similar tales on this thread. Mine was in Tanzania in the early 90's. Driving across the savannah and we were suddenly chased by a drunk bull elephant. (They eat some fruit from the tree and it ferments in their stomach.) The old jeep could just keep ahead of him until he ran out of steam.
  16. I have been told that the school is closing for 14 days. Not from Jeremy but from one of the teachers. Makes sense, if it is true, when looking at the numbers.
  17. Not quite true, Samui has also authorised alcohol in restaurants. If you want lively - Phuket. If you want tranquil - Samui/KPN/Tao (better weather as well?)
  18. "Still only about a quarter of the population has been double dosed" And quite a few of them with reduced dosage. 12 shots to a vial?
  19. Please stop trying to be logical. This IS Thailand. ????
  20. Your comments are correct, except that I have less sympathy with someone who knowingly makes themselves sick by taking illegal drugs.
  21. Which is more than one can say for the undemocratic government.
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