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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. In another report that I read (BP?), the festival is near an airport. 😨 Both military and civil pilots reported the rockets shortly after take off.
  2. Apparently, pregnant women have a 'membrane'. My first wife had to be induced. The baby was overdue. Our usual doctor could not do it - his fingers were too short and could not reach the membrane. He called in a nurse who had longer fingers. She broke the membrane and our daughter eventually popped out. I hasten to add that I have zero medical qualifications - just repeating what I was told happened.
  3. He's 'avin a larf. No way would Bangkok be able to host an F1 race. I do not have enough time to even start to list the reasons why.
  4. Good luck in your twilight years. Just take every day as it comes. A beer at sunset and a glass of pastis before bed.
  5. Sorry, no idea. Is he living in Suratthani province, or Suratthani city? Yes, there is an immigration office and a land transport office (driving licence) in the city. There will be an agent somewhere in the city. Outside of the city...??? His pension will be frozen at the current rate and no increases or extra payments.
  6. Sorry, what is an M & P shop. A search mostly pulled loads of links to H & M. NB I have no trouble getting alcohol any day if I want to. Just curious.
  7. It is a bit better than the one for Thammanat. He was allowed to become a minister because - (extract from BBC report 06/05/21) If 'other state' convictions do not count, why do many tourists/expats have to provide police records in order to obtain a visa.
  8. Did anyone really expect the test results to be anything else? Ask the MFP to have it tested. Will Uncle Tu eat it?
  9. But that already happens all over Thailand with ordinary scooters and motorbikes.
  10. I think that quite a few Aussies, Germans, Czechs, Indians and a few others can give them a run for their money.
  11. So many AI stark reminders that I cannot remember them all.
  12. Depends on your search criteria. If you do not want to find it. you probably won't. Just the first example of many..... Researchers found strong evidence of an association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia among men and women, https://nida.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/2023/05/young-men-at-highest-risk-schizophrenia-linked-with-cannabis-use-disorder I suppose that the deniers would ague that if you have schizophrenia then you can both enjoy a toke.
  13. Difficult to say without seeing the lease, but a lease is normally only valid for the people named in that lease. Anyone else has no rights. A problem with long term leases for properties is that if you die, unless your benefactors are named on the lease, then they have no rights. Even if you leave the property to them in your will.
  14. Ask your wife to register as the house owner/manager on line. Or the app is easier so I am told. Then filling in a TM 30 is a two minute exercise. Quicker to do that than to read all of the different comments here.
  15. And that is the problem. It was never meant to be for recreational use. From the lips of Anutin "Thailand just decriminalized cannabis. But you still can’t smoke joints, minister says"
  16. Try and educate yourself and google 'is vaping harmful'. Eg https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/what-does-vaping-do-to-your-lungs https://newsroom.heart.org/news/current-evidence-identifies-health-risks-of-e-cigarette-use-long-term-research-needed
  17. Sad but true. Unfortunately, all of this AI garbage and dumb photos encourages clicks and comments. Clicks mean money and I have just contributed.
  18. So the navy boys keep their toys. So what happened about the government saying that they would not pursue the purchase? Buy a frigate instead? The military still runs the country.
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