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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Just a quick follow up - from Khaosod (hope that I can post the link) The helicopter folk have reported their findings on land encroachment. Looks like there are going to be a lot of unhappy bunnies hopping around. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/05/28/surat-thani-takes-resolving-koh-samui-land-issues-seriously/
  2. I had both lenses replaced with trifocal lenses at Bangkok Hospital Phuket. Brilliant. Both the team there and my eyesight afterwards. There it is called Bright View. I followed their well documented instructions and no issues at all. No anaesthetic just lie on the op table for an hour. One eye one day, the other eye the next. Three hours after the first lens was replaced I was working on my laptop doing emails and spreadsheets. The only side affect was 'halos' around lights. Initially minimal in my case but a friend had to wear dark glasses for a couple of months before his eyes settled. https://www.brightviewcenter.com/
  3. Yes, he does seem to attract a lot of dirt - and it sticks to him.
  4. Amazing how quickly these old politicians recover from serious diseases.
  5. That is a bit unfair on the two kids who have no say in the issue. I think that they are too young to fight. No way do I condone what this man has done but he probably did it all for the girls. Now the girls have no one. Just more collateral damage. Thanks Putin.
  6. Contact Sheryl on this forum for a hospital recommendation. She gives the best, most professional, unbiased advice.
  7. The article in the BP does show them with the UN logo but it does not mention how they are to be utilised.
  8. All foreigners have to report every 90 days regardless of most visa types. I have lived here for 24 years, in the same house, with a work permit and a twelve month visa and I still have to report every 90 days (as well as TM30's).
  9. So, the 'public meeting' did not include anyone from 'Joe public'.
  10. I could never wish ill on anyone. Hope that he gets well soon and retires. For good. No comebacks or secret meetings.
  11. Very good khunPer. As usual, you are correct in your comments. As you know, garbage collections are my pet complaint on this site. I have highlighted your question on this one. Garbage collection on Samui is not free. If people are not paying the tax, then they are probably dumping their garbage illegally. We do tend work on the developments that were mostly meant for holiday rentals. All of my customers pay a garbage fee to us. We then take the garbage to an area that we pay rent for, where the local Tessabaan will collect. (They refuse to come to where we are.) We have registered the customers that pay us at the Tessabaan and every month, their man comes and collects the money from us. Our water mostly comes from water trucks that we pay for. None of the places where we work are on the government supply system. Some of us have paid 200,000 to 300,000 baht to drill a private well. Next, electricity. Most of us have solar panels, it is crazy not to in Thailand. Especially when the developer where I live charges almost 10 baht per KWH Regarding taxes, we pay company taxes, VAT, as well as social security and income tax for ALL staff. My Land and House tax this year is 14,043 baht. Yes, the seven villa developments that we work with, do use a lot of water and electricity. But they pay lots of money to the local economy for that privilege.
  12. A neighbour near me squeezed a couple of lemons into the batter and it eventually worked. Ah, for the good old days of the starting handle.
  13. That is true, businesses in Nathon are winners if the tourists do not go on tours. But tourists' tours are taken to very few businesses. They tend to be well 'controlled'. Certainly that was true before Covid. It was the same with Chinese tour groups.
  14. Sad and RIP to the uncle, but the lad will have a very difficult time in gaol. Still, it is what it is. Maybe a police/prison hospital?
  15. I agree. From the UK and I have been attacked (unprovoked) twice whilst walking down the street. My wife was mugged twice and had her handbag stolen both times. Moved to Oz, house burgled. Been in Thailand 24 years - nothing. I never lock my doors and windows are left open - island life. To be fair, also lived in Singapore and Hong Kong - no issues, but I did lock doors and windows there.
  16. So, no pier, yet they keep coming. Do we really need more cruise ships making the roads more busy (tour bus conveys) and using up more local resources?
  17. I just put things like that straight into the spam folder. eg read the line above 'Thanks' I try not to use Microsoft products. I never receive messages from them, so I cannot tell if those are real websites or not.
  18. Here's a clue as to where one of them is. Amazing police force. "A criminal offence generally defined as the fighting of two or more persons in a public place that disturbs others."
  19. So why was he stealing bras, whitening cream and so on, one wonders.
  20. Wow. 10 vehicles and 230 pistols. That will help the export numbers.
  21. I believe that is the compulsory insurance that you have to pay so that you can pay the road tax. No insurance, no road tax.
  22. Most of the leaders/governments were never voted into office. That, perhaps, is the problem.
  23. Should you be making private calls etc on a company phone? That is why I put my own name on my phone number. Most company business I do by email for ease of reference and filing.
  24. As always, an incorrect generalisation about Thais hating/loathing foreigners. I have live here happily for 24 years and counting. Most Thais that I have met treat me with the same respect with which I treat them. Some loathe me. Some love me. Most are not too fussed either way. Much like everywhere else in the world where I have lived. The ones that loathe me usually do so because I will not help them to rip off tourists. (I live on Samui where most folk make their money from tourists.)
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