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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. And I never rented (24 years). How can renting be best?
  2. Read my previous posts on how I set things up and court case. Sold the first house already. Living will on the second (I already have the money) Third house goes to legal shareholders (staff) I do not own anything for there to be a mess over. Sort your stuff out now.
  3. I disagree. I have lived here rent free for 24 years and when I sold one house I more than covered my initial investment for originally buying the land and building three houses. Seems OK to me.
  4. Very sad for the guy and his family. Good try sir. Well done to the company for the support for the families.
  5. I cannot see how a domestic service will help the influx of international tourists, but hey, let's give the PM a pat on the back - he needs them.
  6. Idiot drivers opening vehicle doors without looking is always a problem for motorbike riders. After all, mirrors are for putting on makeup or squeezing zits. Most do not even think about their actions. Sadly, not only Thais have this habit. The Netherlands have a good law that reduces the problem but it would never work here in Thailand.
  7. More air miles. More money wasted. More promises not to keep. More silly statements. And the travelling circus continues. Meanwhile, back at home, the debts and the problems continue to grow.
  8. The property is not mine. I own nothing. It belongs to Thais - legally. I am not even a shareholder. When I am dead I will not care. I have been through the Thai courts here - when my wife died without a will. The judge followed Thai law, of which I have a small amount of knowledge from a course that I attended, and multiple court cases over my time here in Thailand.. You are guessing at what might happen. I am saying what has happened.
  9. Not quite the first seaplane service in Thailand but I hope that they do better than the other one. CoCo group on koh Samui had a seaplane offering 'visa run' trips to the casino in Burma just off Ranong. This was back in 2006/2007 Then things went wrong with the group. The seaplane ended up flying illegally to Singapore. The plane was bought this month by Mary Cummins, who co-owns a tourist adventure flight company with Rhys Thomas, a former pilot with Australian airline Ansett, the newspaper said. The plane had previously been flown by an airline in Koh Samui. https://<URL Automatically Removed>.com/thailand-and-asia-news/23991-koh-samui-plane-forced-land-singapore.html
  10. Let's be clear. Setting up a company with 49% 51% shareholding is legal. The illegality comes regarding the Thai shareholders. Nominee shareholders are illegal. I have a company (trading legally and paying taxes) with Thai shareholders. They are employees. Totally legal. I built three houses more than 20 years ago. All owned by the company. I sold one about 10 years ago and the return on one was 150% of my initial investment for all three. I have a living will on the second one so I have had the money for that one as well. The third and final house I will leave to the shareholders. I cannot take the money with me when I die. So, owning property here does not have to be the great disaster that folk are wittering on about in this thread. I have done OK with it. Think about what you are doing.
  11. Correct. Although my wife (UK) without a will, the court dealt with her assets as if she was Thai.
  12. How on earth did you come up with that ridiculous statement. She is already 500,000 up plus her salary. The argument is over the lady's assets.
  13. Just stay away from locations that have volcanos, earthquakes and tsunamis.
  14. Someone with more knowledge may correct me but I understand that you cannot tread water in a rip. The current is too strong. You need to float and let the current take you out until it slows down and then you swim diagonally back to the shallows. Most people panic and try to swim against the rip as this poor guy seems to have done.
  15. There is a drought over most of Thailand except Bangkok. They always have water. Oh - that is where most of the politicians and hi-so's live. Strange that.
  16. I still have one of those. Canon MX366. Works well except with Windows 11. No drivers. It has served me well for many years and I do not like the idea of just chucking it out. Free to a good home!
  17. As if she did not have enough problems in her life. Very sad. Good luck lady.
  18. Crikey. They have gone 'posh'. Never tablecloths when I lived in Soi 16, nor on my return visits. Good food but gets very busy. Some nights, very large groups of different nationalities eat there. Sorry, I cannot remember which nights.
  19. Maybe the floodwater pushed the bins and bottles into the drains?
  20. AI does regurgitate a lot of rubbish. Please bring back humans.
  21. The scooter rider did nothing wrong. The driver that hit him did not slow down or look. He could not see the scooter because of the vehicle turning right blocking his view. He should have slowed down.
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