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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Strange. I have had a work permit for more than twenty years. My wife also had one when she was alive. All of my friends that work here also have work permits. Maybe the problem is you?
  2. I guess that you only did the tourist parts of Samui - Chewang/Fisherman's village. Which are the parts that most of us that live here avoid like the plague. Lots of beaches with easy access if you bother to look. Lots of cheaper restaurants outside of the main tourist areas. (Pad krapow moo with a fried egg and rice - 60 baht. BIG portions.) No major air pollution all year round. Just the occasional day or three when you northerners decide to share it with us. Your probably should have avoided high season. Very little traffic these days. You complain about the heat and then talk about "lots of wonderful hot springs". Make your mind up or did you just want to boast? (My pool has been like a hot spring for more then a month.) I have never been to Chiang Rai - too cold, but traffic and pollution in Chiang Mai - give me Samui every day. It did drop to 19 C one winter years ago. Lived on Samui now for 24 years. I would not want to live anywhere else.
  3. If you are thinking about this one, it is a different case. There are obviously too many kids on KPN. https://aseannow.com/topic/1321881-american-woman-arrested-for-allegedly-operating-nursery-without-legal-permission/
  4. and that is why many are tempted to do it. Money for old rope - until you are caught.
  5. Why on earth would a loan shark (illegal) admit to it and 'hand themselves in'.
  6. So you prefer to believe the lies of terrorists. How sad for you.
  7. and that is the real problem. Give people the opportunity to make a real living and then they will not have to encroach in order to live off the land.
  8. I have asked around and the only one that we know of so far is the PP Care Services that you are already aware of.
  9. I smile when I read this in the articles. An autopsy does not usually happen in Thailland. They are expensive. When my wife died in her sleep, there were a few issues about releasing her body. Usually to do with money being required. We were eventually told that there would need to be an autopsy and that the body would be released after that. Money please. In the end, I had to call on some 'influential' people to get her body released. (Family had flown from the UK and they needed to go back.) There was no autopsy. No report. But there was an extra charge for the additional week's 'storage' in the morgue at the government hospital. In this case, as it is a high profile one, I am sure that there will be some sort of an autopsy - but will the published results and cause of death be the real ones?
  10. So do I but the verbal diarrhoea that we have to trawl through to get any facts makes we want to throw up. As for the next quote, it has to be a lie.
  11. Sadly, the truth will probably never be known for this poor lass and her family.
  12. After eating Thai food for more than 30 years, I find that an ice cold beer is the only thing that goes down well with it.
  13. Very sad that this young lady died. Even more sad that we have the embarrassing flowery AI prose to describe what has happened. RIP young lady. May your passing not be in vain.
  14. Sorry to hear that. I have been 'half' deaf since birth and the thought of loosing my good ear does worry me. I have not had a total loss. Just a few 'problems' now and again which sorted themselves out. The bad bit for me is that the good ear has tinnitus now. Have you been swimming during your travels? Good luck with your problem - hope that a solution appears soon.
  15. Hamas terrorists exaggerating and telling lies? Who would have thought that.
  16. Who the heck stuffs dead animals down their throats? There was a pop star a while back reportedly ate a live hamster (or something like that).
  17. The facts are from medical experts and scientists. Not sellers and smokers. Yet the deniers keep complaining and scream 'alcohol, alcohol, alcohol'.
  18. I give it to local Thais or staff and say 'you sell and we got half half'
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