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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 2 hours ago, sport said:

    Whilst it may not be the total answer to the pandemic, clearly vaccination of the population will significantly reduce the possible spread of the virus. So why hasn't the Government introduce it yet when most other countries have?



    Because the Goverment does not have the the funds to purchase the required amount of vaccine.

    They could well produce the funds if they were to 'borrow' the money in the same way other countries do.

  2. I have used my Thai driving licence on many occasions to hire cars in the UK, from a number of different firms. I was asked once for an IDP and once for my passport, but never refused a hire. The age limit is up to 79, past that and you will be refused due to insurance limitations. My last UK car hire was July 2019 Eurocar via a company called Keddy. Collected at and returned to Heathrow.

  3. 6 hours ago, sandyf said:

    The jury is still out on that one.


    A UK trial has been launched to see if giving people different Covid vaccines for their first and second doses works as well as the current approach of using the same type of vaccine twice.


    I accept your post, sandyf and perhaps the BBC are correct, but it is not confirmed and wont be until the summer. So, can we just accept we are both correct, maybe?

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Very nice, can I add a basic question?


    Can I get the AstraZenica vaccine for the first jab, then the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for the 2nd jab? 


    As far as I am aware they cannot be mixed. If you have AZ as the first, then the second must be AZ also. I could be wrong of course, but that is what I have been reading.

  5. I had this same problem with 2 ACs so had them cleaned but after a few weeks they leaked again. Got a different man in to look and it turns out the ACs were not leaning slightly towards the drain outlet. The guy rehung both units and have not had any problems since.

    This was three years ago.

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, ParkerN said:


    Yup. That really sums up the Thai enigma very nicely. They just don't know any better. After copying so much from westerners for decades (centuries?), they still hate foreigners, they still love foreigner's money, and they haven't learned very much at all.


    Learning does appear to be a problem for Thais. just look at the STEM and SAT scores... learning just isn't what they do best.

    Thais can and do learn, that is not the problem. Teaching on the other hand, is the major problem. Until such time as qualified, yes, truly qualified teachers are employed to teach, the system is doomed to fail.

  7. I complained to the bank that their APP wasn't working. It was pointed out that it required my passport number used to open the account. Had I not kept the original, things could have been awkward. 

    Just as an aside, your passport is government property and therefore should not be discarded or destroyed. I have passports from the 1960s. The first one when replaced I burnt as I thought it was of no further use. When I applied for a new one a year later, I was asked  for details of the old one. The passport office lady went ape when I said I had burnt it. I had a police visit to take a statement and was cautioned. I was lucky I didn't get a criminal record.

    Appreciate that was a long time ago and things may have changed. However, I keep my old passports.

    • Sad 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Aussie999 said:

    I see a problem "The new rules state that anyone using the outside lane on a highway must not drive slower than 100km/h but no faster than 120km/h,"  this may be a mis translation, but why is it the "outside" lane, which, unless defined, is different in other countries, eg, Australia, it is the lane furthest from the centre.

    Some people have to be different I suppose, if only for the hell of it.

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