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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. Until the testers know how to test, the police get off their backsides and apply the law, and fines are issued that have teeth, nothing will change. Take away and crush the care of a driver with no insurance and jail the driver. Same with the driver who has no licence, or came by the licence dishonestly. Strict  motorcycle tests and laws applied to those who ride them, and no under 16 year olds allowed to ride.

    Just let me know when the leopard changes its spots.

  2. On 3/1/2021 at 3:07 PM, darksidedog said:

    There never are and never have been.

    If the cops, whose duty it is to uphold the law could get out there and actually stop every speeding driver and red light runner they might start to get somewhere. All the meaningless chat in the world will do absolutely zero, but it is all I have ever seen in my many years here. Sadly I suspect the 2022 and 2027 numbers will remain fairly in line with what we see now.

    Until the 120KPH limit comes into operation, then the figures will go up for accidents and deaths.

  3. 2 hours ago, Antonymous said:
    "Meanwhile Dr Yong Phuworawan of the Chula virology department .... Regarding Sinovac from China he said it was right that the Thai PM Prayut Chan-ocha should not take it as clinical studies were still limited regarding efficacy for the over 60s.
    This didn't mean that it wouldn't be effective, just that more studies were needed.'
    Bingo! There you have it. He's right on this of course.
    I'd like to add that it should be the right of everyone to choose whether or not to take any Covid vaccine, at least until they have been proven to have no long term negative effects. None of the vaccines fulfill this criterion yet and particularly note that the mRNA types are designated by the manufacturers themselves as 'experimental' until the end of 2023.
    There are some numpties who call out anyone questioning the Covid vaccines as 'anti-vaxxers'. They like to point out that nobody questioned taking polio vaccines, etc., as if that somehow has any relevance to the situation today. It does not!
    When my mother (a senior nurse) decided to give me polio and one or two other vaccines when I was a young child, these particular vaccines had been around for many years and had been proven safe, as well as effective. I'm positive that she would not have risked taking Covid vaccines at this time.
    I am certainly not an anti-vaxxer, but I am very careful with my health and at this time would not willingly receive any of the Covid vaccines. I believe that everybody should have the right to choose.

    Quite true, you should have that choice. We should also have the choice of which vaccine we take, rather than be forced to take a particular vaccine over another, because its all that is available. If a full choice becomes available from a private hospital, that is where I would go, and willing pay a reasonable price.

    • Like 2
  4. On 2/24/2021 at 7:42 AM, bluesofa said:

    Thanks for the insight into how it works.


    Not that I can see why it should, but I am interested about any system used to arrive with these figures.

    If it is lunar based, how does that fit in with the philosophy of buddhism, and why? I'm guessing it's part of the mumbo-jjumbo that's evolved down the (more recent) centuries?

    You are getting close now. More Mumbo than Jumbo I should think!

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Christie Paul said:

    A word from perhaps the most influential and heavily invested person in both the pandemic and vaccinations... 


    “The world today has 6.8 billion people, that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 - 15 %.”


    Bill Gates



    Take closer look at the average human, Bill. Then think again!

    • Confused 1
  6. A top loader is not the most efficient way of washing linen, it doesn't have the lift, drop squeeze action of a front loader. A twin tub is even less efficient in as much as it requires more human interaction. The top loader however, is efficient in that it uses  gentler wash action for the type of washing used in S.E.A, wear once and wash. Also, the washing powder here is designed to be used in cold water and doesn't need to have a fabric conditioner added, although it can help to remove excess powder. The trick is not to over load the M/c be it 6, 8, or 10 Kg and not put too much powder into the receptacle. If you find that tight clothing makes you itch, you are using too much washing powder.  

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:


    Amazing absolutely amazing, where on earth do they find these clowns?

    6 million my a++e, nobody in the UK got any money to spend flying to Thailand.

    I beg to differ Colin. Many have saved over the past year with the government suggesting this amount to £5Billion? If such is the case I would estimate most will splurge on home improvements and new furnishings. However, I would agree some may spend on holidays if and when the present travel restrictions are lifted, possibly in June. As to that figure being in the millions, as per usual TAT are farting out their rear ends again.

  8. 7 hours ago, Dagfinnur Traustason said:

    2 bottles and some bills. That´s a really good days work for the police.

    Oh, by the way, they nabbed 4 musicians too. I have always told them to keep low key. Do NOT sing!


    Anyway, I am happy to hear that they did not have some one playing with an organ on the scene. The most vulgar instrument a musician can play with.

    I hope my organ never gets out of tune!

    • Haha 1
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