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Posts posted by Trickcyclist

  1. A glazier was examining a broken window. He looked at it for a while and then said, “It's worse than I thought. It's broken on both sides.”

    What's an informal comedy club? Is that the kind of place you go without carrying along expectations of having a laugh?

    Or if you do happen to make a funny remark - it may or may not be acknowledged?

    Personally, I prefer the formal comedy clubs - the kind of places where you have to laugh whether or not you found the person funny. Nothing worse than spontaneous laughter - ruins the moment.

  2. how dare you complain about our great banks.

    Ok, they do charge exorbitant rates,

    pay little or no interest,

    rip you off on exchange rates,

    repossess your home,

    miss sell personal protection insurance etc etc,

    teeter on the edge of collapse but for government support paid by the tax payers and

    pay huge bonuses to the drones that run own and run them, who have lost billions using unfathomable mickey mouse financial instruments that have brought the whole financial and economic system to the brink of collapse (and its not over yet!!)

    They deny you acccess to your own money, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, in a monsoon, for no good reason and

    you have to call a call centre in Mars and speak to some morons who have a potato in their mouths and

    provide information about your inside leg measurement, the housing shortage in East Tanganika and a million other things to reactivate your own account and get at your money

    otherwise, they are fabulous!!

  3. same in UK..call for a copper in your local town and they will probably send one from a town 60 miles away, if they can find one.

    went into my local copshop in UK on a Sunday morning, just around the corner, to discuss previous nights lack of attention to call-out request - area with population of 20,000+++ - and there was nobody there except a cleaner.

    wouldn't surprise me if they are now using call centres in Bangalore with disembodied voice: "If you are being chased around the house by a mad axe man, please press 1 etc.........!"

    Maybe they should have telephone auctions for emergency calls: "What am I bid for a policeman? Fifty quid from Nancy in Southampton being raped?" "Sorreeeee caller, Sue in Worthing being gang banged is offering 55 quid. Do I hear an advance on 55 quid etc etc!!!???

  4. "you will find that a woman who really kind to dogs is always one who failed to inspire sympathy in men."

    Max beerbohm

    I had a bar girl living with me for 3 years. Everything was Ok until she got my cell phone and started calling numbers in it. She talked with a bar girl I had been seeing on the side who told her too much and she went nuts. The irony is that I did care about her and I never would have thrown this girl out after 3 years, but when she started with threats like "if you try to kick me out I'll scratch my arms and tell the police you did it" she had to go. I thought only western women were that evil. I hired a Thai lawyer and a police officer for 10000 and 5000 baht respectively, and they physically ran her out of the house while I was at shcool

    I still felt bad doing that to her after 3 years but with threats like that I would have to have been crazy to keep her there. Also sad because my dogs have been sitting most of the time of the front porch waiting for her to come home.


  5. 3 Mile Island



    Chalk River

    Quote .."Berkeley’s Dan Kammen, a nuclear engineering professor,said that a single new nuclear plant could take 100 months and $10 billion to build ..Nuclear power, by its nature, has to be centralized and well-guarded, so we don’t know everything that’s going on at the nation’s atomic facilities. What that means is nuclear power requires citizens to trust the industrial order to do what’s right by society. It requires faith that the engineers and executives who build and run nuclear plants will do the right thing — and if some unexpected thing goes wrong, they’ll tell us about it, even if it hurts their profits or reputations. Nuclear power, by its nature, has to be centralized and well-guarded, so we don’t know everything that’s going on at the nation’s atomic facilities. What that means is nuclear power requires citizens to trust the industrial order to do what’s right by society. It requires faith that the engineers and executives who build and run nuclear plants will do the right thing — and if some unexpected thing goes wrong, they’ll tell us about it, even if it hurts their profits or reputations." unquote. What are the chances of that happening(The Homer Simpson/Mr Byrnes equation).

    Uranium is not universally available and its cost has sky rocketed since oil touched $150.

    One bomb from the crazies could close a whole country for years.

    Solar and hydrogen is the future..plenty of clean and free sunshine to extract hydrogen.

    plenty of clean and free sunshine to aircon buildings, charge electric cars, run trains and buses.

    Every building could be its own independent solar power station sending back unused electricty to the grid

    and being paid by the grid to do so..

    meters running up credits instead costs!!

    Honda are now testing in home hydrogen kits so that our cars can be filled with hydrogn at home.

    Why build massive monolithic power stations and spend the rest of our lives beholden to a bunch of plutocrats who can turn on/off the power on a whim-even hydro has its costs, environmentally, reducing water levels of million year old rivers and flooding areas of land.Remember Enron and power cuts??

    costs about 10baht to drive electric for 100miles.

    The sun is there; its clean and its free.

    When it goes we go!!

    The only reason solar is not widespread is due to the control centralised planning has on energy provision, that and and the fossil fuel lobby.

  6. Ignore all the patronising flippancies in some of the replies and call a real professional:

    Mrs Frances Ecaster at 02 286 1351

    "Frances Ecaster" <[email protected]>

    Irish lady married to Thai.

    Fluent in Thai.

    Long business experience in Thailand

    knows the checks and balances between Thai and falang requirements

    runs translation service and well known and recommended by consulate.

    Should imagine she would be one stop shop for your requirements.

    Highly recommended.

    Chokdee makk makk, slainte go saol agus Nollaig samh

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