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Posts posted by Trickcyclist

  1. anybody got a recipe to make at home??

    Where are the perogies?

    The food Ive missed the most.

    Ive never seen any for sale, and looked in all sorts of "grocery stores," or food sections in department stores, in all types on malls.

    Does anyone know where they are?

    Or do I need to make my own from scratch?

  2. Bought some stuff from them. They are ok in my experience and I will buy again.

    If you like, they will take you into Burma where they source the old teak.

    They can knock-up anything you want if they havent got what you want although

    they inventory is pretty big.

    Good luck


    I am thinking of buying some furniture and came across this company "Siam Old Teak" near Hua Hin.

    As it is in your area , could anyone give any info or experiences.

    Good Quailty / Prices / Experiences on the product etc.

    I am talking about wardrobes / beds etc

    I have viewed the website and pretty impressive selction etc

    Any local knowledge appreciated



  3. make a list of what you are really good at and what you really like to do.

    Then visit www.bmyers.com.

    Its a product developer web site which provides insights into how you can create/source profitable products, for very little money, on the Internet, from home, using your own experience and expertise.

    Incidentally, I have no connection with the guy in any way, but, admire what he has achieved in the last 20 years, or, so.

    Good luck.

    I'm already retired but considering some part-time work that I could do over the internet. I'm looking at Chiang Mai as a retirement destination and wondering about other possibilities such as starting a business. Not sure how easy this is but if the money is available then how easy is it for a foreigner (without a thai wife) to start a business in Thailand.

    For the others out there. If you're retired in Chiang Mai then what do you do to keep yourself busy and happy. Do some of the expats work / does anyone out there have a small business?

  4. He will never know what real happiness is until he marries her. Then it will be too late!!

    I have a friend who just will not be told not to go through with his marriage in a couple of weeks. His lady is very naive, but a real bad 'un, and he knows it, but he's still going ahead. In fact, I'm convinced he's already planning for a divorce!

    With regard to his / their land and house, he's taking all the right advice and action to protect himself. Exactly what, I'm not sure, but he's got stacks of papers etc signed by them both at his lawyers. According to him, she's signing everything he wants her to, and he's happy.

    What I'm wondering is, are there any "Undue Influence" laws here? Could she turn around and say she was pressurised into signing all these things, and get them voided? Certainly, this would be the case in his home country.

    I've actually already told him that there is something like this, to try and give him something else to think about before his "big" day.So, thought I'd ask TV to find out for sure.

    Thanks, guys.

  5. off Sukhumvit Soi 26

    there is a road past new mall being built

    goes to Attakravee

    Go to 2nd last gate on right on Attrakravee-its a cul de sac

    ring bell. sorrry don't have phone. stayed there a few years ago nice Thai family.

    ask if one bed still available. Probably about 20kBaht.

    spotless in block of three with Thai house out front with little garden

    can walk to Rama 4 and Sukhumvit a little further to Emporium and Prong Pong etc.

    avoid the big places: you are at the mercy of the service company employed by a disinterested owner.

    Good luck

    I just recently made the decision to move to Thailand for a while to travel Asia and have Bangkok as my "home base," so to speak. I was told about this "great" apartment: Boss Tower. I came and checked out a few of their apartments and was very impressed with their 1 BR. Because I was with a Thai friend who did most of the talking for me, I got what I think was a good deal (20k/month for 78 Sq M and service once a week and laundry 2 times a week) They tell me (before I sign) they'll have the place ready in 2-3 days. Great! After I sign, maybe 4 days. OK.......Well, it takes 6 days and only after I get on them about it. No biggie, I am just happy to be in Bangkok and in my new apartment.

    I get into my new place and on the first day I have a look around and things seem a little dirty. The floors are clearly not cleaned, the fixtures have grime on them there is still hair in and around the sink from the old tenants, the shower has thick dirt and buildup everywhere. And then....something catches my eye. Praying I didn't see what I think I just saw, I look a little closer and there it is, a cockroach. Odd because I hadn't seen any in the room they had me in for the past week. And I am pissed because, well, I despise cockroaches and really have no intention of staying in an infested apartment. I immediately go down stairs and tell the lady I have a roach in my place. Very nonchalantly she sends up one of the workers with a bottle of Raid to spray. This is at night, so I can't speak with the manager at this point. He comes up stairs with me and hands me the bottle while he waits outside. OK.....so I go around spraying my apartment and this odour (canned perfume) reminds me of something......Oh! It's the same odour I smelled when I FIRST walked into the new place. Needless to say I am pretty pissed at this point because they clearly had seen the roaches and tried to kill them with Raid.

    In the morning I go downstairs and the manager/supervisor (or whoever she is) is informed of what happened and assures me this is going to be taken care of. When I ask, she says for sure tomorrow she'll have someone in here and he'll be spraying the place, it would be today but he is away for personal reasons. I agree and all of a sudden she says "well, maybe it wont be tomorrow but it will probably be the next day." So at this point I am pretty angry, but I hold it in and say calmly if they don't have someone in tomorrow, even if they have to hire outside people, I am gone, period. She agrees.

    The next day 3 very professional looking men :) walk in, one holding what looks like a caulking gun and the two just stand there watching while he randomly places whatever the hel_l is in it all over my apartment. I ask why they aren't spraying, she says this is food for the roaches and it will kill them and in the next 2 days you wont see anymore. hummmm.... "Why wouldn't you just do this all the time so no one sees any roaches in the builing ever, and then there wouldn't ever be a roach problem?" Now she can't speak english and just repeats "food for roaches...they will die when eat" She is quickly trying to leave my apartment when I am asking her about this, and I say "I hope I don't see anymore" She looks up at me as she about to leave and replies, "me too" and quickly shuts the door. I have a bad feeling about this.......

    I go around the apartment to see what they have done and notice that they have placed poison everywhere. Right beside my light switches, on the headboard on my bed, and pretty much everywhere else you can think of that I wouldn't want to touch or see poison. I also had shown her the dirt all over the place, while they were laying the poison, and she said that her staff would come in and clean properly.....That was 3 days 1/2 ago.

    I have since killed more than a dozen in those 3 1/2 days. Not only has it gotten worse, but I am now seeing their offspring completely take over my bathroom. Every time I walk in, there is AT LEAST 1 little cockroach running around my toilet, bathtub or into my bedroom. I am still seeing big ones run into the little cracks all over the place when I open doors.

    Tomorrow I am most likely moving out. Really, I have no option other than stay here and live with it, or bitch at them over and over and over when I know that nothing is going to be resolved. But I truly can't live in a place that is as dirty, filthy, disgusting and so unprofessionally managed.

    I am really pissed right now as I am probably going to be out 35k Baht for deposit and now I have to get a hotel room and find a new place....what a great start! Just wanted to let everyone know if you are thinking of getting an apartment in Bangkok don't ever think of Boss Tower.

  6. salutary lesson.

    A word of warning - be weary walking along the west side of Soi 31 near the Hard Times Pub.

    I live in a condo in Sukhumvit Soi 31, a street with fairly high security given that the PM's private residence is situated there.

    Last night (Tues 20th) at about 7pm, one of my neighbours (an English chap, about 40 y/o) was walking up Soi 31 from Sukhumvit after his daily jog around Benjasiri Park.

    Just before approaching the Hard Times Pub, whilst walking outside a Japanese karaoke lounge (Tsu Ki) where there was a group of 4 bouncers who were employed by the karaoke lounge, (this is next the catfish barbeque hawker stall for those who know the area) and were obstructing the side-walk. My neighbour asked them to step aside so he could continue walking. (Quite frankly, I would have stepped onto the road as I usually do at this end of Soi 31 as the side-walk gets rather cluttered).

    Apparently, the bouncers took offence to my neighbour's request and the group started beating him up (seemingly unprovoked). One of them stabbed him across the chest and down his arm. The arm wound was very deep and required 5 hours of surgery in a nearby hospital to patch it up. He will be in hospital for a couple of nights and hopefully he will fully recover the use of his arm.

    Ironically, the incident took place 150 metres from the PM's residence where approx. 15 of Thong Lo's finest Bandits In Brown are on guard 24/7. Apparently the BIB were hesitant to assist because their job is to "protect the PM only" and I guess it would inconvenience them to have to intervene and assist a sole farang under the attack of 4 bouncers, (the PM would unlikely to be at home by 7pm anyway?) . Eventually, a nearby shopkeeper was able to muster some help to stop the beating. My neighbour was later taken to a nearby hospital.

    Upon the prompting of my neighbour's wife and his lawyer, the police have laid charges against 3 of the bouncers for assault and attempted murder. The hospital is providing a guard at outside his hospital room as the karaoke lounge owner and some staff tried to find him in the hospital. The bouncer who stabbed my neighbour absconded and as far as I'm aware has not yet been caught.

    This incident is unlikely to be reported elsewhere as my neighbour's wife does not want the incident publicized. However, I believe TVers who frequent this area should be aware of this for their own safety.

    Given the dodgy reputation of Thong Lo's finest, I doubt whether my friend will see proper justice done and the alleged attackers sent to jail. However, the hospital is providing good support & co-operation with the lawyer to assist with a prosecution.

  7. If only Der Fuhrer knew??

    Amazon remotely and without consent from users deleted two books from thousands of Kindles. These books were paid for, the customers got a refund. The best part: The books they deleted were "1984" and "Animal Farm".


    What I am wondering is what kind of insane person would design an ebook reader with a remote delete switch built in. Why put that there in the first place? I was mildly interested in the Kindle before though it already seemed like paperback books have a lot of advantages over ebook readers. But this really kills it off completely.

    Do I really care about whether or not there were contract disputes? I don't. If I buy something, it's mine. You can't change your mind later and take it back, even if you give me a refund.

    The whole thing is just unbelievable.

  8. there are amusing little vignettes at the moment on the highways and bi-ways: drivers and their passengers at police road blocks, body language running the gamut of bemusement to resignation, pissing into little cups for random testing for drugs.

    Pattaya, October 17 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : For the 3rd time in just over a month, Police have once again raided the Insomnia Club located on Walking Street and once again found them to be breaking the law. Police Lieutenant Colonel Sutum, the Deputy Chief of Pattaya Police led the raid which took place at 5am. There were over a thousand patrons inside the venue at the time of the raid who were randomly drug tested and 12 patrons were found to have recently ingested methamphetamine. No actual drugs or any other illegal items could be found in the club; however the manager of the venue was arrested and charged with operating the venue well over its permitted licensed opening hours. He, along with the 12 patrons were taken to Pattaya Police Station and a further report on the club will be sent to the Banglamung District Licensing Unit. Despite the results of the raid, the club is expected to be open for business as usual over the weekend and it is unlikely any further action will be taken against the venue.



  9. Facebook = zombie spam!!!

    the dreaded, stomach churning, out of the blue notification that another awful person that you never heard of, or, have crossed continents to avoid, has "added you as a friend on Facebook."

    I was just wondering if anyone has used face book to advertised their service / product.

    My wife's sister told my wife that she had just advertised and she was getting lot's of hits and and said it would be worth while trying it out .

    So she placed an add and on the 1st day she gets about 300 hit's , we were shocked . Then the next day we get 856 hit's with some phone calls with price enquires nothing about the service, by this time I was getting suspicious ,so her secretary transfered the the phone to her mobile so we could read the incoming numbers then she later rung back and the people on the other end didn't seem to be genuine.

    Now I was getting worried.. and told my staff to cancel the advertising as when I checked the account it was over the budjet that I expected and worried about using her credit card .

    The thing is we and my sister inlaw have had not one appointment or sale from the experience and she has asked other people and they seem to think it's a scam which I believe also .

  10. not exactly clueless..


    first visit to hairdressers Bangkok many years ago.

    haircut please?


    You like wash?


    you like manicure also?


    You like pedicure also?


    Take off shoes please


    (Basin of water produced)

    Put foot in water.


    Scuse please, take foot out.


    (Lady lifts basin of water and dumps it in my lap)

    Velly solly. You take trouser off and come in back to dry

    Now have inhouse hairdressing facility...

    I never patronise the hairdressers on Saiyuan, or Nai Harn for that matter, being well aware of the fact that the majority are run by clueless ex bargirls, with nary a certificate of having undertaken anything hair related to their names, having been able to weedle the price of a tenancy agreement out of their local, um patrons.

    However, I have had someone recommend a young Thai guy working at a salon named 'August', on the sharp bend just before/after Don's. Anyone other recommends?

  11. just spoke with Thai who learned English at callan and feedback was:

    in the beginning the system was off-putting, but, the method, which I believe is constant repetition

    helps to cement the learning process in the brain and after a time the student begins to understand

    and speak..

  12. "If you are going to fail, fail quickly." Lee Travino

    if you like the system and the teacher(s) its good and you will learn, if you don't like the system you will never learn.

    Everything one does in life is a test. You try it and it works for you, or, you try it and it does'ent?

  13. I buy flour and yeast in Tesco or Big C, and bake my my own bread 3 times a week in one of those wonderful automatic machines, around 40-50 baht for a 500 gram loaf, and NOT sweet.

    Very simple, chuck in all the ingredients, close the machine, switch on the timer, rise and shine and enjoy freshly baked bread.

    :) I do the same

    The Missus went to a local school in the boons and was taught how to bake bread, cake and biscuits(cookies), any recipe.

    She uses ordinary electric oven.


    Home was never like this!!

  14. Skype is good, PC to Pc (free) and to mobile/landline..less than a baht a minute I think!!

    also Aussie outfit, Freshte,l have softphone availability.

    Sorry if this has already been posted, I did a search but couldn't find anything.

    True are now doing a 'pay as you go' sim card called a 'True Inter Sim' available from 7 eleven stores for 49 baht.

    Calls to the UK are just 1 baht per minute, 24/7 and there are cheap rates for many other countries. Credit on the

    card is valid for one year so you're not going to lose your credit if you don't use it quickly. I think texts to the UK

    are 5 baht.

    I have tried it and the call quality is very good.

    Calls to local Thailand numbers are charged at 1.5 baht per minute.

    You must use a True Inter Sim, a standard True Sim card doesn't have this promotion.

  15. What's the skinny on ebook readers?

    Was attracted to the Kindle from Amazon but not available either for device despatch or book downloads to Thailand.

    Any alternative recommendations, ideally with good clear, large screen, user friendly, inventory of books?

    Incidentally, if a Kindle was purchased using a UK address and card, could one get around the book download problems?


  16. Just had deflation

    now a little stagnated as we recover from the banking/credit crisis

    heading towards a little inflation as economies get under way again

    will never see hyperinflation: the EU/single currency has sorted that out and really, hyperinflation has to be created, politically. (Read up on Weimar Republic hyperinflation crisis post WW I.)

    I am actually uncertain where we are going to go from here. We have low interest rates around 0.5% on ISA'a (with no introductory offers included). Bank of England rates remain at an historic low of 0.5%.

    For me this replicates what happened/is happening in Japan. Is that any good as a thought process for what is to come?

  17. how dangerous are they?

    lethal, or, just painful???

    Hi all,

    Just went for a pee pee island and nearly stood on a Scorpian in the bathroom. I don't understand where it can have come from, we have nets, the doors were closed.

    Can they get in through the drains or the toilet. do they travel alone?

    Any experience of this and remedy gratefully accepted.

    Cheers, Rick

  18. Satelite Baht 15,000 per calender month???


    TOT platinum at 599+tax is about best on offer here in the sticks with landline c700pcm

    Need landline fill in a from

    Claimed 3GB

    Actual typical speed 350 / 0.20

    less 4-11pm and school hols i.e too slow to stream radio let alone watch utube

    Can just about log on her bangkok websites and email

    Midnight to dan can surf download v slowly

    I believethere are some G£ and mobile dongle options via DTAC and TRUE see websites

    Only better option for me is satelite at 15000pcm

    Good luck as users rather than sales people

    Most of the shop staff have no technical ability and will quote all sorts of speeds poss next to aTOT exchange in BKK

    Good luck

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