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Posts posted by Trickcyclist

  1. Vietnam-protest, demos and self immolation in 60.s..pity nobody listened.

    Dali Lama and followers on permanent protest since invasion of Tibet in 60.s.

    Myanmar protests against junta


    they are breaking all rules about ignoring the problems outside. Monks, too me, are suppose to reflect the calming influence to the people and not joining in the riot. It's like any christian countries when priests, and others of the clergy make comment that has nothing to do with religion. Just soo wrong on many levels. Make me wonders, if they are actual monks or just dressed up as one.
  2. Patriotism

    Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he he expects too be paid for it.

    H L Mencken


    Schoolmaster: Now you're sure you've got the Catechism all buttoned-up Foster?

    Foster. I'm still a bit hairy about the Trinity, sir.

    Schoolmaster: Three in one, one in three, perfectly straightforward. Any doubts about that see your maths master.

    Alan Bennett

  3. just give her time.

    Hopefully she will get one of these posers in a headlock one of these days

    and stick a sugar cane up where the sun don't shine!

    The telly is full of these posers mugging-up to the cameras from jeeps in the Serengeti, walking-up mountains in Alaska

    or, wresting cayman crocodiles and pretending there aren't a million people behind the camera. Who cares??!!.

    As Noel Coward once said: "Television is NOT for watching, its for appearing on!"

  4. Nothing will be done until everything is gone!!!

    Sad news indeed

    However, if the Thai's could scoop up the last fish today and sell it, they would and never worry about tomorrow

    True... and shameful.

    Common practices for entirely too many areas of the world. The solution(s) involve long, uphill trudges to (first) highlight a situation, defend or confirm these bad practices with well researched 'hard' facts, widely broadcast the findings, encourage 'self regulation' from the particular industry, then inform and lobby legislative avenues to enforce thoughtful long term solutions...

    This process costs money... and time. The most direct route will be from industry insiders - producers of food products and sport fishermen. Educating commercial fishermen is the most daunting challenge ahead. Changing their perspectives requires tough decisions. A two or three year ban will certainly get their attention but the enforcement... well, this seems impossible.

    Mature outlooks and behavior are the missing links...

  5. be careful, he probably got it made - up on the Kosan road!

    And looks like he's seriously Photoshopped his passport photo to take about 20 years off his age.

    That is a very rude low blow to a man who has just been violently assaulted. BTW, his passport appears to be about 7 years old ... I am sure many of our old passport pictures have younger looking pictures ... DUH.

    That's fabulous. I'm just using his passport details to apply for some credit cards. Thanks, Pattaya Daily News.

    hmmmmm...You got a point there. I don't think I would want my passport info POSTED on the internet like that.

  6. i have tot 100mbps.

    ok for websites, email etc but poor for streaming video

    e.g. bought subscription to Setanta recenlty for rugby but just keeps sticking and crashing

    likewise BBC streaming video, although better than Setanta, which is abysmal

    asked TOT for an upgrade to faster speed, but they said the local line could not accommodate it.

    did you see Google experiment in US

    About to provide 1 gigabit-per-second connectivity down fibre lines to selected recipients

    will we live to see it??

  7. I have been trying online too. Signed-up for Setanta but its KRAP!

    if your stuck can watch online

    Where would you suggest online? I've tried 'Justin TV' and 'Sport Provider' and they're so slow it is unwatchable.

    I gave True Visions (UBC) up years ago as it rarely showed rugby. There's apparently a South African channel that shows all the rugby but no idea how to subscribe? Any ideas?

  8. Have'nt you heard? The guys from Stalag Luft III's tunnel has turned -up at Dover.

    I thought there was only one English Channel, and when you cross it you have to speak to those strange Frenchmen. :)

    On June 6, 1944, the Germans, in their great wisdom, did their best in keeping the English from visiting the French and the world has never been the same since. :D

  9. A friend just got this letter .. is it a scam too???

    Dear Khun Mark,

    I love you and I miss you too much much.

    my friend Ning say you ugly falang look same same monkeyjim but I know you hansum man

    I have problem

    I write you before that buffalo me sick

    Now it die Fall down and dead in middle rice field.

    Bad fortune when it fall.. it fall on papa and break leg he three place

    Now he not work

    Brother me make stretcher bamboo he take from roof house

    Roof come down and rain in house

    He take papa to hospital motorcycle

    Have big accident when he come home hit police car Police say brother me blame

    Police say he pay big money.

    not worry darling motorcycle OK but Police car bad broken

    Bad luck make Mama heart problem.

    Doctor say she must triple motor by-pass.

    I no understand but brother say you understand.

    You know darling I only work in bar and not go with man I wait for you come back.

    but if you no help me I pum pum many many many many many farang and get pay bills money.

    if you send money me before can buy medicine sick buffalo then

    it no die

    papa no break leg

    house have roof

    brother no ride into police car

    Mama no heart broke

    Please send me 200,000 baht for my bank.

    Papa fix 10,000

    roof fix 30,000,

    police car fix 100,000,

    mama fix broke heart 50,000.

    I take off 2,000 baht for sell buffalo meat but me have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have problem eat contaminated meat 12,000 baht.

    I not know money England but my brother me say me it 66.2424 mid-market rate close of trading yesterday

    This means you send me 10,000 your pound ro! ro!

    I love you darling

    Khun Tingtong

  10. They sometimes come up in lifts to the higher floors if the lobby isn't kept free of them.

    As for HIV/AIDs mosquito transmission: there always seem to be a convenient answer to any question on the mysteries of HIV/AID.s transmission.

    Wow! Really a ton of questions. I'm no authority on mosquitoes. I know at least one place in Bangkok that where I have never ever seen a mosquito: It's my office on the 23rd floor near Chit Lom.

    I can speak with athority on one of your questions - I have worked in AIDS research and AIDS vaccine development for many years. You don't need to worry about getting HIV/AIDS from a mosquito bite. It hasn't happened until now and it will not happen. The reasons are two-fold. The most important reason is that the "inoculum size" you might get from a mosquito bite is too low. You need to be infected with a minimum quantity of virus and there is no chance that from a mosquito bite enough virus can be transmitted. Another reason is that it has been shown that the survival rate of the HIV virus outside the human body and inside the mosquito's intestines is low; the "saliva" of the mosquito kills already a fair amount of the virus.

    Virus is not like virus - thank god that the HIV virus is quite fragile and you need quite a lot of them to get an infection. There are other viruses around where 100 or 1000 less virus particles are already enough to create an infection.

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