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Posts posted by Trickcyclist

  1. You're right. That Reality Panda Channel is the biz.

    Much better than the human variety.

    Much nicer species.

    Hope it doesn't suffer from the general dumming down we are getting right across the media.

    I wonder could we get John Dykes to do a commentary??

    Incidentally, don't let this get around but did one of them give the camera the finger last week, or, was I hallucinating?

    No rugby on UBC , unfortunately ,but if you want some excitment check out channel 18 - The panda channel - 24 hour coverge of a sleeping panda .
  2. Ireland for Grand Slam repeat but missing key players. A suspect front row could mitigate against that and Twickenham and Paris are a bit of an ask.

    Twickenham could be the game of the century. England are itching to have a "go" after their narrow defeat last year at Croke Park, as are the French.

    Sexton and O'Gara are both even-steven for the Ireland out half berth with Sexton's performance against South Africa giving him the selection edge. Kidney will have to decide match by match whether to use Sexton's running ability or O'Gara's experience, passing ability and tactical nous.They can both kick.

    Ireland certainly have the best coach who seems to be always able to pick the right combination of players for the right games. Although he doesn't run a daft rotational policy all the players know that they are only as good as their last game and Kidney has made the players see that they are responsible for their own performances and not him. Moreover, he is always pushing the team to raise the bar. (no pun intended)

    I suppose Ireland's backs are as good as anybody's: Kearney at full, Earls and Bowe wings and D'arcy and O'Driscoll probably the best centre pairing in the world. D'Arcy has finally come of age and could be the star of this Year's 6 nations.

    The back row of Heislip, Wallace and Ferris is a dream. O'Callaghan and O'Sullivan, on their day one of the the best lock and line-out pairings in the world viz O'Connell's handling of SA's Victor Maitland.

    The front row is a dilemma with Hayes almost reaching pensionable age, but playing on manfully for 80 minutes and providing great line-out input. Leamy is injured and Horan just back from injury.However, there are a few guys coming through who may have to be played a year or two early and could cut the mustard. Every year produces somebody from all the teams who can show that they can play with the best.

    England have good players but the blend is wrong and can't understand either Johnson's selection, tactics, or, England's crazy infringements by players who should know better and England do lumber a bit. Wilkinson is still a good player but not what he used to be and nobody knows when his next injury will be a career ending one.

    Wales are probably the best home country side in pure rugby playing terms, they really know their rugby, but don't have match winners like O'Driscoll. Gatland is almost as big an enigma as Henson. However, they could go all the way-they only lost by a point in Ireland's grand slam winning game.

    Scotland and Robinson seem well met and are off the pace in terms of strength in depth. They seem good for the occasional win and a joker in the pack for teams trying to put a grand slam run, which they can't so themselves at the moment.

    France are always an enigma. They lost their a few years ago and stopped running the ball in favour of a grunt and grind philosophy. However, in the last couple of seasons they have mixed - up their game better. If you let them lift the crowd in Paris with their tails-up running ability, then you are in trouble. However, if you frustrate them, the French crowd can get on their backs. Moreover, they are like some of their wines that don't travel well and the aroma of bacon and eggs in their away hotel in Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and Dublin is worth at least 6 points to any home team.

    Overall, the northern countries are getting nearer and nearer to parity with the Southern hemisphere sides, but have a way to go yet, especially to reach NZ's all over competence, Australia's flair and SA's grunt and grind.

    Here's to a great six nations. Let's keep it clean and play rugby.

    Come on Ireland.

    Munster for Heineken.

    Biarritz v Ospreys, Quarter Final

    Leinster v Clermont Auvergne, Quarter Final

    Munster v Northampton, Quarter Final

    Toulouse v Stade Francais, Quarter Final

    Northampton have to go to Thomond Park again and Clermont Auvergne to Dublin.

    What a feast! Now we have only to find some place to see it all!

  3. What its got to do with you what anybody wants to watch and is prepared for??

    Did you ever consider that your sport of choice is NOT played in Thailand nor followed by the masses. As nice as it is to see white guys grubbing in the dirt, the interest is limited to a tiny, infinitesimal , audience. No commercial sponsorship the result. Get a grip and watch the insane madness of the like watching paint dry, sport of the unwashed, Football, or as you say, soccer. GOAL GAOL GOAL .
  4. What is the company contacts for the cabled rugby you have? I am in Cha Am area.


    Years ago SS had loads of rugby but nowadays they do not seem to show any. I subscribe to cable (350/month) which caters for all my rugby needs.
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