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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. I really hope that you are joking, but you are probably being serious ????
  2. Well, thanks, but for the moment I'll keep far away. Yet I'm curious about hearing opinions about AI, especially the non-reassuring ones.
  3. Ok, I'm not familiar with that thing, but the next question i would ask "that thing" is whether or not does (or doesn't) make sense to discuss it. The existence of all that is, i mean.????
  4. Not really, in fact having read your posts since years, i understand what you are saying. I have to say that I'm still surprised how so many, both agnostics and believers, reject religion altogether. Perhaps I've been just lucky in my youth, as all the catholic priests i have got to know were decent human beings. A nun slapped my face once with full power though, but perhaps she was stressed that day ????
  5. I respect your opinion, but i don't quite agree. I have to say that i like a good story, and i find old legends extremely fascinating. I also have a gut feeling that one can find more truth in the ancient myths than in everyday news. There are other reasons why i disagree with your statement "religion isn't worth much", but i don't want to go there. Of course, if you mean to say that we don't need intermediaries to reach the absolute, there i fully agree with you.
  6. I opened the link, but i found not much of relevance. But, of course, studies of the old testament are imho always welcome , and the more controversial, the better. Some scholar, in recent times, have suggested that the correct translation of "elohim" is not "God" , but something akin to " gods". This apparently insignificant detail could indeed radically change the common perception of the " god of the bible", and instead suggest a quite different scenario.
  7. I think i heard that 7 or 8 times already. Well, you can think what you want, but actually, by telling lies you are damaging yourself and your expanding consciousness, perhaps more than you can imagine.
  8. Perhaps i should ignore this post, but i feel the moral duty to say something. By throwing pretty unfounded accusations to a great master, even all spiritual masters, you are just showing everyone some rather dark side of you. By engaging in gossip you are not doing yourself any favour. Even if what you say is true, and most probably it's not, many great men had dark sides, and so what ?
  9. Good story, and i guess that a quiet environment is an advantage for the development of music in general. Interesting experience you had there, even if i guess that you had to spend most if not all of your time in the building. Some say there are many mysteries in largely unexplored Antarctica ????
  10. Yes, i heard that song, and surely there are many similar cases of animals learning from humans different shades of behavior. There's a similar pattern in behavior of humans.. How many of our actions and thoughts are derived from outer influences? And how many thoughts can be truly recognized as our free, independent thoughts?
  11. Actually a dog, or another mammal, who's living in the proximity of loving humans, can develop unexpected levels of intelligence. Once i witnessed a dog singing a jazz tune ( well, singing as a dog, but quite in tune) together with a couple of friends.
  12. That's actually been proven on a biological level ... all living things have the same amino acids, or something like that, in their DNA strand, that binds us together and proves evolution. That's a quite anodyne definition of God, and i think that evolution is an intelligent design by definition. Why some folks think that consciousness, awareness, intelligence belong just to humans is the real mystery to me.
  13. I think the question " who created God " is a legitimate question from the doubters..Perhaps a higher God?... and so, ad infinitum. So it's just logical to concede the possibility that god is the ultimate reality, it is just "all that is", is non born and thus doesn't die.
  14. Well, i have to agree with @Acharnhere, if everything which is born, has to die one day, one has to concede that there could be " something " which is not born, and it won't die. Otherwise we are back to the infamous riddle " who created God". Nobody created God, God is "all that is".... Otherwise it would not be God. Of course I'm using my own logic, so I'm open to criticism. ????
  15. Ok, sorry, my mistake. As for God doing " bad things ", well, it has been discussed a lot since aeons, and i have a few opinions about that.. however, no one better than you can find the right answers, when the time is right.????
  16. That reminds me of the Aesop's fable, when an astronomer falls into a well while watching the stars, and gets a proper scolding by an illiterate peasant. A reminder not to forget the physical reality while investigating the mysteries of the natural and the supernatural.
  17. Thanks for the explanation, now i understand what you mean. Yep, some folks deny fiercely the existence of God, then ask questions about God, and finally get angry with the folks who try to explain. It seems unbelievable, but it's true! ????
  18. Really? Is that a sort of law ? Not saying you're wrong, but can you give an example ?
  19. That's a very good description, and i fully agree. Of course one can ask countless questions, but it's down to every single being to understand the answers.
  20. I think @thaibeachlovers answered rather clearly to that question, which has been asked countless times...however, I'm not so arrogant to explain God's designs, beautiful or ugly, i can only try to understand, and it's quite a long way. Imho, good and bad are 2 faces of the same medal, and on this planet we have to live with it, and try to be as good as we can.
  21. I like the humbleness, how can we expect to understand God's designs in every single little detail? However i believe that we can try.
  22. No probs, "woowoo" it's a funny word. Never fails to give me a smile ????
  23. God ideas are beyond your understanding, especially as you deny its existence. So a good starting point is accepting the possibility of God's existence.
  24. It's becoming quite hilarious now. Apparently some people believe obvious lies, then they realize that they've been believing a lie, and then accuse innocents and passersby for their misunderstandings. ????
  25. Time and space are opinions, and depend very much on the point of view. Imagination can bend the physical point of view of linear time. For example, if i imagine a straight segment connecting me to some star, that segment exists in no time, and beyond any measurable length of time. So, linear time is a product of a limited Imagination, but Imagination is unlimited. ???? I would ask @Sunmaster to repost the " disk diagram " of few days ago, perhaps some of the "science types" here might give it some though, instead of dismissing it as " woowoo" ????
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