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Posts posted by doggie888888

  1. Let's include those companies that provide armed"private security contractors", the CIA and other organisations exposed by Snowden and wikileaks.

    Isis is abhorrent but they are not alone.

    The crazy lefties are out today. Comparing private security contractors to ISIS!!!laugh.pnglaugh.png

    Oh my mistake.... Perhaps you prefer the term "mercenary". And yes, they are evil too.

  2. Not just ISIS - any Islamic terrorist group.

    Not just any Islamic terrorist group - ANY terrorist group!

    Let's include those companies that provide armed"private security contractors", the CIA and other organisations exposed by Snowden and wikileaks.

    Isis is abhorrent but they are not alone.

  3. LaBaquette in Naklua or Jomtien.

    Don't bother looking further.

    I vote for la baguette too. I think some places use less butter and add margarine, or god forbid, palm oil based fats. The result is something that looks like a croissant but tastes like pastry soaked in grease.

  4. Just read on another news site that the Royal Thai Navy is about to move to clear all sunbeds from Lan island and all Pattaya beaches same as phuket.

    Really? Hope it's true. I was starting to doubt if any clean up of Pattaya was at all possible given how far up the corruption goes, how entrenched it is and how widespread. I am sure it was no accident that Hua hin and Phuket had some action started, whereas in Pattaya there appeared to be some hesitation.

    But, let's hope some good can come out of the coup.

  5. Maybe people are fed up with be treated like second class citizens and are moving to countries that want their economic input. Or its becoming to expensive and regulated , and of course all the visa crackdowns and nominee company crackdowns may be forcing people out, Thailand is still a great place but its losing its advantages one step at a time.

    Please allow me to correct a common misconception: You are not a citizen, second class or other class. In fact, I bet the majority of us aliens have a stamp in our passports that says Non Immigrant.

    So, if someone is leaving because he wants to be treated as a citizen even though he is a non immigrant... Hardly the fault of the Thai government or its people, is it?

    I suppose some are asking too much when wanting to be treated as a human being?

    It's not a privilege to be here, or anywhere for that matter. It should be a right. Borders are imaginary lines created by greedy men, that's it. You can't see borders from space and they don't exist within the universe.

    To be honest, it's little sad so many of you think so little of yourself that you blindly accept such things.

    Actually, I have never been treated as less than a human being here in Thailand. Have you?

    I also happen to think it is a privilege for me (a non citizen) to be here, not a right. And if you feel it is your right to be here even though you are not a citizen, well then there is where we part company...it's a difference of opinon on which I can only agree to disagree, with all due respect to your point of view.

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  6. Maybe people are fed up with be treated like second class citizens and are moving to countries that want their economic input. Or its becoming to expensive and regulated , and of course all the visa crackdowns and nominee company crackdowns may be forcing people out, Thailand is still a great place but its losing its advantages one step at a time.

    Please allow me to correct a common misconception: You are not a citizen, second class or other class. In fact, I bet the majority of us aliens have a stamp in our passports that says Non Immigrant.

    So, if someone is leaving because he wants to be treated as a citizen even though he is a non immigrant... Hardly the fault of the Thai government or its people, is it?

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