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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. What is it with the husbands that they leave that makes "low class" tradesmen a better option? Unifying characteristic of all the bitter deserted males I've known is a complete inability to acknowledge their own contribution to the collapse of their marriages. 5th page of the thread and we've come a long way from the usage of ultra processed junk sauce. That stuff really is ****........maybe it was you liking that sort of slop that tipped her over the edge?
  2. You seriously don't know where the big one was? PS Some of the small ones may have been inserted though the rectum (only up as far as the last sharp turn in the colon) but the vast majority will have gone down through the stomach.
  3. You seriously don't know where the big one was? PS Some of the small ones may have been inserted though the rectum (only up as far as the last sharp turn in the colon) but the vast majority will have gone down through the stomach.
  4. You seriously don't know where the big one was? PS Some of the small ones may have been inserted though the rectum (only up as far as the last sharp turn in the colon) but the vast majority will have gone through the stomach.
  5. I don't have any problem understanding the reasons for the accident and accepting the findings and conclusions of the report. Issues have been identified and appropriate directives published. The manufacturer has modified the failed component. "That's all folks"
  6. These will give you an idea of what is made in Thailand: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_of_the_Royal_Thai_Army https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_of_the_Royal_Thai_Navy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aircraft_of_the_Royal_Thai_Air_Force
  7. Ready to be sworn in.......already being sworn at.
  8. It looks an awful lot like a Diamond DA 42 Twinstar with the cockpit windows sprayed white (this one from Stapleford Flying Club): According to this entry 6 were delivered to RTAF in 2009: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_DA42_Twin_Star Israeli converted? ???? "Oh no.....not again"?
  9. This is nothing to do with Thais and Brits. ****heads all over the world do it........talk themselves into a beating. The severity of which is purely a matter of chance. No controversy attached to this incident whatsoever. It's what they do
  10. You would have been the perfect tourist in Germany after the Nuremburg Race Laws were passed in 1935.
  11. Never trust a PM who has to make a special visit to a market "to gain firsthand insight into the cost of living and food prices."
  12. He has to exaggerate it. His mission in life is to try make other people feel as miserable, disillusioned and hopeless as he does. He tries it with virtually every post he makes. He has a serious problem. Thank you for shining some light in the grim darkness he seeks to spread.
  13. Yes, As a child I used to enjoy a couple of them while watching "The Black and White Minstrel Show". “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there,” "The Go-Between", E M Forster
  14. Multiple times and still alive? Sounds more like self-harm as self-medication. Especially common with Borderline Personality Disorder. Depression is often an associated symptom of a condition........rather than a thing only of itself. (That will be 75 guineas please)
  15. Have you stopped taking your medication?
  16. Would it not be correct to say that the elections created Pheu Thai as what was formerly the second largest opposition party?
  17. Nothing to do with health concerns. Thailand is doing the minimum possible to show "solidarity" with China: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-66613158
  18. It has nothing to do with the health and well being of any Thai person. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-66613158
  19. "Thais are stupendously ignorant regarding Hitler, WW2, etc. Remember when students included Hitler in super heroes mural?" They don't have a monopoly on ignorance, or is it ignorance? More from another very "nationlistically minded" Asian country:
  20. Not very well thought out.
  21. My friend (from one of those places up North......erm......yeah, that's it.......Darlington!) met a Thai person who learned their English, informally, in Newcastle.......thus they speak it sounding very much the Tynesider. Would you presume that they speak Thai sounding like one? After all your years in the Orient do you speak English with an homogenised "Oriental" accent? People will speak their own language in their own accent, "regional" or not. There can only be a ubiquity of accent if there is ubiquity of language. Which one is it going to be?
  22. The "official" opposition, and its leader, in the fixed assembly, is doomed to be perceived as an ineffectual failure. MF is keeping its powder dry.
  23. You can fool some of the people all of the time....... "In helping to sabotage Move Forward, by doing a deal with the army establishment that his party had promised to shun, Mr Thaksin has revealed that he is no friend of Thai democracy but rather an instrument of the status quo." The Economist, August 26
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