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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. I would have suggested that she talk to one of the people from her tour group after she had walked back to the hotel. They have a closer relationship to her than I do. No I would not have given her money.
  2. They came for the same reason(s) you did.
  3. "this is getting out of hand in Thailand" It was never "in hand". As with everything else the "management" occasionally acted/acts concerned, but in reality just watched/watches it get worse during the 20th/21st centuries. Contrast that with most developed countries, where the growth of traffic accidents, since the 1920's, was reacted to and dealt with. The UK for instance: It will not improve because the ruling elites are not intellectually adapted/evolved......developed.....to do anything about it, or any of the other social challenges of modernity. It is a common characteristic throughout the so called "developing" world. The mayhem on Thailands roads is emblematic of a fundamental flaw in its society. It does not bode well for the future.
  4. Heads up for UK members who might concern themselves with such matters: "Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a ‘common law marriage’. In England and Wales only people who are married, whether of the same sex or not, or those in civil partnerships can rely on the laws about dividing up finances when they divorce or dissolve their marriage." "If your ex partner owned your home, and there is no other agreement in place, you have no right to stay if they ask you to leave." https://www.familylives.org.uk/advice/your-family/relationship-advice/common-law-marriage Friend of mines daughter just found out the hard way upon the death of her "common law" partner, after 11 years together, with him not having made a will. His family had her out of his flat, that she shared with him, within 48 hours.
  5. "All this social media stuff is for Gen Z and their virtual reality lifestyle. They would probably date a Japanese Virtual Idoru if they could" Seems a strange attitude after you said, a couple of posts back: "Japanese porn, or JAV for short. Now that we can get uncensored JAV, it has become an obsession with me" Or do you regard a life of JAV Janking as a superior "reality"? Is it somehow "genuinely" social.......do you have friends round for a session?
  6. Righto......ask them then. ****!
  7. Shift + Esc opens Task manager in Opera. Right click the app and then click "End Task" in the pop up.
  8. Ignore them and don't concern yourself with their "ethics". I'd rather watch an old A J P Taylor lecture anytime. Here's one now if anybody is interested:
  9. I like that one of the gaytypes had to adjust his hair first!
  10. The concert took place in Kelantan, in Malaysia. The people complaining are Malaysians. "The Straits Times of Singapore also reported that several online commentators pointed out what they saw as double standards by Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), which governs Kelantan, questioning why such a “vulgar performance” was allowed, given the party’s previous criticisms of international performances in the country. The Islamist party had said concerts by foreign artists were against the values of Malaysia’s Muslim-majority population and will promote a hedonistic culture." https://www.thaipbsworld.com/concert-in-kelantan-with-sexy-thai-dancers-stirs-controversy/
  11. "Avoid gurus, sages, seers and prophets. And certainly don't pay anyone to advise you how to run your life." Jiddu Krishnamurti would be proud of you......that's pretty much what he said. He said not even to follow him.
  12. "He did not have any weapons and did not injure any employees during the robbery" Other news: "Numerous anonymous donations of small, rough cast ingots of gold have appeared at orphanages and other worthy institutions around Chiang Mai" "Feared by the bad, loved by the good, Somchai Hood! Somchai Hood! Somchai Hood!"
  13. It was forecast many years before the arrival of the WEF and your other demons. It was always going to be....... "Imagine, if you can, a small room, hexagonal in shape, like the cell of a bee. It is lighted neither by window nor by lamp, yet it is filled with a soft radiance. There are no apertures for ventilation, yet the air is fresh. There are no musical instruments, and yet, at the moment that my meditation opens, this room is throbbing with melodious sounds. An armchair is in the centre, by its side a reading-desk — that is all the furniture......." The Machine Stops, E M Forster, 1909. Where did you think the world was going?
  14. "a measure to prevent inappropriate sexual activities, especially among people under 20 years old." Being under 20 is not underage. Under 15 is, but: "In Thailand sexual encounters with a minor under the age of 18 may be classed as a compoundable offence, even if this was with a person over 15 and with their explicit consent. To clarify (I hope!), what this means is that a young person having sex with another person aged 15, 16, or 17 may be prosecuted for this “compoundable offence” if one participant (normally the girl), or their parent, were to file charges against the other side when they later decided they regretted what they had done. In effect, this makes the unfettered Thai age of consent to sex to be 18 years of age." https://www.lannaist.ac.th/keeping-our-teenage-children-safe/
  15. Don't bet on it not being part of UK law. I've no idea what this review came up with, or even if it has started/concluded, but: "The EU has introduced six anti-money laundering (“AML”) directives. As a member of the EU, the UK implemented the first five of those directives by way of a number of regulations (the “Regulations”). The sixth AML directive came into effect for EU member states on 3 December 2020, four weeks short of the end of the transition period.[1] The UK government chose not to implement the most recent directive into national law because it considered that its domestic legislation “is already largely compliant with the Directive’s measures, and in relation to the offences and sentences set out in the Directive, the UK already goes much further”,[2] that is, subject to the following exception: the sixth directive extends criminal liability for money laundering to corporations that fail to prevent it. Such conduct is not presently a criminal offence under UK law. Nevertheless, the UK government has requested the UK Law Commission[3] to review the position and consider whether UK law is “sufficiently equipped to tackle economic crime”.[4] The outcome of that review could lead to further alignment between UK AML laws and the European AML regime." ack power https://www.cadwalader.com/resources/clients-friends-memos/uk-anti-money-laundering-legislation-in-a-post-brexit-landscape Who knows what other "alignments" may be/have been under consideration?
  16. Ask them for a reference to the relevant piece of legislation/regulation/notification so you can check what is going on and why. If you took the trouble to report back here on it I am sure I am not the only person who would be interested to know and grateful. "Forewarned is forearmed"
  17. It's the "Pattaya City Garden" in Bukhao 15.
  18. It's a Thai who had his way.....the village headman has banned it now. "Interesting and different" = Primitive ideas and practices that keep vast numbers of Thai people living in ignorance, semi-poverty and squalor. Their retarded social-economic situation allows you to live the high life in a way you could not if you were back in the country that actually enabled you to do it in Thailand.......no wonder you would not want them to change. Truth is that the Old Order think just as you do, they exploit the situation just as you do. They, the "Internal Colonists"........you, their ally.
  19. They have imported the appearance of modernity, its "products", but not the ideas that underpin it........the nexus of Elites and Buddhist Orthodoxy firmly resist that. They want to maintain a pre-modern sociopolitical structure. Nothing will change while they maintain their hegemony, which will not be given up without a fight......a real fight. No telling when the lid will blow.......but it will blow. Anyone who thinks that they would like to live in Thailand needs to take that onboard before they commit themselves.
  20. There is nothing wrong with being ordinary. The idea that being ordinary is the equivalent of failure/un-success has only come into currency during the last 30-40 years. It is a neurosis........one that is, sadly, still strengthening and growing worldwide. It is a neurosis that you should deal with by acknowledging that you are nothing special (you wouldn't be posting on AN if you were), you are ordinary person, you won some, you lost some, you did your bit .......and it is absolutely, 100%, OK. You are OK.
  21. "The captain explained that there were two possible causes. He was unsure whether a bird had flown into the engine as they had flown through a flock of birds on the right side. However, the incident occurred at around 6,000 feet, while the bird had passed at around 4,000 to 5,000 feet two to three days earlier. The explanation appears to be that the effects of a bird strike a couple of days before were not adequately investigated and dealt with.......thus the engine subsequently failed catastrophically The juxtaposing of the differing altitudes (at which the strike occurred and which the later catastrophic failure occurred) seems like a feeble and ludicrous attempt to avoid the obvious conclusion that the later failure was a delayed consequence of the earlier (poorly dealt with) bird strike. Truly astonishing/mind boggling attempt at avoiding responsibility being attributed to the pilot, airline and/or maintenance organisation.
  22. The subject is the all too predictable failure of the Thai State to live up to its promises. Maybe take your all too predictable rant to one of the threads in which the conflict is the issue, not one in which problems arising from it in other countries is the issue. if you like I can provide you with a list of atrocities, dating back to 1948, perpetrated by Israelis (so not including the murders of UK servicemen and civillians, by Jewish terrorist organisations, prior to then) but, once again, this thread is about the perfidious nature of the Thai State....and nothing else.
  23. Yeah, sure......it's great to be old in Thailand: "Old and poor: Thailand sleepwalking toward an aging crisis Unless she lines up in the hot sun for a free meal, ketchup on bread is the only food Thai widow Noi can afford on her small government pension. Her payout of around $0.82 a day makes cooking at home near impossible. If it's too wet to come, I eat 7-Eleven bread with ketchup," the 73-year-old said at a Bangkok Community Help Foundation meal delivery tent that feeds 500 of the city's homeless and poor daily" https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/10/17/asia-pacific/social-issues/old-poor-thailand-aging-crisis/
  24. It wasn't/isn't a sinkhole. It was/is a fabricated underground chamber with a concrete slab covering it. The slab collapsed. The fact of it being a manmade void was made clear very soon after the collapse. Stop calling it a sinkhole for ***** sake!
  25. Given that adolescent brain development is specifically vulnerable to the effects of chemical modifiers that is not true. Post developmental stage, which takes longer in males (into mid 20's), it is less harmful. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/how-teen-marijuana-use-impacts-brain-development https://americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/effects-of-marijuana-on-teenage-brain
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