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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. "Take a pinch of white man Wrap him up in black skin Add a touch of blue blood And a little bitty bit of red Indian boy Oh like a Curly Latin kinkies Oh Lordy, Lordy, mixed with yellow Chinkees, yeah You know you lump it all together And you got a recipe for a get along scene Oh what a beautiful dream If it could only come true, you know, you know What we need is a great big melting pot Big enough enough enough to take The world and all its got And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more And turn out coffee coloured people by the score Rabbis and the friars Vishnus and the gurus We got the Beatles or the Sun God Well it really doesn't matter what religion you choose And be thankful little Mrs. Graceful You know that livin' could be tasteful We should all get together in a lovin machine I think I'll call up the queen It' s only fair that she knows, you know, you know What we need is a great big melting pot Big enough enough enough to take The world and all its got And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more And turn out coffee coloured people by the score" "Melting Pot", Blue Mink, 1969.
  2. Did I read that right?: "The one year old Pitbull mixed breed"
  3. I have just given you a "like". I see no reason why there can't be an option (the same symbol but inverted?) that represents the opposite of it.
  4. It's their pageant, they can do whatever they want with it. You and your Kleenex can go somewhere else. Enjoy yourself.......
  5. A public declaration of the Senates utter contempt for the people. Another step closer to the reckoning.
  6. "I wonder how long the "ironclad family obligations" in combination with the collection of positive "Karma-Points" can lead Thailand into the new age?" What do you think the New Age is going to be like? Whose/what customs will prevail? The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
  7. Imagine the rage that is already felt by the Old Order towards MF. Do not let its show of quiescence fool you. No way does it intend to allow MF to be in the position to do this "maybe in a year or two" No way does it want MF to get anywhere near being able to do that. This just keeps MF "boiling" for those who believe in what it stands for. It knows what it is doing........it knows what is to come.
  8. Just this article? You don't think "The Thaiger" deserves a special award?
  9. Be careful, you might be triggering a run on the "It Would Be Nice To See ** Again" post market.
  10. They don't feel they are missing out on anything "emotional". They would not register your concern, that they don't get "love and empathy", as anything more than a characteristic of yours, to be fitted into their assessment of your potential as useful object/prey, mating partner or threat:
  11. No insurance payout for death if he was sloshed?
  12. He could have been murdered by drowning.........having his head held under water. (Before it was removed of course )
  13. "Only “a buffalo” would ever offer to hand out as much as 100 million baht in kickback to each of an estimated 60 coalition MPs in bid to turn a minority government into a majority one at a later date" A buffalo.........or someone who was so wealthy that such an amount would be chicken feed for them. Or a consortium of very wealthy individuals. Or a mixture of both........with the Army on hand in case things got rough. ???? He's sounding a bit scary now.
  14. "alerted to a traffic incident involving a motorcycle and a median strip barrier" Barrier jumped the lights? My money is on the barrier standing still, where it was supposed to be, minding its own business, while the motorcyclist lost control, misjudged his approach/distance or didn't see it. I really don't think it was "involved".
  15. There is the possibility you are very much in the wrong place..........mentally: "What are common schizophrenia delusions? Symptoms may include: Delusions. These are false beliefs that are not based in reality. For example, you think that you're being harmed or harassed; certain gestures or comments are directed at you; you have exceptional ability or fame; another person is in love with you; or a major catastrophe is about to occur." Posting on AN is unlikely to do any good unless it's to find professional help.
  16. They will be carried on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTMS_Angthong Capacity 18 tanks, 20 vehicles and bulk cargo Built in Singapore and based on: "Endurance-class tank landing ships (LST) are the largest class of ships in the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endurance-class_landing_platform_dock It's been in commission since 2012. Okay?
  17. I wonder if he had, just maybe, already thought of that?
  18. Put the pen down. Step away from the desk. Stop impeding the assumption of governance by the massively popular new guys. **** off..........and don't come back.
  19. "Save face"? Who knows where it was heading? The article says he was attacked.....he could have had four or five on him in a second, and having his head kicked in a few seconds later......."you know what they're like". Were you there to assess the situation? Were you there to help him out? No point in being better equipped if you are not going to use the advantage that the equipment gives you. But I hope I would have had the presence of mind to shoot the guy in the foot or knee, rather than kill him. I guess you have to practice for that sort of thing.
  20. Here we go again: "that beggars were causing annoyance among tourists by peddling flowers and candies" You can't be a beggar if you are selling stuff!
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