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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. Ask the people of Ukraine if they approve the use of cluster munitions., it is they that will suffer the consequences. I think you will find that they are more than happy for them to be used. If you found yourself under the sort of cluster munitions that the Russians have been using, ever since the start of their unashamedly destructive, brutal, murderous, unprovoked invasion, you would be happy to see them used against the person who had been using them against you. It would be as stupid not to use them as not using machine guns against an enemy that was using them against you. The significant argument against them is the possibility that they stay live and dangerous after their initial deployment..........due to failure to explode at that time. They then possibly detonate if disturbed post-battle/conflict. This has been true of all munitions.......civilians still being maimed by old shells/UXB/mines around the world. With cluster weapons the problem is exacerbated by the greater number of individual warheads dispensed during the deployment of a single munition. it's really just a question of numbers. "The M483A1 DPICM artillery-delivered cluster bombs have a reported dud rate of 14%. In July 2023, the failure rate of Russian cluster bombs during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine was reported to be at 40 percent or more." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_munition No reason to suppose that Russia has sought to improve their failure rates. Neither Ukraine or Russia signatory to the convention against their use.
  2. And, after her then posting the footage saying he was a socialist because of it, a whole bunch of people must be thinking "Gee.....I thought Socialism was supposed to be a bad thing?"
  3. King Rama IX made his position clear, on the occasion of his 78th birthday, in 2005, in Thailand, in public: “When you say the king can do no wrong, it is wrong …I want them to criticise because, whatever I do, I want to know whether people agree or disagree.” He went on: “If you say the king cannot be criticised, it means the king is not human. I am also afraid, if you say you cannot criticise, it means the king is not good.” https://www.ft.com/content/f3ad24f4-b305-11e0-86b8-00144feabdc0
  4. It is exactly why he was voted "Politician of the year" a day or so ago: And that was a poll taken in the heartland of PTP supporters. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle. Do you really not see that?
  5. He appears to have had only the "Life Saved In Event Of Traffic Accident" amulet. He seems not to have had the "Prevents Traffic Accidents In Wet Weather" one. This bloke is nigh on immortal: (Assuming he is in possession of the "Stops You Falling In The Fishpond When Drunk" one.)
  6. "visibly stained with blood" "Bloodstained"......that's the word you need to use Petch......"bloodstained": "Officers came across a bloodstained wooden stick near the body" ????????????
  7. It may well start there. But there is a good chance, this time, that it will happen simultaneously around the rest of the country. Because Thailand has "never been the same" since before May 14. The Election was the incontrovertible confirmation of the momentous change that had already taken place. The Rubicon has been crossed There is no going back.
  8. “I believe that Thailand has changed since (the elections on) May 14 and the people have already won half the battle, there’s another half to go." Thailand has indeed "changed". "half the battle" was the civil struggle, the struggle for "Hearts and Minds".........they won. And now comes the deciding struggle.........not at all "civil".
  9. "Don't like the rules? Gain power and change them. " That is what is going to happen. Enjoy the ride.
  10. Given the record voter turnout during the election and an utter collapse in support for them, their faction and their confederates in that election, they should be seen and understood for what they are .........cornered rats. See them, understand them..........know what to expect from them.
  11. All reasonable steps have to be taken before the that which must be done is done. You don't just start chucking Molotovs around. The gesture is far from empty........it is replete with symbolism.
  12. Correct. Radical surgery is required. Good to see that you are starting to understand.
  13. Most people will probably read the incident as insignificant and not worth thinking about. That is the correct attitude to have. Work on it.
  14. Yes, and many more. They have found their voices at last. There is no going back. Good luck to them.
  15. The Thai people should endure so that your life is not "inconvenienced"? You would deny them all the same opportunities that, ultimately, allowed you to arrive, plant yourself in Thailand and live a "superior" life, a "nice life in the sun".......at the Thai peoples expense? That is the sum of it......for you and the rest of the neo-colonialists who capitalise on the injustice and inequality of Thailands socio-political-economic system. Do you guys really not see the sort of people that you are?
  16. Bar Hostess. She is minding her great nephew in the local kids playground.
  17. Who said that she hadn't been to them before? Possibly a history of the police doing **** all about previous reports.
  18. You should also not be "still kicking" then , that's not going to do them any good either.
  19. Ownership of them has not diminished, and will not diminish, popular support for the cause. The actions of the Old Order, using the share ownership as pretext, can only strengthen it. There is the possibility that they were deliberately left as bait. Because change was not ever going to arrive, and is not ever going to arrive, via the debating chamber.
  20. Why am I reading this in a thread looking for advice in dealing with depression?
  21. One of these might fix it. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/autotube-youtube-nonstop/egobelhdffdoidcnhpgkngoghpiebial https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-nonstop/ I'm not sure which of the two I should be using. I keep forgetting to give it a go......maybe I'll do it today:
  22. https://www.readcentral.com/bookindex.aspx?author=Joseph-Conrad&book=Read-Nostromo-A-Tale-of-the-Seaboard-Online https://openlibrary.org/ https://library.si.edu/digital-library/book/gezantschapdern00nieu
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