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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. It was/is just another cynical, short term "gift to the people" (populist bribe) with no enduring value or merit.........typical fare of the Patrician Old Order. And MF still beat them in the election. "Mr Thaksin has revealed that he is no friend of Thai Democracy but rather an instrument of the status quo". The Economist, August 24th.
  2. What is funny is that it happened to the sort of "aspirational" ****** (Rhymes with tanker) who calls themselves Mercedes P. BenzZaa. When I saw that my sympathy vanished as quickly as Pheu Thai election promises/loyalty to their ally.
  3. He doesn't have a problem He has worked out that you have no dignity or self respect, and that you are a desperate attention seeker. He has worked out that you are so desperate for attention that you have, so to speak, put a sign on yourself reading "Please Kick Me", because such an invitation, on AN, is guaranteed to produce the desired "attention". He doesn't have my compassionate attitude towards individuals such as yourself, so he has taken up the offer. I, of course, would not dream of indulging your craving. PS The "what is your problem?" question reads as you underlining the words on the sign.
  4. It will be both......broken and re-made. Arguably it is already broken.
  5. As I said, time is taking care of "other people". ????
  6. The audience seemed to like her. The sadly predictable ugly "first response" of the first post in the thread is obviously not based on any prior knowledge of her life experience. Transphobia is what she suffered before she went to Thailand, where she found some relief from it, but perhaps too much damage had already been done. Looking at what she is quoted as saying towards the end of this article I suppose that suicide may have been likely: "I hate it. I can't help being a woman. I wish I could. I've had a horrible life because of it. I can't imagine anyone ever choosing to be trans because it's so difficult to live with" https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/22/darcie-silver-trans-comedian-death-thailand/ I have never heard of her and I thank God that I can only imagine what it must be like to endure the misery of Gender Dysphoria: "Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life." Gender dysphoria - NHS At least such people now have more accessible routes to a possible solution or easement of it. But it still leaves "other people" to push them towards the worst solution.......however time is taking care of them, and most younger people I meet seem much less troubled by trans.
  7. Also dealt with in the same poll: "Asked whether they had voted for Pheu Thai, respondents said: 39.62%: Have never voted for either Pheu Thai or its predecessors (Thai Rak Thai or People’s Power). 33.13%: Have voted for Pheu Thai or its predecessors, including in the May 14 election 26.72%: Have voted for Pheu Thai or its predecessors, but not in the May 14 election. 0.53%: Have never voted at all." https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40030353
  8. Looks like I made a mistake. I can mention the outlet........The Nation.
  9. "The resulting data pointed out that nearly 48% of the populace objected to the Pheu Thai Party’s move for a merged government arrangement.". This was publicised yesterday by a well known Thai media outlet (which I may not mention) quoting the NIDA question about the desirability of PT creating a merged government : 47.71%: Totally disagree 19.47%: Totally agree 16.79%: Quite disagree 15.11% Quite agree 0.92%: No comment = a total of 100% It gives a total of 64.5% disagreeing. ????
  10. There was, and still is, the Old Order, seeking to heal its rifts to create/reinforce the Corporate State......which serves only its "Directors". There is now MFP, pointing to, and eager to work towards, Democracy. The people now see there is a real difference between the two.........every day the cynical self serving of the elites demonstrates that more convincingly. Thaksin is the Trojan Horse........neither he nor the others of the Old Order, in their collective hubris, are conscious that he brings the destruction of them all within him. You do the math. It is just a matter of time.
  11. The alleged repo-men playing around with masking tape to discourage use of the vehicle is ******* absurd. I believe "Red Skull" has set up fake, click bait, incidents before. I will consider this to be another one of those until someone comes along with information to prove otherwise. Highly likely that, given the Thai propensity for "copy", the producers were inspired by the recent, armed, "Kuwaiti Hold Up" in Pattaya.
  12. 3rd option is to abandon the ludicrous, corrupt, immoral, self-serving travesty that is the civil process in Thailand. At the moment MF stands apart from the monkey circus, unquestionably firmly in possession of the moral high ground, gaining greater moral strength with every day that the apes bargain with each other. There is no civil solution.
  13. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/01/10/metro/get-ready-satancon-2023-largest-satanic-gathering-history-is-coming-boston/
  14. I can't believe I just read that. Does your mum know you're on the computer?
  15. This is the view the MC rider had as he drove the wrong way down the dual carriageway . The road off to the right is the entrance road to the "Tawan Place housing estate in Moo 4, Srisoonthorn.": I can see 2 lanes coming this way and 2 lanes, on the other side of the central reservation, heading in the opposite direction.
  16. MF made a start by saying the unsayable. The people ran with them by voting to make MF the largest party in the House of Representatives The rest will come in time........you may not like it when it does.
  17. “Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” Victor Hugo, The Future of Man.
  18. Booking for one night is all I usually show for SETV. They will be happy with 3 days fur sure.
  19. They are Old Order. They are as redundant as their historical "rivals"........all playing the same game for years. None of them "got the memo". Many who contribute to these pages seem to have not got it either. Old Older game, Old Order players, Old Order spectators and critics. That game is coming to an end.
  20. I think a big mistake has been made by the use of the word "unauthorised". This has led to a lot of people on this and the previous thread thinking that they are illegal crossings, They are not, they are legal crossings that are "uncontrolled"........they have lights but no barriers. This is the view looking North from the South side of the crossing. The single freight line (which the truck was crossing) is in a dip beyond the two main passenger lines in the foreground: Uncontrolled Crossings are a big problem in the UK as well.
  21. The elephants wrapped their trunks around her for the purpose of throwing her out of the way. Because she walked over and immediately turned her back on them without offering any food. That's not the deal.........to them she was a waste of space.
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