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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. Just as important to "out" the ignorant, savage mentality that led/leads to her, and many others, being bullied and ostracised for being HIV+. Or is it to be regarded as just one more charming characteristic of that which the state is so enthusiastic to drum into the heads of its subjects..........."Thainess"?
  2. Of course it's an "absorbing" film.......why would it be otherwise? It's Ron Howards job to make films that are. He's very good at it.
  3. Why not have a CVT and do away with those pre-modern "cogs 'n sprockets" altogether?
  4. If you calculate the cost of eggs as a % of the Thai minimum wage, and do the same % vs min wage comparison for your home country, you will see he the Thai has to pay a much greater % than people in your own country. In the UK it would mean, the last time I calculated, paying over £3.50 for 6 eggs (actual price at at that time about 80p for 6 eggs). Taken with everything else, the Thai gets totally shafted, across the board, compared with the Westerner at home. Most Westerners in Thailand obvously have no conception as to what is is really like to live on Thai wages in Thailand. That is but one of the reasons that I find myself despising all too many of them to want to chance their company in Thailand! Enjoy the rest of your day .
  5. 1-2000 feet. They've only started using recovery 'chutes recently. They weren't in 2010. At Kuchinari (where the vid was) the safe zone is enforced because those (annular) rockets are especially lethal when they mislaunch/explode on the pad. Here's one of the less destructive failures I've seen (sometimes they skim/bounce/roll horizontally before exploding): If you got matey with the team on the day you could probally "assist" with the transport of the rocket to/onto the pad and get on the observation platform that the teams have. The sound of those annular rockets is amazing.......like a steam locomotive (but louder) as it ascends into the blue. If I were a 10 day millionaire visitor the annular rockets..........erm, and Pattaya......are the only things I would think worth returning for.
  6. "Beginning to think"? Did you only arrive 2 weeks ago? It is the one true "hub" of the many that Thailand claims/seeks to be.
  7. "offered its CHD620 diesel engine for the submarine" CHD620 is a Deutz diesel pumping engine. CHD622 is a diesel marine propulsion unit, licence built/developed in China, also from Deutz. As is the TBD620. Neither are "knockoffs". The same applies to the many marine propulsion units manufactured in China. All licence produced. Sorry to spoil the fun. PS The reason that Japan produced some outstanding aircraft pre-WW2 was because it kickstarted its post-WW1 industry by licence producing foreign designs. The same applied to its motorcycle industry post-WW2. The "copying" myth is exactly that........a comforting myth for Westerners who complacently passed on the baton of technological development. Have a nice day.
  8. The sacrifice was made by the 15 people who have burned on the pyre made of his parsimonious avarice and his carelessness. T.I.T.
  9. You know nothing.......ergo you recollect nothing. It's really not that difficult to rectify your ignorance.........instead of broadcasting it with the typical certainty of the "wise old men" of ASEAN Now. See references to Thailand in Korean and Vietnam wars, via Google. Off you go to the mods.
  10. Men always earn less than women in hetero porn. To earn a comparable amount they would have to do gay porn. "gay for pay".
  11. "Anybody else" does have a pretty good "idea": Gun Ownership by Country 2022 - World Population Review
  12. Tripe is a somewhat different eating experience. Not really appropriate to compare it with a Khao Soi. Tripes à la mode de Caen:
  13. Complete nonsense. This is a sedan collision:
  14. Foreign is not racial remark. If you lack the simple basic knowledge to differentiate between race, ethnicity, nationality, etc I'll be ****** if I going to take the time to explain it to you.
  15. "The F-16 can be that “one airplane that can do a lot of low-end missions, and remarkably cheaper than a fifth-generation platform, and it can do them well,” he said. It can “satisfy an objective in the Middle East and a week later, fly [combat air patrol] over a point on the U.S., and do a homeland defense sortie. It’s pretty amazing. And do that at half … [the] operating cost of any other air platform we have out there.” Nahom asserted that, “There’s a utility to that. That’s why you’re seeing the investment in the post-block, our latest-model F-16s. Because we think we can get another 18-20 years out of them.” Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom, April 2022. https://www.airforcemag.com/f-16s-to-serve-nearly-two-more-decades-replacement-choice-still-6-8-years-away/
  16. People don't pay for "someone" to spend time with them. They pay to walk away from "someone" after "it's" done. They pay to avoid a "relationship". They pay to move from **** to ****, in considerable numbers, swiftly and with ease, without having to shake off emotional demands, pretend they "like" someone, make excuses or tell lies. Obviously not something I would ever indulge in. And also probably not the sort of deal a nice, sensitive boy like you would feel comfortable with.
  17. "American Fried Rice is only on offer at some restaurants." Unlike "Porky Pies", which are on offer in advertorials everywhere.
  18. Well done. And for the rest who failed to notice that it was notifying of THAI TRADITIONAL DRESS : The kid had been CORRECTLY wearing his SCHOOL UNIFORM(S), and will no doubt continue to do so: "The sign had called for the children to wear Thai dress or other options".
  19. Meanwhile Thailand is awash with illegally procured guns/home manufactured guns in their tens/hundreds of thousands. There is no control over the extraordinary proliferation of illegal guns to utterly untrustworthy owners. Who is this completely worthless, self-congratulatory advertorial trying to convince, and why?
  20. At this time it's 9 hours since the article was posted and you and I are the only people that have put finger to key. As far as we know nobody else gives a ****. Indeed why should they? "Just another day on Thai roads.........who gives a ****?" is entirely the appropriate attitude to take.
  21. Eon Productions lawyers will no doubt be interested to see those images.
  22. It doesn't look like an African elephant. It's an Asian elephant, with the characteristic small ears that distinguish it from the two African types.
  23. Sooner or later production will be clamped down on by requirements for huge capital in order to start/maintain a cannabis growing "business" (a la the brewing industry). Bingo..... the Anutin family, and others in the cartel, get their monopoly. Governments systemically and "endemically" rotten to the core. There is no civil solution.
  24. Top lateral third of windscreen obscured by tassels, bottom lateral third obscured by dolls and the vertical third in the centre obscured by stick-on lettering. The daschcam had a clear view and "saw" the songthaew............but he didn't. ****
  25. I thought everybody knew: “We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time" or: “At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,...." I imagine many visited this largely aesthetically barren forum thinking the topic was about some cricketer, and "retired" in confusion.
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