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Posts posted by duke69

  1. I'm interested in sponsoring a child in Thailand.  Either a child living in a poor family or an orphan child.  I'm interested in sponsoring them through their school years and through college.  Any suggestions on how to go about finding a needy child to sponsor?  I'm not at all interested in sponsoring a child through some charitable organization, as I don't trust any organization to spend my donations wisely.  Absolutely no negotiation on that point - I will only give if I can give directly to the child I'm sponsoring.  If I visited an orphanage, could they help me in locating a child in need of sponsorship?  I read the "Thai Schooling Fees" thread, so I have a good idea of what it would cost to pay for their schooling.  How much should I expect to pay in additional expenses?  I'm expecting that the child would not be living in Bangkok or a big city, but probably more likely some village someplace.  All suggestions and advice in this matter would be greatly appreciated, especially from anyone who has actually experience in sponsoring a child.

    Probably the serius charitable org are much better than what you're proposing......

    you look just a little bit naive

    If you do like you think your money will end up in paying the whiskey for the father ......

    There are plenty of very serius and reliable org and you should use one of them.

    I've "adopted" a child ("distance adoption") in Cambodia through a charitable org in Italy 5 years ago, I send 321 Euros every year, now that I'm expat in Asia I would like to pay a visit (only 2 hrs flight) but I prefer not to.

    I receive info every 6 months and photos, co-ponsor of this org (for free) are some of the best football players, singers, .... and they don't screw their public image without a very deep check on this org.

    ONLY ONE THING: THIS HAS NOT TO BE AN EMOTIONAL DECISION, the 321 Euros (or whats so ever) are for at least 10-15 years, they do not need to receive money for 1-2 years, then you read on a magazine that another org made a fraud and you feel yourself justified to dump your duty.

    It's something real and serius

  2. Ajarn

    I know that everything in this world is different and the glass can be either half full or half empty ......................


    this time the question is clear!!!!!

    Is 1000 Euro per month on an unsecure job the answer to the poster????

    Come on!!!

    You can live very well with 60.000 baht per month, just like a factory worker in Leverkusen or in the Hannover Harbour!!

    You can live like a McDonald waiter in Manchester ....

    may be better than them

    But the query was clear (and for an English teacgher like you should be even clearer).

    Marquess wanted to know if a foreign ever made million of Euros (or US$, not Baht) and became rich in Thailand.

    Marquess is not interested in a teacher (which indeed is not the best category in Thailand to show off their successful business life) who played illegally 10+ years ago ..... just to have a 1 room apt, a tuk tuk and 2 (not 3) beers in a bar!!!

    Otherwise TGS will start writing here that he was a billionaire making 3 US$ a day!!!

  3. Bill Heinecke, B. Grimm (who has been dead since the early 1900's), um... Jim Thompson (who has likely been dead since the late 60's)...

    I'm sure there are a few others. 

    Why so few?  IMO if you spend too much time complaining about the rules, there isn't much time left to actually play the game. 


    Jim Thompson ....... don't include him since his history is not very clear. But he is still alive!!! I saw him yesterday in Cameron Highlands (Malaysia) looking for mushrooms.

    To answer the query: Only very good and outstanding people can make a lot of money in Thailand and only if the SUPERGENIUS is also connected with politicians locally ..... which means nobody coming to LOS with 3 Tshirts and 240 Condoms in his bags (99% of foreigners) .....

    Also in Europe and US the success is related to "friends" @ high level,

  4. Locally brewed Guinness is 'different', not really <deleted> (or shiite), and is far better than nothing  :D

    Guinness is one of those products that is tailored to the local market. Real Irish Guinness is sold by the slice, it takes so long to pour that you place a telephone order before leaving home for the pub. Take your first sip from one, order the next  :D

    UK Guinness is thinner and has a more 'English' taste, Asian Guinness is thinner still and has a much milder taste, supposedly to make it more palatable to the locals. Just like Thai food in the UK, less bite than Thais would use, now that is <deleted>  :o  :D

    PS, Didn't the term 'shiite' get replaced by 'shia muslim' because of the 'confusion' with a bodily waste product??  :D  :D

    IRISH taste,

    different from English, just ask to an Irish ....... :D

  5. GUINNESS Malaysia also produces the Guinness in glass bottle, it's much better than the draugh.

    Cans (I had the suspect because of the higher prices) are still from Ireland.

    I do not understand why some of us say that it's "<deleted>" when they never tried nor tasted, if Guinness is giving the name (for a royalty) to a producer, do u believe they're producing <deleted>????

    Come on dude, it's almost noon, wake up

  6. I don't drink much beer but many of my friends do and they have asked this question so I'm turning it over to you..............

    Local beer is not expensive, foreign beer made "under license" is not expensive (Heineken, Guinness, Beck's are all made in Asean -- Malaysia mainly but also Thailand).

    Am I missing out somehow.. I pay 150 baht a can and it doesnt matter if I buy 20 or more cans.. Thats from Macro cash and carry.. on tap its 250 a pint locally.. All the cxans have the import alchohol sticker / seal on them...

    So can I get locally brewed Guinness ??

    i am like 99% sure Guinness is not under license to be brewed anywhere in AESAN

    GUINNESS: there is a factory in KL (Malaysia) which produces Guinness and Heineken under license, just a few 600 workers are there .......

    and the beer is good and relatively cheap

    Give me a couple of weeks and in my next trip to KL I will take a photo

  7. BRING ALONG WITH U a very good Acne soap, since the pollution in Bangkok and the humidity will increase your acne di 100%

    May be if you fly to Phuket and swim in the sea every day, you will see that your acne will be just a memory, salty water and sun are the best cures for acne (and of course a good acne soap)


  8. The problem is that if you tell him the truth + lesson on HIV/AIDS and all related stuff, then expect him to ask you to come with you to Nana or SoyCowboy and have a demostration with a BG!!!

    Just give him some Viagra and he will be ready and stiff also 6 yrs old!

  9. I don't drink much beer but many of my friends do and they have asked this question so I'm turning it over to you..............

    Local beer is not expensive, foreign beer made "under license" is not expensive (Heineken, Guinness, Beck's are all made in Asean -- Malaysia mainly but also Thailand).

    Really imported beer like Kilkenny's yes they are a little bit more expensive than in Europe.

    So it's untrue that beer is expensive.

    Whiskey is expensive because of import duties (very high) and the impossibility to make it locally in Asia.

    In Cambodia Whiskey is cheaper (a lot).

  10. Had the same problem and made mistakes, so now I think I would bring with me:

    1) some cases of good vine (about 50 bottles), used for gift, when invited from friends, an important colleague, .....

    2) Espresso Automatic Coffe machine, .... but I'm Italian and addicted to coffee

    3) a good set of INOX high quality pots/pans, the "imported" ones are very expensive in Thailand, and Thailand has the only INOX steel in the world which can rust!!!

    4) Bed blankets (very expensive in Thailand)

    5) something for your hobbies, like tools, electronics, ....

    6) 12 bottles of whiskey (good one, which is indeed very cheap in the UK), you will realize soon that a bottle of whiskey as gift will open many doors ......


    mainly you have to bring things which are very expensive in Thailand and with the highest quaklity, commodities are very cheap in Thailand (beer is a commodity), while good quality stuff are bl oo dy expensive.

    ciao and welcome

  11. everyone lives differently in Thailand thats for sure.  Right now iam working to come back in Canada right now, time shows bkk i guess i didnt set up.  Also this is obviously a stupid question but what is LOS, its Thailand i gathered.. like Land of Smiles or something?  anyways i was living off 15000 or less for the longest time and i was in phuket too which is expensive compared to pattaya and expensive as ###### when compared to say.. khon kaen, i live in a fan room with thai people, i cook rice and thai food in my room like thai people do, i dont have a tv, i wash my own clothes, i dont go to bars(well lady bars anyway), i usually just hang out with my friends and try to avoid the farangs.  everybody gets something out of thailand and anyone on this board is 10 steps ahead of the people who have never been to the kingdom anyway..  Now that i am back in canada i am easily the most unhappy ive been in my life, everything here is possesion based at least it seems like it to have any kind of fun..  which is really depressing.  anyways, i was never trying to say living on a higher budget is bad or anything, was just saying different people live differently and want different things, like i am sure a lot of people would shit their pants if they didnt have aircon or there satellite tv or even the ol mo-sAI , actually i just read my post and ######  my girl friend cleaned my clothes, not me.  i cook super legit labmoo tho..

    Youb are absolutely right, the "gipsy style of life" when you're in ur 20s, a sort of freack life, 100% freedom, no watch (when I was ur age I never had a watch since I had no appointments and no need to be slave of the time) ....... I understand all.

    But the query is about a reasonable good life in Thailand, ...... something different.

    If a person wants can live also with ZERO  money, sleeping on the beach and begging for a soup, ...... and in Thailand is much better than in Canada!!

    But to live in a reasomable way, with a reasonable apartment, a car, some health insurance, some decent food, some fun, ...... then the bill will probably go up to 60,000 baht a month, may be also with 50,000 baht you can do it, but I stroingly doubt that you can live with 30,000 baht a month

    last and least: 1 trip back to UK once a year???

    may be a trip to Cambodia or 2-3 domestic flights in Thaialnd every year???

    Do you want to live in the same place 365 days a year for 10 years!!!

    Are you in jail?? Did u kill anyone??

    Freedom also to have some baht in ur pocket to visit some other places, no need for ***** stars Hotels, but at least keep some cash to live ur life!!!!

  12. Instead of spending all that money on pills or operations, just put all your money in a wallet and stand on it. This is what gets most people noticed in Thailand not how tall they are. :o

    So ................ dragonman, you're destroying my selfconfidence, I always tough to be "...........handsome man ..........." :D

  13. 2500 pound can last a year in pattaya easily.  That also includes getting drunk every 2nd day ( calculated "getting drunk"= drinking a 26 of sang som )

    What planet are you living on :D 2500 pounds wouldnt last you 3 monthe let alone 1 year. I think you must have made a miscalculation somewhere, either that or you live in a carboard box and eat out of dustbins :o

    I need more than 2500 pounds per month!!! Sigh!!

    But at least I live well.

    With 5500 pounds, having housing and car/motorbike to rent, your life will look much more like the one of a MONK, but if you're happy ......

    OPS A MONK IN PATTAYA???? Am I missing something??

  14. watching channel 3 on tv, some sort of talk show and guess what, they did a segment on gaining height, it included the operation and also some sort of stretching machine (or rack for the soapies)

    In the medioeval age the stretching machine was used for torture ....

    seriusly, there is only the surgery:

    1) sewing a letting bones regrowth

    2) bone implant

    I just checked the plastic surgery hospitals in Bangkok, no one does this kind of surgery, so only China or Russia, and if something goes wrong you will be used to feed the vorms....

    come to BKK and you will be tall

    I remenber the song from Al;phaville: BIG IN JAPAN!

  15. just expressed my general opinion, ......

    I'm also in the opinion that you should accept that people can live in freedom and express their opinion like I did.

    I didn't offend directly anyone, just said that if you have a normal life respecting the other people life and culture (like me and you do) there is a very little possibility to have the brain fused .... isn;'t it??

    The OP asked a question?

    Not comments for debate he was seeking help.

    Respectfully have you ever witnessed the results of a traumatic accident or been a provider of emergency pre hospital care, no disrespect to you and I mean that sincerely but please understand PTS syndrome can present in patients at any age and the mechanism of injury varies. Brain fused. Please do some research b4 u comment!


    Here the reply for the query in the Post: nothing to DO in Thailand, they do not cope with such kind of problems. PTS is uncurable. In Thailand the local hospitals consider this sickness as madness, or brain fused. PERIOD

    Regarding both of us, nobody didn't even ask for ur comment either!! Isn't it??

    No need to defend anyone. May be if you wish to defend somebody, just fly to California and try on Michael Jackson!!

    My anger is because (but you silly guy don't understand it) I'm sick and tired to see all those ex US Army dirty old men, walking up and down Pattaya screwing teenagers or kids. Plenty of Viagra to satisfy their worst perversions.

    Probably the guy we are talking in this post is an angel, but in general all ex US Army in Pattaya are there just for one reason, even if few of them change (and in this case they move somewhere else in Thailand).

    News every day highlight jumps from balconies of ** hotels in Pattaya, this look to be the easiest way to cope with PTS .....

    I hate people who screw the weak people.




  16. just expressed my general opinion, ......

    I'm also in the opinion that you should accept that people can live in freedom and express their opinion like I did.

    I didn't offend directly anyone, just said that if you have a normal life respecting the other people life and culture (like me and you do) there is a very little possibility to have the brain fused .... isn;'t it??

  17. Pills don't work at all, they are just a fraud .................

    There is a surgery (which is banned in many western hospitals) but not in Asia, which consists in sewing your leg bones and stratching your legs, you have to stay in bed for 6-8 months (without walking).

    The bones will rebuilt "closing the gap created by the surgeon).

    Then you have to start reabilitation like after a big crash, .......

    In China they pratcise this operation, but it will be a huge problem once you get older because the bones remain weak and they won't support anymore ur weight.

    In most of the western countries this surgery is not allowed by the surgeon association (not the law), if ur problem is just 3-4 cm (1.5 inches) then forget it.

    There are no solutions yet both for hair growth and short people, the first one who will find a cure, will be the richest man on this planet!!


    The cheapest solution to grow 7-8 inches????

    Come to Thailand and enjoy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. No skeletons in your closet Aye!

    Sleep tight one day you might have your own trauma recurring and flash backs to haunt you.


    Dude, No I have no skeletons in my closet and the moderator should remove also these silly replies, I never killed anyone and I will never do .....

    I will never have a trauma of such a kind, since I respect other people, I live my life in a honest and clean way, and in the night I sleep well, absolutely well!!!!

    You should try the recipe:

    1) don't kill

    2) don't invade

    3) don't feel superior cauz white skin

    4) don't end up in Pattaya with teenagers

    ..... mix everything with some hard work and a pinch of fun here and there

    and the recipe is made, like in a *** Michelin Guide restaurant

    best regards


  19. I gor for

    1) Venezuela

    2) Colombia

    3) Vietnam

    South Americans are sexy and hot, the way the look, dance, speak, make love is unbelievable!!!

    When they get older they still look good and sexy, while for a Thai (after 35 years) you have to change model!!!

    Vietnamese are elegant, they way they dress, talk, smile ..... a lot of frenchness which is something positive in a girl

  20. Then there's something else to consider - after you've got fake boobs, the only men who will be interested in you will be "fakes" themselves - only interested in your looks... What happens when inevitably your looks begin to fade? [like, maybe those boobs start to wander like I mentioned before...] Then you'll be finding yourself having to come up with more money - at a time when "Mr fake" has moved on to something younger or with a newer pair...

    I have consider this point. Now guys like me cas of my pretty face and my charactor. Not because of my breast. so.........I really thank you for your opinion.

    I dont want guys chase me cas of my big boobs. :D

    Put me firmly in the PLEASE don't do it side. I HATE plastic boobs! My girlfriend doesn't fill out an A cup very well and it doesn't bother me in the least.


    my wife is from China (mainland) and she had the boops job in Europe, I told her many times that I was not asking for that .......

    ..... she was just feeling not well with herself when we are vacationing in Europe and all the girls have nice boops, also for her was difficult to buy a bra in my homecountry (even the size A)

    She has the enlargment with the saline solution, just a 1 cm scar under both armpits, no one can notice it. The breast is now a full B (so not big, just very normal and natural for her size and tall), it's very natural both when you look at it and when you touch or kiss ...... SHE IS MORE THAN HAPPY, she is proud and she can now buy many dresses that were "funny" on her just before the surgery.

    Unless you do someting in a funny way, like a porno actress, or a prostitute (just to attract clients and WAN KERS), the result is natural, long lasting and safe.

    Another thing: this surgery is less than a commodity operation, every surgeon made hundreds of them, it's their "bread and butter". Don't buy a Ferrari (I mean the best surgeon) to drive 50 KM/H.

    Just go in a good clinic, no need to take the best surgeon in the world to do something so easy. In Bangkok there are thousands of american teenagers coming here to do nose and boops...........

    If you want it, go for it!! If your boyfriend wants it (you already said not) then don't do it.


    PS. pretty weird you have to come to BKK to do this operation, since in Taipei there are plenty and the price is more or less the same (at least you can talk in mandarin and stay home resting for 1 week).

    In the ospital you stay only 1 night, you get in in the late morning, the job is done in the afternoon and they want you to piss off the day after ......

    a rubber bandage, no coffee, no alcohol, some cream for better elasticity of the skin ..... and a big smile on your face looking at you in the mirror :D

  21. Welll...I don't use anything hi-tech at all! I have one of the cheappy thin plastic rain coats the Thais wear, I roll up my trouser legs (if I'm wearing trousers) and I carry a spare pair of shoes. Haven't had any problems so far. I drive verrry slowly in the rain partly because I'm scared and partly because I can't see a ###### thing! Helmets with visors are a must. (better than my sunnies!)

    I ride to work with professional leather gear, with protections on the spine, elbows, shoulders, + leather gloves.

    I have in the Office plenty of shirts, and 2 suits + shoes

    When they're used my secretary brings those dirty clothes to a nearby laundry shop, so no need to take them home.

    I arrive in the office, I have a coffee, I change clothes and I start working, and I look serius indeed!!!

    Safety first, and if you are on the bike with casual clothes, you do not need to go home and change, you can immediatly stop by and have a beer or some chat ...

  22. My GF re-uses grease from previous meat frying extravaganzas.

    I, myself, am a vegetarian and don't really know about using old oil.

    Is there anything wrong with this? Her blood pressure is low, but she's only 26. I worry about her health when she's 60.

    depends on which oil, and what she fried before.

    If is the same day and she didn't frie heavy and smelly stuff, why not??

    If she used (I doubt) extravirgin Olive Oil, she can re-use no problem.


    I use to frie chips with the old oil from my bike, all my friend envy me for that wonderful taste and are seeking for my secret!!

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