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Posts posted by duke69

  1. Does anyone know where to buy motorcycle leathers, riding boots, etc. in Bangkok?  I don't mean leathers for a night on the town but actual padded motorcycle racing gear such as 1 and 2-piece suits for those times when you hit the pavement over 100 mph.  Also, are there any motorcycle racetracks anywhere in Thailand?


    I use to buy all the gear in Singapore because they are cheaper, or in my homecountry in Europe.

    Alpinestars?? So I guess you are looking for dirtytracks not for speedtracks!! In this case there are some in BKK but I do not know where they are.

    I moved my bike to Malaysia and 2 times a month I fly to KL/Sepang and with about 25$ I can enjoy a full day in Sepang ...... all my friends are there, in Europe is impossible to run on a MOTOGP race track and if you can, the costs is about 50$ for a session of 25 minutes!!!

    In Sepang you pay, you enter and only when the track closes you leave.

    So if you really have passion for speed and want to join us, just pm me.

    ps. In Sepang I have a 996 updated to 998 specs, and "home made" racing pipes, don't let me think at my BABY, otherwise I get the plane today

  2. I think the key to handling these rather direct comments from Thais is to have a snappy and light-hearted retort that fits the situation. Decades ago I was in some late-night Sukhumvit coffee shop and overheard a girl ask a huge black American guy, "Why you so fat?" He laughed uproariously and said, "You gotta have a big ass to push a little dick, honey!" Don't try this in an upcountry restaurant, though.

    A few months ago one of my staff looked at me intently and said, "Why do old people have hair growing out of their ears?"  :o

    I haven't figured out an answer to that one yet.

    very simple, getting older the hair decide to leave your head and grow in the downdirection, so they just come out from your ears and from your nose.

    At the end of the day you are not bald, the hair just moved downstairs!! :D

  3. jd IF YOU REFER TO ME, please come down to this planet and read since when I'm member on this forum, then just vomit the milk and take me to have a beer :D

    Yeah right Adolf! :D

    Don't blame your lack of comprehension of the english language on Duke69.

    He was clearly making an ironic post.

    Jay Dee you're so stupid that you had someone to explain my ironic approach to the English Superhero.

    Jay DEE you look to me familiar, is it you the one on MY AVATAR?? :o

  4. My TW always mentions when someone is 'pompui', whether it be someone on the street or on TV, ###### even me... She doesn't do it to be rude or mean, she just points it out verbally. It may have something to do with the fact they don't see many fat people in the small villages - like black people / arabs / white guys :o

    OMG, there is a ban on the word H E L L on this site?...that is so lame...

    yes there is a BAN, just write h e l l or write CAZZO, FIGA, MERDA, SCHEISEN, SCHVULE, MERD, ......


  5. Probably you've got to know the only Thai eating only meat!!!

    They look to me as museum pieces, rare to find such kind of Thais.

    I know very rich Thai people and rice + vegetables are always on their dishes, plenty of rice.

    The only thing in which I might agree on this post is that the whiter the rice is, the better it is!! But this is just a cultural matter.

    Organic/brown rice is popular in Europe/USA only from 10-15 years and because is trendy and wealthy, here in LOS normal people are not fancy like we are in our homecounrty..

  6. Wolfie .... from you!!!

    Some sense of humor, just a little bit also from an old fart like you??

    Come on, we just found a new nazi guy who lives in Thailand and hates Thai people, let's get wild with him, he is not going to last very long, let's make him happy of his white skin plenty of yellow/redish pimples .....

    Let's make him feeling slim (even if he is obese), let's give him some sense of brit superiority on this III world country ......

    Let's get some fun, today in the office is so boooooring!!!

  7. I see your point.

    If someone calls you fat, and then you reply calling them fat old and ugly is this wrong?

    She certainly seemed to find in very insulting. So I can say that it is fair to call me fat because I am a farang but not her because she is Thai?

    It's the way you tell her not what you tell her!!!

    If you smile (as she was smiling to you in saying "you're fat") and reply: "Yes lady I want to reduce some weight, because I'm still young and I do not want to be like you when old". With a big smile, you put her in a situation where she cannot be angry with you but she will drop any discussion with you immediatly.

    Regarding the Macho Attitude: believe me, keep low profile in Thailand. If not we will read about you on a newspaper.

    I lived 3 years in Cartagena and I know what low profile means ....... and sometimes you have to eat a drop of s hit and you do!

  8. another thing:

    you fight 10 times in England = you go to hospital 3 times stabbed

    you fight 10 times in Brazil = hospital 3 times cemetery 2 times

    you fight 10 times in Thailand = cemetery 5 times!!!!

    Pay attention, this is not an easy country where you can win a fight and humiliate a Thai, if you make an Asian losing his face in the public, just pray he has no friends nearby .................

  9. Having seen other posts from you, it sounds like you appear to be very intollerant to people and Asian people perceive this.

    Believe me, the feel that you're not a positive guy and they look down on your weak points to defeat you.

    Probably, since you are declaring that you would like other cultures to get used to the English culture in UK (that's fair and true), you should start trying to understand the Asian culture as well.

    What is pissing them is a Brit (famous or infamous) sense of humour, just use it against them!!!

    "You're fat" they say? Just answer that you have a 8 inch di ck, showing them the size with the hands, they will get ashamed (in the public) and never turn to you again ..... or may be ...... for the ugly old lady, you will find some free funny sex for the night (may be also with the hubby in a beautiful MENAGE A TRUA.


  10. The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

    We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

    The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

    ######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

    I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

    I dream a world (England) where all citizend can lay down in the same PUB, having the same beer, all blonds, bald, with the beer bally and some tatoos on their bodies, ...... , a world where Irish beer is banned, a world where the street will be safe again and you can only smell the vomit of some drunk brit, a world where in a sunshine day all people will have redburned skin, ..... a


    Adolf Smith (I did change my surname, cauz after my resurrection I only found you still loving me)


  11. PC is something sometime abused, but politeness should be always used.

    No drunk arabs ...... what about a Brit drunk?? Isn't it the same??

    In Greece last summer there was a board asking the poeple of Israel to stay out of the PUB for safety reason, since they might had been target for a terrorist bombing ......

    I do not like how Arabs behave (in general) but I would never enter into a place where discrimination is so clear.

    If an Arab is molesting people (as well as a French or German) they should call the police

  12. Does anyone know if the Sky Train system extends to the new airport (or is planned to go that far)?


    In the first project, yest the sky train (or subway, I do not remember) had to reach the new airport.

    Today they decided first to finish the airport and then to make the train/subway station, ....... but nobody wants it!!!

    The mafia of the taxi drivers and all the other people working in the tousists transportation will be begging and compete with the worm man in Nana,


    ...... but miracles happen sometime

  13. If i were you i would go for a dvd recorder or a hard drive/dvd recorder combo the prices are much better now and the picture quality is great!

    The problem is that (knowing a friend in Singapore Eng on microchips) also for DVD recorders and DVDs the days are numbered.

    Plasma TV is already obsolete with LCD being much better (and in Europe already affordable, in BKK still very expensive).

    The Future is a TV with HD inside, an ibrid between TV and PC, they will start with HD of few Gyga and then increasing quarter by quarter to keep demand up .....

    it's a mess and it will kill our pockets..........

    If I was you I would go for the cheapest DVD recorder (alone) on the market .... knowing that after 2-3 years will be like a dinosaur

  14. Last week I amazed some members of the family by syphoning water from one tank to another.

    They thought that this was great, so asked if I could also do it to the other tank which is at a higher level and couldn't understand that you can only syphon downhill..

    You knew ir just baceuse you were stealing gasoline when teenager isn't it???? :o

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